NPN BC547 Search Results
NPN BC547 Result Highlights (5)
Part | ECAD Model | Manufacturer | Description | Download | Buy |
TTC5886A |
NPN Bipolar Transistor / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22V / tf=120ns | |||
TTC022 |
NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini | |||
TTC020 |
NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini | |||
TPCP8515 |
NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PS-8 | |||
TTC021 |
NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=120 V / IC=3 A / hFE=120~240 / VCE(sat)=0.15 V / tf=170 ns / PW-Mini |
NPN BC547 Datasheets Context Search
Catalog Datasheet | MFG & Type | Document Tags | |
BC546 philips
Abstract: about transistor bc547 BC547 sot54 BC547 BC546 philips semiconductors To92 BC547 transistor transistor BC547 to92 transistor bc547 specifications transistor bc547 transistor BC557 base collector emitter bc547 npn transistor information
Original |
M3D186 BC546; BC547 BC556 BC557. MAM182 SCA63 115002/00/03/pp8 BC546 philips about transistor bc547 BC547 sot54 BC547 BC546 philips semiconductors To92 BC547 transistor transistor BC547 to92 transistor bc547 specifications transistor bc547 transistor BC557 base collector emitter bc547 npn transistor information | |
BC547 application notes
Abstract: Use of BC547 transistor BC547 sot54 bc547 npn transistor information bc546 philips BC547B BC547C BC547B APPLICATION BC546A BC547 BC546 philips semiconductors
Original |
M3D186 BC546; BC547 BC556 BC557. MAM182 SCA76 R75/04/pp9 BC547 application notes Use of BC547 transistor BC547 sot54 bc547 npn transistor information bc546 philips BC547B BC547C BC547B APPLICATION BC546A BC547 BC546 philips semiconductors | |
Abstract: BC547C BC547B data bc547b 036 BC547C NPN transistors frequency DIAGRAM BC547c
Original |
BC547B BC547C BC557B BC547C BC547B data bc547b 036 BC547C NPN transistors frequency DIAGRAM BC547c | |
Abstract: BC547C BC547B data BC547C NPN transistors frequency bc547b 036 bc547bs BC557B
Original |
BC547B BC547C BC547B BC557B BC547C BC547B data BC547C NPN transistors frequency bc547b 036 bc547bs BC557B | |
Abstract: specifications of BC547B transistor BC547C bc547c equivalent china tv schematic diagram bc547b -k37 transistor BC547B BC557B
Original |
BC547B BC547C BC547B BC557B specifications of BC547B transistor BC547C bc547c equivalent china tv schematic diagram bc547b -k37 transistor BC547B BC557B | |
Abstract: c547c c547b W c547b w 65 transistor c547c philips c547c c547c transistor c547b transistor c547b w 19 c547b w 42
Original |
BC847/BC547 BC847 BC857 BC847W OT323 SC-70 BC857W BC847T OT416 SC-75 c547b c547c c547b W c547b w 65 transistor c547c philips c547c c547c transistor c547b transistor c547b w 19 c547b w 42 | |
Abstract: BC547C BC547C-AP BC547B equivalent BC557B BC547B-AP BC547B data BC547C NPN transistors frequency
Original |
BC547B BC547C BC547B BC547B-AP BC547C BC547C-AP BC547C-AP BC547B equivalent BC557B BC547B-AP BC547B data BC547C NPN transistors frequency | |
Abstract: c547c c547b transistor c547b W c547c transistor transistor c547c transistor C547b transistor C547 npn BC547 sot54 c547c equivalent
Original |
BC847/BC547 BC847 O-236AB BC857 BC847A BC857A BC847B BC857B BC847B/DG BC847C c547b c547c c547b transistor c547b W c547c transistor transistor c547c transistor C547b transistor C547 npn BC547 sot54 c547c equivalent | |
Abstract: BC547C BC547B To-92 BC547B-AP BC547C-AP BC557B
Original |
BC547B BC547C BC547B BC547B-AP BC547C BC547C-AP BC547B To-92 BC547B-AP BC547C-AP BC557B | |
Abstract: BC237 BCY72
Original |
OT-416/SC 7-inch/3000 2SC4617 SURFAC218A MSC1621T1 MSC2404 MSD1819A MV1620 MV1624 MV1636 2N3819 BC237 BCY72 | |
BC337 noise
Abstract: BC327 Q1 BC337 sot23 BC327 sot23 Transistor BC327 Q1 bc557c BC549B BC327 SOT 23 bc558b equivalent 2N4401 surface mount
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BC549B BC549C 2N4124 OT-23 BC328-16 BC328-25 BC328-40 BC558A BC558B BC558C BC337 noise BC327 Q1 BC337 sot23 BC327 sot23 Transistor BC327 Q1 bc557c BC549B BC327 SOT 23 bc558b equivalent 2N4401 surface mount | |
C 547 B
Abstract: c547b c546b TRANSISTOR B 546b transistor C 546b C 546 B C548 free BC557 BC557 C546
Original |
BC546 BC547 BC548 0V/45V/65V 100mA BC556 BC557 BC558 MIL-STD-202, 02grams C 547 B c547b c546b TRANSISTOR B 546b transistor C 546b C 546 B C548 free BC557 C546 | |
993 395 pnp npn
Abstract: bc237 smd sot23 package transistor TO-92 bc108 TRANSISTOR BC337 SMD 702 TRANSISTOR smd SOT23 2PB601AQ BC548 TRANSISTOR SMD bc548 TO-92 Bd135 smd 2PC945Q
Original |
BRY61 BRY62 OT143B 993 395 pnp npn bc237 smd sot23 package transistor TO-92 bc108 TRANSISTOR BC337 SMD 702 TRANSISTOR smd SOT23 2PB601AQ BC548 TRANSISTOR SMD bc548 TO-92 Bd135 smd 2PC945Q | |
BC547B vishay
Abstract: BC547ATA hie for bc547b BC547 vishay BC547 hie hre hfe BC556-BC558 bc548 pnp BC556.BC558 BC547B-TAP BC548 hie hre hfe
Original |
BC546 BC547 BC548 BC556. BC558 BC546A BC546Bake D-74025 25-Mar-04 BC547B vishay BC547ATA hie for bc547b BC547 vishay BC547 hie hre hfe BC556-BC558 bc548 pnp BC556.BC558 BC547B-TAP BC548 hie hre hfe | |
hie for bc547b
Abstract: BC547 hie hre hfe BC547B-BULK BC547ATA BC556-BC558 BC546 BC556.BC558 fbc547 BC546B BC547A
Original |
BC546 BC547 BC548 BC556. BC558 D-74025 02-Nov-04 hie for bc547b BC547 hie hre hfe BC547B-BULK BC547ATA BC556-BC558 BC556.BC558 fbc547 BC546B BC547A | |
Abstract: No abstract text available
Original |
BC546 BC547 BC548 BC546, BC547, O-92-18R 35MHz 200Hz, BC547 | |
transistor BF245
Abstract: BC237 transistor motorola 2n3053 MMBF5486 TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT FOR 2N3053 855 sot363
Original |
OT-223 PZTA14T1 inch/1000 U218A MSC1621T1 MSC2404 MSD1819A MV1620 transistor BF245 BC237 transistor motorola 2n3053 MMBF5486 TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT FOR 2N3053 855 sot363 | |
BC547 hie hre hfe
Abstract: 10D3 BC546 BC546A BC547 BC548 BC549 BC556 BC559 TO-92 Gehause
Original |
BC546xBK BC549xBK UL94V-0 BC546 BC547 BC548/549 BC556 BC559 BC547 hie hre hfe 10D3 BC546 BC546A BC547 BC548 BC549 BC556 BC559 TO-92 Gehause | |
transistor potencia
Abstract: PA6015 t092 ebc Transistor BC558 ebc CEB npn PB6025 PA6014 transistores BF494
OCR Scan |
fl531BÃ BC546 BC547 BC548 BC549 BC556 BC557 PA6015 PB6015 PA6025 transistor potencia t092 ebc Transistor BC558 ebc CEB npn PB6025 PA6014 transistores BF494 | |
Abstract: T0236
OCR Scan |
BC547A BC547B BC547C BC548 BC548A BC548B BC548C BC549 BC549A BC549B T0-92 T0236 | |
Abstract: BC286 bc 7-25 pnp MPS9681T BC527-25 BC5508 BC537 BC5568 2N5222 8C416
OCR Scan |
15514CHb 2N1507 2N1566 2NI613 2N1889 2N1890 2N1893 2N1973 2N1974 O-237 sC3228 BC286 bc 7-25 pnp MPS9681T BC527-25 BC5508 BC537 BC5568 2N5222 8C416 | |
Abstract: JA101P smd transistor npn 491 transistor TO-92 bc108 transistor pn2222 BC853B transistor MPSA77 jc5010 215 BC307 smd 2PB601A
OCR Scan |
BRY61 BRY62 OT143B TRANSISTOR BC 448 smd JA101P smd transistor npn 491 transistor TO-92 bc108 transistor pn2222 BC853B transistor MPSA77 jc5010 215 BC307 smd 2PB601A | |
Abstract: transistor ITT BC548 pnp transistor transistor pnp BC337 pnp transistor pnp bc547 transistor BC327 NPN transistor MPSA92 168 transistor 206 2n3904 TRANSISTOR PNP
OCR Scan |
2N3904 2N3906 2N4124 2N4126 2N7000 2N7002 BC327 BC328 BC337 BC338 transistor transistor ITT BC548 pnp transistor transistor pnp BC337 pnp transistor pnp bc547 transistor BC327 NPN transistor MPSA92 168 transistor 206 2n3904 TRANSISTOR PNP | |
Abstract: BC557P BFS98 ZTX452 BFS60 ZTX304 BFS59 MPS6566 ZTX3904 ZTX453
OCR Scan |
ZTX453 ZTX452 ZTX537 BC337P BC327P ZTX338 ZTX538 BC338P BC328P MPSA56 2N3904 BC557P BFS98 BFS60 ZTX304 BFS59 MPS6566 ZTX3904 |