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    OSRAM VALVES Search Results

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    DRV110APWR Texas Instruments Single-Channel Relay, Solenoid, Valve Low-Side Controller With Current Regulation 14-TSSOP -40 to 125 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    DRV110PWR Texas Instruments Single-Channel Relay, Solenoid, Valve Low-Side Controller With Current Regulation 8-TSSOP -40 to 125 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    DRV104PWP Texas Instruments PWM High-Side Driver (1.5A) for Solenoids, Coils, Valves, Heaters, and Lamps 14-HTSSOP -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    DRV103UG4 Texas Instruments PWM Low Side Driver (1.5A/3A) for Solenoids, Coils, Valves, Heaters, and Lamps 8-SOIC Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    DRV103U Texas Instruments PWM Low Side Driver (1.5A/3A) for Solenoids, Coils, Valves, Heaters, and Lamps 8-SOIC Visit Texas Instruments Buy

    OSRAM VALVES Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: osram Barretter OSRAM transformer osram valves Scans-0017355
    Text: Qsram M ade in England. BARRETTER TYPE 202 î Qsfanill aèimi CURRENT REGULATOR TTlif For u se in series w ith 0.2 am p . valves . 4i w M axim um Dimensions : Overall length {including pins) 145 mjm. Diameter of bulb 60 m /m. OSRAM B arretters are designed to m ain tain th e

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: MU14 osram valves
    Text: °W8L Made in England. TYPE MU 12 TYPE MU 14 RECTIFYING VALVES. M a x im a m Dimensions : Overall length {including pins 130 m/m. Diameter of bulb 51 mjm. W ith Indirectly H eated Cathode Full W ave) The OSRAM MU12 and MU14 are full wave rectifier valves designed w ith an Indirectly H eated Cathode system .

    OCR Scan

    VALVE S23

    Abstract: osram valves
    Text: M a d e in i-.ngland. TYPE SCREEN GRID AMPLIFYING AND DETECTOR VALVE For u se w ith a 2-volt A ccum ulator . The OSRAM S23 is a 2-volt screcn grid valve designed w ith characteristics suitable to stable and efficient H.F. am plification and to sensitive detection.

    OCR Scan

    osram valves

    Abstract: TRIODE itl amplification 111
    Text: M ade in England f l TYPE H30 TYPE L30 UNIVERSAL RANGE TRIODES * Illustrating T ype H 30. M axim um Dimensions : Overall length including pins 125 mjm. Diameter of bulb 45 mjm. (W ith Indirectly H eated C athodes) T he OSRAM H 30 and L30 are Triodes for series or

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: OSRAM hi
    Text: OSrem Valves M ade in England. TYPE L.F. ML4 AMPLIFYING TRIODE W ith In d irectly H eated Cathode For operation from A.C. m a in s . T he OSRAM M L4 is a n In d ire c tly H eatei C athode T riode su ita b le for use : 1. In th e e arly stage of receivers or am plifiers fitte<

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: MSP41 osram valves
    Text: Ill Made in England TYPE MSP4 SCREEN-PENTODE DETECTOR AND AMPLIFYING VALVE W ith In directly H eated Cathode For operation from A.C. m ains . The OSRAM MSP4 is an In d irectly H eated Pentode for use w ith A.C. M ains Receivers, suitable for operation in th e H igh Frequency p ortion of a receiver.

    OCR Scan
    MSP41 MSP432 MSP41 osram valves PDF

    osram valves

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M a d e in E n g la n d . TYPE W31 UNIVERSAL RANGE VARIABLE MU SCREEN PENTODE With Indirectly Heated Cathode . The OSRAM W31 is a V ariable Mu Screen Pentode suitable for use in th e H igh Frequency or Interm ediate Frequency A m plifying portions of a receiver. Its filam ent

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: osram valves
    Text: M a d e in E n gland. TYPE U12 T U Y P E l i RECTIFYING VALVES W ith D irectly H eated F ilam ent F ull W ave . M a x im u m Dimensions : Overall length (including pins) 140 m :m. Diameter o f bulb 57 m /m . T he OSRAM U12 a n d U14 are in co rp o ra tin g a dual electrode sy stem in

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: caso OSRAM hf osram valves
    Text: Made in England. TYPE N31 UNIVERSAL RANGE OUTPUT PENTODE W ith Indirectly H eated Cathode. T he OSRAM N31 is a Pow er A m plifier P en to d e for use in th e o u tp u t stage of rad io receivers or low frequency am plifiers in w hich th e h e a te r is w ired in series w ith the

    OCR Scan

    triode push-pull circuit

    Abstract: 211 power Triode DA30 osram valves
    Text: M a d e i n E n g la n d . TYPE UA30 POWER AMPLIFYING TRIODE, W ith D irectly H eated F ilam en t. M a x im u m D im en sio n s : Overall length in c lu d in g p in s 160 m fm . D ia m eter o f bulb 66 m jm . T he OSRAM DA30 is a Pow er A m plifying T riode for

    OCR Scan
    13A30 50rna triode push-pull circuit 211 power Triode DA30 osram valves PDF

    class B push pull power amplifier

    Abstract: class A push pull power amplifier osram valves DA100
    Text: M a d e in E n g la n d . TYPE POWER D A IO O AMPLIFYING TRIODE W ith D ir e c tly H e a te d F ila m e n t. M a x i m u m D im ensions : Overall length {including p in s 290 m fm . D ia m eter of bulb 90 m jm . T he OSRAM DA100 is a P ow er A m plifying T riode

    OCR Scan
    DA100 class B push pull power amplifier class A push pull power amplifier osram valves PDF


    Abstract: triode push-pull circuit osram valves
    Text: M ade in England. TYPE POWER PX25 AMPLIFYING TRIODE W ith D irectly H eated F ilam en t. M a x i m u m D i m e n s io n s : Overall length in clud ing pi ns 160 m / m . Diameter of bulb 66 mini. The OSRAM PX 25 is a Pow er A m plifying valve of e x tre m e ly high efficiency designed w ith a large pow er

    OCR Scan

    triode push-pull circuit

    Abstract: PX25A osram valves
    Text: <«s M a d e i n E n gl an d . TYPE PX25A POWER AMPLIFYING TRIODE W ith D ir e c tly H ea ted F ila m e n t. T he OSRAM PX 25A is a Pow er A m plifying Triode, designed w ith a large pow er h a n d lin g c a p a c ity to supply considerable u n d isto rte d volum e.

    OCR Scan
    PX25A PX25A proviX25A triode push-pull circuit osram valves PDF

    triode push-pull circuit

    Abstract: Power Triode pin type transformer LT type px4 osram osram valves
    Text: O« M a d e in h n g la n d . TYPE PX4 POWER AMPLIFYING TRIODE W ith D irectly H eated F ila m en t. T he OSRAM P X 4 is a D ire c tly H e ate d Pow er Tricxie for th e o u tp u t stag e of receivers a n d am plifiers where a considerable u n d isto rte d pow er o u tp u t is required w ith a

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: osram Barretter osram valves Scans-001739 Scans-0017391
    Text: SR M ade in England. : :kìf> BARRETTERS CURRENT Ir REGULATORS F o r u s e in s e r ie s w ith 0 .3 a m p . V a lv e s . A pprox. D im ensions : Overall length 130 m /m . M a x im u m diameter of bulb 64 m lm . F o r p r ic e s se e p a g e s 1 2 6 -1 2 9 .

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: OSRAM hf osram
    Text: M ade in England. TYPE HL2 H .F., DETECTOR, AND L.F. AMPLIFYING TRIODE M a xim u m D im ensions : Overall length including p in s 105 m,'m. D iam eter of bulb 42 m int. F ilam ent Volts F ilam ent C urrent Anode V olts Grid V olts (for operation in amplifier)

    OCR Scan

    mosfet 4108

    Text: IL410 800 V IL4108 600 V Zero Voltage Crossing Detector Triac Optocoupler FEATURES • High Input Sensitivity IFT=2.0 mA, PF=1.0 IFT=5.0 mA, PF≤1.0 • 300 mA On-State Current • Zero Voltage Crossing Detector • 600/800 V Blocking Voltage • High Static dv/dt 10 kV/µs

    IL410 IL4108 E52744 IL410/4108. IL410/4108 VS05K250) 1-888-Infineon IL410/4108 mosfet 4108 INVERSE PARALLEL SCR opto DRIVE CIRCUIT PDF


    Abstract: osram Barretter TRIODE AL 12-1 osram valves MSP432 BA 2511 ms4b LTSA valve Scans-031 VALVE S23
    Text: oäs» MADE IN ENGLAND 1936 1937 RADIO SEASON IERAL ELECTRIC C? LTP ENGLAND MADE IN ENGLAND. CONTENTS. For Index to individual valve types see page 132 2-YOLT B A T T E R Y V A L V E S . A.C. M A IN S VA LV ES (In d ire c tly H eated )

    OCR Scan
    71-S5 barretter osram Barretter TRIODE AL 12-1 osram valves MSP432 BA 2511 ms4b LTSA valve Scans-031 VALVE S23 PDF

    osram valves

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: < « s M a d e in Lngïand. f"ml ITL l|jB f7 1 "IMS!. illustrating Type GUI . 7. . M a xim um Dimensioni, . Overall length including p in s 110 m /m . Diameter of bulb 45 m /m . TYPE GUI TYPE GIT5 HOT CATHODE MERCURY VAPOUR RECTIFYING VALVES (H alf W ave).

    OCR Scan

    sensor BPW34 application note

    Abstract: touch sensitive siren using transistor tsop sensor Infrared sensor TSOP 1738 vo2223 vo3120 infrared signal transmission distance sensor BPW34 application note APPLICATION NOTE BpW34 BP104 application note
    Text: V I S H AY I N T E R T E C H N O L O G Y, I N C . G uide to Industr ial A pplic ations OPTOELECTRONICS OPTOELECTRONICS A PPL I CAT I O N S G U I D E w w w. v i s h a y. c o m OPTOELECTRONICS Guide to Industrial Applications Introduction As the world´s leading supplier of infrared emitters, photo detectors, and optical sensors,

    VMN-MS6520-1012 sensor BPW34 application note touch sensitive siren using transistor tsop sensor Infrared sensor TSOP 1738 vo2223 vo3120 infrared signal transmission distance sensor BPW34 application note APPLICATION NOTE BpW34 BP104 application note PDF

    sensor BPW34 application note

    Abstract: CEA-2038 TSOP4438 touch sensitive siren using transistor VSMY2850 BP104 application note TEMD6200 TSOP58038 vo2223 TEMD6200FX01
    Text: V ishay I ntertechnolog y, I nc . Optoelectronics – Products for Industrial Applications AND TEC I INNOVAT O L OGY Guide to Industrial Applications N HN OPTOELECTRONICS O 19 62-2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS

    VMN-MS6520-1201 sensor BPW34 application note CEA-2038 TSOP4438 touch sensitive siren using transistor VSMY2850 BP104 application note TEMD6200 TSOP58038 vo2223 TEMD6200FX01 PDF


    Abstract: 2qs02g BTN7970B ICB1FL02G ICE2qs01 equivalent stepper+434 3br0665 TLE8209-1
    Text: Evaluation boards for Automotive, Industrial and Multimarket Applications 2010 [ ] Contents Automotive 05 Motor control 11 Industrial control & automation 15 Power management 19 Lighting & LED 22 Consumer 25 Communication 30 Microcontroller

    TC1797, TC1197 TC1797 XC866, XC886, XC888 XC800 XC164CM XE164 B192-H9214-G2-X-7600 3BR0665JF 2qs02g BTN7970B ICB1FL02G ICE2qs01 equivalent stepper+434 3br0665 TLE8209-1 PDF

    DC motor speed control using 555 timer and mosfet

    Abstract: PWM dc speed control of DC motor using 555 IRF540 smps 1kW IRF540 LM3905 4 pin SMPS CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 12v 5v solenoid pwm current valve EM 5135 diode LM301A FUNCTION PWM speed control of DC motor using IRF540
    Text: MIC5014/5015 Low-Cost High- or Low-Side MOSFET Driver General Description Features MIC5014 and M IC5015 M OSFET drivers are designed for gate control of N -channel, enhancem ent-m ode, pow er MOSFETs used as high-side or low-side switches. The MIC5014/5 can sustain an on-state output indefinitely.

    OCR Scan
    MIC5014/5015 MIC5014 IC5015 MIC5014/5 MIC5015 DC motor speed control using 555 timer and mosfet PWM dc speed control of DC motor using 555 IRF540 smps 1kW IRF540 LM3905 4 pin SMPS CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 12v 5v solenoid pwm current valve EM 5135 diode LM301A FUNCTION PWM speed control of DC motor using IRF540 PDF

    555 TIMER APPLICATIONS tachometer

    Abstract: motor controlled relays using 555 timer mosfet application solenoid driver LM3905 smps 1kW DC motor speed control using 555 timer and mosfet
    Text: MIC5014/5015 Low-Cost High- or Low-Side MOSFET Driver General Description Features MIC5014 and MIC5015 MOSFET drivers are designed for gate control of N-channel, enhancement-mode, power MOSFETs used as high-side or low-side switches. The MIC5014/5 can sustain an on-state output indefinitely.

    OCR Scan
    MIC5014/5015 MIC5014 MIC5015 MIC5014/5 555 TIMER APPLICATIONS tachometer motor controlled relays using 555 timer mosfet application solenoid driver LM3905 smps 1kW DC motor speed control using 555 timer and mosfet PDF