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    PD16422 Search Results

    PD16422 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: 384-500 XO-72 XO92 xo84 X0112 386500
    Text: DATA SH EET NEC / ELECTRON DEVICE - MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT / _ ^PD16422 GATE DRIVER FOR TFT LIQUID CRYSTAL PANEL 120-OUTPUT VERTICAL DRIVER The /¿PD16422 is a vertical (gate) driver for TFT liquid crystal panel. The PD16422 is an LSI which can drive the vertical direction of the TFT liquid crystal panel, and turn

    OCR Scan
    uPD16422 120-OUTPUT PD16422 pPD16422 //PD16421 PD16422 x0113 384-500 XO-72 XO92 xo84 X0112 386500 PDF

    FM H36

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: El MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿ ¿ P D 1 6 4 0 5 120-OUTPUT TFT-LCD SOURCE DRIVER D ESCRIPTIO N T h e /iP D 1 6 4 0 5 is a s o u r c e d riv e r fo r a T F T liq u id - c ry s ta l p a n e l T h e in te rn a i c o n fig u ra tio n c o m p ris e s a m u ltip le x e r

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    120-OUTPUT uPD16405 /iPD16405 FM H36 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET M O S INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿¿PD 16422 120-OUTPUT TFT-LCD GATE DRIVER The pPD 1 6 4 2 2 is a 120-outpu t T F T -L C D ga te driver. S in c e it is p ro v id e d w ith a level shift circuit to inp ut logic, it ca n o u tp u t + 2 0 V a n d - 5 V in re sp o n se to inp ut o f 5 V C M O S level. T h e o utpu t e n a b le fu n ctio n O E a llo w s tw o

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    120-OUTPUT 120-outpu PDF


    Abstract: upd7225g00 P-0163 d6321g PD6321 PD6320 PD16430 QFF1 PD16306 PD6345C
    Text: FULL PRODUCT LINE GUIDE 1 LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY (LCD) CONTROLLER / DRIVER IC D u ty Number of Outputs Drive N u m b e r of O rd e rin g C o d e T yp e n u m b e r <M AX.) Segments Commons Voltage //PD7225 1/4 32 4 5V P ackage P age C haracters 128 se g m e n ts

    OCR Scan
    uPD7225G00 uPD7225 uPD7225G01 //PD16430A uPD16437 PD16327G /JPD6320G //PD6321GC //PD6345C PD6345GS P-0163 d6321g PD6321 PD6320 PD16430 QFF1 PD16306 PD6345C PDF


    Abstract: xo75 27550 uPD16422 386500
    Text: DATA SH EET NEC ~ MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ELECTRON DEVICE / i P D 1 6 4 2 2 GATE DRIVER FOR TFT LIQUID CRYSTAL PANEL 120-OUTPUT VERTICAL DRIVER The |PD16422 is a vertical (gate) driver for TFT liquid crystal panel. The /PD16422 is an LSI which can drive the vertical direction of the TFT liquid crystal panel, and turn

    OCR Scan
    120-OUTPUT uPD16422 //PD16421 /iPD16422N-XXX /PD16422W //PD16422P Ci-220 D16422 D16422 xo75 27550 386500 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALPHA NUMERICAL INDEX ALPHA NUM ERICAL INDEX Typ e num ber F un ctio n Page /iPD 6320 F IP / LC D S ta tic D is p la y D riv e r 201 //PD6321 F IP / LC D S ta tic D is p la y D riv e r 201 ü PD 6323 Latch and D riv e r fo r F IP 215 ¿¿PD6323B L atch and D riv e r fo r F IP

    OCR Scan
    uPD6320 uPD6321 uPD6323 uPD6323B uPD6340 uPD6345 uPD6700 PD16312 PDF