POWER SUPPLY UC3842 Search Results
POWER SUPPLY UC3842 Result Highlights (5)
Part | ECAD Model | Manufacturer | Description | Download | Buy |
MGN1S1208MC-R7 | Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd | DC-DC 1W SM 12-8V GAN | |||
MGN1D120603MC-R7 | Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd | DC-DC 1W SM 12-6/-3V GAN | |||
MGN1S1212MC-R7 | Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd | DC-DC 1W SM 12-12V GAN | |||
MGN1S0508MC-R7 | Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd | DC-DC 1W SM 5-8V GAN | |||
MGN1S0512MC-R7 | Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd | DC-DC 1W SM 5-12V GAN |
POWER SUPPLY UC3842 Datasheets Context Search
Catalog Datasheet | MFG & Type | Document Tags | |
5v power supply with uc3842
Abstract: power supply with uc3842 power supply on ic uc3842 power supply design uc3842 uc3842 flyback uc3842 Datasheet of ic uc3842 power supply using uc3842 UC3842 p pwm flyback uc3842 power supply
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DN-42A UC3842 UCC3802 UCC3804 UCC3803 UCC3805 5v power supply with uc3842 power supply with uc3842 power supply on ic uc3842 power supply design uc3842 flyback uc3842 Datasheet of ic uc3842 power supply using uc3842 UC3842 p pwm flyback uc3842 power supply | |
Abstract: power supply design uc3842 UC3842 flyback uc3842 UCC3802 power supply using uc3842 of ic uc3842 UC3842 p pwm UC3842 flyback DN-42A
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DN-42A UC3842 UCC3802 ucc3804 power supply design uc3842 flyback uc3842 power supply using uc3842 of ic uc3842 UC3842 p pwm UC3842 flyback DN-42A | |
dc-dc converter with sg3525
Abstract: LM317 SMD smps 1500W lm317 decoder lm337 so-8 lm317 5v to 3.3v DC-dc converter sg3525 sg3525 LM337 TO-3 BZW04
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L78xx L79xx L78Mxx LM317 LM317MDT LM323 LM337 LM338K LM350K L78Sxx dc-dc converter with sg3525 LM317 SMD smps 1500W lm317 decoder lm337 so-8 lm317 5v to 3.3v DC-dc converter sg3525 sg3525 LM337 TO-3 BZW04 | |
lm317 so-8
Abstract: DC-dc converter sg3525 switching power supply sg3525 sg3525 application lm317 so8 lm337 so-8 smps 1500W LM317 SMD Schottky diode TO220 SG3525 smd
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L78xx L79xx L78Mxx LM317 LM317MDT LM323 LM337 LM338K LM350K L78Sxx lm317 so-8 DC-dc converter sg3525 switching power supply sg3525 sg3525 application lm317 so8 lm337 so-8 smps 1500W LM317 SMD Schottky diode TO220 SG3525 smd | |
UC3842 smps design
Abstract: ferrite core transformer calculation formula UC3842 smps project AN1889 uc3845 smps pcb design on uc3842 transformer winding formula step down transformer tank design calculation transformer calculation formula TDK Ferrite Core PC40
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AN1889 STC03DE170 UC3842 smps design ferrite core transformer calculation formula UC3842 smps project AN1889 uc3845 smps pcb design on uc3842 transformer winding formula step down transformer tank design calculation transformer calculation formula TDK Ferrite Core PC40 | |
Abstract: UC3842 led driver Triac 3a 600v smd MICROSTEP l298 IMSC004 pwm led driver uc3842 IMST425 IMST400 scr 600v 12a TO-220 IMSB404
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L78xx L79xx L78Mxx LM317 LM317MDT LM323 LM337 LM338K LM350K L78Sxx imsc012 UC3842 led driver Triac 3a 600v smd MICROSTEP l298 IMSC004 pwm led driver uc3842 IMST425 IMST400 scr 600v 12a TO-220 IMSB404 | |
forward converter UC3843
Abstract: buf405ax STE38NA50 uc3843 12v to 40v 1000W full bridge regulator uc3843 12v to 24v uc3842 200w uc3844 100w BYV255V-200 forward converter uc3844
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00Family GS175T48Family GS300T48-5 2-15-24-48V 2-15V forward converter UC3843 buf405ax STE38NA50 uc3843 12v to 40v 1000W full bridge regulator uc3843 12v to 24v uc3842 200w uc3844 100w BYV255V-200 forward converter uc3844 | |
Abstract: sg3524 drive motor GS-D050 driver motor stepper ULN2064 irf540 switch SGSD00030 M5482 L79XX dc motor uln2001 TEA2260
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L78xx L79xx L78Mxx LM317 LM317MDT LM323 LM337 LM338K LM350K L78Sxx lm334n sg3524 drive motor GS-D050 driver motor stepper ULN2064 irf540 switch SGSD00030 M5482 L79XX dc motor uln2001 TEA2260 | |
Abstract: driver motor stepper ULN2064 sg3524 drive motor dc motor uln2001 SGSD00030 st90r50 LM337 TO-3 M5482 BFR36 of dc motor speed control SG3524
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L78xx L79xx L78Mxx LM317 LM317MDT LM323 LM337 LM338K LM350K L78Sxx LM334N driver motor stepper ULN2064 sg3524 drive motor dc motor uln2001 SGSD00030 st90r50 LM337 TO-3 M5482 BFR36 of dc motor speed control SG3524 | |
Stepper driver board with L297 L6203 circuit
Abstract: Stepper driver board with L297 L6203 PSO-36 high power LED DRIVER MC34063 uc3842 motor driver circuit MC34063 driver led Triac 3a 600v smd MC34063 smd LED DRIVER BY MC34063 lm317 30a pwm circuit
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L78xx L79xx L78Mxx LM317 LM317MDT LM323 LM337 LM338K LM350K L78Sxx Stepper driver board with L297 L6203 circuit Stepper driver board with L297 L6203 PSO-36 high power LED DRIVER MC34063 uc3842 motor driver circuit MC34063 driver led Triac 3a 600v smd MC34063 smd LED DRIVER BY MC34063 lm317 30a pwm circuit | |
24v dc power supply with uc3842
Abstract: ST204A switching power supply transformer construction smps with uc3842 and tl431 UC3842 smps design with TL431 3842 PWM power supply application note nec2501 "Power Semiconductor Applications" Philips 3842 smps IC TOPSWITCH AN-17
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AN-19 24v dc power supply with uc3842 ST204A switching power supply transformer construction smps with uc3842 and tl431 UC3842 smps design with TL431 3842 PWM power supply application note nec2501 "Power Semiconductor Applications" Philips 3842 smps IC TOPSWITCH AN-17 | |
ferrite core transformer calculation formula
Abstract: UC3842 smps project uc3842 smps Power Supply Schematic Diagram UC3842 smps design pcb design on uc3842 design of mosfet based power supply uc 3842 transformer winding formula step down TRANSISTOR R2W flyback transformer design uc3842 Switching Power Supply Schematic Diagram uc3842
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AN1889 STC03DE170 ferrite core transformer calculation formula UC3842 smps project uc3842 smps Power Supply Schematic Diagram UC3842 smps design pcb design on uc3842 design of mosfet based power supply uc 3842 transformer winding formula step down TRANSISTOR R2W flyback transformer design uc3842 Switching Power Supply Schematic Diagram uc3842 | |
EE40 core
Abstract: OPTO MOC8102 464wp schematic diagram cga to vga converter SELECTION OF SNUBBERS AND CLAMPS TO OPTIMIZE THE DESIGN OF TRANSISTOR SWITCHING CONVERTERS MTP4N90 etd39 ETD-39 MC3423P 5d-11 power thermistor
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AN1080/D EE40 core OPTO MOC8102 464wp schematic diagram cga to vga converter SELECTION OF SNUBBERS AND CLAMPS TO OPTIMIZE THE DESIGN OF TRANSISTOR SWITCHING CONVERTERS MTP4N90 etd39 ETD-39 MC3423P 5d-11 power thermistor | |
Abstract: UC3842 smps design UC3842 step up converter flyback smps uc3845 UC3842 smps project AN1889 SMPS CIRCUIT DIAGRAM UC3842 pcb design on uc3842 transistor c5100 NF-2000
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AN1889 STC03DE170HV C5100 MOSFET UC3842 smps design UC3842 step up converter flyback smps uc3845 UC3842 smps project AN1889 SMPS CIRCUIT DIAGRAM UC3842 pcb design on uc3842 transistor c5100 NF-2000 | |
smps with uc3842 and tl431
Abstract: lm317 SO-8 LM337 TO-3 sg3525a smps op-amp lm723 LM338K LM350K ST90R30 2K EPROM Single Schottky diode TO-220
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L78xx L79xx L78Mxx LM317 LM317MDT LM323 LM337 LM338K LM350K L78Sxx smps with uc3842 and tl431 lm317 SO-8 LM337 TO-3 sg3525a smps op-amp lm723 LM338K LM350K ST90R30 2K EPROM Single Schottky diode TO-220 | |
bta16 600b transistor
Abstract: bta16-600b LM317* switching STPS series 2A VOLTAGE REGULATOR TO-220 BTA06-600B bta40-600b application BTA40600B TO-220 transistor package LM338K
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L78xx L79xx L78Mxx LM317 LM317MDT LM323 LM337 LM338K LM350K L78Sxx bta16 600b transistor bta16-600b LM317* switching STPS series 2A VOLTAGE REGULATOR TO-220 BTA06-600B bta40-600b application BTA40600B TO-220 transistor package LM338K | |
bta16 600b transistor
Abstract: bta40-600b application BTA40600B byt13 diode bta16-600b st90r50 BYW77-200 l297 l298 LM337 TO-3 bta40-600b 40a
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L78xx L79xx L78Mxx LM317 LM317MDT LM323 LM337 LM338K LM350K L78Sxx bta16 600b transistor bta40-600b application BTA40600B byt13 diode bta16-600b st90r50 BYW77-200 l297 l298 LM337 TO-3 bta40-600b 40a | |
forward converter tl494
Abstract: tl494 battery charger 14n50e uc3843a a uc3843b half bridge TL494 tl494 half bridge full bridge pwm controller sg3526 analog devices 751n tl494 PWM dc to dc boost regulator tl494 PWM flyback
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full bridge pwm controller sg3526
Abstract: tl494 half bridge MC34262 flyback led design TL494 full bridge forward converter uc3844 tl494 PWM dc to dc boost regulator half bridge TL494 DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROL USING UC3844 tl494 battery charger half bridge MC34067
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UC3846, UC3856 and UCC3806 Push Pull Current Mode
Abstract: uc3842 unitrode 100 watt example uc3846 uc3856 UC3856 Push Pull Current Mode UC3846 application note U-144 Applications Note U-93 UC3846 application UCC3806 application note unitrode Applications Note
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U-144 UCC3806 UC3846 UC3856 UC3846, UC3856 and UCC3806 Push Pull Current Mode uc3842 unitrode 100 watt example uc3846 uc3856 UC3856 Push Pull Current Mode UC3846 application note U-144 Applications Note U-93 UC3846 application UCC3806 application note unitrode Applications Note | |
Abstract: tda8380 power supply TCA280 NE5561 sg3524 applications, smps controller NE556-1 sg3524 pwm power supply TDA8380 philips AN120
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AN120 NE/SE5560 NE/SE5561 AN124 NE/SE5562 NE5568 SQ3524 iA723/723C UC3842 TCA280B tda8380 power supply TCA280 NE5561 sg3524 applications, smps controller NE556-1 sg3524 pwm power supply TDA8380 philips AN120 | |
Abstract: DN-42A UCC3804 uc3842 UCC3805 5v power supply with uc3842 power supply using uc3842 ic uc3842 pwm using uc3842 circuit UC3842 soft start
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DN-42A UC3842 UCC3802 UCC3804 UCC3803 UCC3805 JC3842 DN-42A 5v power supply with uc3842 power supply using uc3842 ic uc3842 pwm using uc3842 circuit UC3842 soft start | |
uc3846 push pull
Abstract: UC3842 pin-for-pin mosfet driver example uc3846 uc3856 uc3842 unitrode 100 watt UC3856 Push Pull Current Mode UC3846 pin-for-pin mosfet driver UCC38C uc3846
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U-144 UCC3806 UC3846 UC38S6 uc3846 push pull UC3842 pin-for-pin mosfet driver example uc3846 uc3856 uc3842 unitrode 100 watt UC3856 Push Pull Current Mode UC3846 pin-for-pin mosfet driver UCC38C | |
transistor C3802
Abstract: C3802 uc 3842
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UCC1802/3/4/5 UCC2802/3/4/5 UCC3802/3/4/5 UCC1802/3/4/5 UC1842/3/4/5 UCC3802 UCC3805 CC3802 transistor C3802 C3802 uc 3842 |