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    stm cl

    Abstract: 78P2352 GR-253 GR-253-CORE STM-1e
    Text: 78P2352 Dual Channel OC-3/ STM1-E/ E4 LIU PRELIMINARY DATASHEET FEBRUARY 2004 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 78P2352 is TDK’s second generation Line Interface Unit LIU for 155 Mbit/s SDH/SONET (OC3, STS-3, or STM-1) and 140 Mbit/s PDH (E4) applications. The device is a dual channel, single

    78P2352 78P2352 stm cl GR-253 GR-253-CORE STM-1e PDF


    Abstract: 78P2352 GR-253 GR-253-CORE STM-1e
    Text: 78P2352 Dual Channel OC-3/ STM1-E/ E4 LIU DATA SHEET SEPTEMBER 2006 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 78P2352 is Teridian’s second generation Line Interface Unit LIU for 155 Mbps SDH/SONET (OC-3, STS-3, or STM-1) and 140 Mbps PDH (E4) telecom interfaces. The device is a dual channel,

    78P2352 78P2352 78P2351 GR-253 GR-253-CORE STM-1e PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 78P2352 Dual Channel OC-3/ STM1-E/ E4 LIU DATA SHEET SEPTEMBER 2006 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 78P2352 is Teridian’s second generation Line Interface Unit LIU for 155 Mbps SDH/SONET (OC-3, STS-3, or STM-1) and 140 Mbps PDH (E4) telecom interfaces. The device is a dual channel,

    78P2352 78P2352 PDF

    nrz optical

    Abstract: 78P2352 GR-253 GR-253-CORE T151 CMI encoder PO23D
    Text: 78P2352 Dual Channel OC-3/ STM1-E/ E4 LIU TARGET DATASHEET MARCH 2003 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 78P2352 is TDK’s second generation LIU for 155 Mbit/s SDH/SONET OC-3, STS-3, or STM-1 and 140Mbit/s PDH (E4) applications. The device is a dual channel, single chip solution that includes an

    78P2352 78P2352 140Mbit/s nrz optical GR-253 GR-253-CORE T151 CMI encoder PO23D PDF


    Abstract: TP125 QT600-ATMEGA324-QM64 PIC106 PIC107 E209 ATMEGA324 stk600 stk600 revision tp107
    Text: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 QT600-ATMEGA324-QM64 QT600 MCU card A A PD[7.0] POPD7 POPD6 POPD5 POPD4 POPD3 POPD2 POPD1 POPD0 PD[7.0] PC[7.0] POPC7 POPC6 POPC5 POPC4 POPC3 POPC2 POPC1 POPC0 PC[7.0] COC108 C108 GND VTG PIC10802 PIC10801 POPA7 POPA6 POPA5 POPA4 POPA3

    QT600-ATMEGA324-QM64 QT600 COC108 PIC10802 PIC10801 COC118 PIU10001 PIU10002 PIU10003 PIU10004 QT600-ATMEGA324 TP125 QT600-ATMEGA324-QM64 PIC106 PIC107 E209 ATMEGA324 stk600 stk600 revision tp107 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: b2E ]> • k427525 GG3SA32 35b H N E C E Ï E C N EC ELECTRONICS INC nPD17005 S IN G L E C H IP M IC R O C O N T R O LLE R FO R D IG IT A L TU N IN G S Y S T E M The j i P D 17005 is a 4 bit single chip C M O S microcontroller equipped with the hardware exclusively for digital

    OCR Scan
    k427525 GG3SA32 nPD17005 16-bit PD17005 PD17005 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC J.PD17P010 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER *iPD17P010 is the 4-bit single-chip microcontroller for digital tuning system which incorporates the prescaier operational up to 150 MHz, PLL frequency synthesizer, LCD driver, and IF counter. Since theCPU has no any accumulator and adopts 17K architecture which can control the data memory directly, you can

    OCR Scan
    uPD17P010 iPD17P010 16-bit PDF

    NEC 1093

    Abstract: isp macro lib D17010
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿ ÍP D 1 7 0 1 0 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER WITH HARDWARE DEDICATED TO DIGITAL TUNING SYSTEM The ¿¡PD17010 is a 4 -b it sin g le -c h ip C M O S m ic ro c o n tro lle r c o n ta in in g hardw are fo r d ig ita l tuning system s.

    OCR Scan
    uPD17010 16-bit S7B10AS17010 S7B13AS17010 uS5A10IE17K uS5A13IE17K uS7B10IE17K uS7B13IE17K PC-9800 NEC 1093 isp macro lib D17010 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P.PD17003A D IG IT A L T U N I N G S Y S T E M H A R D W A R E B U IL T - IN 4 - B I T S IN G L E C H I P M I C R O C O N T R O L L E R ¿¿PD17003A is a 4-bit single chip CMOS micro controller which contains digital tuning system hardware. 17K architecture is used for CPU, data and memory manipulations and various types of operations, and

    OCR Scan
    uPD17003A PD17003A IR30-00 VP15-00 iPD17003A PDF

    TFK 526

    Abstract: msc 5511 d17010gf sol 4011 be pd1701 ptv 1444 IJ40 AF53 ti77
    Text: 7 s— % • V — h S / Ë M o s ü s s m is M O S In te g ra te d C ircuit ft P ^ IW H F M , D 1 MWg PLLÜ >$§& v > ir y ° 'J v > ^ V l/5 1 'y ~ f • v < ^ p 7 1 G F - 1 1 < if, IF *^> £l*3lÌ z i > H P D17010G F-011 té, EWflOTFM, MW, L W A ''S ff P Ïffë & P L L Ü të S fcv

    OCR Scan
    D17010G F-011 TFK 526 msc 5511 d17010gf sol 4011 be pd1701 ptv 1444 IJ40 AF53 ti77 PDF

    NTE IC Master

    Abstract: PD17003
    Text: MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿¿PD1 7 0 0 3 A D IG ITA L T U N IN G S Y S TE M H A R D W A R E B U ILT-IN 4 -B IT SING LE C H IP M IC R O CONTROLLER /¿PD17003A is a 4-bit single chip CMOS micro controller which contains digital tuning system hardware. 17K architecture is used for CPU, data and memory manipulations and various types of operations, and

    OCR Scan
    PD17003A NTE IC Master PD17003 PDF


    Abstract: 0113B nec 618 D17010
    Text: P R E L IM IN A R Y D A T A S H E E T MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /¿ P D 1 7 0 1 0 G F - 0 1 1 SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER WITH ON-CHIP PRESCALER, PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER, AND IF COUNTER FOR CAR-MOUNTED FM /M W /LW RADIO DESCRIPTION ¿ iP D 17 010 G F -0l 1 is 4 -b it C M O S m ic ro c o n tro lle r fo r PLL fre q u e n c y s y n th e s iz e r-m e th o d d ig ita l tu n in g ,

    OCR Scan