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    PREAMBLE TETRODE Search Results

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    Abstract: CX1574C CX1535 CX1585A CX1140 CX1157 CX1836A cx2804 e2v spark gaps Thyratron dc to ac inverter
    Text: E2V Technologies Hydrogen Thyratrons Preamble Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION . . . . . THE SWITCHING CYCLE . . . . . . . i. Voltage Hold-off . . . . . . . . ii. Commutation . . . . . . . . .

    180A-5 CX2801 CX1574C CX1535 CX1585A CX1140 CX1157 CX1836A cx2804 e2v spark gaps Thyratron dc to ac inverter PDF


    Abstract: thyratron thyratron tube operation R2G1 MA360A
    Text: E2V Technologies CX1151L Hydrogen Thyratron The data to be read in conjunction with the Hydrogen Thyratron Preamble. ABRIDGED DATA Hydrogen-filled, fast recovery tetrode thyratron, specifically designed for operation under medical linac conditions, but also

    CX1151L CX1151L, CX1151L thyratron thyratron tube operation R2G1 MA360A PDF

    KV 147

    Abstract: thyratron tube operation CX1174 thyratron 6890A E2V TECHNOLOGIES BR/BW1617F E2V TECHNOLOGIES BR/BW1617F SERIES thyratron tube schematic diagram heater thyratron diagram
    Text: E2V Technologies CX1174 Deuterium-Filled Ceramic Thyratron The data to be read in conjunction with the Hydrogen Thyratron Preamble. ABRIDGED DATA Deuterium-filled tetrode thyratron with ceramic/metal envelope, featuring low jitter, firing time and drift. Suitable for

    CX1174 CX1174, KV 147 thyratron tube operation CX1174 thyratron 6890A E2V TECHNOLOGIES BR/BW1617F E2V TECHNOLOGIES BR/BW1617F SERIES thyratron tube schematic diagram heater thyratron diagram PDF


    Abstract: E2V Technologies tag 725 thyratrons thyratron
    Text: E2V Technologies CX1151 Hydrogen Thyratron The data to be read in conjunction with the Hydrogen Thyratron Preamble. ABRIDGED DATA Hydrogen-filled tetrode thyratron, featuring low jitter and low anode delay time drift. Suitable for use at high pulse repetition

    CX1151 CX1151, CX1151 E2V Technologies tag 725 thyratrons thyratron PDF


    Abstract: E2V Technologies thyratron A1A-CX1164 105 Thyratron
    Text: E2V Technologies CX1164 Hydrogen-Filled Ceramic Thyratron The data to be read in conjunction with the Hydrogen Thyratron Preamble. ABRIDGED DATA Hydrogen-filled tetrode thyratron with ceramic envelope, featuring low jitter and low anode delay time drift. Suitable for

    CX1164 CX1164 CX1164, E2V Technologies thyratron A1A-CX1164 105 Thyratron PDF


    Abstract: CX-1559 8417 tube thyratron tube operation thyratrons interlock 1672 marconi tube company Marconi Applied Technologies MARCONI DATASHEET MA360A
    Text: Marconi Applied Technologies CX1559 Deuterium Thyratron The data to be read in conjunction with the Hydrogen Thyratron Preamble. ABRIDGED DATA Deuterium-filled flange mounted tetrode thyratron featuring low jitter and low anode delay time drift. It is designed for

    CX1559 CX1559, CX1559 CX-1559 8417 tube thyratron tube operation thyratrons interlock 1672 marconi tube company Marconi Applied Technologies MARCONI DATASHEET MA360A PDF


    Abstract: CX1154L thyratron CX1154 ka klystron pulse thyratrons Thyratron thyratron tube operation A1A-CX1154L klystron tubes schematic diagram heater
    Text: E2V Technologies CX1154L Deuterium Filled Ceramic Thyratron The data to be read in conjunction with the Hydrogen Thyratron Preamble. ABRIDGED DATA Deuterium-filled tetrode thyratron with ceramic/metal envelope, featuring fast recovery time, low jitter, firing time

    CX1154L CX1154 CX1154L, CX1154L CX1154L thyratron ka klystron pulse thyratrons Thyratron thyratron tube operation A1A-CX1154L klystron tubes schematic diagram heater PDF


    Abstract: CX1140 CX114 thyratron tube operation A1A-CX1140 MA360 E2V Technologies thyratron tube thyratron A1A-CX1140L
    Text: CX1140L Hydrogen Thyratron The data to be read in conjunction with the Hydrogen Thyratron Preamble. ABRIDGED DATA Hydrogen-filled, fast recovery, tetrode thyratron, specifically designed for operation under medical linac conditions. A reservoir operating from the cathode heater supply is incorporated.

    CX1140L CX1140L, CX1140L CX1140 CX114 thyratron tube operation A1A-CX1140 MA360 E2V Technologies thyratron tube thyratron A1A-CX1140L PDF


    Abstract: Thyratron 5949 5949A Thyratron 5948 CV8563 CX-1140 CX1151 MA179 MA360 thyratrons
    Text: CX1140 Service Type CV8563 Hydrogen Thyratron The data to be read in conjunction with the Hydrogen Thyratron Preamble. ABRIDGED DATA Hydrogen-filled tetrode thyratron, featuring low jitter and low anode delay time drift. Suitable for use at high pulse repetition

    CX1140 CV8563) CX1140 CX1140, Thyratron 5949 5949A Thyratron 5948 CV8563 CX-1140 CX1151 MA179 MA360 thyratrons PDF


    Abstract: CX1159 CX-1159 CX155 MA179 MA360 MA92 thyratron tube thyratron BS448
    Text: CX1159 Service Type CV9080 Deuterium Thyratron The data to be read in conjunction with the Hydrogen Thyratron Preamble. ABRIDGED DATA Deuterium-filled tetrode thyratron, featuring low jitter and low anode delay time drift. Suitable for use at high pulse repetition

    CX1159 CV9080) CX1159, CX1551 CX1159 CX-1159 CX155 MA179 MA360 MA92 thyratron tube thyratron BS448 PDF


    Abstract: thyratron tube operation thyratron tube thyratron
    Text: E2V Technologies CX1135 Hydrogen-Filled Ceramic Thyratron The data to be read in conjunction with the Hydrogen Thyratron Preamble. ABRIDGED DATA Hydrogen-filled tetrode thyratron with ceramic/metal envelope, featuring low jitter, firing time and drift. Suitable for switching

    CX1135 volt187 CX1135, CX1135 thyratron tube operation thyratron tube thyratron PDF


    Abstract: CX1140LD cx1140 thyratron tube operation MA360 thyratron tube 4316A 1bg23 thyratron Thyratron recovery time
    Text: CX1140LD Deuterium Thyratron The data to be read in conjunction with the Hydrogen Thyratron Preamble. ABRIDGED DATA Deuterium-filled, fast recovery, tetrode thyratron, specifically designed for operation under medical linac conditions. A reservoir operating from the cathode heater supply is

    CX1140LD CX1140LD, CX1551 CX1140LD cx1140 thyratron tube operation MA360 thyratron tube 4316A 1bg23 thyratron Thyratron recovery time PDF


    Abstract: Thyratron thyratrons thyratron tube operation thyratron diagram
    Text: E2V Technologies CX1154 Deuterium Filled Ceramic Thyratron The data to be read in conjunction with the Hydrogen Thyratron Preamble. ABRIDGED DATA Deuterium-filled tetrode thyratron with ceramic/metal envelope, featuring low jitter, firing time and drift. Suitable for

    CX1154 CX1154, CX1154 Thyratron thyratrons thyratron tube operation thyratron diagram PDF


    Abstract: x-ray tube datasheet thyratrons thyratron tube thyratron
    Text: E2V Technologies CX1622 Deuterium Thyratron The data to be read in conjunction with the Hydrogen Thyratron Preamble. ABRIDGED DATA Deuterium-filled, flange mounted tetrode thyratron featuring high peak current, high rate of rise of current, low jitter and low

    CX1622 CX1622, CX1622 x-ray tube datasheet thyratrons thyratron tube thyratron PDF

    thyratron 16 H

    Abstract: CX1157 CV6241 E2V Technologies cx1157 thyratron 500KV
    Text: E2V Technologies CX1157 Service Type CV6241 Hydrogen-Filled Ceramic Thyratron The data to be read in conjunction with the Hydrogen Thyratron Preamble. (Absolute values) ABRIDGED DATA Hydrogen-filled tetrode thyratron with ceramic envelope, featuring low jitter and low anode delay time drift. Suitable for

    CX1157 CV6241) CX1157, thyratron 16 H CX1157 CV6241 E2V Technologies cx1157 thyratron 500KV PDF

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    Text: Chapter 7 Component Data and References Component Data None of us has the time or space to collect all the literature available on the many different commercially available manufactured components. Even if we did, the task of keeping track of new and obsolete


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    Text: December 19, 2000 Preface to the 13th Edition The Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States, Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes HTS 2001 is being published pursuant to section 1207 of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 (P.L.

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    Abstract: English Electric Valve Tetrode C1112 English Electric Valve preamble tetrode r.f. amplifier 30mhz
    Text: C1112 BEAM POWER TETRODE Service Type CV2131 The data should be read in conjunction w ith the Power Tetrode Preamble. A B R ID G E D D A T A V.H.F. radial beam transm itting tetrode Anode d is s ip a t io n . Anode v o l t a g e .

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    C1112 CV2131 100mA) C1112 CV2131 English Electric Valve Tetrode English Electric Valve preamble tetrode r.f. amplifier 30mhz PDF

    English Electric Valve

    Abstract: CX1180 CX118 thyratron tube english electric valve tetrode thyratron "english electric"
    Text: CX1180 0 0 C * l &çt HYDROGEN-FILLED CERAMIC THYRATRON The data to be read in conjunction with the Hydrogen Thyratron Preamble. ABRIDGED D A TA Hydrogen-filled tetrode thyratron w ith ceramic/metal envelope, featuring low jitte r, firing tim e and d rift. Suitable fo r switching high power at high pulse

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    CX1180 vo180, CX1180, English Electric Valve CX1180 CX118 thyratron tube english electric valve tetrode thyratron "english electric" PDF


    Abstract: RS1002A SRS4451 4CX5000 4CX1000A English Electric Valve 4cx1500 English Electric Valve company ltd QB4-1100 4CX10000
    Text: TETRODES GENERAL SECTION PENTODE r~ T ~ M EDIUM POWER T F T R n n F R = = HIGH POWER TETRODES POWER PENTODE , The Valve Data Book comprises ten bound volumes, made up as follows: • IG N ITR O N S R EC TIFIE R S IN D U S T R IA L T H Y R A TR O N S COLD CATHODE TUBES

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    5CX1500A 4cx35000 RS1002A SRS4451 4CX5000 4CX1000A English Electric Valve 4cx1500 English Electric Valve company ltd QB4-1100 4CX10000 PDF

    English Electric Valve

    Abstract: English Electric Valve company ltd BW1121J2 B1153 Br1161 BW1121 BW1176J2 steam CONDENSER CP 1005 TRIODE ftl8
    Text: ENGLISH ELECTRIC VALVE CO LTD Product Data T riodes POWER T R IO D E S G E N E R A L SEC TIO N M E D IU M POWER T R IO D E S H IG H POWER T R IO D E S POWER T R IO D E ACCESSORIES = The Valve Data Book comprises ten bound volumes, made up as follows: • IGNITRONS

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    BY4093 English Electric Valve English Electric Valve company ltd BW1121J2 B1153 Br1161 BW1121 BW1176J2 steam CONDENSER CP 1005 TRIODE ftl8 PDF

    pj 929 diode picture

    Abstract: bf471 A7R SMD Transistor TDA8391 transistor f488 tda8351 pin-compatible tda1000 Germanium drift transistor marking 3U 3T 3C diode germanium transistor
    Text: Philips Sem iconductors Semiconductors for Television and Video Systems Contents PART A page SELECTION GUIDE Functional index 5 Numerical index 17 Maintainance list 27 GENERAL Quality 31 Pro Electron type numbering system for Discrete Semiconductors 31 Pro Electron type numbering system for Integrated Circuits

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    BA481 SAA7197 SAA7199B TDA4680 TDA4685 pA733C LFC02 MEH469 pj 929 diode picture bf471 A7R SMD Transistor TDA8391 transistor f488 tda8351 pin-compatible tda1000 Germanium drift transistor marking 3U 3T 3C diode germanium transistor PDF