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    Abstract: 235S01 Q228CEL-1077B 23S01 LA1235 sumida transformers catalogue 23S01 lb1450 TOKO IF Transformer 10,7MHz ir206 sumida coil
    Text: Ordering number : EN873G Monolithic Linear IC LA1235 FM IF System Applications Overview The LA1235 is a high integrated IC developed for use in high S/N, low distortion FM IF system applications. This IC features S/N = 88dB, distortion factor = 0.015% and has almost all functions required for FM tuner IF stage.

    EN873G LA1235 LA1235 LA3390 235S01 Q228CEL-1077B 23S01 sumida transformers catalogue 23S01 lb1450 TOKO IF Transformer 10,7MHz ir206 sumida coil PDF


    Abstract: LA3390 235S01 23S01 sumida QUADRATURE coil SNY-074-1919A 220uf/R1019 FM ic ir206 LB1405 LA1235
    Text: Ordering number : EN873G Monolithic Linear IC LA1235 FM IF System Applications Overview The LA1235 is a high integrated IC developed for use in high S/N, low distortion FM IF system applications. This IC features S/N = 88dB, distortion factor = 0.015% and has almost all functions required for FM tuner IF stage.

    EN873G LA1235 LA1235 Q228CEL-1077B LA3390 235S01 23S01 sumida QUADRATURE coil SNY-074-1919A 220uf/R1019 FM ic ir206 LB1405 PDF


    Abstract: LA1235 Q228CEL-1077B 235S01 SNY-074-1919A ir206 R212 IR2070 block diagram of power factor meter EN873F
    Text: Ordering number : EN873F Monolithic Linear IC LA1235 FM IF System Applications Overview Package Dimensions The LA1235 is a high integrated IC developed for use in high S/N, low distortion FM IF system applications. This IC features S/N=88dB, distortion factor=0.015% and has

    EN873F LA1235 LA1235 LA3390 Q228CEL-1077B 235S01 SNY-074-1919A ir206 R212 IR2070 block diagram of power factor meter EN873F PDF


    Abstract: Q228CEL-1077B ta 8739 p LA3390 23S01 ir206 sumida r001 LA1235 toko ift coil sanyo fm front end
    Text: Ordering number: EN873F Monolithic Linear 1C N0 .873 F LA1235 FM IF System Applications O v e r v ie w T he LA 1235 is a high in te g r a te d IC d ev elo p e d for u se in h ig h S /N , low d isto rtio n FM IF sy ste m ap p lications. T h is IC fea tu res S/N = 88dB , d istortion factor = 0.015% and has alm ost all functions required

    OCR Scan
    EN873F LA1235 235S01 Q228CEL-1077B ta 8739 p LA3390 23S01 ir206 sumida r001 LA1235 toko ift coil sanyo fm front end PDF