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    IEC 68-2-3

    Abstract: powerdisk SIOV-PD80K1100 SIOV-PD80 PD80K1100 CECC42000
    Text: PowerDisk PowerDisk Construction ● High-energy varistor in disk diode case ● Pressure contacts Features ● ● ● ● Excellent thermal conductivity Mechanical reliability Insensitive to environmental influences Mounting and cooling devices of power semiconductors

    PD80K1100 Q69X3756 SIOVPD80K1100 IEC 68-2-3 powerdisk SIOV-PD80K1100 SIOV-PD80 PD80K1100 CECC42000 PDF


    Abstract: B32K275 Q69-X468 B32K385 B32K250 B60K130 395 1100 000 B60K1000 Q69X4649 SIOV-PD80
    Text: Block- und Laschenvaristoren, PowerDisk Block and Strap Varistors, PowerDisk Abmessungen mm Dimensions (mm) Block Varistoren Block varistors SIOV-B32/-B40 Laschen-Varistoren Strap varistors SIOV-LS 40 SIOV-B60 Typ Type SIOV-LS40K130QP SIOV-LS40K150QP SIOV-LS40K230QP

    SIOV-B32/-B40 SIOV-B60 SIOV-LS40K130QP SIOV-LS40K150QP SIOV-LS40K230QP SIOV-LS40K250QP SIOV-LS40K275QP SIOV-LS40K320QP SIOV-LS40K385QP SIOV-LS40K420QP B32K420 B32K275 Q69-X468 B32K385 B32K250 B60K130 395 1100 000 B60K1000 Q69X4649 SIOV-PD80 PDF

    k300 varistor

    Abstract: k300 varistor 3225 diode k460 4032 3225 K300 4032 k300 smd 4032 k460 4032 k300 K300 smd varistor k300 4032 S275BR7
    Text: Metalloxid-Varistoren Metal Oxide Varistors – SIOV – Kennlinie und Schaltzeichen Characteristic and circuit symbol Varistoren sind spannungsabhängige elektrische Widerstände mit symmetrischer U/l-Kennlinie, deren Widerstandswert mit steigender Spannung abnimmt und so den weiteren Aufbau


    3225 k275

    Abstract: 4032 K275 VARISTOR k275 3225 VARISTOR k275 diode k275 4032 07 k275 varistor varistor s20 k320 cu3225 k275 varistor s10 k275 Siemens varistor family
    Text: Contents Type Survey 5 8 General Technical Information 15 Selection Procedure 35 Application and Design Examples 51 Quality 79 SMD Varistors 89 Disk Varistors 115 Block Varistors Strap Varistors 161 167 PowerDisk Arrester Blocks 171 173 Derating Curves V/I Characteristics


    4032 K275

    Abstract: 3225 k275 VARISTOR k275 VARISTOR k275 3225 3225 k50 varistor diode k275 4032 cu3225 k275 07 k275 varistor VARISTOR S14 K275 VARISTOR s07 K20
    Text: Contents Type Survey 5 8 General Technical Information 15 Selection Procedure 35 Application and Design Examples 51 Quality 79 SMD Varistors 89 Disk Varistors 115 Block Varistors Strap Varistors 161 167 PowerDisk Arrester Blocks 171 173 Derating Curves V/I Characteristics


    k300 varistor 3225

    Abstract: VARISTOR 4032 k300 diode k460 4032 3225 K300 4032 k300 smd 4032 k300 3225 k300 varistor k300 varistor s10 k150 varistor K300 3225
    Text: Metalloxid-Varistoren Metal Oxide Varistors – SIOV – Kennlinie und Schaltzeichen Characteristic and circuit symbol Varistoren sind spannungsabhängige elektrische Widerstände mit symmetrischer U/l-Kennlinie, deren Widerstandswert mit steigender Spannung abnimmt und so den weiteren Aufbau
