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    CVP 37-003

    Abstract: tsm1052 L6562AD L6562A 221K 1kv L6562A dimmer capacitor 221k 1kv STTH1R06A STP5NK60ZFP MMSD4148
    Text: 1 2 3 C8 4 R17 5 6 DRAIN 330 100pF 1KV D5 DNI D 6.4mm Isolation D8 STTH1R06A CLAMP D6 DNI R18 R19 82K C4 0.01uF 630V X7R 82K LEDs per String 4 5 or 6 7 or 8 9 - 11 R20 82K D14 Iout MAX 1000mA 1000mA 500mA 500mA Jumpers Caps for 20% P-P Current Ripple W1-W2, W3-W4, W5-W7

    100pF STTH1R06A 1000mA 500mA 3900uF 2700uF 1000uF 820uF CVP 37-003 tsm1052 L6562AD L6562A 221K 1kv L6562A dimmer capacitor 221k 1kv STTH1R06A STP5NK60ZFP MMSD4148 PDF

    SIC 330n

    Abstract: ISL6730 S1m diode
    Text: Application Note 1830 Author: Alan Yu ISL6730AEVAL1Z and ISL6730CEVAL1Z: Boost CCM PFC for 90W Universal Input Adaptors Introduction Design Specifications This application note describes the design and implementation of a 390V, 90W, Continuous Conduction Mode CCM Boost PFC

    ISL6730AEVAL1Z ISL6730CEVAL1Z: ISL6730A, ISL6730C. ISL6730C ISL6730A ISL6730C FN8258) AN1830 SIC 330n ISL6730 S1m diode PDF

    IN5406 diode

    Abstract: B32672P4684K TDK common mode choke film diode s1m c7 diode in5406
    Text: Application Note 1876 Author: Alan Yu ISL6730BEVAL1Z and ISL6730DEVAL1Z: Boost CCM PFC for 300W Universal Input Adaptors Introduction Design Specifications This application note describes the design and implementation of a 390V, 300W, Continuous Conduction Mode CCM Boost

    ISL6730BEVAL1Z ISL6730DEVAL1Z: ISL6730B, ISL6730D. ISL6730D ISL6730B ISL6730D FN8258) ERJ-8GEYJ205 IN5406 diode B32672P4684K TDK common mode choke film diode s1m c7 diode in5406 PDF

    230v dc 8a rectifier diode

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Application Note 1884 ISL6731AEVAL1Z and ISL6731BEVAL1Z: Boost CCM PFC for 300W Universal Input Adaptors Introduction Design Specifications This application note describes the design and implementation of a 390V, 300W, Continuous Conduction Mode CCM Boost PFC converter using the ISL6731A,

    ISL6731AEVAL1Z ISL6731BEVAL1Z: ISL6731A, ISL6731B. ISL6731B ISL6731A 124kHz) ISL6731B 64kHz) 230v dc 8a rectifier diode PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UM10369 STARplug Switched Mode Power Supply SMPS for e-metering Rev. 01 — 11 February 2011 User manual Document information Info Content Keywords STARplug, TEA1522, flyback, e-metering Abstract The STARplug Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) for e-metering

    UM10369 TEA1522, TEA152x PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WARNING: DANGER – HIGH VOLTAGES ARE PRESENT ON THIS EVALUATION BOARD AL9910EV6 ISOLATED LED DRIVER USER GUIDE Fig. 1 AL9910EV6 evaluation board connection diagram Issue 4 – June 2011 Diodes Incorporated, 2011 AL9910EV6 DESCRIPTION The AL9910EV6 is an offline isolated LED driver evaluation board designed to work on 110V AC line voltage.

    AL9910EV6 AL9910EV6 th362-3154 D-81541 A1103-04, PDF

    in4148 zener diode

    Abstract: rt/in4148 zener diode M8128 varistor 222, 1KV zener diode phc 12
    Text: 一華半導體股份有限公司 BALLAST MOSDESIGN SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. M8145 FULLY PROTECTION BALLAST CONTROLLER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M8145 is a fully integrated, fully protected ballast control IC designed to drive all types of fluorescent lamps. The M8145

    M8145 M8145 25/1W M8128 in4148 zener diode rt/in4148 zener diode M8128 varistor 222, 1KV zener diode phc 12 PDF

    zener diode phc 12

    Abstract: zener diode phc zener diode phc 15 zener diode phc 10 zener phc 12 zener phc 15 zener diode phc 16 zener PH-C ph c15 zener ph c24 zener
    Text: 一華半導體股份有限公司 BALLAST MOSDESIGN SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. M8145 FULLY PROTECTION BALLAST CONTROLLER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M8145 is a fully integrated, fully protected ballast control IC designed to drive all types of fluorescent lamps. The M8145

    M8145 M8145 25/1W 75/1W M8128A zener diode phc 12 zener diode phc zener diode phc 15 zener diode phc 10 zener phc 12 zener phc 15 zener diode phc 16 zener PH-C ph c15 zener ph c24 zener PDF


    Abstract: EL817B equivalent JNK09E102MY02N
    Text: EV110-P-00A 85VAC/60Hz~420VAC/60Hz, 13.5V/300mA;8V/50mA;8V/50mA Off-line SWITCHING Regulator Evaluation Board PRELIMINARY SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE Evaluation Board Report Triple output 4.85W ACDC power supply Design Specs Input Voltage Output 1 Output 2

    EV110-P-00A 85VAC/60Hz 420VAC/60Hz, V/300mA V/50mA V/50mA 300mA MP110GPR EV110-P-00A 4.85W EL817B equivalent JNK09E102MY02N PDF

    alps vco

    Abstract: Alps Electric vco tdh alps UCVA Alps Electric vco 64 n20 n S1M8821 S1M8821X01-R0T0 S1M8822 S1M8822X01-R0T0
    Text: INTERGER RF/IF DUAL PLL S1M8821/22/23 INTRODUCTION 20-TSSOP-BD44 The S1M8821/22/23 is a high performance dual frequency synthesizer with integrated prescalers designed for RF operation up to 1.2GHz/2.0GHz/2.5GHz and IF operation up to 520MHz. The S1M8821/22/23 contains dual-modulus prescalers. The RF

    S1M8821/22/23 20-TSSOP-BD44 S1M8821/22/23 520MHz. S1M8823) 20-TSSOP/24-QFN 10MAX alps vco Alps Electric vco tdh alps UCVA Alps Electric vco 64 n20 n S1M8821 S1M8821X01-R0T0 S1M8822 S1M8822X01-R0T0 PDF

    alps vco

    Abstract: alps rf
    Text: INTERGER RF/IF DUAL PLL S1M8821/22/23 INTRODUCTION 20-TSSOP-BD44 The S1M8821/22/23 is a high performance dual frequency synthesizer with integrated prescalers designed for RF operation up to 1.2GHz/2.0GHz/2.5GHz and IF operation up to 520MHz. The S1M8821/22/23 contains dual-modulus prescalers. The RF

    S1M8821/22/23 20-TSSOP-BD44 S1M8821/22/23 520MHz. S1M8823) 20-TSSOP/24-QFN 24-Qpends alps vco alps rf PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SG6846G Highly Integrated Green-Mode PWM Controller Features Description ̇ ̇ ̇ Low Startup Current: 8µA ̇ PWM Frequency Continuously Decreasing with Burst Mode at Light Loads ̇ ̇ ̇ ̇ ̇ ̇ VDD Over-Voltage Protection OVP A highly integrated PWM controller, SG6846G provides

    SG6846G SG6846G PDF


    Abstract: STEVAL-ILL016V1 CSM2010 flyback l6562 ld6562ad L6562A dimmer L6562AD 68K 1KV L6562A LED L6562A
    Text: STEVAL-ILL016V1 15 W offline TRIAC dimmable LED driver based on the LD6562AD and TSM1052 USA market-115 V Data Brief Features • 120 V line (96 V to 132 Vrms) ■ Vout is set at 40 V max ■ Iout is set at 0.7 A maximum average current ■ 0.7 minimum power factor, required for

    STEVAL-ILL016V1 LD6562AD TSM1052 market-115 tsm1052 STEVAL-ILL016V1 CSM2010 flyback l6562 L6562A dimmer L6562AD 68K 1KV L6562A LED L6562A PDF

    ei-33 transformer

    Abstract: sck053 sck-053 EI-33 thermistor sck053 7nb60 SG6846ALSZ transformer ei-33 universal AC Motor soft start universal smps diagrams
    Text: Product Specification SG6846A Highly Integrated Green-Mode PWM Controller consumption, a proprietary green-mode function provides off-time modulation to continuously decrease the switching frequency under light-load conditions. Under zero-load conditions, the power supply enters burst-mode.

    SG6846A 1700ms 100ms SG6846A 1700ms, IAO33 381X45° 015X45° ei-33 transformer sck053 sck-053 EI-33 thermistor sck053 7nb60 SG6846ALSZ transformer ei-33 universal AC Motor soft start universal smps diagrams PDF

    ei-33 transformer

    Abstract: thermistor sck053 SG6846LSZ sck053 EI-33 7nb60 SG6846LDZ sck-053 universal smps diagrams X2 0.1uF 275V
    Text: Product Specification SG6846 Highly-Integrated Green-Mode PWM Controller the switching frequency under light-load conditions. Under zero-load conditions, the power supply enters burst-mode. This completely shuts off PWM output. The output restarts just before the supply voltage drops below

    SG6846 IAO33 ei-33 transformer thermistor sck053 SG6846LSZ sck053 EI-33 7nb60 SG6846LDZ sck-053 universal smps diagrams X2 0.1uF 275V PDF

    ei-33 transformer

    Abstract: sck053 SG6846LSZ 7nb60 thermistor sck053 SG6846LDZ universal smps diagrams sck-053 PWM controller sop-8 transformer ei-33
    Text: Product Specification SG6846 Highly-Integrated Green-Mode PWM Controller the switching frequency under light-load conditions. Under zero-load conditions, the power supply enters burst-mode. This completely shuts off PWM output. The output restarts just before the supply voltage drops below

    SG6846 IAO33 ei-33 transformer sck053 SG6846LSZ 7nb60 thermistor sck053 SG6846LDZ universal smps diagrams sck-053 PWM controller sop-8 transformer ei-33 PDF


    Abstract: CSM2010 L6562A dimmer CSM2010-128 MMSD4148 STEVAL-ILL016V1 L6562AD ld6562 L6562A MMBT4401
    Text: STEVAL-ILL016V1 15 W offline TRIAC dimmable LED driver based on the LD6562AD and TSM1052 USA market-115 V Data Brief Features • 120 V line (96 V to 132 Vrms) ■ Vout is set at 40 V max ■ Iout is set at 0.7 A maximum average current ■ 0.7 minimum power factor, required for

    STEVAL-ILL016V1 LD6562AD TSM1052 market-115 TSM1052 CSM2010 L6562A dimmer CSM2010-128 MMSD4148 STEVAL-ILL016V1 L6562AD ld6562 L6562A MMBT4401 PDF

    ei-33 transformer

    Abstract: sck-053 smps with tl431 and pc817
    Text: Production Specification Highly Integrated Green-Mode PWM Controller SG6846C FEATURES „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ Low Start-up Current: 8µA Low Operating Current: 3.7mA Peak-current Mode Operation with Cycle-by-cycle Current Limiting PWM Frequency Continuously Decreasing with

    SG6846C 381X45° IAO33 015X45° SG6846C ei-33 transformer sck-053 smps with tl431 and pc817 PDF

    TL431 equivalent

    Abstract: transformer EI-33
    Text: Production Specification Highly Integrated Green-Mode PWM Controller SG6846B FEATURES DESCRIPTION „ „ „ The highly integrated PWM controller, SG6846B, provides several features to enhance the performance of fly-back converters. To minimize standby power

    SG6846B 200ms SG6846B, 381X45° IAO33 015X45° TL431 equivalent transformer EI-33 PDF


    Abstract: ei-33 transformer thermistor sck053 sck053 SG6846LDZ 7nb60 sck053 thermistor EI-33 sck-053 SG6846LSZ SMPS
    Text: SG6846 Highly Integrated Green-Mode PWM Controller Features Description ƒ ƒ ƒ Low Startup Current: 8µA ƒ PWM Frequency Continuously Decreasing with Burst Mode at Light Loads ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ VDD Over-Voltage Protection OVP The highly integrated SG6846 series of PWM

    SG6846 SG6846 SG6846LSZ ei-33 transformer thermistor sck053 sck053 SG6846LDZ 7nb60 sck053 thermistor EI-33 sck-053 SG6846LSZ SMPS PDF

    ei-33 transformer

    Abstract: SG6846LSZ thermistor sck053 sck053 sck-053 universal smps diagrams "transformer" ei-33 7NB6 7nb60 EI-33
    Text: Product Specification SG6846 Highly-Integrated Green-Mode PWM Controller the switching frequency under light-load conditions. Under zero-load conditions, the power supply enters burst-mode. This completely shuts off PWM output. The output restarts just before the supply voltage drops below

    SG6846 IAO33 ei-33 transformer SG6846LSZ thermistor sck053 sck053 sck-053 universal smps diagrams "transformer" ei-33 7NB6 7nb60 EI-33 PDF


    Abstract: SG6846WALSY X2 0.1uF 275V DBL406G
    Text: SG6846WA Highly Integrated Green-Mode PWM Controller Features Description • •  Low Startup Current: 15µA  PWM Frequency Continuously Decreasing with Burst Mode at Light Loads The SG6846WA is designed for SMPS with surgecurrent output, incorporated with a two-level OCP

    SG6846WA 1700ms 100ms SG6846WA 7NB60 SG6846WALSY X2 0.1uF 275V DBL406G PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SG6846C Highly Integrated Green-Mode PWM Controller Features Description ̇ ̇ ̇ Low Start-up Current: 8µA ̇ PWM Frequency Continuously Decreasing with Burst Mode at Light Loads ̇ ̇ ̇ ̇ ̇ ̇ VDD Over-Voltage Protection OVP A highly integrated PWM controller, SG6846C provides

    SG6846C SG6846C PDF

    ei-33 transformer

    Text: SG6846A Highly Integrated Green-Mode PWM Controller Features Description ƒ ƒ ƒ Low Startup Current: 8µA ƒ PWM Frequency Continuously Decreasing with Burst Mode at Light Loads The SG6846A is especially designed for SMPS with surge-current output, incorporated with a two-level OCP

    SG6846A 1600ms 100ms 1700ms SG6846A ei-33 transformer EI33 SWITCHING TRANSFORMER L3 MARKING CODE 8PIN PDF