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    MIFARE DESFire Implementation hints and example

    Abstract: Mifare reader antenna design RC531 MIFARE DESFire Functional Specification CL RC632 rc531 CL RC632 software desfire hints SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE pcd antenna design MF RC531
    Text: AN ISO/IEC 14443 higher bit rates with Micore Rev. 01.01 — 10 May 2006 Application note Document information Info Content Keywords Mifare, Micore, ISO/IEC14443, Higher bit rates, Register settings Abstract This application describes how to enable and use higher bit rates

    ISO/IEC14443, ISO/IEC14443 RC530, RC531, RC632. MC124011 MIFARE DESFire Implementation hints and example Mifare reader antenna design RC531 MIFARE DESFire Functional Specification CL RC632 rc531 CL RC632 software desfire hints SAMPLE CODE FOR MIFARE pcd antenna design MF RC531 PDF