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    RD18011195 Search Results

    RD18011195 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA cIOti7 2 4 a 0 0 2 รด b fl2 131 TC59R1809VK/HK PRELIMINARY 2,097,152 WORD x 9-BIT RAMBUS DYNAMIC RAM Description TheTC59R1809VK/HK Rambus Dynamic RAM RDRAM is a next-generation high-speed CMOS DRAM with a 2,097,152 x 9-bit organization and built-in slave logic. The 36,864 sense amps of the DRAM core are used as cache to achieve data

    OCR Scan
    TC59R1809VK/HK TheTC59R1809VK/HK 500MB/S. TC59R1809VK/HK 32-pin RD18011195 SVP32-P-1125A) SHP36-P-1125) PDF


    Abstract: Toshiba Rambus IC TC59R1809VK ise 25001
    Text: TOSHIBA TC59R1809VK/HK PRELIMINARY 2,097,152 WORD x 9-BIT RAMBUS DYNAMIC RAM Description T h e T C 5 9 R 1 8 0 9 V K /H K R a m b u s D y n a m ic R A M RD R AM is a n e x t-g e n e ra tio n h ig h -s p e e d C M O S D R A M w ith a 2 ,0 9 7 ,1 5 2 x 9 -b it o rg a n iz a tio n a n d b u ilt-in slave logic. T h e 3 6 ,8 6 4 se n se a m p s o f th e D R AM co re are use d as c a c h e to a ch ie ve d a ta

    OCR Scan
    TC59R1809VK/HK H-227 TC59R1809VK/HK RD18011195 H-228 H-229 TC59R1809 Toshiba Rambus IC TC59R1809VK ise 25001 PDF