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    RK 487 001 FF Search Results

    RK 487 001 FF Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: COM136 STB 567 Comparison 6N6 amplifier 853E 45 853F 05VCC
    Text: HD66762 HD66762 128 x 136-dot Graphics LCD Controller/Driver for 256 Colors Rev 1.0 October. 2001 Description The HD66762, color-graphics LCD controller and driver LSI, displays 128-by-136-dot graphics for 256 STN colors. The HD66762's bit-operation functions and a 16-bit high-speed

    HD66762 136-dot HD66762, 128-by-136-dot HD66762 16-bit 12-times DB158 SEG324 COM136 STB 567 Comparison 6N6 amplifier 853E 45 853F 05VCC PDF

    hl 4929

    Abstract: GK02 bk31 772 gk SEG357 gk03 4A3E gk71 Hitachi DSA002732 SEG340
    Text: Preliminary HD66761 128 x 80-dot Graphics LCD Controller/Driver for 256 Colors Rev 0.5 July 4, 2000 Description The HD66761, color-graphics LCD controller and driver LSI, displays 128-by-80-dot graphics for 256 STN colors. It consists of upper and lower screens and drives maximum 128-by-160-dot STN color

    HD66761 80-dot HD66761, 128-by-80-dot 128-by-160-dot HD66761 16-bit hl 4929 GK02 bk31 772 gk SEG357 gk03 4A3E gk71 Hitachi DSA002732 SEG340 PDF


    Abstract: 7721
    Text: To all our customers Information regarding change of names mentioned within this document, to Renesas Technology Corp. On April 1st 2003 the following semiconductor operations were transferred to Renesas Technology Corporation: operations covering microcomputer, logic,


    tef 6624

    Abstract: SEG382 Hitachi DSA002733 1301H
    Text: HD66763 384-channel Segment Driver with Internal RAM for 256-color Displays Rev.1.0 July, 2001 Description The HD66763, 384-channel segment driver LSI, displays 128RGB-by-176-dot graphics on STN displays in 256 colors. It is for driving STN color LCD displays to a maximum of 128RGB by 176

    HD66763 384-channel 256-color HD66763, 128RGB-by-176-dot 128RGB HD66764 HD66763 16bit tef 6624 SEG382 Hitachi DSA002733 1301H PDF

    smooth l 7251 3.1

    Abstract: gk71 tef 6624 l 7251 wd S-E26 GK 105 Hitachi DSAUTAZ006 SEG270 gk43 c 1060
    Text: —PRELIMINARY— HD66763 384-channel Segment Driver with Internal RAM for 256-color Displays n o ti Preliminary Specification Rev.0.4 January, 2001 a c fi i c e Description Sp The HD66763, 384-channel segment driver LSI, displays 128RGB-by-176-dot graphics on STN

    HD66763 384-channel 256-color HD66763, 128RGB-by-176-dot 128RGB HD66764 HD66763 16bit smooth l 7251 3.1 gk71 tef 6624 l 7251 wd S-E26 GK 105 Hitachi DSAUTAZ006 SEG270 gk43 c 1060 PDF


    Abstract: smd l33 substitute D4D12 PM8610 34.368Mhz e2 e3 8448 bd234 NA-18
    Text: 3: 16 AM ARROW 12xETEC ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Preliminary ar y, 20 04 03 :1 PM5385 nd ay ,0 9F eb ru ARROW 12xETEC Data Sheet Preliminary Issue No. 3: January 2004 ed by da re en to u rk e yo fS ilic on ex pe rt Te ch no lo gi es Co .o n

    12xETEC PM5385 12xETEC PMC-2030120, PM5385 smd l33 substitute D4D12 PM8610 34.368Mhz e2 e3 8448 bd234 NA-18 PDF

    motorola transistor 5332

    Abstract: schematic diagram brushless motor control hall effect sensor W32 sensorless bldc motor driver circuit using dsp basic ac motor reverse forward electrical diagram schematic diagram motor control 3-phase sine commutation motor control clarke transformation 6 switched reluctance motor sensorless bldc driver circuit direct back-emf
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Embedded SDK Software Development Kit Motor Control Library SDK109/D Rev. 2.0, 02/27/2002 Motorola, Inc., 2002. All rights reserved. For More Information On This Product, Go to:

    SDK109/D motorola transistor 5332 schematic diagram brushless motor control hall effect sensor W32 sensorless bldc motor driver circuit using dsp basic ac motor reverse forward electrical diagram schematic diagram motor control 3-phase sine commutation motor control clarke transformation 6 switched reluctance motor sensorless bldc driver circuit direct back-emf PDF


    Abstract: 74HC14T ria PD6 sf hd62 xo 403 me 4Z701 KC332 R36118 ad 0803 pc dio-48
    Text: Mainboard 1 of 33 HA#[3.31] 3,5 24 24 ST PCLK# SLP# INT R NMI 5 8,10 10 T CK T DO T DI T MS T RST # T PREQ# T PRDY# RS#[0.2] 24 A20M# CPU_FERR# 24 IGNNE# PW RGOOD 10 SMI# HT RDY# HIT # HITM# DEFER# 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 BREQ0# BPRI# BNR# HLOCK# ADS# V_CPU R579

    1000P CORE/13A PK/15A I3443 1005-4R 71-31C 79015P 74HC14T ria PD6 sf hd62 xo 403 me 4Z701 KC332 R36118 ad 0803 pc dio-48 PDF

    motorola transistor 5332

    Abstract: hall effect sensor W32 SIN12 6 switched reluctance motor Park transformation flyback pfc sensing voltage auxiliary winding hallsensor MOTOROLA brushless dc controller MOTOROLA Motor Control Function Library pmsm model transformation
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. ARCHIVED BY FREESCALE SEMICONDUCTOR, INC. 2005 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. ARCHIVED BY FREESCALE SEMICONDUCTOR, INC. 2005 Embedded SDK Software Development Kit Motor Control Library SDK109/D Rev. 2.0, 02/27/2002 Motorola, Inc., 2002. All rights reserved.

    SDK109/D motorola transistor 5332 hall effect sensor W32 SIN12 6 switched reluctance motor Park transformation flyback pfc sensing voltage auxiliary winding hallsensor MOTOROLA brushless dc controller MOTOROLA Motor Control Function Library pmsm model transformation PDF

    ABB NI 41 Relay settings

    Abstract: asea relay RI RXIC 1 asea rvab ABB NI 40 Relay settings asea rvaa overcurrent relay ASEA RXIL RK 412 RXIL 2 RK426
    Text: JL' |fc I t 1 B RK 487-300 E Pago 1 5627 INFORMATION A S ea b r o w n B o v tR i F fo n V D a te .n n „ , A B B Relays RFR, March 1373 Edition 1 Reg, •Thermal overload relay type RVAB To avoid overloading of a machine, transformer or cattle, a thermal over-current relay can te used to initiate

    OCR Scan
    487-30C -/77m 15-2S, ABB NI 41 Relay settings asea relay RI RXIC 1 asea rvab ABB NI 40 Relay settings asea rvaa overcurrent relay ASEA RXIL RK 412 RXIL 2 RK426 PDF


    Abstract: trimpot 20k tir 101a
    Text: PRECISION POTENTIOMETER Model 3 5 3 0 B O U R N S P o te n tio m e te r Single-Turn, %" D iam eter /n Bushing M ount /ffû FEATURES • Performance guaranteed by Bourns Reliability Assurance Program. • SILVERWELD® termination eliminates vulnerable single

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    MIL-R-12934C. 3530s trimpot 20k tir 101a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TCD5340C GENERAL TCD5340C is a fram e interline CCD area image sensor developed fo r a 3-CCD color camera NTSC TV system . This device has signal pixels o f 1163 (horizontal) x 492 (vertical), and its image size agrees w ith 2 / 3 inch type optical system.

    OCR Scan
    TCD5340C TCD5340C QQ213A7 QD513fifl HO-12C-14.31818MHZ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION COM'L: -7/10/12/15 IND: -10/12/14/18 MACH4-96/MACH4LV-96 V AN A IV A MD T I S High-Performance EE C M O S Programmable Logic COMP ANY D IS T IN C TIV E C H A R A C TER IS TIC S ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 100 pins in TQFP 96 macrocells 7.5 ns tPD Commercial, 10 ns tPD Industrial

    OCR Scan
    MACH4-96/MACH4LV-96 MACH111SP-size MACH4LV-96/48-10/12/14/18 PDF


    Abstract: asea rvaa asea ri 5A relay asea RRME asea ri relay asea time-lag relay RI w19c rrmk 1 RVAA ASEA motor
    Text: C a t a lo g u e A S E A Edition 2 R K 4 3 - 1 E D ecem b er 1973 File R, Part 2 Accurate therm al overcurrent relay type RVAA H CFear c u r re n t sea-le w ill ea sy a n d h ig h ly a c c u ra te s e ttin g o l the h ig h e s t p e rm is s i­ • T im e c u rv e w ith tw o tim G -c o iis ta n ls ;

    OCR Scan
    48-1e 1980-Q8-10 RRME asea rvaa asea ri 5A relay asea RRME asea ri relay asea time-lag relay RI w19c rrmk 1 RVAA ASEA motor PDF

    design HF PSK modem

    Abstract: 202 MODEM SSI 73k302l
    Text: SSI 73K302L mmMkntí' Bell 212A, 103, 202 Single-Chip Modem A TDK Group/Company Preliminary Data January 1994 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SSI 73K302L is a highly integrated single-chip modem 1C which provides the functions needed to construct a Bell 202, 212A and 103 compatible

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    73K302L 73K212L design HF PSK modem 202 MODEM SSI PDF

    VEB mikroelektronik

    Abstract: 4565 D A2005V KP303 KP303D U806D analoge schaltkreise a4100d A209K sf126d
    Text: DATEN BUCH 0 /x *«» Der vorliegende T ite l ist ein w eite re r Band d er D aten­ buch-R eihe Uber die M ikroelektronik. B auelem ente Die A pplikationszentrum R eihe wird Elektronik des im Berlin VEB Kom binat A uftrag des und des VEB M ilitär­ verlages herausgegeben.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HC5549 Semiconductor January 1999 Data Sheet Low Power SLIC with Battery Switch 4539.1 Features The HC 5549 Subscriber line Dual B attery O peration interface circuit is a 100V S in gle A dd itio nal + 5V S upply diellectrically isolated bipolar Low S tan dby Power C o nsu m ption 48V, 35m W

    OCR Scan
    HC5549 C5549 PDF

    yx 805 led driver

    Abstract: Logic Cross-Reference yx 801 led driver ei011 DEL11 "device code" bah 11791 st IC yx 801 led driver AA119
    Text: FORMATS FOR POPULAR PC SOFTWARE A PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE Jeff Walden n I Computers I FORMATS n FOR POPULAR PC SOFTWARE f A PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE Ever tried to transfer data from your spread­ sheet program to a wordprocessing pro­ gram? Or download payroll figures from a

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HC5549 January 1999 Data Sheet Low Power SLIC with Battery Switch , 4539.1 Features The HC 5549 Subscriber line m h File Num ber • Dual B attery O pe ra tion interface circuit is a 100V • S in gle A dd itio nal + 5V S upply diellectrically isolated bipolar

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    HC5549 PDF


    Abstract: u82720 A110D TDA4100 ub8830d V40511D taa981 A109D sy 710 IC 7447
    Text: > i ! U O i j q > i a | a S [ ^ ] 0 [ y y H erstellerbetriebe Bei den einzelnen Erzeugnissen werden die Herstellerbetriebe durch die nachfolgend angegebenen Symbole gekennzeichnet: VEB M ik ro e le k tro n ik „K a rl M a r x “ Erfurt L e itb e tr ie b im VEB K o m b in a t M ik ro e le k tr o n ik

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: BY164 Mullard C296 TAA310A TAA435 TAA700 TBA550 TBA480 PCC88 TAA300
    Text: MULLARD DATA BOOK 1973-74 ER R A TA A U G U S T 1973 j\ 1 d - ^ Mullard Limited Renewal Sales Department Mullard House Torrington Place London WC1E 7HD N / , S E M IC O M D U C Type No. Page No. AC187 13 Correction Delete minus signs to read: *IC = 300m A;

    OCR Scan
    AC187 BC157 BC158 BC159 BC186 BC187 BD201 BD202 BD203 BD204 TCA160 BY164 Mullard C296 TAA310A TAA435 TAA700 TBA550 TBA480 PCC88 TAA300 PDF


    Abstract: 22RC10 71RA120 36RA80 101RC60 PR002W 40RCS60 151ra100 250pa120 250RA80
    Text: EUROPEAN CATALOGUE CATALOGO EUROPEO EUROPAISCHER KATALOG CATALOGUE EUROPEEN In tro d u c tio n The products specified in this shortform catalogue have been selected from the comprehensive range manufactured by the International Rectifier group of Companies.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 3 phase Rectifier Phase Control IC ICAN-6668 vat 2000 ge ca3600e opamp CA3130 rms to dc ca3130 15-V CA3130 CA5130
    Text: Iteil Solid State { i l i J G-": CA5130A, CA5130 Linear Integrated Circuits Advance Information BiMOS Microprocessor Operational Amplifiers E Suffix ,(M Suffix) 1Not Shown With MOSFET Input/CM O S Output Features: «en 1 s (S Suffix) (T Suffix) • MOSFET input stage provides:

    OCR Scan
    CA5130A, CA5130 i012f) RCA-CA5130A CA5130 92CS-19431R3 1CE-402, RCA-CD4007 3 phase Rectifier Phase Control IC ICAN-6668 vat 2000 ge ca3600e opamp CA3130 rms to dc ca3130 15-V CA3130 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES □ FEATURES Complete 40 MFLOPS Floating-Point Chipset Multiplier/Divider and ALU Fully Compatible w ith IEEE Standard 754 Arithm etic Operations on Four Data Formats: 32-Bit Single-Precision Floating-Point 64-Bit Double-Precision Floating-Point

    OCR Scan
    64-Bit ADSP-3212/ADSP-3222 32-Bit 300ns 600ns 130ns 3222S PDF