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    RS SU 800 Search Results

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    ECAD Model
    AM26C31CDRG4 Texas Instruments Quadruple differential line driver 16-SOIC 0 to 70 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    AM26C31IPW Texas Instruments Quadruple differential line driver 16-TSSOP -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    V62/07647-01XE Texas Instruments Enhanced Product quadruple differential line driver 16-SOIC -55 to 125 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    AM26C32CD Texas Instruments Quadruple Differential Line Receiver 16-SOIC 0 to 70 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    AM26C32QDG4 Texas Instruments Quadruple Differential Line Receiver 16-SOIC -40 to 125 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
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    RS SU 800 Price and Stock

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    NorComp 858-004-203RSU4

    Circular Metric Connectors M12 4 Pos F Sold cup Cbl mnt UnSHIELD
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics 858-004-203RSU4 194
    • 1 $9.09
    • 10 $6.88
    • 100 $5.8
    • 1000 $5.32
    • 10000 $5.32
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    NorComp 858-005-203RSU1

    Circular Metric Connectors M12 5 P F S/C CBL MNT G/F
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics 858-005-203RSU1 67
    • 1 $9.25
    • 10 $8.32
    • 100 $5.71
    • 1000 $5.68
    • 10000 $5.68
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    NorComp 858-005-203RSU4

    Circular Metric Connectors M12 5 Pos F Sold cup Cbl mnt UnSHIELD
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics 858-005-203RSU4 55
    • 1 $9.59
    • 10 $8.15
    • 100 $6.92
    • 1000 $5.88
    • 10000 $5.88
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    NorComp 858-008-203RSU4

    Circular Metric Connectors IP67 Female M12 Cable Mount 8 Position Straight Solder Cup
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics 858-008-203RSU4
    • 1 $10.89
    • 10 $8.88
    • 100 $6.98
    • 1000 $6.43
    • 10000 $6.43
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    Hirschmann Electronics GmbH & Co Kg GRS1040, COVER PLATE PSU SLOT

    Switching Power Supplies Cover plate to cover empty power supply slots on Greyhound 1040 switches
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics GRS1040, COVER PLATE PSU SLOT
    • 1 $59.51
    • 10 $54.62
    • 100 $47.96
    • 1000 $47.96
    • 10000 $47.96
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    RS SU 800 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 2N3899 2n3898 2T610A 2N3897 2N3872 2N6174 2T610 2N3873 t41l
    Text: S ilic o n C o n tro lle d R e c tifie rs Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristors . . . d esig n ed fo r in d u stria l an d co n su m er ap p licatio n s su ch a s p o w er su p p lie s; b atte ry c h a rg e rs; te m p eratu re , m otor, lig ht and w e ld e r co n tro ls.

    OCR Scan
    2N3870 2N3873 2N3896 2N3899 2N6171 2N6174 2N3870 2N3873 2N3896 2N3899 2n3898 2T610A 2N3897 2N3872 2N6174 2T610 t41l PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Switch Mode Capacitors JOHANSON _ DESCRIPTION Jo ha nso n D ie le ctrics o ffe rs th is se rie s of ce ra m ic c a p a c ito rs fo r sw itch m ode pow er su p p ly SM PS output filtering applications. These SM PS -M LC ’s fea­

    OCR Scan

    GE 20 V 510 VARISTOR

    Abstract: ic hc32 GE 20 V 250 VARISTOR
    Text: Varistor Products High Energy Industriai HA Varistor Series § H A S e rie s tra n s ie n t surge su p p re s s o rs are indu strial high en ergy m e tal-oxide v a risto rs (M O Vs . T h ey are d e s ig n e d to provide s e c o n d a ry su rg e pro te c tio n in th e o u td o o r an d se rv ic e e n tra n c e e n vironm e nt

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S ilic o n C o n tro lle d R e ctifie rs Re verse B lo c k in g T rio d e T h y risto rs . . d e sig n e d for industrial and co n su m e r applications such as pow er supplies, battery chargers, tem perature, motor, light and w elder controls. • • •

    OCR Scan
    CR3818 MCR3918( 70r80 PDF


    Abstract: 182T2 234u 251T3 491T3 12t45 143U 461T 500333U 500R392T350DC2B
    Text: SCREW TERMINAL CAPACITORS Long Life, High Ripple Computer Grade Type 500 - Best Value/Type 500X - Max Capacitance/Type 500R - Max Ripple Designed fo r m ainfram e com puters and o th e r long life p ow er su p p ly filte rs applications, Type 500 delivers

    OCR Scan
    perature-40 172T450D 182T450B 500X192T450C 500232T450DE2B 500R232T450D 242T450C 500262T450DF2B 500272T450D 500X282T450D 500R232T450DC2B 182T2 234u 251T3 491T3 12t45 143U 461T 500333U 500R392T350DC2B PDF

    a 104 g

    Abstract: P300D
    Text: OTHER PRODUCTS Ceramic Substrate < O u r h ig h p re c isio n th ic k film p rin tin g te c h n o lo g y w here A g -P d b a se d c o n d u cto rs, low h ig h -fre q u en c y loss A g -P t b a se d c o n d u cto rs and C u ba se d c o n d u cto rs c an be p rin ted o n 9 6% su b strates>

    OCR Scan
    200ppm a 104 g P300D PDF

    Thyristor TAG

    Abstract: thyristor TAG 20 600 2n6342a TAG thyristor thyristor TAG 800 thyristor TAG 20 800
    Text: MOTOROLA SC DIODES/OPTO b4E D • b3b7BSS 0065^36 M0T7 TAG 2N6342A thru 2N6345A T riacs S ilic o n Bidirectional Triode Thyristors . . . d e s ig n e d p rim a rily fo r fu ll-w ave ac control applications, su c h a s light d im m e rs, m o to r co ntrols, h eating c o n tro ls a n d p ow e r su p p lie s; o r w h e re v e r fu ll-w ave silicon

    OCR Scan
    2N6342A 2N6349A Thyristor TAG thyristor TAG 20 600 TAG thyristor thyristor TAG 800 thyristor TAG 20 800 PDF


    Abstract: M101 2SC3551 equivalent
    Text: B IP O LA R T R A N S IS T O R S R atings and Specifications COLLMER Q3 SEMICONDUCTOR INC M6E D • 22307^2 0D01b03 13 1 « C O L Buffer drive tra n sisto rs • B e st su ite d fo r d riv in g t r a n sis to r m o d u le s. • A ll t e r m in a ls are in su la te d fro m m o u n t in g plate.

    OCR Scan
    0D01b03 1SI50A-050 2SC3047 T0-220AB 2SC3549 2SC3551 1SI10A-100 2SD847 2SD1157 et1275 M101 2SC3551 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: ICM7242IJA ICM7240 ICM7240IJE ICM7240IPE ICM7242 ICM7242IPA ICM7250 ICM7260 CD4066 timer
    Text: >kiyjxi>ki F ix e d A n d P ro g ra m m a b le T im e r/C o u n te rs _ F e a tu re s The M axim IC M 7240/50/60 are p rogram m able tim e r/ co u n te rs and the M axim ICM 7242 is a fixed tim e r/ counter. T hey require o n ly 120/zA o f su p p ly current,

    OCR Scan
    ICM7240/ICM7250/ICM7260 ICM7242 120/zA 7240/50/60can ICM7240 CD4066 PIN DIAGRAM ICM7242IJA ICM7240IJE ICM7240IPE ICM7242IPA ICM7250 ICM7260 CD4066 timer PDF

    LT 7242

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: >kiyjxi>ki F ix e d A n d P ro g ra m m a b le T im e r/C o u n te rs _ F e a tu re s The M axim IC M 7240/50/60 are p rogram m able tim e r/ co u n te rs and the M axim ICM 7242 is a fixed tim e r/ counter. T hey require o n ly 120/zA o f su p p ly current,

    OCR Scan
    120/zA 7240/50/60can ICM7240 LT 7242 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M AC228FP Series M AC228AFP Series T riacs Silico n Bidirectional Triode Thyristo rs . . d esig n ed p rim a rily for industrial and co n su m e r applicatio ns for full w a v e co n ­ trol of ac loads such as ap p lian ce controls, heater controls, m otor controls, and

    OCR Scan
    AC228FP AC228AFP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C oax rfi caps & terminations Coax Terminations and RFI Dust Caps . Chain Options: C h a in T ro m p e te r p ro v id e s te rm in a tio n a n d R F I c a p fo r all o u r c o n ­ n e c to rs. R e sisto rs a re n o rm a lly 1/4 w a tt fo r su b m in ia tu re

    OCR Scan
    TNG1-1-78-D3 RFI70-1-D3 RFI25- RFI45- RFI55- RFI55FL- RFI355- PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MAC212FP Series* M AC212AFP Series* Tria cs S ilico n Bidirectional Thyristors 'M o to ro la preferred devices . . . d e s ig n e d p rim arily fo r fu ll-w ave ac co ntrol a p p lication s, su c h a s light d im m e rs, m o to r controls, h eating c o n tro ls a n d p o w e r su p p lie s; o r w h e re v e r fu ll-w a v e silic on gate

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M OTOROLA Order this document by BYT261PIV-400M/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA U ltra fa s t Power R ectifiers BYT261PIV-400M D u al high v o lta g e re ctifie rs su ited fo r S w itc h m o d e P o w e r Supplies and other power converters. • Very Low Reverse Recovery Tim e

    OCR Scan
    BYT261PIV-400M/D E69369 BYT261PIV-400M BYT261PIV-400M OT-227B b3b72SS BYT261PIV400M PDF


    Abstract: RAS508CF ras508af by133
    Text: Silicon Rectifiers S ilico n R e ctifie rs 2,5A load , m ounted on heat. sink KL 15-5 Type M a x im u m R a tings M ax. su rg e v o lta g e Peak re p e titiv e reverse v o lta g e V rrl V V rsl 150 300 600 1200 IS 2,5-100 IS 2,5-200 IS 2,5-400 IS 2,5-800

    OCR Scan
    DO-13 J0-32UNF-2A-M5 ras310af RAS508CF ras508af by133 PDF

    ss8550 TRANSISTOR

    Abstract: SS8550
    Text: MCC TO-92 P lastic-E n cap su late T ran sisto rs ^ SS8550 TRANSISTOR PNP FEATU R E S P cm: 1W (Tam b=25‘C ) ICM: -1.5 A V(BR)CBO: -40 V i temperature range Tj.Tstg: -55°C to + 150°C ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tam b=25°C u n l e s s o t h e r w is e

    OCR Scan
    SS8550 30MHz SS8550 ss8550 TRANSISTOR PDF

    ss8050 TRANSISTOR

    Abstract: SS8050
    Text: M C C TO-92 P lastic-E n cap su late T ra n sisto rs SS8050 TRANSISTOR NPN FEATURES Pcm: 1W (Tamb=25°C) Ic m : 1.5 A V(BR)cso; 40 V [ tem perature range Tj,Tstg; -55°C to + 150°C ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tam b-25°C u n le s s o th e rw ise sp e cifie d)

    OCR Scan
    SS8050 30MHz SS8050 ss8050 TRANSISTOR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NPN SILICON OSCILLATOR AND MIXER TRANSISTOR NE944 SERIES FEATURES DESCRIPTION • LOW COST T he N E 9 44 series o f NPN silicon epitaxial b ipo lar transisto rs is intended fo r use in ge ne ral purpose U H F o scilla to r and m ixer applicatio ns. It is su ita b le fo r au tom otive keyless entry

    OCR Scan
    NE944 NE94430 2SC4184 NE94430-T2 NE94433-T1B 24-Hour PDF

    fm tube transmitter

    Abstract: Q51-X2068 air extractor siemens tube 2068 H7173
    Text: Transmitter Tetrode RS 2068 CL O rd e rin g co d e Q 5 1 -X 2 0 6 8 M e ta l-c e ra m ic te tro d e w ith c o a x ia l le a d -th ro u g h s , e s p e c ia lly su ita b le fo r FM tra n s m itte rs in g ro u n d e d c o n tro l-g rid s c re e n -g rid -c irc u its .

    OCR Scan
    Q51-X2068 fm tube transmitter Q51-X2068 air extractor siemens tube 2068 H7173 PDF

    NEC Electronics uPD Series

    Abstract: 3BSM capacitor 3J3 xxx3b UPD78083
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /iP D 7 8 0 8 1 ,7 8 0 8 2 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER DESCRIPTION The /¿PD78081, 78082 are m em bers o f th e /¿PD78083 su b s e rie s of the 78K /0 se rie s m ic ro c o n tro lle rs . B esides a h ig h -sp e e d , h ig h -p e rfo rm a n ce C PU , th e se m ic ro c o n tro lle rs have o n -ch ip ROM, RAM, I/O ports, 8-bit

    OCR Scan
    uPD78081 uPD78082 uPD78083 78K/0 PD78P083 NEC Electronics uPD Series 3BSM capacitor 3J3 xxx3b PDF


    Abstract: LP1001A
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA The RF Line NPN Silicon High-Frequency Transistors T h e LP1001 is d e s ig n e d fo r C A T V and o th e r B ro a d b a n d lin e a r a p p lic a tio n s . T h is M o to ro la s e rie s o f s m a ll-s ig n a l p la stic tra n s is to rs o ffe rs su p e rio r q u a lity

    OCR Scan
    LP1001 LP1001A PDF

    Z 321 VARISTOR

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Varistor Products i: High Energy Industrial DA/DB Varistor Series SI T h e DA and DB S e rie s tra n s ie n t s u rg e s u p p re s s o rs are heavy-du ty indu strial m e tal-oxid e v a risto rs d e s ig n e d to provide surge protectio n for m o tor co n tro ls an d po w e r su p p lie s use d in o il-d rillin g, m ining, and tra n s ­

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: SIEMENS FLOW TRANSMITTER siemens 350 98 RECTIFIER GI siemens tube Scans-00180438 800 mhz transmitter circuit diagram
    Text: Transmitter Tetrode RS 2054 SK F o r fre q u e n c ie s u p to 150 M H z C o a xia l m e ta l-c e ra m ic te tro d e , O rd e rin g co d e Q 5 3 -X 2 0 5 4 v a p o r-c o n d e n s a tio n -c o o le d , p a rtic u la rly su ita b le fo r 100 kW b ro a d c a s t tra n s m itte rs up to 30 M H z , fo r g rid -c u rre n t fre e o p e ra te d m o d u la to rs in tra n s m itte rs up to

    OCR Scan
    Q53-X2054 RoZub252 RSE0540-F Q53-X2054 SIEMENS FLOW TRANSMITTER siemens 350 98 RECTIFIER GI siemens tube Scans-00180438 800 mhz transmitter circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0367; Rev 0; 2/95 20¡jA, 1/8-Unit-Load, S lew -R ate-Lim ited RS-485 Transceivers The MAX 1482/MAX 1483 draw only 20pA of supply cu r­ rent. A d d itio n a lly , they have a lo w -cu rre n t shutdow n m ode that co n su m e s only 0.1 pA. Both parts operate

    OCR Scan
    RS-485 RS-422 250kbps. 1482/MAX RS-485 AX253 MAX1480 PDF