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    ABLIC Inc. S-93C66BR0I-J8T1U

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    DigiKey S-93C66BR0I-J8T1U Cut Tape 2,187 1
    • 1 $0.58
    • 10 $0.514
    • 100 $0.4559
    • 1000 $0.40461
    • 10000 $0.40461
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    Mouser Electronics S-93C66BR0I-J8T1U
    • 1 -
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    • 10000 $0.3205
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    Chip One Stop S-93C66BR0I-J8T1U Cut Tape 15
    • 1 -
    • 10 $0.163
    • 100 $0.163
    • 1000 $0.163
    • 10000 $0.163
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    Amphenol Communications Solutions D09S93C6PA00LF

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    DigiKey D09S93C6PA00LF Tray 360
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    • 1000 $0.84567
    • 10000 $0.84567
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    Newark D09S93C6PA00LF Bulk 360
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    • 1000 $0.892
    • 10000 $0.892
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    Amphenol Communications Solutions D15S93C6PA00LF

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    DigiKey D15S93C6PA00LF Tray 300
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    • 1000 $1.37217
    • 10000 $1.37217
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    Newark D15S93C6PA00LF Bulk 300
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    • 1000 $1.33
    • 10000 $1.33
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    Amphenol Communications Solutions DAO3W3S93C6G40LF

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    DigiKey DAO3W3S93C6G40LF Tray 300
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    • 1000 $13.341
    • 10000 $13.341
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    Newark DAO3W3S93C6G40LF Bulk 300
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    • 1000 $14.31
    • 10000 $14.31
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    Rochester Electronics LLC CAS93C66VP2I-GT3

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    DigiKey CAS93C66VP2I-GT3 Bulk 579
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    • 1000 $0.52
    • 10000 $0.52
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    S93C6 Datasheets (37)

    ECAD Model
    Datasheet Type
    S-93C66A Seiko Instruments CMOS SERIAL E2PROM Original PDF
    S-93C66ADFJ Seiko Instruments CMOS SERIAL E2PROM Original PDF
    S-93C66ADFJ-TB Seiko Instruments CMOS SERIAL E 2 PROM Original PDF
    S-93C66ADFJ-TB-F Seiko Instruments CMOS SERIAL E 2 PROM Original PDF
    S-93C66ADFJ-TB-S Seiko Instruments CMOS SERIAL E 2 PROM Original PDF
    S-93C66ADP Seiko Instruments CMOS SERIAL E 2 PROM Original PDF
    S-93C66ADP Seiko Instruments CMOS SERIAL E2PROM Original PDF
    S-93C66ADP-1A Seiko Instruments CMOS SERIAL E2PROM Original PDF
    S-93C66ADP-1A Seiko Instruments CMOS SERIAL E 2 PROM Original PDF
    S-93C66ADP-F Seiko Instruments CMOS SERIAL E 2 PROM Original PDF
    S-93C66ADP-S Seiko Instruments CMOS SERIAL E 2 PROM Original PDF
    S-93C66AFJ Seiko Instruments CMOS SERIAL E2PROM Original PDF
    S-93C66AFJ-TB Seiko Instruments CMOS SERIAL E 2 PROM Original PDF
    S-93C66AFJ-TB-F Seiko Instruments CMOS SERIAL E 2 PROM Original PDF
    S-93C66AFJ-TB-S Seiko Instruments CMOS SERIAL E 2 PROM Original PDF
    S-93C66AFT Seiko Instruments CMOS SERIAL E2PROM Original PDF
    S-93C66AFT-TB Seiko Instruments CMOS SERIAL E 2 PROM Original PDF
    S-93C66AFT-TB-F Seiko Instruments CMOS SERIAL E 2 PROM Original PDF
    S-93C66AFT-TB-S Seiko Instruments CMOS SERIAL E 2 PROM Original PDF
    S-93C66AMFN Seiko Instruments CMOS SERIAL E2PROM Original PDF

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    Abstract: capacitor NED je8 S-8353A33MC-IQS-T2 S-8254 battery c2u G83 PNP Transistor b9d s2914 S-8355M50MC-MDJ-T2 AVR 8335 M6M80041
    Text: Network Components Business Unit CMOS IC Product Catalogue 2002-2003 October 2002 SII offers data sheets on the Internet. On SII-IC.COM, SII offers data sheets which summarize the specifications of each IC. For the latest information, access the following WEB site.

    CAC0210EJ0150-10/C 8254aa capacitor NED je8 S-8353A33MC-IQS-T2 S-8254 battery c2u G83 PNP Transistor b9d s2914 S-8355M50MC-MDJ-T2 AVR 8335 M6M80041 PDF


    Abstract: cf745 04 p 24LC211 lattice im4a3-32 CF775 MICROCHIP 29F008 im4a3-64 ks24c01 ep320ipc ALL-11P2
    Text: Device List Adapter List Converter List for ALL-11 JUL. 2000 Introduction T he Device List lets you know exactly which devices the Universal Programmer currently supports. The Device List also lets you know which devices are supported directly by the standard DIP socket and which

    ALL-11 Z86E73 Z86E83 Z89371 ADP-Z89371/-PL Z8E000 ADP-Z8E001 Z8E001 Device-List cf745 04 p 24LC211 lattice im4a3-32 CF775 MICROCHIP 29F008 im4a3-64 ks24c01 ep320ipc ALL-11P2 PDF

    LCD display jhd

    Abstract: jhd 16a S-1380 JHD LCD S-81250SGY s-7116A TRANSISTOR PNP BA RT SOT 89 S-87050 M6M80041 notebook Universal LCD inverter AVT
    Text: CMOS IC Product Catalog Components Headquarters Product Catalog CMOS IC Quartz Crystals Micro Batteries Fiber Optics MATERIALS Liquid Crystal Display Custom LCD Module Please visit our HomePage for more new information. <> Contents

    S-801 S-809 S-808 S-807 Boursidiere-BP72 1-0009-180/SH LCD display jhd jhd 16a S-1380 JHD LCD S-81250SGY s-7116A TRANSISTOR PNP BA RT SOT 89 S-87050 M6M80041 notebook Universal LCD inverter AVT PDF


    Abstract: eeprom atmel 93c66A S24C04B BR9080AF-W EEPROM 24C08A 24lc08b toshiba 24cs02 BR9020RFV-W MICROWIRE eeprom interface
    Text: 10. Replacing Serial EEPROMs with MAX II User Flash Memory MII51012-1.5 Introduction Each MAX II device has a user flash memory UFM block to store up to 8 Kbits of user data. You can use the UFM block to replace on-board flash and EEPROM memory devices which are used to store ASSP or processor configuration bits, or

    MII51012-1 PROGRAM TO INTERFACE SERIAL EEPROM AT24C02 eeprom atmel 93c66A S24C04B BR9080AF-W EEPROM 24C08A 24lc08b toshiba 24cs02 BR9020RFV-W MICROWIRE eeprom interface PDF

    93C66* SEIKO

    Abstract: S-93C46B S-93C56B S-93C66B CS 13003 transistor 93C66BD0H S93C56BD S93C46BD 93c66bd
    Text: S-93C46B/56B/66B H Series 105°C OPERATION 3-WIRE SERIAL E2PROM FOR AUTOMOTIVE Rev.2.0_00 Seiko Instruments Inc., 2010 The S-93C46B/56B/66B H Series is a high temperature operation 1/2/4 K-bit 3-wire serial E2PROM for automotive components. It is organized as 64-word x 16-bit, 128-word × 16-bit, 256-word × 16-bit, respectively. Each is capable of

    S-93C46B/56B/66B S-93C46B/56B/66B 64-word 16-bit, 128-word 256-word 16-bit 93C66* SEIKO S-93C46B S-93C56B S-93C66B CS 13003 transistor 93C66BD0H S93C56BD S93C46BD 93c66bd PDF

    2952 8pin

    Abstract: S-93C56A 93C66* SEIKO NM93CS46 NM93CS56 NM93CS66 S-93C46A S-93C46AFT S-93C56AFT S-93C66A
    Text: Rev. 2.2 S-93C46A/56A/66A CMOS SERIAL E2PROM The S-93C46A/56A/66A is high speed, low power 1K/2K/4K-bit E 2 PROM with a wide operating voltage range. It is organized as 64-word x16-bit, 128word×16-bit, 256-word×16-bit, respectivly. Each is capable of sequential

    S-93C46A/56A/66A S-93C46A/56A/66A 64-word 16-bit, 128word 256-word 16-bit NM93CS46/56/66. 2952 8pin S-93C56A 93C66* SEIKO NM93CS46 NM93CS56 NM93CS66 S-93C46A S-93C46AFT S-93C56AFT S-93C66A PDF

    EPM570 footprint

    Abstract: EPM240T100C5 Agilent 3070 Manual transistor SMD marked RNW smd transistors code alg EPM1270F256C5 EPM1270T144 project transistor tester 555 4-bit AHDL adder subtractor 1ff TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE
    Text: MAX II Device Handbook Preliminary Information 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 408 544-7000 MII5V1-1.2 Copyright 2004 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company, the stylized Altera logo, specific device designations, and all other words and logos that are identified as trademarks and/or service marks are, unless noted otherwise, the trademarks and

    EPM1270F256C3 EPM1270 EPM1270F256C4 EPM1270F256C5 EPM1270T144C3 EPM1270T144C4 EPM1270T144C5 EPM1270* EPM570 footprint EPM240T100C5 Agilent 3070 Manual transistor SMD marked RNW smd transistors code alg EPM1270T144 project transistor tester 555 4-bit AHDL adder subtractor 1ff TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE PDF


    Abstract: S93C56 S-93C46B S-93C66B
    Text: S-93C46B/56B/66B 3-WIRE SERIAL E2PROM Rev.8.0_00 Seiko Instruments Inc., 2002-2011 The S-93C46B/56B/66B is a high speed, low current consumption, 3-wire serial E2PROM with a wide operating voltage range. The S-93C46B/56B/66B has the capacity of 1 K-bit, 2 K-bit and 4 K-bit, and the organization is 64-word x 16-bit,

    S-93C46B/56B/66B S-93C46B/56B/66B 64-word 16-bit, 128-word 16-bit 256-word 16-bit. S-93C56B S93C56 S-93C46B S-93C66B PDF


    Abstract: S-93C66BR0I-J8T1G S93C56BD0I-I8T1G S-93C66BD0I-J8T1G S93C56BR NM93CS46 NM93CS56 S-93C46B S-93C56B S-93C66B
    Text: Rev.4.3_00 S-93C46B/56B/66B CMOS SERIAL E2PROM The S-93C46B/56B/66B is a high speed, low current consumption, 1/2/4 K-bit serial E2PROM with a wide operating voltage range. It is organized as 64-word x 16bit, 128-word × 16-bit, 256-word × 16-bit, respectively.

    S-93C46B/56B/66B S-93C46B/56B/66B 64-word 16bit, 128-word 16-bit, 256-word 16-bit NM93CS46/56/66. S-93C46BD0I-J8T1G S-93C66BR0I-J8T1G S93C56BD0I-I8T1G S-93C66BD0I-J8T1G S93C56BR NM93CS46 NM93CS56 S-93C46B S-93C56B S-93C66B PDF

    IC ax 2008 USB FM PLAYER

    Abstract: ATMEL 118 93C66A ax 2008 USB FM PLAYER free transistor equivalent book 2sc Agilent 3070 Tester 24C08A Agilent 3070 Manual atmel 93c66A BGA PACKAGE OUTLINE rohm cross
    Text: MAX II Device Handbook 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 MII5V1-3.3 Copyright 2009 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company, the stylized Altera logo, specific device designations, and all other



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MEMORIES S-24C01B/02B/04B 2-WIRE SERIAL E2PROM SPECIFICATIONS Product name Item Memory size Organization Page write size S-24C01B 1 Kb 128 x 8 bits 8 bytes S-24C02B 2 Kb 256 × 8 bits 8 bytes S-24C04B 4 Kb 512 × 8 bits 16 bytes Operating voltage range Current consumption



    Abstract: 93C66* Equivalents diode 66a ic 93C66A NM93CS46 NM93CS56 NM93CS66 S-93C46A S-93C56A S-93C66A
    Text: Rev. 2.2_10 S-93C46A/56A/66A CMOS SERIAL E2PROM The S-93C46A/56A/66A is high speed, low power 1K/2K/4K-bit E 2 PROM with a wide operating voltage range. It is organized as 64-word x16-bit, 128word×16-bit, 256-word×16-bit, respectivly. Each is capable of sequential

    S-93C46A/56A/66A S-93C46A/56A/66A 64-word 16-bit, 128word 256-word 16-bit NM93CS46/56/66. S93C56 93C66* Equivalents diode 66a ic 93C66A NM93CS46 NM93CS56 NM93CS66 S-93C46A S-93C56A S-93C66A PDF

    atmel 93c66A

    Abstract: S93C56 BR24L08FV-W eeprom EEPROM AT24C02 EEPROM 24lc08b ATMEL 24C08A 24lc08b toshiba 25LC040 BR9080AF-W
    Text: Chapter 10. Replacing Serial EEPROMs with MAX II User Flash Memory MII51012-1.3 Introduction Each MAX II device has a user flash memory UFM block to store up to 8 Kbits of user data. You can use the UFM block to replace on-board flash and EEPROM memory devices which are used to store ASSP or processor

    MII51012-1 atmel 93c66A S93C56 BR24L08FV-W eeprom EEPROM AT24C02 EEPROM 24lc08b ATMEL 24C08A 24lc08b toshiba 25LC040 BR9080AF-W PDF


    Abstract: S13P40A IC HS 8110 equivalent transistor s8850 4609 MOSFET INVERTER chip 8-pin 4502 S-2927A bu 808 af S8850 by 808 dfx
    Text: CMOS IC Product Catalog Components Headquaters Product Catalog CMOS IC Quartz Crystals Micro Batteries Fiber Optics MATERIALS Liquid Crystal Display Custom LCD Module Please visit our HomePage for more new information. <> Contents

    S-808 S-807 S-806 S-809 1-9807-020-MS/AC S7116A S13P40A IC HS 8110 equivalent transistor s8850 4609 MOSFET INVERTER chip 8-pin 4502 S-2927A bu 808 af S8850 by 808 dfx PDF


    Abstract: d87c257 D27128 NEC AM27020 d2732 UPD6252 ST93C76 NEC D2732 microchip CY7C63000 GAL20AS
    Text: GALEP 4 - device support for GALEP32 software version 1.14.12 ! Bauteile im DIL Gehäuse benötigen keinen Adapter ! Devices in DIL package do not require any adapter -EEPROM

    GALEP32 AT28C010 AT28C04 AT28C16 AT28C17 AT28C256 AT28C256 AT28C64 AT28C64B CAT28C16A ST93C86 d87c257 D27128 NEC AM27020 d2732 UPD6252 ST93C76 NEC D2732 microchip CY7C63000 GAL20AS PDF


    Abstract: NM93CS46 NM93CS56 NM93CS66 S-93C46A S-93C46AFT S-93C56A S-93C56AFT S-93C66A
    Text: Contents Features . 1 Pin Assignment . 1 Pin Functions. 1 Block Diagram . 2


    source code for eeprom 24LC

    Abstract: atmel 93c66A S93C56 BR9080AF-W i2c software program at24c04 24C02B 25LC080 atmel 24c02a S-93C56B stmicroelectronics "serial eeprom"
    Text: Section III. User Flash Memory This section provides information on the user flash memory UFM block in MAX II devices. This section includes the following chapters: • Chapter 9, Using User Flash Memory in MAX II Devices ■ Chapter 10, Replacing Serial EEPROMs with MAX II User Flash Memory



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Rev. 4.0_00 S-93C46B/56B/66B CMOS SERIAL E2PROM The S-93C46B/56B/66B is a high speed, low current consumption, 1/2/4 K-bit serial E2PROM with a wide operating voltage range. It is organized as 64-word x 16-bit, 128-word × 16-bit, 256-word × 16-bit, respectively. Each is capable of sequential read, at

    S-93C46B/56B/66B S-93C46B/56B/66B 64-word 16-bit, 128-word 256-word 16-bit NM93CS46/56/66. PDF


    Abstract: S93C66BD0ID8S1G S-93C46B S-93C46BD0I-D8S1G S-93C56B S-93C66B S93C56BR S93C46BD S93C66BR
    Text: S-93C46B/56B/66B 3 线串行 E2PROM Rev.7.0_00 Seiko Instruments Inc., 2002-2010 S-93C46B/56B/66B 是高速低消耗电流和宽工作电压范围的 3 线串行 E2PROM。容量有 1 K、2 K 及 4 K 位,构成分别是 64 字x16 位、128 字×16 位及 256 字×16 位。可以连续读出,这时的地址会按每 16 位自动地增量。

    S-93C46B/56B/66B S-93C46B S-93C56B S-93C66B S-93C46BD0I-D8S1G S-93C56 FM008-A-P-SD-1 S-93C66BD0I-D8S1G S93C66BD0ID8S1G S-93C46B S-93C46BD0I-D8S1G S-93C56B S-93C66B S93C56BR S93C46BD S93C66BR PDF


    Abstract: s-93C76a seiko Cross Reference MII51001-1 AGILENT 3070
    Text: MAX II Device Handbook Preliminary Information 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 408 544-7000 MII5V1-1.6 Copyright 2005 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company, the stylized Altera logo, specific device designations, and all other words and logos that are identified as trademarks and/or service marks are, unless noted otherwise, the trademarks and


    SK 7617

    Abstract: EEPROM TOSHIBA atmel 93c66A S-93C56B 24C02B SSOP8 reflow TC9WMB8FU AK93C45A TC9WMB1A TC9WMB2A TC9WMB4 TC9WMB8 AT93C46
    Text: 2005-7 PRODUCT GUIDE Mini-MOS Serial EEPROM —TC9WM Series semiconductor C 2 O N T E N T S 1. TC9WM Series Overview 3 2. TC9WMB Series 4 3. TC9WMC Series 6 4. TC9WMA Series 8 5. Equivalent Products from Other Manufacturers

    BCE0007A SK 7617 EEPROM TOSHIBA atmel 93c66A S-93C56B 24C02B SSOP8 reflow TC9WMB8FU AK93C45A TC9WMB1A TC9WMB2A TC9WMB4 TC9WMB8 AT93C46 PDF


    Abstract: S-93C66A S93C66 93C66AM tb 1230 n NM93CS46 NM93CS56 NM93CS66 S-93C46A VCC18
    Text: Rev. 1.2_30 S-93C46A/56A/66A シリアルE2PROM CMOS S-93C46A/56A/66A は高速・低消費電流・ワイドレンジ動作のシリア ル E2PROM です。容量は 1K、2K、4K ビットで、構成はそれぞれ 64 語 x16 ビット、128 語×16 ビット、256 語×16 ビットです。連続読み出しが

    S-93C46A/56A/66A NM93CS46/56/66 S-93C46A 1KNM93CS46 S-93C56A 2KNM93CS56 S-93C66A 4KNM93CS66 DP008-A S-93C56A S-93C66A S93C66 93C66AM tb 1230 n NM93CS46 NM93CS56 NM93CS66 S-93C46A VCC18 PDF


    Abstract: 93a76 93a86 93C66* SEIKO S-24C car ecu microprocessors S-93A66A S-93C46B 93a66 S-24CS02A
    Text: su •* 011nioini if N iin iiiiiM ir j W'. ''Tnii IipiOjJ'1«i I 1 • \ i. J jr T . d r J i— L I . ' i I ‘ 11J fa fa ic m p M i D i p : MNIfl 1101)1!, hi i)TNI I 'i"'ll-lM'in11: .¡M Ml1 1 1 C MO S ♦ IC E 2 P ROM HIGH RELlABI l.l TV & SMALL. PACKAGE

    OCR Scan
    10-million-cycle 100-year 2003nc. PFC0303ZJ0050-1 93c45 93a76 93a86 93C66* SEIKO S-24C car ecu microprocessors S-93A66A S-93C46B 93a66 S-24CS02A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: c V d MICROELECTRONICS n o - . , Exc,it,nc,m e> Preliminary XL93C66 4096-Bit Serial Electrically Erasable PROM with 2V Read Capability FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATIONS • State-of-the-Art Architecture — Non-volatile data storage — Single supply - 5V operation

    OCR Scan
    XL93C66 4096-Bit S93C66 PDF