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    Abstract: Fiber-optic temperature sensor 850nm photodiode 850nm photodiode Fiber-optic fiber-optic photodiode for 850nm SA5211 SA5211D CURRENT TRANSFORMER transimpedance SA52-11 RF Transistor s-parameter 50Mhz
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Transimpedance amplifier 180MHz NE/SA5211 DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION The NE/SA5211 is a 28kΩ transimpedance, wide-band, low noise amplifier with differential outputs, particularly suitable for signal recovery in fiber optic receivers. The part is ideally suited for many

    180MHz) NE/SA5211 NE/SA5211 180MHz NE5211D Fiber-optic temperature sensor 850nm photodiode 850nm photodiode Fiber-optic fiber-optic photodiode for 850nm SA5211 SA5211D CURRENT TRANSFORMER transimpedance SA52-11 RF Transistor s-parameter 50Mhz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SA5211 Transimpedance amplifier 180 MHz Rev. 03 — 07 October 1998 Product specification 1. Description The SA5211 is a 28 kΩ transimpedance, wide-band, low noise amplifier with differential outputs, particularly suitable for signal recovery in fiber optic receivers.

    SA5211 SA5211 PDF

    ua 471 instrumentation amplifier

    Abstract: philips semiconductors LED SA5211D 850 nm LED for fiber-optic sensor 850 nm photodiode for fiber-optic sensor 850nm pair of optical Fiber-optic led Diode 850nm fiber-optic photodiode for 850nm joule thief Philips 36 watt laminar
    Text: SA5211 Transimpedance amplifier 180 MHz Rev. 03 — 07 October 1998 Product specification 1. Description The SA5211 is a 28 kΩ transimpedance, wide-band, low noise amplifier with differential outputs, particularly suitable for signal recovery in fiber optic receivers.

    SA5211 SA5211 ua 471 instrumentation amplifier philips semiconductors LED SA5211D 850 nm LED for fiber-optic sensor 850 nm photodiode for fiber-optic sensor 850nm pair of optical Fiber-optic led Diode 850nm fiber-optic photodiode for 850nm joule thief Philips 36 watt laminar PDF

    BPF31 PIN

    Abstract: RESISTOR philips 5053 Fiber-optic temperature sensor 850nm photodiode CURRENT TRANSFORMER transimpedance RF Transistor s-parameter 50Mhz 850nm photodiode Fiber-optic fiber-optic photodiode for 850nm transimpedance amplifier SA5211 SA5211D
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS SA5211 Transimpedance amplifier 180MHz Product specification Replaces datasheet NE/SA5211 of 1995 Apr 26 IC19 Data Handbook Philips Semiconductors 1998 Oct 07 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Transimpedance amplifier (180MHz)

    SA5211 180MHz) NE/SA5211 SA5211 BPF31 PIN RESISTOR philips 5053 Fiber-optic temperature sensor 850nm photodiode CURRENT TRANSFORMER transimpedance RF Transistor s-parameter 50Mhz 850nm photodiode Fiber-optic fiber-optic photodiode for 850nm transimpedance amplifier SA5211D PDF

    Diode SV-02

    Abstract: 424 8P 850 nm LED for fiber-optic sensor 850 nm photodiode for fiber-optic sensor 850nm photodiode Fiber-optic fiber-optic photodiode for 850nm photodiode for fiber-optic sensor 850 nm TRANSIMpedance Amplifier NE5211D SA5211
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS NE/SA5211 Transimpedance amplifier 180MHz Product specification 1995 Apr 26 IC19 Philips Semiconductors PHILIPS 7110fl2tj ODfl^T^a DDT • ! Philips Semiconductors Product specification Transimpedance amplifier (180MHz) NE/SA5211 DESCRIPTION

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    NE/SA5211 180MHz) 7110fl2tj NE/SA5211 28ki2 180MHz sot108-1 076e06s Diode SV-02 424 8P 850 nm LED for fiber-optic sensor 850 nm photodiode for fiber-optic sensor 850nm photodiode Fiber-optic fiber-optic photodiode for 850nm photodiode for fiber-optic sensor 850 nm TRANSIMpedance Amplifier NE5211D SA5211 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P h ilip s S e m ic o n d u c to rs P ro d u c t s p e c ific a tio n Transimpedance amplifier 180MHz DESCRIPTION NE/SA5211 PIN CONFIGURATION T h e N E /S A 5 2 1 1 is a 2 8 k i i tra n s im p e d an ce, w id e -b a n d , lo w noise D Package a m p lifie r w ith differential ou tp u ts, p a rtic u la rly s u ita b le for signal

    OCR Scan
    180MHz) NE/SA5211 PDF