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    SIGNETICS LINEAR 1985 Search Results

    SIGNETICS LINEAR 1985 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TC75S102F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Operational Amplifier, 1.5V to 5.5V, I/O Rail to Rail, IDD=0.27μA, SOT-25 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCR5RG28A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation LDO Regulator, Fixed Output, 2.8 V, 500 mA, WCSP4F Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCR3DM18 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation LDO Regulator, Fixed Output, 1.8 V, 300 mA, DFN4 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCR3DG18 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation LDO Regulator, Fixed Output, 1.8 V, 300 mA, WCSP4E Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCR2EF18 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation LDO Regulator, Fixed Output, 1.8 V, 200 mA, SOT-25 (SMV) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    SIGNETICS LINEAR 1985 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TIB82S105BC 16 x 48 × 8 FIELD-PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC SEQUENCER WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS OR PRESET SRPS025A D2897, SEPTEMBER 1985 – REVISED NOVEMBER 1995 • • • • • • N PACKAGE 50-MHz Clock Rate TOP VIEW Power-On Preset of All Flip-Flops CLK I7

    TIB82S105BC SRPS025A D2897, 50-MHz 82S105Aâ TIB82S105BC PDF

    IR TRansmitter and receiver wikipedia

    Abstract: SIEMENS 565-2 white noise Generator 1GHz ECC85 samsung colour tv kit circuit diagram Kathrein Antennas elektra c radio diagram philips rf manual Funkamateur varactor diode model in ADS
    Text: Semiconductors Appendix RF Manual 6th edition May 2005 date of release: May 2005 document order number: 9397 750 15125 Contents 1. RF Application-Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5


    QPSK telephone modem schematic

    Abstract: LMS adaptive filter matlab gmsk demodulator 16 QAM modulation matlab code 4G lte chip modem maho 900 matlab code for audio equalizer 2b1q transformers matched filter matlab codes design HF PSK modem
    Text: Telecommunications Applications With the TMS320C5x DSPs Edited by Mansoor A. Chishtie Digital Signal Processing Applications — Semiconductor Group Texas Instruments Incorporated SPRA033 October 1994 Printed on Recycled Paper Part I Introduction Part II Digital Cellular Systems

    TMS320C5x SPRA033 TMS320 90CH2868-8, TMS32010" TMS320C25 QPSK telephone modem schematic LMS adaptive filter matlab gmsk demodulator 16 QAM modulation matlab code 4G lte chip modem maho 900 matlab code for audio equalizer 2b1q transformers matched filter matlab codes design HF PSK modem PDF

    SAA1029 equivalent

    Abstract: TDA1060 NE5205 TDA1060/k2645 equivalent
    Text: PREFACE The linear LSI Division, one o f five Signetics divisions, is a m ajor supplier o f a broad line o f linear integrated circuits ranging from high-performance designs to many o f the more popular industry standard devices and custom designs. Em ploying Signatics' high q u a lity processing and screening standards, the Linear

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    SG1524C /2524C /3524C SG1527 E5563 NE5560 DAC800 MC1488 1489/M NE5020 SAA1029 equivalent TDA1060 NE5205 TDA1060/k2645 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: glass delay line television circuit diagram delay line glass television diagram
    Text: Advance Information Signetics Linear Products Monolithic Integrated Delay Line and Filter Com bination for NTSC Television Receivers DESCRIPTION FEATURES Monolithic integrated delay line and filter combination for NTSC television receiv­ ers. It is intended to be used in combina­

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    TDA3563. TDA3563 glass delay line television circuit diagram delay line glass television diagram PDF

    Wien Bridge Oscillator with RC bridge

    Abstract: amplitude controlled Wien Bridge Oscillator NE5230 1980 Audio Handbook application of Wien Bridge Oscillator low distortion Wien Bridge Oscillator book cook TC236
    Text: Signetics AN1512 All in One: NE5230 Application Note Linear Products Author: Tony Aguilar ABSTRACT Recent improvements in low voltage opera­ tional amplifier design have resulted in novel applications formerly thought impossible. De­ sign improvements include rail-to-rail opera­

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    AN1512 NE5230 NE5230 TDA1015; Wien Bridge Oscillator with RC bridge amplitude controlled Wien Bridge Oscillator 1980 Audio Handbook application of Wien Bridge Oscillator low distortion Wien Bridge Oscillator book cook TC236 PDF

    LA 8265 transistor

    Abstract: TDA3562A
    Text: Product Specification Signetics Linear Products PAL/ NTSC Decoder TDA3662A GENERAL DESCRIPTION The TDA3562A is a monolithic integrated decoder fo r the PAL and/or NTSC colour television standards. It combines all functions required fo r the identification and demodulation o f PAL/NTSC signals.

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    TDA3662A TDA3562A TDA3562A TDA3590 TDA3562A. TDA3590: LA 8265 transistor PDF


    Abstract: SCN8048 Optical Couplers mikroc signetics linear 1985 pulse position modulation AN1311
    Text: Signetics AN1311 Low Cost A/D Conversion Using the NE5044 Application Note Linear Products Figure 1 shows an application for a multiplex A /D conversion using the pulse position en­ coder NE5044. In addition to its low cost per channel, the NE5044 has the following ad*

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    AN1311 NE5044 NE5044. NE5044 16-pin SCN8048 Optical Couplers mikroc signetics linear 1985 pulse position modulation AN1311 PDF


    Abstract: SCN-8031 full bridge mosfet smps MEA8000 TDA1011 equivalent
    Text: Signetics Linear Products Preliminary Speech Synthesizer DESCRIPTION The MEA8000 is a 24-pin N MOS integrated circu it for generating good quality speech from dig ita l code w ith a program m able b it rate. The circu it is prim arily intended fo r applications in m icroprocessor controlled

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    MEA8000 24-pin MEA8000 32-bit TDA1011 SCN-8031 full bridge mosfet smps TDA1011 equivalent PDF

    speech synthesizer

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Signetics Linear Products Preliminary Speech Synthesizer DESCRIPTION The MEA8000 is a 24-pin N MOS integrated circu it for generating good qua lity speech from dig ita l code w ith a program m able b it rate. The circu it is prim arily intended fo r a pplications In m icroprocessor controlled

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    MEA8000 24-pin MEA8000 32-bit speech synthesizer PDF


    Abstract: 100MHz high-frequency generator NE5205N NE5205EC NE5205D SE5205FE
    Text: Signetics NE/SA/SE5205 Wide-band High-Frequency Amplifier Product Specification Linear Products DESCRIPTION The N E /S A /S E 5205 is a high-frequency amplifier with a fixed insertion gain of 20dB. The gain is flat to ± 0.5dB from DC to 450MHz, and the -3 d B bandwidth is

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    NE/SA/SE5205 NE5205 SA5205 /SE5205 450MHz, 600MHz 0PW860S 100MHz high-frequency generator NE5205N NE5205EC NE5205D SE5205FE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product Specification Signetics Linear Products Transmission Interface with Loudspeaking Facility G ENERA L DESCRIPTION The T E A 10 42 is a bipolar integrated c irc u it perform ing all speech and line interface fun ctions in electronic telephone sets. I t is especially designed fo r handsfree loudspeaking equipm ent.

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    TEA1042 PDF


    Abstract: K A1042 A1042 Microphone Preamplifier high gain
    Text: Product Specification Signetics Linear Products Transmission Interface with Loudspeaking Facility TEA1042 G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N The T E A 1 0 4 2 is a bipolar integrated circuit perform ing all speech and line interface functions in electronic telephone sets. I t is especially designed fo r handsfree loudspeaking equipm ent.

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    TEA1042 TEA1042 K A1042 A1042 Microphone Preamplifier high gain PDF


    Abstract: TDA1520 "Audio Amplifier" tda1520a tda audio amplifier 20w tda tda 1520a 10w TDA1520A tda1520a audio amplifier
    Text: Product Specification Signetics Linear Products 20W Hi-Fi Audio Amplifier TDA1520A G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N The T D A 1 5 2 0 A is a m o n o lith ic integrated hi-fi audio power am plifier designed fo r asym m etrical or sym m etrical power supplies for mains-fed apparatus.

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    TDA1520A TDA1520A Z9117 TDA1520AQ TDA1520 "Audio Amplifier" tda1520a tda audio amplifier 20w tda tda 1520a 10w tda1520a audio amplifier PDF

    80 ac to 220v ac stabilizer

    Abstract: 220v ac voltage stabilizer circuit THERMISTOR NTC 470-15 thermostat pw zero crossing triac thermostat triac 100a ntc 470-15 bt13b 1200w power amplifier circuit diagram zero crossing triac
    Text: Signetics Linear Products Product Specification Zero Crossing Triac Trigger TDA1024 G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N T he T D A 1 0 2 4 is a b ip o la r in te gra te d c ir c u it d e liverin g p o sitive pulses f o r trig g e rin g a tria c o r a th y ris to r. I t is p rim a rily in te nd e d fo r use as a sta tic s w itch to replace m echanical th e rm o sta ts th a t

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    TDA1024 TDA1024 BYW56 TDA1024. 7z74246 80 ac to 220v ac stabilizer 220v ac voltage stabilizer circuit THERMISTOR NTC 470-15 thermostat pw zero crossing triac thermostat triac 100a ntc 470-15 bt13b 1200w power amplifier circuit diagram zero crossing triac PDF


    Abstract: NE602 equivalent NE602 application note NE602 equivalent circuit NE602 application Signetics NE602 NE602N NE602 ic AN1982 10.7MHz, shielded IF transformer
    Text: AN 1993 Signetics High Sensitivity Applications of Low-Power RF/IF Integrated Circuits Unear Products Application Note ABSTRACT This paper discusses four high sensitivity receivers and IF Intermediate Frequency strips which utilize intermediate frequencies

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    49MHz 90MHz 100MHz NE/SA604A AN1982 NE602 NE602 equivalent NE602 application note NE602 equivalent circuit NE602 application Signetics NE602 NE602N NE602 ic 10.7MHz, shielded IF transformer PDF

    equivalent data book of 10N60 mosfet

    Abstract: MC14016CP GD4511 an-6466 CX 2859 SMD 74AC14 spice 6120* harris HCF4018be 7028 SMD Transistor spice irfbc40
    Text: $5.00 S E M I C O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Harris Marketing Support Services HMSS , 1-800-4HARRIS HMSS provides world-class service to customers requiring information on all products offered by Harris Semiconductor. Ask Harris Marketing Support Services for answers concerning:

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    1-800-4HARRIS equivalent data book of 10N60 mosfet MC14016CP GD4511 an-6466 CX 2859 SMD 74AC14 spice 6120* harris HCF4018be 7028 SMD Transistor spice irfbc40 PDF


    Abstract: signetics handbook
    Text: Philips Sem lconductors-Slgnetics FA ST TTL Logic Series Quality and reliability SUMMARY The Signetics Company was founded in September, 1961 by a group of scientists and engineers who were among the pioneers in the development of integrated circuits. Signetics, acquired by Philips in 1975, was

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    100th INCOMING RAW MATERIAL INSPECTION format signetics handbook PDF


    Abstract: SAA1062A
    Text: Sìgnetics Linear Products Product Specification SAA1062A SAA1062AT LCD Display/Interface Circuit G ENERA L DESCRIPTION T h e S A A 1 0 6 2 A isdesigned to d riv e a Liqu id Crystal Display LCD o f a digital tuning system. It contains a s h ift register w ith programmable length (18 o r 21 bits), latches, both synchronized o r static, exclusiveOR segment drivers (17 o r 20 bits), an l.f. oscillator and a backplane driver fo r the LCD. The c irc u it is

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    SAA1062A SAA1062AT 20-segment 7Z86856 SAA1062 PDF

    Signal mixing NE602

    Abstract: philips lbb 3300 NE614AN ne602 BLOCK DIAGRAM NE602 SA614AD audio limiter ic SA604 SA614A filter 455khz
    Text: RF COMMUNICATIONS PRODUCTS N E /S A 6 1 4 A Low power FM IF system Product specification RF GommuojcationsJHandbook December 1 5 ,1 9 9 4 %7 Philips Semiconductors PH ILIPS V ¿ d! ?13iOfl2b 00ÛM54L, 3T3 PHILIPS Philips Semiconductors RF Communications Products

    OCR Scan
    NE/SA614A 13iOfl2b NE/SA614A 853-0406C 711Dfl2b Signal mixing NE602 philips lbb 3300 NE614AN ne602 BLOCK DIAGRAM NE602 SA614AD audio limiter ic SA604 SA614A filter 455khz PDF


    Abstract: t15j 1982U
    Text: May 1992 g o > o CD o \ + - H -| - 0 - [ d Í [q ^0 o 4 (0.10 )| 957 Q.138 (3.51) 0.120 (3.05) m Z m ^ | > H ^ j T | E | D (D |o , i o |o, 5 ) 0 | 32 T3 w O 3 (Q a> 2 o o NOTES 1. C o ntrolling dim en sion: Inches. M etric are sh o w n in parentheses.

    OCR Scan
    OT136A 28-PIN OT232 32-PIN OD232 t15j 1982U PDF

    fm radio using cd 1619 CP ic circuit diagram

    Abstract: PNA7509P TDA1517 equivalent TDA1541A S1 PNA7518P tda7052 equivalent TDA1011 equivalent TEA5570 TEA5570 equivalent mesa
    Text: RADIO, A U D IO AND ASSOCIATED SYSTEMS BIPOLAR, MOS Part a page Selection guide Functional in d e x . Numerical in d e x .

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    Abstract: Fairchild dtl catalog free transistor equivalent book 2sc lm741 MA339PC MA725HM MA7805KM UA759 gi 9640 diod MA4136PC
    Text: $9.9! •— r c m m pq, F A IR C H IL D A S chlum berger C om pany Linear Data Book Linear Division Introduction The Linear Data Book includes the standard linear product line plus our new W inchester Disk Drive circuits and CLASIC standard cells. For ease o f reference linear

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    S-11743 S-16308 CH-1218 UA317 Fairchild dtl catalog free transistor equivalent book 2sc lm741 MA339PC MA725HM MA7805KM UA759 gi 9640 diod MA4136PC PDF

    logos 4012B

    Abstract: 1LB553 Rauland ETS-003 Silec Semiconductors MCP 7833 4057A transistor sr52 74c912 1TK552 74S485

    OCR Scan
    TDA1510 TDA1510A logos 4012B 1LB553 Rauland ETS-003 Silec Semiconductors MCP 7833 4057A transistor sr52 74c912 1TK552 74S485 PDF