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    SL6638 Search Results

    SL6638 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A } PLESSE Y Semiconductors. SL6638 200MHz DIRECT CONVERSION FSK DATA RECEIVER The SL6638 is a lower power direct conversion radio receiver for the reception of frequency shift keyed transmissions. It features the capabilities of power down' for battery conservation and control of an external DC-DC

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    SL6638 200MHz SL6638 200nV PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SL6637 DIRECT CONVERSION FSK RECEIVER FO R C O M M ITM E N T O N LY - N O T TO B E U S ED FOR NEW D E SIG N S R E C O M M E N D ED ALTERNATIVES: SL6638 OR SL6639 T h e S L 6 6 3 7 is a to w e r p o w e r d ire c t c o n v e rs io n ra d io re c e iv e r fo r th e re c e p tio n o< fre q u e n c y s h ift ke y e d

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    SL6637 SL6638 SL6639 PDF

    8-12 GHz Yig Tuned Oscillator

    Abstract: PM7015X yig oscillator hp electromagnetic pulse generator jammer SIVERS yig PM7892 PM7288X 8-12 GHz Yig Tuned filter PM7101X x-band waveguide isolators
    Text: PHILIPS & Microwave Products s iv a ts a m The Company SIVERS IMA In January 1984 the two microwave companies Sivers Lab est. 1951 and I.M.A. (est. 1975) were merged into one of the leading European supplier of microwave products: SIVERS IMA AB. The main product lines are Switches, Rotary Joints,

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    MIL-C-45662) S-126 17173-SILAB-S S-163 8-12 GHz Yig Tuned Oscillator PM7015X yig oscillator hp electromagnetic pulse generator jammer SIVERS yig PM7892 PM7288X 8-12 GHz Yig Tuned filter PM7101X x-band waveguide isolators PDF