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    STRE 1601 Search Results

    STRE 1601 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    PL160-101L Coilcraft Inc Datacom Transformer, Visit Coilcraft Inc
    DFT7160-105BLC Coilcraft Inc Data Line Filter, Visit Coilcraft Inc
    PL160-102L Coilcraft Inc Datacom Transformer, Visit Coilcraft Inc
    DFT7160-105BLB Coilcraft Inc Data Line Filter, Visit Coilcraft Inc
    DFT7160-105BL Coilcraft Inc Filter, data line, SMT, RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc

    STRE 1601 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T e ch . D ata : SCHNITT A-A 5,08 -0,15 0,76 N/2 x 2,54 -0,2 A 1,2 Contact Pin Kontaktstift Is o lie rk ör pe r / Ins u la tio n Bo d y: F ar b e / C o lou r: Br en n b ar ke it / Fla m ma b ility: PC T -G F3 0 -F R s ch w a rz / b la ck UL 9 4 V-0 Ko n ta k ts tift / C o n tac t Pin


    LS141 equivalent

    Abstract: ls141 op amp BD708 equivalent BD907 equivalent transistor KSP 42 LS141 STRE1601 transistor KSP 13 J 31 transistor KSP 31 transistor KSP 56
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE THE L290/L291/L292 DC MOTOR SPEED/POSITION CONTROL SYSTEM The L290, L291 and L292 together form a complete microprocessor-controlled DC motor servopositioning system that is both fast and accurate. This design guide presents a description of the system, detailed function descriptions of each device and application information.

    L290/L291/L292 LS141 equivalent ls141 op amp BD708 equivalent BD907 equivalent transistor KSP 42 LS141 STRE1601 transistor KSP 13 J 31 transistor KSP 31 transistor KSP 56 PDF

    LS141 equivalent

    Abstract: LS141 L292 L292 equivalent ls141 op amp transistor KSP 56 BD907 equivalent STRE 1601 transistor KSP 13 SLOTTED OPTICAL SWITCH for C3
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE THE L290/L291/L292 DC MOTOR SPEED/POSITION CONTROL SYSTEM The L290, L291 and L292 together form a complete microprocessor-controlled DC motor servopositioning system that is both fast and accurate. This design guide presents a description of the system, detailed function descriptions of each device and application information.

    L290/L291/L292 LS141 equivalent LS141 L292 L292 equivalent ls141 op amp transistor KSP 56 BD907 equivalent STRE 1601 transistor KSP 13 SLOTTED OPTICAL SWITCH for C3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: User's Manual The revision list summarizes the locations of revisions and additions. Details should always be checked by referring to the relevant text. SH7256 Group 32 User’s Manual: Hardware Renesas 32-Bit RISC Microcomputer SuperH RISC engine Family

    SH7256 32-Bit SH72567R R5F72567RKBGV R01UH0344EJ0300 PDF


    Abstract: R5F72533KFPU
    Text: User's Manual The revision list summarizes the locations of revisions and additions. Details should always be checked by referring to the relevant text. SH72533 32 User’s Manual: Hardware Renesas 32-Bit RISC Microcomputer SuperHTM RISC engine Family SH72533 R5F72533KFPU

    SH72533 32-Bit SH72533 R5F72533KFPU SH72533D R5F72533DKFPU R01UH0401EJ0300 R5F72533KFPU PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HOLTEK r r HT1601 32 Dot Matrix LCD Common Driver Features • • • O p e ra tin g voltage: 3V~7V LCD d riv in g voltage: 3V~16V A pplicable LCD d u ty u p to l/3 2 ~ l/6 4 • • S u itab le for v ario u s ty p es of LCD p an e l B ias v oltage a d ju sta b le from a n e x te rn a l

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    HT1601 32-bit PDF


    Abstract: X31C X44C X32C X45C BY 51100 X43C FM30 X42C 36850
    Text: HOLTEK r r HT1607 80-Common Dot Matrix LCD Driver Features • • • Power supply: 4.5V~5.5V 80 Dot M atrix LCD Common S ign al Driver with low im pedance LCD operating voltage: 10V~28V • • • A pplicable L C D duty from l/1 6 ~ l/2 0 0 In tern al 80-bit shift register

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    HT1607 80-Common 80-bit T1607 COM81) x37C X31C X44C X32C X45C BY 51100 X43C FM30 X42C 36850 PDF


    Abstract: HT82V167 holtek game
    Text: HOLTEK H r HT82V167/HT82V168 VCD+ A/V Decoder Features • O p eratin g voltage: 3.0V~3.6V • Pow er consum ption : less th a n 1 w a tt a t 3.6 volts • I/O interface: accepts 5V in p u t • R equires only one 4M b 256K xl6 DRAM • 12K bytes free space for u se r usage an d

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    HT82V167/HT82V168 256Kxl6) ISO-11172 ISO-11172 CLK40 HT82V168 VID27 720x576x25 HT82V167 holtek game PDF

    c 4138

    Abstract: 12TN
    Text: 19-1085; Rev 1: 10/96 A M X IA 1 Dual-Channel CardBus and PCMCIA Power Switches w ith SMBus Serial Interface Other key features include guaranteed specifications for output current limit level, and guaranteed specifications for output rise/fall times in compliance with PCMCIA

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    MAX1601 28-Pin MAX1601/MAXt MAXI604 601/MAXI 12INA MAX1B04 c 4138 12TN PDF

    FJ 3528

    Abstract: JIS C3406 wire spec JIS-C-3406 JIS D1601 vibration Testing Method for Automobile JASO d 605 D0203 D0204 D1601 D605 D7101
    Text: tifca Product Specification 108-5668 Electronics 17MAY06 Rev. H5 025 S E R IE S I/O C O N N E C T O R S H -T y p e V -T y p e 2 R o w tW ire t o W ire 1. Scope: 1.1 C o n te n ts T h is s p e c ific a tio n c o v e rs th e re q u ire m e n ts fo r p ro d u c t p e rfo rm a n ce , t e s t m e th o d s and q u a lity a s s u ra n c e p ro v is io n s o f

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    17MAY06 12POS. 40POS. X-1473898-X. X-1376113-X. X-1318384-X. FJ 3528 JIS C3406 wire spec JIS-C-3406 JIS D1601 vibration Testing Method for Automobile JASO d 605 D0203 D0204 D1601 D605 D7101 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HIGH-SPEED 32K x 8 SYNCHRONOUS PIPELINED DUAL-PORT STATIC RAM PRELIMINARY IDT709079S/L F ea tu re s: * * True Dual-Ported memory cells which allow simultaneous access of the same memory location High-speed clock to data access - * * - Data input, address, a n d control registers

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    IDT709079S/L 9/12/15ns T709079S IDT709079L 492-M PDF


    Abstract: MIL-STD-81 LM 2000 melcher lm 3000 melcher melcher LM 3000 IC LM 384 gn PTC MZ 126 PTC MZ
    Text: M-Family AC-DC Converters <100 W 50 W AC-DC DC-DC Converters Rugged Environment M-Family Class I Equipment Single output: Dual output: Triple output: series LM 1000 series LM 2000 series LM 3000 Class II Equipment {double insulation) U Single output: Dual output:

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary Information AMD-K6-2 Processor Data Sheet AMD£I Preliminary Information 1998 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. ALL rig h ts re se rv e d . A d v a n c e d M icro D evices, In c. “A M D ” re se rv e s th e r ig h t to m a k e ch a n g es in its

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    2185od mm-100-xx PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary Information AMD-K6 Processor Data Sheet AMDZl Preliminary Information 1998 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. A ll rights reserved. A dvanced M icro D evices, Inc. “AMD” reserves th e rig h t to m ake changes in its p ro d u cts w ith o u t n otice in o rder to im prove design or perform ance characteristics.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: BYY32 ac176 AEY26 BAV77 bby20 BD545B BAV27 transistor KT 209 M AF367
    Text: Semiconductors Semiconducteurs Halbleiter YEARLY EDITION - EDITION AN N UELLE - jX H R LIC H E AU SG A BE SIXTH EDITION SIXIEME EDITION SECHSTE AUSGABE 1978 Compiled by: Association Internationale PRO ELECTRON, Bd. de Waterloo, 103, B 1000 BRUSSELS Published by: JE. E KLUWER, B 2100 DEURNE-ANTWERP

    OCR Scan
    Edition-1978) Ausgabe-1978) BS3934 SO-26 OT-114 NS371 APY12 BYY32 ac176 AEY26 BAV77 bby20 BD545B BAV27 transistor KT 209 M AF367 PDF


    Abstract: bc power module svi 3101 d SVI 3206 SVI 3101 POWER MODULE SVI 3101 temperature digital display JUMO Lan M UAA 1004 DP tda 8210 INTERFACING OUTPUT DISPLAYS 8212 TDA 9394
    Text: \ V* %%ŸÎ\ \ k A. ' In December 1973 Intel shipped the first 8-bit, N-channel microprocessor, the 8080. Since then it has become the most widely usea microprocessor in the industry. Applications of the 8080 span from large, intelligent systems terminals to decompression computers for deep sea divers.

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    TCA965 equivalent

    Abstract: ULN2283 capacitor 473j 100n UAF771 transistor GDV 65A pbd352303 cm2716 TAA2761 TAA4761 ULN2401
    Text: veryimpressivePrice. power drain. For the same low price astheTTL-compatible DG211. Very Impressive Performance. Low power, low source-drain ON resistance, low switching times, low current, low price. It all adds up to superstar performance for portable and battery-operated

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    DG211. DG300 DG308 DG211 TCA965 equivalent ULN2283 capacitor 473j 100n UAF771 transistor GDV 65A pbd352303 cm2716 TAA2761 TAA4761 ULN2401 PDF

    RCA 740

    Abstract: B-23 C123 E223 Bc 188 I5B2 3 track magnetic head card reader TCA 3189 DP-005-2-00 "tape file"
    Text: Virtual Memory Operating System VMOS System Management Reference Manual May 1972 DP-005-2-00 Series 70 Publications Building 214-1 Cinnammson, N J . 08 077 JL. IMBi nrSPER^Y RAND • ■ |UN!VAC mI SERIES 70 The inform ation contained herein is subject to change w ithout notice. Revisions may be

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    DP-005-2-00 08CI77 DP-005-2-00) RCA 740 B-23 C123 E223 Bc 188 I5B2 3 track magnetic head card reader TCA 3189 "tape file" PDF

    VALVO Handbuch

    Abstract: LDR 04 valvo handbuch rohren ef861 PENTODE pl 508 Str 5654 Geiger-muller DG 13-54 rbs 6201 ci LA 7804 ON
    Text: T y p e n v e rz e ic h n is Ü b e rsic h t Ä q u iv a le n z lis te 1 V e rstä rk e rrö h re n M e ß d io d e n R a u s c h d io d e n 1 K a t o d e n s t r a h lrö h re n für M e ß z w e c k e K a m e ra rö h re n A b fa strö h re n B ild rö h re n

    OCR Scan
    ehm010 VALVO Handbuch LDR 04 valvo handbuch rohren ef861 PENTODE pl 508 Str 5654 Geiger-muller DG 13-54 rbs 6201 ci LA 7804 ON PDF

    thyristor TAG 8506

    Abstract: nais inverter vf 7f operation manual 922AA1Y-A4P optek A400 817 Sprague 513D sprague 926c Sprague 195P Rapa relay 12vdc triac tag 8948 Mascot 719
    Text: TABLE OF CONTENTS Catalog Number 11Q New For 1989! • Over 7,900 New Products • 13 New M anufacturers PRODUCT INDICES tiamp*,'fminei forskSockets ' Solder Equipment endTtfob ] vriHp\< lint Equipment, Panel Meters, Aejulpmant, i A P R E M IE R C o m p an y

    OCR Scan
    11PM104 thyristor TAG 8506 nais inverter vf 7f operation manual 922AA1Y-A4P optek A400 817 Sprague 513D sprague 926c Sprague 195P Rapa relay 12vdc triac tag 8948 Mascot 719 PDF


    Abstract: wf vqc 10d alu 9308 d Signetics 2650 SN52723 2650 cpu 82S103 pipbug Signetics NE561 cd 75232
    Text: flcnCTICf ßii>ouiR/mos fflICROPROCEÍSOR DATfl mnnuni SIGNETICS reserves the right to make changes in the products contained in this book in order to improve design or performance and to supply the best possible products. Signetics also assumes no responsibility for the

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    Abstract: 54175 TFK 404 MM1402a equivalent SD300 N74141 SN7401 3 BB 4 SO 5 CON 6 RAY 7 CC 8 SI 9 RB 10 RG 11 VE
    Text: NUMERICAL INDEX FUNCTIONAL INDEX SALES OFFICES Copyright 1974 S IG N E T IC S C O R P O R A T IO N Signetics Corporation reserves the right to make changes in the products contained in this book in order to improve design or performance and to supply the best possible product.

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    74S114N N74S114B 74S15A 74S22N 74S20A 74S22A 74S40N 74S40A 74S64N 74S64A SN7441 54175 TFK 404 MM1402a equivalent SD300 N74141 SN7401 3 BB 4 SO 5 CON 6 RAY 7 CC 8 SI 9 RB 10 RG 11 VE PDF

    pin diagram AMD FX 9590

    Abstract: Transistor AF 138 laser sharp measurement d6406 pby 283 diode data book SN74298
    Text: V o lu m e 5 $5.00 Harris Semiconductor Sector Capabilities Harris Semiconductor, one of the top ten U.S. merchant semiconductor suppliers, is a sector of Harris Corporation — a producer of advanced information processing, communication and microelectronic

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    K29793 NZ21084 RS39191 pin diagram AMD FX 9590 Transistor AF 138 laser sharp measurement d6406 pby 283 diode data book SN74298 PDF

    triac tag 8518

    Abstract: 70146 DS3654 X2864AD 7 segment display RL S5220 TC9160 la 4440 amplifier circuit diagram 300 watt philips ecg master replacement guide vtl 3829 A-C4 TCA965 equivalent
    Text: 1985 0 / 0 / CONTENTS VOLUME I Introduction to IC MASTER 3 Advertisers’ Index 8 Master Selection Guide Function Index I0 Part Number Index 40 Part Number Guide 300 Logo Guide 346 Application Note Directory 349 Military Parts Directory 50I Testing 506 Cross Reference

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