SH S1 94V-0
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: All Plastic Micro D MDS The M DS se rie s o ffers 9 to 51 positions in an 7 layouts covering 9 to 51 positions all-p lastic .0 5 0 " housing. The crimp snap contacts, Stamped contacts on reels for hand or sem i sold on re e ls, make the MDS se rie s ideal for
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SH S1 94V-0
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Shielded Micro D MDSM The MDSM is the industry's sm allest D-type con nector for shielded I/O wire-to-board applications. Featuring an integral snap-together shield can and stamped contacts, the MDSM is available in five layouts: 9 , 15, and 2 5 , and stacked 9 and 15.
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