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    TA 8216 AM Search Results

    TA 8216 AM Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    ISL8216MEVAL1Z Renesas Electronics Corporation Complete High Voltage 80V, 4A DC/DC Power Module Evaluation Board Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL8216MIRZ-T Renesas Electronics Corporation Complete High Voltage 80V, 4A DC/DC Power Module Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL8216MIRZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Complete High Voltage 80V, 4A DC/DC Power Module Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    78548-216 Amphenol Communications Solutions 78548-216-BERG II DR STRAIGHT Visit Amphenol Communications Solutions
    71918-216LF Amphenol Communications Solutions Quickie® Eject Latch connector, 2.54mm(0.100in), Shrouded Header, Through Hole, Straight, Double Row, 16 Positions Visit Amphenol Communications Solutions

    TA 8216 AM Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: HCF4021YM013TR HCF4021M
    Text: HCF4021 Asynchronous parallel in or synchronous serial in/serial out 8-stage static shift register Datasheet − production data Features • Medium speed operation: 12 MHz typ. clock rate at VDD - VSS = 10 V ■ Fully static operation ■ 8 master-slave flip-flops plus output buffering

    HCF4021 HCF4021 HCF4021YM013TR HCF4021M PDF

    ss 6616

    Abstract: 9316 ROM transistor A916 IC B316 transistor d716 b816 BA 8A16 8316 rOM transistor B616 b716 transistor

    M35053-XXXSP/FP 20P4B M35053-XXXFP M35053-XXXSP/FP 20P2Q-A 20-PIN ss 6616 9316 ROM transistor A916 IC B316 transistor d716 b816 BA 8A16 8316 rOM transistor B616 b716 transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 53+,3|4 =?/8696.>?<2 69>2<8216.>2 ;:A2< <27.C 3GDQROGP W 87C lpbm\abg` \ZiZ[bebmr W 87dV bfinel^ pbmalmZg] ohemZ`^ /[^mp^^g \hbe Zg] \hgmZ\ml0 W M^^ml VFG 7=:8 k^bg_hk\^ bglneZmbhg W Jb`aer ^_b\b^gm fZ`g^mb\ \bk\nbm _hk ab`a l^glbmbobmrA 977fW W Gqmk^f^er lfZee _hhmikbgm nmbebsbg` PED Zk^Z

    977fW SgO93 PDF

    PED relay

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 53+,3|4 =?/8696.>?<2 69>2<8216.>2 ;:A2< <27.B 3FCPQNFO V 87C lpbm\abg` \ZiZ[bebmr V 87dV bfinel^ pbmalmZg] ohemZ`^ /[^mp^^g \hbe Zg] \hgmZ\ml0 V M^^ml VFG 7=:8 k^bg_hk\^ bglneZmbhg V Jb`aer ^_b\b^gm fZ`g^mb\ \bk\nbm _hk ab`a l^glbmbobmrA 977fW V Gqmk^f^er lfZee _hhmikbgm nmbebsbg` PED Zk^Z

    977fW SgO93 PED relay PDF


    Abstract: MD8226 D8226 MD3216 P3216
    Text: Am3216 Am3226 Am8216 Am8226 Four-Bit Parallel Bidirectional Bus Driver Distinctive Characteristics • Data bus b u ffe r driver fo r 8080 typ e CPU's • Low in pu t load current — 0.25m A m axim um • High o u tp u t drive cap ab ility fo r driving system data

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    Am3216 Am3226 Am8216 Am8226 Am3216/3226/8216/8226 Am3216 Am3226 P3226 MD8226 D8226 MD3216 P3216 PDF


    Abstract: D8216 m3216 MD3216 ta 8216 am d4ta 8216C
    Text: Am3216 Am3226 Am8216 *Am8226 Four-Bit Parallel Bidirectional Bus Driver istinctive Characteristics • » Data bus buffer driver for 8 0 80 type CPU's ► Low input load current — 0.25m A maximum * High output drive capability for driving system data

    OCR Scan
    Am3216 Am3226 Am8216 Am8226 L-STD-883 Am3216/3226 Am8216/8226 D3216 D8216 m3216 MD3216 ta 8216 am d4ta 8216C PDF


    Abstract: 8216 TTL 8226 8226 microprocessor Microcomputer 8080 8080 CPU 3216 4 Bit Parallel Bi-Directional Bus Driver 8008 CPU 180I2 8216 line driver
    Text: ir r t e l 8216/8226 4-BIT PARALLEL BIDIRECTIONAL BUS DRIVER Data Bus Buffer Driver for 8080 CPU 3.65V Output High Voltage for Direct Interface to 8080 CPU Low Input Load Current — 0.25 mA Maximum 3-State Outputs High Output Drive Capability for Driving System Bus

    OCR Scan
    180/1Kn; 300pF, 600/1K; AFN-00733B AFN-00733B 8216 8216 TTL 8226 8226 microprocessor Microcomputer 8080 8080 CPU 3216 4 Bit Parallel Bi-Directional Bus Driver 8008 CPU 180I2 8216 line driver PDF


    Abstract: P8216 D8226 D8216 AM8216 AM8216XC AM8226XC MD8216 MD8226
    Text: A m 8216 • A m 8226 F o u r-B it P a r a lle l B id ire c tio n a l B us D riv e r Distinctive Characteristics • • • Data bus buffer driver for 8 0 8 0 type CPU's Low input load current — 0.25m A maximum High output drive capability for driving system data

    OCR Scan
    Am8216 Am8226 Am8216 Am8226 Am8216, P8226 P8216 D8226 D8216 AM8216XC AM8226XC MD8216 MD8226 PDF

    LT 8216

    Abstract: Ls 8216 d AND8008
    Text: in te i 8216/8226 4-BIT PARALLEL BIDIRECTIONAL BUS DRIVER • Data Bus Buffer Driver for 8080 CPU ■ 3.65V Output High Voltage for Direct Interface to 8080 CPU ■ Low Input Load Current — 0.25 mA Maximum ■ 3-State Outputs ■ High Output Drive Capability for

    OCR Scan
    300pF 300/10K 600/1K. 300pF, 300/10K -00733C LT 8216 Ls 8216 d AND8008 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0169; Rev 0; 8/93 A lilX IÆ ±5V, ± 12V ± 15V D e d ic a te d M icroprocessor Voltage M onitors D e s c rip tio n _ A p p lic a tio n s Microprocessor Voltage Monitor +5V, -5V, +12V, -12V Supply Monitoring (MAX8215) +5V, -5V, +15V, -15V Supply Monitoring (MAX8216)

    OCR Scan
    MAX8215) MAX8216) MAX8216CSD MAX8216C/D MAX8216EPD MAX8216ESD MAX8216EJD MAX8216MPD MAX8216MJD MAX8216 PDF


    Abstract: TA8216H toshiba audio power amplifier TA8216H ta3842 100 watts IC audio amplifier circuit diagram
    Text: TOSHIBA TA8216H TOSHIBA BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TA8216H DUAL AUDIO POWER AMPLIFIER The TA8216H is dual audio power amplifier for consumer applications. This IC provides an output power of 13 watts per channel at VCC = 28V, f= 1 k H z, THD = 10%, RL = 80 .

    OCR Scan
    TA8216H TA8216 TA8216H 14mVrms 20kHz) HZIP12-P-1 toshiba audio power amplifier TA8216H ta3842 100 watts IC audio amplifier circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: I8216 18216 8216 10K1 8216 TTL
    Text: inteT 18216/18226 4-BIT PARALLEL BIDIRECTIONAL BUS DRIVER IN DUSTRIAL Data Bus Buffer Driver • 3.65V Output High Voltage Low Input Load Current — .25 mA Maximum ■ Three State Outputs High Output Drive Capability for Driving System Data Bus ■ Industrial Temperature Range:

    OCR Scan
    I8216/I8226 10K12 AFN-01442A I8226 I8216 18216 8216 10K1 8216 TTL PDF


    Abstract: D347D D147d information applikation D348D Halbleiterbauelemente DDR "halbleiterwerk frankfurt" lt 8216 diode "Mikroelektronik" Heft applikation heft
    Text: E n n f lk ln lä B lQ Information Applikation l- C tS n o r T ik Autoren: Dipl.-Ing. Siegfried Güldner Dipl.-Ing. Henning Zinke Redaktion und Layout: Heinz Schulz Pmachlag: Peter Hoffmann Redakt ionakommi aaion: Heinz Schulz, Vorsitzender Dipl.-Ing. Egbert Knopke

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: P8226 MD8226 D8226 AM8216XC AM8226XC D8216 MD8216
    Text: A m 8 2 1 6 • A m 8 2 2 6 Four-B it P a ra lle l B id irectio n al Bus D river Distinctive Characteristics • • • • • • • • D ata bus b u ffe r driver fo r 8 0 8 0 ty p e CPU's Low input load cu rren t — 0 .2 5 m A m axim um High o u tp u t drive ca pab ility fo r driving system data

    OCR Scan
    Am8216 Am8226 Am8216 Am8226 Am8216, 90/IOkfi. P8216 P8226 MD8226 D8226 AM8216XC AM8226XC D8216 MD8216 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SEC /¿ P B 8 2 1 6 /2 6 4-B IT PARALLEL BIDIRECTIONAL BUS DRIVERS NEC Electronics Inc. D escription Pin Identification T h e //P B 8 2 1 6 a n d //P B 8 2 2 6 a re 4 -b it parallel b idirectional bus drivers sp ecifically d e sig ned to b u ffer m ic ro c o m p u t­

    OCR Scan
    3-001991A 93-D01992A K/93-D01992A PDF


    Abstract: applications of 8279 F 8229 ic 8279 8129
    Text: .J O O " SINGLE ROW CRIMP CONTACTS series8229 mini-varilok' plug/receptacle MATES WITH SERIES 8129 AND 8229 PLUG ORDERING CODE FOR SERIES 8229 C o m p le te a 1 5 d ig it a s s e m b ly n u m b e r fo r e a c h m a t in g p a rt. 0 0 • 8 2 2 9 - 0 1 2 • 0 0 0 • 001

    OCR Scan
    series8229 8279 applications of 8279 F 8229 ic 8279 8129 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: .100 2,54mm & .125" (3,18mm) square grids series 8026 rectangular connector FEATURES • Economical miniature high-density connectors suitable for high-reliability and military applications. • .100” (2,54mm) square grid rack and panel connectors with

    OCR Scan
    cont519 PDF

    rft katalog

    Abstract: transistor vergleichsliste dl 8205 VEB mikroelektronik mikroelektronik RFT "halbleiterwerk frankfurt" DL074D katalog rft TRANSISTOR KATALOG rft mikroelektronik
    Text: [fin ] D[k ä rä fs J E I S l n b r 1! Bipolare digitale Schaltkreise Low -Pow er-S chottky-TTL S c h o ttky -T T L -In te rfa c e -S e rie n il- c Bipolare digitale Schaltkreise Low-Power-Schottky-TTL Sch ott ky-TTL-l nterf a ce-Se r ie Vorwort Der vorliegende Katalog ist vor allem für Konstrukteure und Geräteentwickler

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 8257 DMA controller TRW 8216 el 8216
    Text: in t e i [P ^ Ü L D IM ID K IA K V 8218/8219 BIPOLAR MICROCOMPUTER BUS CONTROLLERS FOR MCS-80 AND MCS-85® FAMILIES • 8218 for Use in MCS-80® Systems ■ 8219 for Use inMCS-85® Systems ■ Coordinates the Sharing of a Common Bus Between Several CPU’s

    OCR Scan
    MCS-80® MCS-85® inMCS-85® MCS-80* -00208C 8218/8219fs XSTR 8257 DMA controller TRW 8216 el 8216 PDF

    Unitrode UZ

    Abstract: 8117 8727 8815 k UZ8706 UZ8718 UZ8806 2sc 8807 zener series uz
    Text: POWER ZENERS UZ8706 SERIES UZ8806 SERIES 1 Watt, Industrial FEATURES DESCRIPTION • High Surge Ratings • A Quarter the Size of Conventional 1 Watt Zeners • Impervious to Moisture One watt zener diodes, hermetically sealed in glass. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS

    OCR Scan
    UZ8706 UZ8806 60-cycie Unitrode UZ 8117 8727 8815 k UZ8718 2sc 8807 zener series uz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MICROSEMI CORP/ IdATERTOUN SOE D • c 3H7,ìb3 0Q12343 IMI » U N I T POWER ZENERS S g | T t -(3 1 Watt, Industrial FEA T U R ES • High Surge Ratings • A Quarter the Size of Conventional 1 W att Zeners • Impervious to Moisture D ESC RIPTIO N One w att zener diodes, herm etically

    OCR Scan
    0Q12343 60-cycle UZ8708 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Communication ICs Speech network for telephones BA8216 The BA8216 is a speech network IC which possesses the basic functions required for handset communications. In addition to amplifying signals from a transmitter and sending them to a telephone line, it also amplifies only recep­

    OCR Scan
    BA8216 BA8216 ZD191 100kQ 100nF DIP14 PDF

    equivalent diode for 1ss133

    Abstract: MPW142 BA8216 br-112
    Text: Communication ICs Speech network for telephones BA8216 The BA8216 is a speech network IC which possesses the basic functions required for handset communications. In addition to amplifying signals from a transmitter and sending them to a telephone line, it also amplifies only recep­

    OCR Scan
    BA8216 BA8216 2ZC103 Cios33nF 100nF II---10nF 100nF Cios10nF 1000pF equivalent diode for 1ss133 MPW142 br-112 PDF

    ta 8221 H

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: .050 series8221 mini-varilok- plug/receptacle DUAL ROW STAGGERED CRIMP CONTACTS MATES WITH SERIES 8218 AND 8219 PLUGS ORDERING CODE FOR SERIES 8221 Complete a i 5 digit assembly number for each mating part, plug and receptacle. 00 - 8221 • 042 - 000 - 001

    OCR Scan
    series8221 ta 8221 H PDF