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    TIC 1680 Search Results

    TIC 1680 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    75970-168-02LF Amphenol Communications Solutions BergStik®, Board to Board connector, Unshrouded vertical header, Through Hole, Single Row,2 Positions, 2.54 mm (0.100in) Pitch. Visit Amphenol Communications Solutions
    10116809-004LF Amphenol Communications Solutions HPCE-STRADDLE MOUNT Receptacle 20P12S Visit Amphenol Communications Solutions
    10106116-8007004LF Amphenol Communications Solutions PwrBlade+® , Power Connectors, 3ACP+28S+5ACP, Right Angle, Header. Visit Amphenol Communications Solutions
    68016-804HLF Amphenol Communications Solutions BergStik®, Board to Board connector, Unshrouded Right Angle Header, Through Hole, Single Row, 4 Positions, 2.54 mm (0.100) Pitch. Visit Amphenol Communications Solutions
    10106116-8005001LF Amphenol Communications Solutions PwrBlade+® , Power Connectors, 8ACP+20S STB, Right Angle, Header. Visit Amphenol Communications Solutions

    TIC 1680 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: B66329 B66329-G250-X127 siemens N27 B66329 IEC1246 MT 354 B66329GX167
    Text: E 42/21/20 Core • • B66329 In accordance with IEC 1246 E cores are supplied as pieces M a g n e tic c h a ra c te ris tic s per set H /A /e Ae / t miM 14 - 0,41 m m -1 = 97 mm = 234 m m 2 = 229 m m 2 =22700 mm3 Approx. w eight 116 g/set Ungapped PU Ordering code

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    B66329 B66329-G-X12/ B66329-G-X167 B66329-G250-X127 B66329-G500-X127 B66329-G1000-X127 32y-ai5UU-X127 B66329-G-X167 B66329 siemens N27 B66329 IEC1246 MT 354 B66329GX167 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: JACKCON E lec tro ly tic C apa c itors LGK Series Features # Wide CV value range. # Load life 2000hrs at 85°C # Safety vent construction design. Specifications Item P e rfo rm an c e C haracteristics O p e ra tin g T e m p erature R ang e -40 to +85°C -25 to +85°C

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    2000hrsat85Â 100VDC 120Hz, LGK03 jackcon PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A L U M IN U M E L E C T R O L Y T IC C A P A C IT O R S SK [ For General ] 85 C Single-Ended Lend A lu m in u m E le c tro ly tic C a p a cito rs ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Working Voltage :6.3 ~ 100V / 160 ~ 450V Operating Temperature : -40° ~ +85°C / -25° — r85°C

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    22000pF 330pF 120Hz, PDF


    Abstract: TA6993 LSE B6
    Text: Video/Monitor Circuits CD22402 CMOS LSI Sync Generator F o r TV A p p lic a tio n s and V id e o P ro ce ssin g S ystem s Features: • In t e r l a c e d c o m p o s i t e s y n c o u t p u t ■ A u to m a tic g e n lo c k ca pa b ility ■ Crystal oscillato r operation

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    CD22402 25fra CD22402 92CL-396 TA6993 LSE B6 PDF

    Digital Pulse Counter Two Digit

    Abstract: AN6354 1440Hz
    Text: t r i f a AN6354 l e AN6354 V T R 2 H /4 H /6 H 2 H /4 H /6 H S « j¥ IJ J ® » /V T R A u to m a tic D is c r im in a to r • m 9 A N 6354 U , V T R <r> 2 H /4 H /6 H i ft to ■ * at • A N 6354 l i , F G # |0 I & F G t> * 7 's 9 « ' 0 B •

    OCR Scan
    AN6354 AN6354 10/iF Digital Pulse Counter Two Digit 1440Hz PDF

    2sc 1203

    Abstract: xn 1203 Am 4541 kp 1830 transistors 2SA 2sc 1735
    Text: S m a ll-S u p e r Mini D iode S S M T yp e No. 1SS364 A pplic atio n V H F T V Band S W V r (V ) 30 E le c trica l C h a ra c te rla tic s (T a *2 5 °C ) r8 ( 0 ) iF(m A ) C T (p F ) 50 1.2 W A X 0 .9 M A X M a rk S im ila r R e m a rk s BF 1S S 3 1 2

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    1SS364 2SJ347 2SJ345 S04540 2sc 1203 xn 1203 Am 4541 kp 1830 transistors 2SA 2sc 1735 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3 HARRIS C D 22402 Types CMOS LSI Sync Generator 24-Lead Dual-ln-Line Plastic Package E Suffix) Features: • In te rla c e d c o m p o s ite sy n c o u tp u t m A u to m a tic g e n lo c k c a p a b ility ■ C ry s ta l o s c illa to r o p e ra tio n • 525 o r 625 lin e o p e ra tio n

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    24-Lead 25fra CD22402. CA5470 CD22402 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HA16802PS, HA16804PS, HA16805PS/F Series Tone Ringer • DESCRIPTION IC’s T h e H A16802, HA16804 and HA16805 are tone ring e r m o n o lith ic for te lep h o ne . These IC ’s have a b uilt-in regu la to r pow er su p p ly and produce e le c tr o n ic s o u n d b y d ir e c tly d riv in g e x te rn a l m a g n e tic s p e a k e r o r

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    HA16802PS, HA16804PS, HA16805PS/F A16802, HA16804 HA16805 HA16804 A16805 D16805F) PDF


    Abstract: Genlock CD-22402E GATED crystal OSCILLATOR CD22402 CD22402D CD22402E CD4000B RS-170
    Text: CD22402 Sync Generator for TV Applications and Video Processing Systems Features Description • Interlaced Com posite Sync Output T he H arris C D 2 2 4 0 2 N ote is a C M O S LSI syn c g e n e ra to r th a t p ro d u ce s all th e tim in g sig n a ls req u ire d to drive a fu lly 2-to-1

    OCR Scan
    CD22402 CD22402D CD22402E 525-line 30-frame/second, 62CESSING 625-LINE AN8742 Genlock CD-22402E GATED crystal OSCILLATOR CD22402 CD4000B RS-170 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CD22402 HARRIS S E M I C O N D U C T O R S y n c Generator for TV Applications and Video P ro ce ssin g S y s t e m s November 1996 Features Description • Interlaced Com posite Sync Output T h e H arris C D 2 2 4 0 2 N ote is a C M O S LSI syn c g e n e ra to r th a t

    OCR Scan
    CD22402 100pF7p 525-LIN 625-LIN CD22402 CA5470. AN-8742 CA5470 PDF

    capacitor 450v 1000mf

    Abstract: CD81 100 MF 450 WV CAPACITOR capacitor 22 nF 160VDC 105C-120HZ 450V 10,000F 16X16 A20C a20-c
    Text: m RB # 1 4 FEATURE Low profile wide-temperature for radial lead type ^8mmW± WP£#^S <pD>8mm with top safety vent construction For general consumer and industrial applications electronic products ^'-^SPECIFICATIONS I$ @ Item ig # 'K P e r f o r m a n c e C h a ra c te ristics

    OCR Scan
    120Hz) 20XAfter 10X16 10X20 capacitor 450v 1000mf CD81 100 MF 450 WV CAPACITOR capacitor 22 nF 160VDC 105C-120HZ 450V 10,000F 16X16 A20C a20-c PDF


    Abstract: M914D04K1002FMM
    Text: S ta te of the A r t, Inc, CALL TOLL FREE 800 458-3401 2470 FO X HILL ROAD, STA TE CO LLEG E. PA 16803-1797 SO U R C E C O D E: 56235. PH ONE: 8 14-355-8004 - FAX: 814-355-2714 O N L IN E : re s is to r.c o m MIL-PRF-914 Surface Mount Resistor Networks JEDEC Styles

    OCR Scan
    MIL-PRF-914 RF-914 M914D04K M914D04K1002FMM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC / MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /¡u P D 42S 16800,4216800,42317800,421780C 16 M-BIT DYNAMIC RAM 2 M-WORD BY 8-BIT, FAST PAGE MODE Description The /iPD42S16800, 4216800, 42S17800, 4217800 are 2,097,152 words by 8 bits CMOS dynamic RAMs. The

    OCR Scan
    421780C uPD42S16800 uPD4216800 uPD42S17800 uPD4217800 PD42S16800, 42S17800 28-pin R35-207-2 SL680C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Gehäusegröße 1 S h e ll s iz e 1 Polzahl / Afo. o f contacts 8 + PE 14 + PE 17 + PE Anschlußart / Termination crim pen / crimp crim pen / crimp crim pen / crimp Anschlußquerschnitt / W ire gauge 0 ,1 4 -1 ,5 mm2 0 ,1 4 -2 ,5 mm2 0 ,1 4 -1 ,0 mm2 100 V

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HD-LINX | ^ | |W I • I IV^fl A T I □ G S15 0 4 HDTV Adaptive Equalizer N PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET FEATURES CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION • SMPTE 292M compliant The G S 1504 is a high p e rfo rm a n c e c a b le eq u a lize r d e s ig n e d to e q u a lize HDTV c o m p o n e n t signal co n fo rm in g

    OCR Scan
    C-101, n8281 PDF


    Abstract: AY5-8100 ay-3-8112 AY-3-8760 AY-3-8710 AY-3-8500 AY-3-8700-1 AY-5-8102 ay-3-0214 saa1024
    Text: IL EiJ ¡MICRO ELECTRONICS 1978 DATA CATALOG GENERAL IN S T R U M E N T C O R P O R A T IO N • M IC R O E L E C T R O N IC S SS.00 I"HIL I r'i E- Index e l e c t r o n ic s I I M icroprocessor • I RAMs ■ EAROMs ■ ROMs Keyboard Encoders/Character Generators

    OCR Scan

    diagram induction welding

    Abstract: SM2G200US60 300lu
    Text: Prelim inary SM2G200US60 IG B T M O D U L E FE A TU R ES • High Speed Switching • Low Conduction Loss : V CE sat = 2.1 V (typ) • Fast & Soft Anti-Parallel FWD • Short circuit rated : Min 10uS at Tc=100°C A P P LIC A TIO N S • • • • • Package code : 7-PM-BA

    OCR Scan
    SM2G200US60 diagram induction welding SM2G200US60 300lu PDF

    3V to 300V dc dc converter

    Abstract: SMBL1G200US60 DC 300V to 15V converter 300V dc to dc boost converter 5V to 300V dc dc converter
    Text: Prelim inary SMBL1G200US60 IG B T M O D U L E FE A TU R ES • High Speed Switching • Low Conduction Loss : V CE sat = 2.1 V (typ) • Fast & Soft Anti-Parallel FWD • Short circuit rated : Min 10uS at Tc=100°C A P P LIC A TIO N S Package code : 7-PM-BA

    OCR Scan
    SMBL1G200US60 3V to 300V dc dc converter SMBL1G200US60 DC 300V to 15V converter 300V dc to dc boost converter 5V to 300V dc dc converter PDF

    300V dc dc STEP DOWN

    Abstract: 3V to 300V dc dc converter igbt buck converter dc to dc buck converter 200A F200A SMBH1G200US60
    Text: Prelim inary SMBH1G200US60 IG B T M O D U L E FE A TU R ES • High Speed Switching • Low Conduction Loss : V CE sat = 2.1 V (typ) • Fast & Soft Anti-Parallel FWD • Short circuit rated : Min 10uS at Tc=100°C A P P LIC A TIO N S Package code : 7-PM-BA

    OCR Scan
    SMBH1G200US60 300V dc dc STEP DOWN 3V to 300V dc dc converter igbt buck converter dc to dc buck converter 200A F200A SMBH1G200US60 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T 24 N Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige W erte M axim um rated values Periodische Vorwärts- und R ückw ärts-Spitzensperrspannung repetitive peak forward off-state and reverse voltages tyj ——40°C.tVJmax Vdrm. V Vorwärts-Stoßspitzensperrspannung

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    3M032T7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GENNUM c o r p o r a t i on GENLINX I I G S 9 0 2 8 Cable Driver wjth Two Adjustable Outputs PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET FEATURES DEVICE D ES C R IPTIO N T h e G S 9 0 2 8 is a s e c o n d g e n e ra tio n b ip o la r in te g ra te d fully com pliant with SMPTE 259M

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EPCOS Film Capacitors EMI Suppression Capacitors MKP S e rie s/T y p e : Date: B 3 2 9 2 3 E /F . B 32 9 2 8 E /F M ay 20 09 ŒPCOS AG 2009. Reproduction, publication and dissemination of this publication, enclosures hereto and the information contained therein without EPCOS' prior express consent is prohibited.

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    PSB 7200

    Abstract: gp914 ANSam pnp transistor data sheet bel 188 CD10 GP10 PCM24 bel 3726 TIC bus siemens integrated circuit TL 2521
    Text: ICs for Communications Enhanced ISDN Data Access Controller ISAR 34 PSB 7115 Version 2.1 Firmware Version 1.01 Data Sheet 02.98 DS 2 PSB 7115 Revision History: Current Version: 02.98 Previous Version: 09.97 Page Page in previous (in current Version Version)


    video genlock pll 3.3

    Abstract: CD22402 TA6993 CD22402D
    Text: f f l H U U S E M I C O N D U C T O R A R R CD22402 IS Sync Generator for TV Applications and Video Processing Systems March1993 Features Description • Interlaced Composite Sync Output The Harris CD22402* is a CMOS LSI sync generator that produces all the timing signals required to drive a fully 2-to-1

    OCR Scan
    CD22402 CD22402* 525-line 30-frame/second, 625-line 25-frame/ CD22402 525-UNE 625-UNE 100pF video genlock pll 3.3 TA6993 CD22402D PDF