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    TRANSISTOR BC556 DATASHEET Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22V / tf=120ns Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27V / tf=60ns Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    TRANSISTOR BC556 DATASHEET Datasheets Context Search

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    transistor BC 458

    Abstract: transistor BC 557 BC 458 transistor
    Text: BC556/557/558/559/560 BC556/557/558/559/560 Switching and Amplifier • High Voltage: BC556, VCEO= -65V • Low Noise: BC559, BC560 • Complement to BC546 . BC 550 TO-92 1 1. Collector 2. Base 3. Emitter PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25°C unless otherwise noted

    BC556/557/558/559/560 BC556, BC559, BC560 BC546 BC556 BC557/560 BC558/559 transistor BC 458 transistor BC 557 BC 458 transistor PDF


    Abstract: transistor marking bc557 BC557BTA BC557 TRANSISTOR application BC557BTF information of BC557
    Text: BC556/557/558/559/560 BC556/557/558/559/560 Switching and Amplifier • High Voltage: BC556, VCEO= -65V • Low Noise: BC559, BC560 • Complement to BC546 . BC 550 TO-92 1 1. Collector 2. Base 3. Emitter PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25°C unless otherwise noted

    BC556/557/558/559/560 BC556, BC559, BC560 BC546 BC556 BC557/560 BC558/559 BC557 transistor marking bc557 BC557BTA BC557 TRANSISTOR application BC557BTF information of BC557 PDF


    Abstract: transistor BC 458 Transistor BC 559B bc560 bc558c bc557 cross reference BC557/bc557 cross reference TRANSISTOR BC 560
    Text: BC556/557/558/559/560 BC556/557/558/559/560 Switching and Amplifier • High Voltage: BC556, VCEO= -65V • Low Noise: BC559, BC560 • Complement to BC546 . BC 550 TO-92 1 1. Collector 2. Base 3. Emitter PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25°C unless otherwise noted

    BC556/557/558/559/560 BC556, BC559, BC560 BC546 BC556 BC557/560 BC558/559 TRANSISTOR BC 560c transistor BC 458 Transistor BC 559B bc560 bc558c bc557 cross reference BC557/bc557 cross reference TRANSISTOR BC 560 PDF

    transistor BC 458

    Abstract: BC 458 transistor bc546 fairchild BC546 BC556 BC559 BC560 BC558 PNP transistor
    Text: BC556/557/558/559/560 BC556/557/558/559/560 Switching and Amplifier • High Voltage: BC556, VCEO= -65V • Low Noise: BC559, BC560 • Complement to BC546 . BC 550 TO-92 1 1. Collector 2. Base 3. Emitter PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25°C unless otherwise noted

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    of transistor bc558

    Abstract: bc558 transistor BC 458 transistor bc558 features information of BC558 TRANSISTOR C 557 B BC558TAR bc560
    Text: BC556/557/558/559/560 BC556/557/558/559/560 Switching and Amplifier • High Voltage: BC556, VCEO= -65V • Low Noise: BC559, BC560 • Complement to BC546 . BC 550 TO-92 1 1. Collector 2. Base 3. Emitter PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25°C unless otherwise noted

    BC556/557/558/559/560 BC556, BC559, BC560 BC546 BC556 BC557/560 BC558/559 of transistor bc558 bc558 transistor BC 458 transistor bc558 features information of BC558 TRANSISTOR C 557 B BC558TAR bc560 PDF


    Abstract: bc560
    Text: BC556/557/558/559/560 BC556/557/558/559/560 Switching and Amplifier • High Voltage: BC556, VCEO= -65V • Low Noise: BC559, BC560 • Complement to BC546 . BC 550 TO-92 1 1. Collector 2. Base 3. Emitter PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25°C unless otherwise noted

    BC556/557/558/559/560 BC556, BC559, BC560 BC546 BC556 BC557/560 BC558/559 BC559CTA bc560 PDF

    transistor BC 458

    Abstract: BC 458 transistor transistor bc557 TRANSISTOR BC 560 ic 558 BC558 PNP transistor information of BC558 transistor bc 558 pnp BC546 BC556
    Text: BC556/557/558/559/560 BC556/557/558/559/560 Switching and Amplifier • High Voltage: BC556, VCEO= -65V • Low Noise: BC559, BC560 • Complement to BC546 . BC 550 TO-92 1 1. Collector 2. Base 3. Emitter PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25°C unless otherwise noted

    BC556/557/558/559/560 BC556, BC559, BC560 BC546 BC556 BC557/560 BC558/559 transistor BC 458 BC 458 transistor transistor bc557 TRANSISTOR BC 560 ic 558 BC558 PNP transistor information of BC558 transistor bc 558 pnp BC546 BC556 PDF


    Abstract: transistor BC 458 BC 458 transistor BC560 ic 558 TRANSISTOR bc560 BC546 BC556 BC 557 PNP TRANSISTOR
    Text: BC556/557/558/559/560 BC556/557/558/559/560 Switching and Amplifier • High Voltage: BC556, VCEO= -65V • Low Noise: BC559, BC560 • Complement to BC546 . BC 550 TO-92 1 1. Collector 2. Base 3. Emitter PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25°C unless otherwise noted

    BC556/557/558/559/560 BC556, BC559, BC560 BC546 BC556 BC557/560 BC558/559 BC559 transistor BC 458 BC 458 transistor BC560 ic 558 TRANSISTOR bc560 BC546 BC556 BC 557 PNP TRANSISTOR PDF


    Abstract: bc560 transistor BC 458 Transistor B C 458 BC559 PSpice transistor BC559 transistor bc558 features BC558 PNP transistor download datasheet
    Text: BC556/557/558/559/560 BC556/557/558/559/560 Switching and Amplifier • High Voltage: BC556, VCEO= -65V • Low Noise: BC559, BC560 • Complement to BC546 . BC 550 TO-92 1 1. Collector 2. Base 3. Emitter PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25°C unless otherwise noted

    BC556/557/558/559/560 BC556, BC559, BC560 BC546 BC556 BC557/560 BC558/559 TRANSISTOR C 557 B bc560 transistor BC 458 Transistor B C 458 BC559 PSpice transistor BC559 transistor bc558 features BC558 PNP transistor download datasheet PDF

    transistor c 557

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR C 557 B B 560 PNP TRANSISTOR transistor B 560 transistor c 558 TRANSISTOR C 557 B W 65 B 557 PNP TRANSISTOR
    Text: BC556/557/558/559/560 PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Features • Switching and Amplifier • High Voltage: BC556, VCEO = -65V • Low Noise: BC559, BC560 • Complement to BC546 . BC 550 TO-92 1 1. Collector 2. Base 3. Emitter Absolute Maximum Ratings

    BC556/557/558/559/560 BC556, BC559, BC560 BC546 BC556 BC557/560 BC558/559 transistor c 557 TRANSISTOR C 557 B B 560 PNP TRANSISTOR transistor B 560 transistor c 558 TRANSISTOR C 557 B W 65 B 557 PNP TRANSISTOR PDF

    transistor bc556

    Abstract: transistor bc 558 application transistor B 560 TRANSISTOR C 557 B bc557 fairchild pnp bc559 transistor transistor 557 b BC 557 PNP TRANSISTOR information of BC558 BC556
    Text: PNP EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR BC556/557/558/559/560 SWITCHING AND AMPLIFIER • HIGH VOLTAGE: BC556, VCEO= -65V • LOW NOISE: BC559, BC560 • Complement to BC546 . BC 550 TO-92 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS TA=25°°C Characteristic Symbol Collector-Base Capacitance

    BC556/557/558/559/560 BC556, BC559, BC560 BC546 BC556 BC557/560 BC558/559 transistor bc556 transistor bc 558 application transistor B 560 TRANSISTOR C 557 B bc557 fairchild pnp bc559 transistor transistor 557 b BC 557 PNP TRANSISTOR information of BC558 BC556 PDF


    Abstract: bc560
    Text: BC556 / BC557 / BC558 / BC559 / BC560 PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Features • • • • Switching and Amplifier High-Voltage: BC556, VCEO = -65 V Low-Noise: BC559, BC560 Complement to BC546, BC547, BC548, BC549, and BC550 1 TO-92 1. Collector 2. Base 3. Emitter

    BC556 BC557 BC558 BC559 BC560 BC556, BC559, BC546, BC547, BC558B bc560 PDF

    transistor bc546

    Abstract: bc546 fairchild data of transistor 547 transistor C 548 B Amplifier with transistor BC548 Amplifier with transistor BC549 BC550 TRANSISTOR bc560 BC546..547 bc550 transistor
    Text: NPN EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR BC546/547/548/549/550 SWITCHING AND AMPLIFIER • HIGH VOLTAGE: BC546, VCEO=65V • LOW NOISE: BC549, BC550 • Complement to BC556 . BC560 TO-92 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS TA=25°°C Characteristic Symbol Collector Base Voltage

    BC546/547/548/549/550 BC546, BC549, BC550 BC556 BC560 BC546 BC547/550 BC548/549 transistor bc546 bc546 fairchild data of transistor 547 transistor C 548 B Amplifier with transistor BC548 Amplifier with transistor BC549 BC550 TRANSISTOR bc560 BC546..547 bc550 transistor PDF

    transistor bc547 specifications

    Abstract: BC548 transistor BC550 transistor BC547 to92 transistor BC550
    Text: BC546 / BC547 / BC548 / BC549 / BC550 NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Features • • • • Switching and Amplifier High-Voltage: BC546, VCEO = 65 V Low-Noise: BC549, BC550 Complement to BC556, BC557, BC558, BC559, and BC560 1 TO-92 1. Collector 2. Base 3. Emitter

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    transistor BC 458

    Abstract: BC 458 transistor transistor BC 548 Data bc546 fairchild BC546BTA bc546 TRANSISTOR B 546b BC 546A of transistor BC548 bc 547 b transistor
    Text: BC546/547/548/549/550 BC546/547/548/549/550 Switching and Applications • High Voltage: BC546, VCEO=65V • Low Noise: BC549, BC550 • Complement to BC556 . BC560 TO-92 1 1. Collector 2. Base 3. Emitter NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25°C unless otherwise noted

    BC546/547/548/549/550 BC546, BC549, BC550 BC556 BC560 BC546 BC547/550 BC548/549 transistor BC 458 BC 458 transistor transistor BC 548 Data bc546 fairchild BC546BTA bc546 TRANSISTOR B 546b BC 546A of transistor BC548 bc 547 b transistor PDF

    APPLICATION OF BC548 transistor

    Abstract: Amplifier with transistor BC548 information of BC548 BC548 for bc548 npn transistor BC548CTA transistor bc 547 transistor bc 548 npn bc 548b transistor BC549 input
    Text: BC546/547/548/549/550 BC546/547/548/549/550 Switching and Applications • High Voltage: BC546, VCEO=65V • Low Noise: BC549, BC550 • Complement to BC556 . BC560 TO-92 1 1. Collector 2. Base 3. Emitter NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25°C unless otherwise noted

    BC546/547/548/549/550 BC546, BC549, BC550 BC556 BC560 BC546 BC547/550 BC548/549 APPLICATION OF BC548 transistor Amplifier with transistor BC548 information of BC548 BC548 for bc548 npn transistor BC548CTA transistor bc 547 transistor bc 548 npn bc 548b transistor BC549 input PDF


    Abstract: bc550 noise figure transistor BC 548 Data transistor NPN 548 BC548 npn bc550 transistor transistor bc 548 npn BC550CTA
    Text: BC546/547/548/549/550 BC546/547/548/549/550 Switching and Applications • High Voltage: BC546, VCEO=65V • Low Noise: BC549, BC550 • Complement to BC556 . BC560 TO-92 1 1. Collector 2. Base 3. Emitter NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25°C unless otherwise noted

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    Amplifier with transistor BC549

    Abstract: BC546 BC549 BC550 BC556 BC560 bc549 noise figure bc556 transistor npn transistor of bc548 Transistor B C 458
    Text: BC546/547/548/549/550 BC546/547/548/549/550 Switching and Amplifier • High Voltage: BC546, VCEO=65V • Low Noise: BC549, BC550 • Complement to BC556 . BC560 TO-92 1 1. Collector 2. Base 3. Emitter NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25°C unless otherwise noted

    BC546/547/548/549/550 BC546, BC549, BC550 BC556 BC560 BC546 BC547/550 BC548/549 Amplifier with transistor BC549 BC546 BC549 BC550 BC556 BC560 bc549 noise figure bc556 transistor npn transistor of bc548 Transistor B C 458 PDF

    bc546 fairchild

    Abstract: transistor BC549 hfe of transistor BC548 Transistor BC546/547/548/549/550 BC549 input for bc548 npn transistor NPN transistor bc548 BC546 BC549 BC550
    Text: BC546/547/548/549/550 BC546/547/548/549/550 Switching and Applications • High Voltage: BC546, VCEO=65V • Low Noise: BC549, BC550 • Complement to BC556 . BC560 TO-92 1 1. Collector 2. Base 3. Emitter NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25°C unless otherwise noted

    BC546/547/548/549/550 BC546, BC549, BC550 BC556 BC560 BC546 BC547/550 BC548/549 bc546 fairchild transistor BC549 hfe of transistor BC548 Transistor BC546/547/548/549/550 BC549 input for bc548 npn transistor NPN transistor bc548 BC546 BC549 BC550 PDF

    transistor bc549

    Abstract: bc556 transistor bc546 fairchild Transistor BC546/547/548/549/550 CBC546 BC546 BC549 BC550 BC556 BC560
    Text: BC546/547/548/549/550 BC546/547/548/549/550 Switching and Applications • High Voltage: BC546, VCEO=65V • Low Noise: BC549, BC550 • Complement to BC556 . BC560 TO-92 1 1. Collector 2. Base 3. Emitter NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25°C unless otherwise noted

    BC546/547/548/549/550 BC546, BC549, BC550 BC556 BC560 BC546 BC547/550 BC548/549 transistor bc549 bc556 transistor bc546 fairchild Transistor BC546/547/548/549/550 CBC546 BC546 BC549 BC550 BC556 BC560 PDF


    Abstract: transistor bc547 specifications transistor bc547 applications bc547 marking transistor information of BC547 transistor BC 547B Use of BC547 transistor BC547ATA BC547-J22Z transistor BC 458
    Text: BC546/547/548/549/550 BC546/547/548/549/550 Switching and Applications • High Voltage: BC546, VCEO=65V • Low Noise: BC549, BC550 • Complement to BC556 . BC560 TO-92 1 1. Collector 2. Base 3. Emitter NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25°C unless otherwise noted

    BC546/547/548/549/550 BC546, BC549, BC550 BC556 BC560 BC546 BC547/550 BC548/549 BC547 transistor bc547 specifications transistor bc547 applications bc547 marking transistor information of BC547 transistor BC 547B Use of BC547 transistor BC547ATA BC547-J22Z transistor BC 458 PDF

    BC546 "cross reference"

    Abstract: transistor BC 458 Transistor NPN BC 549B bc549 Cross Reference BC548 cross reference bc550 BC547ATA Amplifier with transistor BC549 bc549 of transistor BC 548
    Text: BC546/547/548/549/550 BC546/547/548/549/550 Switching and Applications • High Voltage: BC546, VCEO=65V • Low Noise: BC549, BC550 • Complement to BC556 . BC560 TO-92 1 1. Collector 2. Base 3. Emitter NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25°C unless otherwise noted

    BC546/547/548/549/550 BC546, BC549, BC550 BC556 BC560 BC546 BC547/550 BC548/549 BC546 "cross reference" transistor BC 458 Transistor NPN BC 549B bc549 Cross Reference BC548 cross reference bc550 BC547ATA Amplifier with transistor BC549 bc549 of transistor BC 548 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PNP EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR BC556/557/558/559/560 SWITCHING AND AMPLIFIER . HIGH VO LTAG E: BC556, VCEo= -65V . LOW NOISE: BC559, BC560 • C om plem ent to BC546 . BC 550 TO -92 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS TA=25°C C haracteristic Sym bol C ollector-Base C apacitance

    OCR Scan
    BC556/557/558/559/560 BC556, BC559, BC560 BC546 BC556 BC557/560 BC558/559 bc556 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NPN EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR BC546/547/548/549/550 SWITCHING AND AMPLIFIER . HIGH VO LTAG E: BC546, VCeo= 65V . LOW NOISE: BC549, BC550 • C om plem ent to BC556 . BC560 T O -92 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS TA=25°C C haracteristic Sym bol C ollector Base Voltage

    OCR Scan
    BC546/547/548/549/550 BC546, BC549, BC550 BC556 BC560 BC546 BC547/550 BC548/549 PDF