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    UAA 140 Search Results

    UAA 140 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet M UAA Rout ing CoProc e ssor RCP Fa m ily APPLICATION BENEFITS DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • High performance MAC Address processor for multiport switches and routers (Up to 48 10/100 or 4 Gigabit Ethernet at wire speed) • 2K and 8K x 80-bit partitionable CAM/RAM data

    80-bit 32-bit 16-bit 16-bit PDF

    UAA 146

    Abstract: UAA 2001
    Text: CY7C093794V CY7C093894V CY7C09289V CY7C09369V CY7C09379V CY7C09389V3.3V 64K x 18 Synchronous QuadPort Static RAM 1CY7C0430V CY7C0430BV PRELIMINARY 3.3V 64K x 18 Synchronous QuadPort™ Static RAM Features • True four-ported memory cells which allow simultaneous access of the same memory location

    CY7C093794V CY7C093894V CY7C09289V CY7C09369V CY7C09379V CY7C09389V3 1CY7C0430V CY7C0430BV 133-MHz 25-micron UAA 146 UAA 2001 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CY7C0430BV PRELIMINARY 3.3V 64K x 18 Synchronous QuadPort Static RAM Features • True four-ported memory cells which allow simultaneous access of the same memory location • Synchronous Pipelined device — 64K x 18 organization • Pipelined output mode allows fast 133-MHz operation

    CY7C0430BV 133-MHz 25-micron PDF

    UAA 170 equivalent

    Abstract: UAA 146 UAA 190 A12P1 UAA 140
    Text: 30V CY7C0430BV PRELIMINARY 3.3V 64K x 18 Synchronous QuadPort Static RAM Features • True four-ported memory cells which allow simultaneous access of the same memory location • Synchronous Pipelined device — 64K x 18 organization • Pipelined output mode allows fast 133-MHz operation

    CY7C0430BV 133-MHz 25-micron UAA 170 equivalent UAA 146 UAA 190 A12P1 UAA 140 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CY7C093794V CY7C093894V CY7C09289V CY7C09369V CY7C09379V CY7C09389V3.3V 64K x 18 Synchronous QuadPort Static RAM 1CY7C0430V CY7C0430BV PRELIMINARY 3.3V 64K x 18 Synchronous QuadPort™ Static RAM Features • True four-ported memory cells which allow simultaneous access of the same memory location

    CY7C093794V CY7C093894V CY7C09289V CY7C09369V CY7C09379V CY7C09389V3 1CY7C0430V CY7C0430BV 133-MHz 25-micron A0P3-15P3 PDF

    UAA 146

    Abstract: UAA 190 UAA 170 equivalent CY7C0430V UAA 170 C6354
    Text: 30V CY7C0430V PRELIMINARY 3.3V 64K x 18 Synchronous QuadPort Static RAM Features • True four-ported memory cells which allow simultaneous access of the same memory location • Synchronous Pipelined device — 64K x 18 organization • Pipelined output mode allows fast 133-MHz operation

    CY7C0430V 133-MHz 25-micron 750mA UAA 146 UAA 190 UAA 170 equivalent CY7C0430V UAA 170 C6354 PDF

    UAA 170 equivalent

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CY7C0430BV PRELIMINARY 10Gb/s QuadPort Switch 3.3V, 1 Meg 64K x18 Features • QuadPort™ Switch allows four independant ports of access for data path management and switching. • High Bandwidth Data Throughput up to 10 Gb/s • 133 MHz port speed x 18 bit wide interface x 4 ports

    CY7C0430BV 10Gb/s 25-micron UAA 170 equivalent PDF

    UAA 170 equivalent

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CY7C0430BV CY7C04312BV CY7C04314BV PRELIMINARY 10 Gb/s 3.3V QuadPort DSE Family Features • QuadPort Datapath Switching Element™ DSE™ devices allows four independent ports of access for data path management and switching. • High Bandwidth Data Throughput up to 10 Gb/s

    CY7C0430BV CY7C04312BV CY7C04314BV 64K/32K/16K 25-micron UAA 170 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: CY7C0430CV f18-100 chip K3216
    Text: CY7C0430CV 10 Gb/s 3.3 V QuadPort DSE Family Features • QuadPort™ datapath switching element DSE family allows four independent ports of access for data path management and switching ■ High-bandwidth data throughput up to 10 Gb/s ■ 133-MHz[] port speed x 18-bit-wide interface x 4 ports

    CY7C0430CV 133-MHz[ 18-bit-wide 25-micron CY7C0430CV-133BGI CY7C0430CV f18-100 chip K3216 PDF

    UAA 146

    Abstract: UAA 190 E-Vision User Guide CY7C0430BV CY7C04312BV CY7C04314BV Y043XXBV
    Text: CY043XXBV: 12/98 Revision: August 15, 2001 CY7C0430BV CY7C04312BV CY7C04314BV PRELIMINARY 10 Gb/s 3.3V QuadPort DSE Family Features • QuadPort™ Datapath Switching Element DSE devices allows four independent ports of access for data path management and switching.

    CY043XXBV: CY7C0430BV CY7C04312BV CY7C04314BV 133-MHz 18-bit-wide 64K/32K/16K 25-micron UAA 146 UAA 190 E-Vision User Guide CY7C0430BV CY7C04312BV CY7C04314BV Y043XXBV PDF

    UAA 146

    Abstract: UAA 180 L1118 UAA 170 CY7C0430BV CY7C04312BV CY7C04314BV
    Text: CY7C0430BV CY7C04312BV CY7C04314BV 10 Gb/s 3.3V QuadPort DSE Family Features • QuadPort™ datapath switching element DSE family allows four independent ports of access for data path management and switching • High-bandwidth data throughput up to 10 Gb/s

    CY7C0430BV CY7C04312BV CY7C04314BV 133-MHz 18-bit-wide 64K/32K/16K 25-micron UAA 146 UAA 180 L1118 UAA 170 CY7C0430BV CY7C04312BV CY7C04314BV PDF


    Abstract: CY7C0430CV CY7C0430CV-133BGI
    Text: CY7C0430BV CY7C0430CV 10 Gb/s 3.3V QuadPort DSE Family Features • Dual Chip Enables on all ports for easy depth expansion • QuadPort™ datapath switching element DSE family allows four independent ports of access for data path management and switching

    CY7C0430BV CY7C0430CV 133-MHz 18-bit-wide 272-ball 27-mm 27-mm CY7C0430BV CY7C0430CV CY7C0430CV-133BGI PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CY7C0430BV CY7C04312BV CY7C04314BV 10 Gb/s 3.3V QuadPort DSE Family Features • QuadPort™ datapath switching element DSE family allows four independent ports of access for data path management and switching • High-bandwidth data throughput up to 10 Gb/s

    CY7C0430BV CY7C04312BV CY7C04314BV 133-MHz 18-bit-wide 64K/32K/16K 25-micron PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CY7C0430CV 10 Gb/s 3.3 V QuadPort DSE Family 10 Gb/s 3.3 V QuadPort™ DSE Family Features • QuadPort™ datapath switching element DSE family allows four independent ports of access for data path management and switching ■ High-bandwidth data throughput up to 10 Gb/s

    CY7C0430CV 133-MHz 18-bit-wide 25-micron PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 0SM1SMA Miniature Coaxial Connactore The OSM* or 8MA aartas oonnaotor w u davatopad to III tha naad for a aaml-pnolslon, 3mm high fnquanoy oonnaotor with rapaatabla alaotrtoal parformanoa (ram do-18 GHz and bayond. Thaaa modarataly phoad aubmlnlatura oonnaotom a n Waal for uaa In mtorowava aa wall u low

    OCR Scan
    do-18 141-lnoh PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OSM SMA 0 8 M Miniature Coaxial Connaotora for flaxlbla oable ara daalqned for uaa on medium (&g. RQ-142BAJ) and smaller size flexible cable. Flexible cable assemblies can be utilized In a rasa where eeml-rlgld cable le not required but high cable flexibility la needed. Designs exist for nearly airstytea

    OCR Scan
    RQ-142BAJ) PDF

    UAA 140

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OS-2.9 Hermetic Launchere with Captured Center Contacta Plug Raoeptaela S parkplug Per Uea With Qlaae Bead or Tab Contest I 4W7-3877-0S Keoofrmtndrt MoirtnQ Holt D ob l & Jack Raoaptaola (S parkplug) 4K6-W77-01 Per Uaa Wfth Qlaaa Bead or Tab Centaet ftaamnandad Mwrtfcg H a s Date B.

    OCR Scan
    4W7-3877-0S 4K6-W77-01 800-3M UAA 140 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: For High Powor • Low Loss Cablo The TNC oonneotore haw baen daatcnad tor uaa with hfgh power lew loaa aamklgld coaxial oabla of 376 and ,50<Hnoh diameter* Eaoh oonnaotor body and/br coupling nut la made of aluminum for light weight. The bodlaa have an Irid tod flnlah whDe the ooupllng and

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: For 8 «ml-Rlgld Cablo T N C aartoa 60 ohm Connector* tor eam klgld oabte a n highly reilabto, low V S W R oonnaotora for uaa on .088-Inch, . 141-Inch, . 260-Inch and 325 -Incheam klgld oabtoa. Each oonneotor body andfor ooupHng nut la m a d * of atalnlaaa ataal tor long life T h * adder-on oantar oontaot to

    OCR Scan
    088-Inch, 141-Inch, 260-Inch 402AJ 810W7 PDF

    UAA 141

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S E M I C O N D U C T O R S Advance Information Draft _ MUAA CAM Fam ily APPLICATION BENEFITS > > > > > > High performance MAC Address filter for multiport switches and routers Filters 7.14 million packets per second; one search and one learn operation per packet

    OCR Scan
    80-bit 32-bit UAA 141 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Advance Information C T O R S MUAA CAM Fam ily APPLICATION BENEFITS > > > > > > High performance MAC Address filter for multiport switches and routers Filters 7.14 million packets per second; one search and one learn operation per packet Supports 48 100 Mb Ethernet ports

    OCR Scan
    80-bit 32-bit 16-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Advance Information S E M I C O N D U C T O R S _^ m MUAA Routing Coprocessor RCP Family APPLICATION BENEFITS > > > > > > High performance MAC Address processor for multiport switches and routers (Up to 48 10/100 or 4 Gigabit Ethernet at wire speed)

    OCR Scan

    UAA 146

    Abstract: K3296 UAA 170 a7356 404344 K1962 A1837-2 M3204 A1439-2 LM 327 CN
    Text: '0 CYPRESS CY7C0430V P R E L IM IN A R Y 3.3V 64K x 18 Synchronous QuadPort Static RAM Features • Counter wrap-around control • True four-ported memory cells which allow simulta­ neous access of the same memory location • Synchronous Pipelined device

    OCR Scan
    CY7C0430V 133-MHz 25-micron 750mA 03155b UAA 146 K3296 UAA 170 a7356 404344 K1962 A1837-2 M3204 A1439-2 LM 327 CN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¿sssgs^kj S ffif iiffffFrnff^ffîftfMiï^‘^Mniiinn _ S Advance Information EMICONDUCTORS MUAA Routing Coprocessor RCP Fam ily APPLICATION BENEFITS > > > > > > High performance MAC Address processor for multiport switches and routers (Up to 48 10/100 or 4

    OCR Scan