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    Abstract: XQ5VLX330T SX95T DS714 XQ5VFX130T ROCKETIO VIRTEX-5 LX110 UG190 UG191 UG195
    Text: 74 Virtex-5Q FPGA Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics DS714 v2.0 December 17, 2009 Product Specification Virtex-5Q FPGA Electrical Characteristics Virtex -5Q FPGAs are available in -2 and -1 speed grades, with -2 having the highest performance. Virtex-5Q FPGA

    DS714 DS174, UG190, UG191, UG192, UG193, UG194, UG195, UG196, XQ5VLX110 XQ5VLX330T SX95T DS714 XQ5VFX130T ROCKETIO VIRTEX-5 LX110 UG190 UG191 UG195 PDF

    Tianma TM162VBA6

    Abstract: TM162VBA6 88E1111 Marvell PHY 88E1111 alaska hard disk SATA pcb schematic ML507 JS28F256P30T95 tianma lcd graphic display HFJ11-1G01E AD1981 Codec
    Text: ML505/ML506/ML507 ML505/ML506/M L507 Evaluation Evaluation Platform Platform User Guide [optional] UG347 v3.1 November 10, 2008 [optional] R R Xilinx is disclosing this user guide, manual, release note, and/or specification (the "Documentation") to you solely for use in the development

    ML505/ML506/ML507 ML505/ML506/M UG347 UG203, UG112, UG195, ML505/ML506/ML507 UG029, UG213, Tianma TM162VBA6 TM162VBA6 88E1111 Marvell PHY 88E1111 alaska hard disk SATA pcb schematic ML507 JS28F256P30T95 tianma lcd graphic display HFJ11-1G01E AD1981 Codec PDF


    Abstract: ff1156 VIRTEX-5 DDR2 controller FFG1156 VIRTEX-5 DDR PHY Virtex-5 Ethernet development Virtex-5 LXT Ethernet DSP48E SRL16 XC5VLX220
    Text: R DS100 v5.0 February 6, 2009 Virtex-5 Family Overview Product Specification General Description The Virtex -5 family provides the newest most powerful features in the FPGA market. Using the second generation ASMBL (Advanced Silicon Modular Block) column-based architecture, the Virtex-5 family contains five distinct platforms (sub-families), the most choice

    DS100 36-Kbit UG197) UG200) UG194) XC5VLX50T-1FFG665C ff1156 VIRTEX-5 DDR2 controller FFG1156 VIRTEX-5 DDR PHY Virtex-5 Ethernet development Virtex-5 LXT Ethernet DSP48E SRL16 XC5VLX220 PDF


    Abstract: XQR5VFX
    Text: Radiation-Hardened, Space-Grade Virtex-5QV FPGA Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics DS692 v1.2 July 24, 2013 Product Specification Virtex-5QV FPGA Electrical Characteristics Radiation-hardened Virtex -5QV FPGAs are available in the -1 speed grade only. Virtex-5QV FPGA DC and AC

    DS692 DS192, UG520, UG190, UG191, XQR5VFX130-CF1752 XQR5VFX PDF


    Abstract: Marvell PHY 88E1111 ml505 Marvell PHY 88E1111 Datasheet microblaze ethernet ML505 ML507 sgmii 88E1111 Marvell PHY 88E1111 Xilinx XAPP957 88E1111 and SFP applications
    Text: Application Note: Virtex-5 Embedded Tri-Mode Ethernet Core R Virtex-5 Embedded Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC Hardware Demonstration Platform XAPP957 v1.1 October 8, 2008 Summary This application note describes a system using the Virtex -5 Embedded Tri-Mode Ethernet

    XAPP957 ML505 ML507development ML507: ml507 xapp957 UG170, UG194, UG347, 8e1111 Marvell PHY 88E1111 ml505 Marvell PHY 88E1111 Datasheet microblaze ethernet sgmii 88E1111 Marvell PHY 88E1111 Xilinx 88E1111 and SFP applications PDF


    Abstract: Virtex-5QV Device Reliability report XILINX ADQ0007 XQR5VFX130 CF1752 UG191 XQR5V XQR5VFX SGMII
    Text: Radiation-Hardened, Space-Grade Virtex-5QV Device Overview DS192 v1.1 August 30, 2010 Advance Product Specification General Description The space-grade Virtex -5QV FPGA provides radiation-hardened by design technology to meet the requirements of space applications that demand high-performance as well as high reliability. For years, ASICs were the only solution available to system

    DS192 UG198) UG194) UG197) XQR5VFX130-1CF1752V Virtex-5QV Device Reliability report XILINX ADQ0007 XQR5VFX130 CF1752 UG191 XQR5V XQR5VFX SGMII PDF

    Tianma TM162VBA6

    Abstract: TM162VBA6 JS28F256P30T95 ML506 Virtex-5 FPGA Packaging and Pinout Specification E5404 IS61NLP25636A-200TQL MT4HTF3264HY-53e AD1981 Codec Marvell PHY 88E1111 ml505
    Text: ML505/ML506/ML507 ML505/ML506/M L507 Evaluation Evaluation Platform Platform User Guide [optional] UG347 v3.1.1 October 7, 2009 [optional] R R Xilinx is disclosing this user guide, manual, release note, and/or specification (the "Documentation") to you solely for use in the development

    ML505/ML506/ML507 ML505/ML506/M UG347 UG203, UG112, UG195, ML505/ML506/ML507 UG029, UG213, Tianma TM162VBA6 TM162VBA6 JS28F256P30T95 ML506 Virtex-5 FPGA Packaging and Pinout Specification E5404 IS61NLP25636A-200TQL MT4HTF3264HY-53e AD1981 Codec Marvell PHY 88E1111 ml505 PDF

    VIRTEX-5 DDR2 pcb design

    Abstract: 16 channel synchronous lvds ADC interface xilinx virtex5 XC5VLX50 FFG676 VIRTEX-5 DDR2 controller GTP ethernet XC5VFX70 ug195 XC5VFX130T
    Text: R DS100 v4.2 May 7, 2008 Virtex-5 Family Overview Advance Product Specification General Description The Virtex -5 family provides the newest most powerful features in the FPGA market. Using the second generation ASMBL (Advanced Silicon Modular Block) column-based architecture, the Virtex-5 family contains four distinct platforms (sub-families), the most choice

    DS100 36-Kbit UG193) DSP48E UG191) UG195) VIRTEX-5 DDR2 pcb design 16 channel synchronous lvds ADC interface xilinx virtex5 XC5VLX50 FFG676 VIRTEX-5 DDR2 controller GTP ethernet XC5VFX70 ug195 XC5VFX130T PDF

    xc5vlx110t models

    Abstract: XC5VLX110T-FF1738 XC5VSX35T XC5VLX85T FF1760
    Text: Virtex-5 Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics R DS202 v3.4 July 26, 2007 Advance Product Specification Virtex-5 Electrical Characteristics Virtex -5 FPGAs are available in -3, -2, -1 speed grades, with -3 having the highest performance. Virtex-5 DC and AC characteristics are specified for both

    DS202 xc5vlx110t models XC5VLX110T-FF1738 XC5VSX35T XC5VLX85T FF1760 PDF

    R 804

    Abstract: XC5VFX70
    Text: Virtex-5 FPGA Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics R DS202 v4.9 December 19, 2008 Advance Product Specification Virtex-5 FPGA Electrical Characteristics Virtex -5 FPGAs are available in -3, -2, -1 speed grades, with -3 having the highest performance. Virtex-5 FPGA DC

    DS202 R 804 XC5VFX70 PDF


    Abstract: SX95T XQ5VFX130T FX130T LX30T XQ5VLX30T tws 433 tx XQ5VFX XQ5VLX330T XQ5VLX220T
    Text: 74 Virtex-5Q FPGA Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics DS714 v2.1 July 23, 2010 Product Specification Virtex-5Q FPGA Electrical Characteristics • UG192, Virtex-5 FPGA System Monitor User Guide • UG193, Virtex-5 FPGA XtremeDSP Design Considerations User Guide

    DS714 FX70T FX100T XQ5VLX110 SX95T XQ5VFX130T FX130T LX30T XQ5VLX30T tws 433 tx XQ5VFX XQ5VLX330T XQ5VLX220T PDF


    Abstract: virtex 5 fpga ethernet to pc DSP48E VIRTEX-5 VIRTEX-5 DDR2 controller SRL16 XC5VLX220 XC5VLX330 Virtex Analog to Digital Converter UG195
    Text: R DS100 v4.4 September 23, 2008 Virtex-5 Family Overview Advance Product Specification General Description The Virtex -5 family provides the newest most powerful features in the FPGA market. Using the second generation ASMBL (Advanced Silicon Modular Block) column-based architecture, the Virtex-5 family contains five distinct platforms (sub-families), the most choice

    DS100 36-Kbit UG194) UG197) UG200) XC5VLX50T-1FFG665C virtex 5 fpga ethernet to pc DSP48E VIRTEX-5 VIRTEX-5 DDR2 controller SRL16 XC5VLX220 XC5VLX330 Virtex Analog to Digital Converter UG195 PDF

    vhdl code for DES algorithm

    Abstract: XAPP921c FLOATING POINT PROCESSOR TMSC6000 pulse compression radar fir filter matlab code LMS adaptive filter simulink model verilog code for lms adaptive equalizer for audio LMS simulink 3SD1800A XILINX vhdl code REED SOLOMON encoder decoder fir filter with lms algorithm in vhdl code
    Text: XtremeDSP Solutions Selection Guide June 2008 Introduction Contents DSP System Solutions.4 DSP Devices.17 Development Tools.25 Complementary Solutions.33 Resources.35



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Radiation-Hardened, Space-Grade Virtex-5QV FPGA Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics DS692 v1.1 July 12, 2011 Product Specification Virtex-5QV FPGA Electrical Characteristics Radiation-hardened Virtex -5QV FPGAs are available in the -1 speed grade only. Virtex-5QV FPGA DC and AC

    DS692 DS192, UG520, UG190, UG191of PDF

    RGMII constraints

    Abstract: TEMAC free source code for cdma transceiver using vhdl 7206 cisco power requirement 7206 cisco GMII VLAN Tag RGMII RGMII phy DS537 LocalLink
    Text: XPS LL TEMAC v2.03a DS537 December 2, 2009 Product Specification Introduction LogiCORE Facts This document provides the design specification for the XPS_LL_TEMAC soft Ethernet core. This core provides a control interface to internal registers via a 32-bit Processor Local Bus (PLB) Version 4.6 as described in the

    DS537 32-bit 128-Bit RGMII constraints TEMAC free source code for cdma transceiver using vhdl 7206 cisco power requirement 7206 cisco GMII VLAN Tag RGMII RGMII phy LocalLink PDF


    Abstract: virtex5 rocketio FF1760
    Text: Virtex-5 Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics R DS202 v3.3 June 26, 2007 Advance Product Specification Virtex-5 Electrical Characteristics Virtex -5 FPGAs are available in -3, -2, -1 speed grades, with -3 having the highest performance. Virtex-5 DC and AC characteristics are specified for both

    DS202 vdrint virtex5 rocketio FF1760 PDF


    Abstract: ML510 xilinx mig user interface design VIRTEX-5 DDR2 VIRTEX-5 DDR2 controller virtex ml510 xc5vlx130t ChipScope XAPP778 XPS IIC
    Text: ML510 MIG Design Creation Using ISE 11.1, MIG 3.0 and ChipScope™ Pro 11.1 May 2009 Overview ƒ Hardware Setup ƒ Software Requirements ƒ CORE Generator™ software – Memory Interface Generator MIG ƒ Modify Design – Add ChipScope Pro Cores to Design

    ML510 ML510 DS694 com/ml510 UG356 aspi-024-aspi-s402 xilinx mig user interface design VIRTEX-5 DDR2 VIRTEX-5 DDR2 controller virtex ml510 xc5vlx130t ChipScope XAPP778 XPS IIC PDF

    TAG 8426

    Abstract: tag 8606 cisco 2821 RGMII phy RGMII constraints structure of GMII packet with VLAN Tag LocalLink sgmii soft temac constraints for virtex4 tc 3086
    Text: XPS LL TEMAC v2.02a DS537 June 24, 2009 Product Specification Introduction LogiCORE Facts This document provides the design specification for the XPS_LL_TEMAC soft Ethernet core. This core provides a control interface to internal registers via a 32-bit

    DS537 32-bit 128-Bit TAG 8426 tag 8606 cisco 2821 RGMII phy RGMII constraints structure of GMII packet with VLAN Tag LocalLink sgmii soft temac constraints for virtex4 tc 3086 PDF


    Abstract: DS202 VIRTEX-5 LX110 tektronix 463 Virtex 5 LX50T UG112 UG190 UG195 ISERDES spartan 6 XC5VLX330T-FF1738
    Text: Virtex-5 FPGA Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics DS202 v5.2 June 25, 2009 Product Specification Virtex-5 FPGA Electrical Characteristics Virtex -5 FPGAs are available in -3, -2, -1 speed grades, with -3 having the highest performance. Virtex-5 FPGA DC

    DS202 XC5VTX240T DS202 VIRTEX-5 LX110 tektronix 463 Virtex 5 LX50T UG112 UG190 UG195 ISERDES spartan 6 XC5VLX330T-FF1738 PDF


    Abstract: XQ5VSX50T
    Text: 74 Virtex-5Q FPGA Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics Product Specification DS714 v2.2 January 17, 2011 Virtex-5Q FPGA Electrical Characteristics Defense-grade Virtex -5Q FPGAs are available in -2I, -1I, and -1M (only FX70T and FX100T devices in -1M) speed

    DS714 FX70T FX100T UG192, UG193, UG194, XQ5VFX130T XQ5VSX50T PDF

    Virtex 5 LX50T

    Abstract: VIRTEX-5 LX110T Virtex-5 LX50 xc5vlx110t models VIRTEX-5 LX110 xc5vlx330-ff1760 FPGA Virtex 6 pin configuration VIRTEX-5 DDR2 Virtex 5 LX50T controllers VIRTEX-5 FX70T
    Text: Virtex-5 FPGA Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics R DS202 v4.7 September 23, 2008 Advance Product Specification Virtex-5 FPGA Electrical Characteristics Virtex -5 FPGAs are available in -3, -2, -1 speed grades, with -3 having the highest performance. Virtex-5 FPGA DC

    DS202 FX70T, XC5VFX100T, XC5VFX130T, XC5VSX240T XC5VLX20T XC5VTX150T XC5VTX240T Virtex 5 LX50T VIRTEX-5 LX110T Virtex-5 LX50 xc5vlx110t models VIRTEX-5 LX110 xc5vlx330-ff1760 FPGA Virtex 6 pin configuration VIRTEX-5 DDR2 Virtex 5 LX50T controllers VIRTEX-5 FX70T PDF


    Abstract: xq5vfx100t XQ5VFX130T XQ5VFX70T UG195 VIRTEX-5 LX110 FX70T EF1738 UG191 UG193 UG196
    Text: 74 Virtex-5Q FPGA Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics DS714 v2.2 January 17, 2011 Product Specification Virtex-5Q FPGA Electrical Characteristics • UG192, Virtex-5 FPGA System Monitor User Guide • UG193, Virtex-5 FPGA XtremeDSP Design Considerations User Guide

    DS714 UG192, UG193, UG194, UG195, UG196, UG197, XQ5VFX70T xq5vfx100t XQ5VFX130T XQ5VFX70T UG195 VIRTEX-5 LX110 FX70T EF1738 UG191 UG193 UG196 PDF

    xc5vlx110t models

    Abstract: LVDCI18 XC5VSX35T FF665 VIRTEX-5 LX110 XC5VSX95T DS202 UG190 UG195 XC5VLX85T
    Text: Virtex-5 Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics R DS202 v3.6 November 5, 2007 Advance Product Specification Virtex-5 Electrical Characteristics Virtex -5 FPGAs are available in -3, -2, -1 speed grades, with -3 having the highest performance. Virtex-5 DC and AC characteristics are specified for both

    DS202 XC5VSX95T xc5vlx110t models LVDCI18 XC5VSX35T FF665 VIRTEX-5 LX110 DS202 UG190 UG195 XC5VLX85T PDF


    Abstract: XQR5VFX130-CF1752 XQR5VFX130C FPGA Virtex 6 Ethernet CF1752 XQR5VFX DS692 UG190 UG191 UG193
    Text: Radiation-Hardened, Space-Grade Virtex-5QV FPGA Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics DS692 v1.1 July 12, 2011 Product Specification Virtex-5QV FPGA Electrical Characteristics Radiation-hardened Virtex -5QV FPGAs are available in the -1 speed grade only. Virtex-5QV FPGA DC and AC

    DS692 DS192, UG520, UG190, UG191, XQR5VFX130 XQR5VFX130-CF1752 XQR5VFX130C FPGA Virtex 6 Ethernet CF1752 XQR5VFX DS692 UG190 UG191 UG193 PDF