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    UM 7222 G Search Results

    UM 7222 G Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    72221L10PF Renesas Electronics Corporation 1K x 9 SyncFIFO, 5.0V Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    72221L15PF Renesas Electronics Corporation 1K x 9 SyncFIFO, 5.0V Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    72221L25PF Renesas Electronics Corporation 1K x 9 SyncFIFO, 5.0V Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    72225LB10TF Renesas Electronics Corporation 1K x 18 SyncFIFO, 5.0V Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    72225LB15PF8 Renesas Electronics Corporation 1K x 18 SyncFIFO, 5.0V Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    UM 7222 G Datasheets Context Search

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    SiGE wlan LNA

    Abstract: LNA in WLAN SE2600S embedded wlan module SE2600S-R BT 1
    Text: SE2600S 2.4 GHz WLAN Switch/LNA Front End Preliminary Applications Product Description The SE2600S is a single chip integrated front-end module FEM with a Bluetooth port to complement WLAN chipsets with integrated Power Amplifier. The FEM integrates SP3T Switch and Low Noise Amplifier

    SE2600S SE2600S IEEE802 DST-00292 October-09-2009 SiGE wlan LNA LNA in WLAN embedded wlan module SE2600S-R BT 1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SE2600S 2.4 GHz WLAN Switch/LNA Front End Applications Product Description The SE2600S is a single chip integrated front-end module FEM with a Bluetooth port to complement WLAN chipsets with integrated Power Amplifier. The FEM integrates SP3T Switch and Low Noise Amplifier

    SE2600S IEEE802 SE2600S SE2600S-R SE2600S-Eof 2011SiGe DST-00292 January-23-2011 PDF

    LGA-24 land pattern

    Abstract: 2521a P802 SE2521A80 69-APP-02 TRISOL 60 APP02
    Text: SE2521A80 2.4 GHz Wireless LAN Front End Preliminary Applications ƒ ƒ ƒ Product Description The SE2521A80 is a complete 802.11 b/g WLAN RF front-end module providing all the functionality of the power amplifier, power detector, T/R switch, diversity switch and associated matching. The SE2521A80

    SE2521A80 SE2521A80 IEEE802 132-DST-01 May-26-2009 QA040506 LGA-24 land pattern 2521a P802 69-APP-02 TRISOL 60 APP02 PDF

    LGA-24 land pattern

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SE2521A80 2.4 GHz Wireless LAN Front End Preliminary Applications Product Description • •  The SE2521A80 is a complete 802.11 b/g WLAN RF front-end module providing all the functionality of the power amplifier, power detector, T/R switch, diversity

    SE2521A80 IEEE802 SE2521A80 DST-00060 May-26-2009 LGA-24 land pattern PDF

    SiGe 2521a60

    Abstract: 2521a60 se2521a34 SiGe2521A60 TRISOL 60 P802 SE2521A60 SE2521A60-EK1 SE2521A60-R LGA100P800X700-24-610X505
    Text: SE2521A60 RangeCharger 2.4 GHz Wireless LAN Front End Applications ƒ ƒ ƒ Product Description The SE2521A60 is a complete 802.11 b/g WLAN RF front-end module providing all the functionality of the power amplifier, power detector, T/R switch, diversity

    SE2521A60 SE2521A60 IEEE802 SE2521A34 177-DST-01 Apr-04-2006 SiGe 2521a60 2521a60 SiGe2521A60 TRISOL 60 P802 SE2521A60-EK1 SE2521A60-R LGA100P800X700-24-610X505 PDF


    Abstract: SiGe 2521a60 SE2521A34 2521a6 SiGe2521A60 LGA-24 land pattern P802 SE2521A60 SE2521A60-EK1 SE2521A60-R
    Text: SE2521A60 2.4 GHz Wireless LAN Front End Applications ƒ ƒ ƒ Product Description The SE2521A60 is a complete 802.11 b/g WLAN RF front-end module providing all the functionality of the power amplifier, power detector, T/R switch, diversity switch and associated matching. The SE2521A60

    SE2521A60 SE2521A60 IEEE802 SE2521A34 177-DST-01 May-26-2009 2521a60 SiGe 2521a60 2521a6 SiGe2521A60 LGA-24 land pattern P802 SE2521A60-EK1 SE2521A60-R PDF


    Abstract: LGA-24 land pattern
    Text: SE2521A60 2.4 GHz Wireless LAN Front End Applications Product Description • •  The SE2521A60 is a complete 802.11 b/g WLAN RF front-end module providing all the functionality of the power amplifier, power detector, T/R switch, diversity switch and associated matching. The SE2521A60

    SE2521A60 IEEE802 SE2521A60 DST-00001 May-26-2009 2521a60 LGA-24 land pattern PDF


    Abstract: 7228A bi phase modulator
    Text: Series 71, 12 Bit Digital and Series 72 Analog l-Q Vector Modulators Both Series comprise a family of four solidstate PIN diode l-Q Vector Modulators covering the frequency range from 0.5 to 18 GHz in four bands; 0.5 to 2 GHz, 2 to 6 GHz, 4 to 12 GHz and 6 to 18 GHz. See Fig. 1.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: VALVO Datenbuch Datenbuch klystron Biszu50 B12-246 elektronenrohren valvo 1985 d14 - 362 7Z868
    Text: Elektronik. Wir bauen die Elemente. Oszilloskopröhren Datenbuch 1985 Wichtiger Hinweis! B ei d e r H a n d h a b u n g u n d b e im B e trie b e in ig e r B a u e le m e n te s in d m ö g lic h e g e s u n d ­ h e its g e fä h rd e n d e o d e r u m w e lts tö re n d e E in flü s s e zu b e a c h te n .

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EL7202C/EL7212C/EL7222C F e a tu r e s G e n e ra l D e sc r ip tio n • Industry standard driver replacement • Improved response times • Matched rise and fall times • Reduced clock skew • Low output impedance • Low input capacitance • H igh noise im munity

    OCR Scan
    EL7202C/EL7212C/EL7222C EL7202C/EL7212C/EL7222C DS0026 12C/EL7222C PDF


    Abstract: 4583BDC
    Text: 4583B DUAL SCHMITT TRIGGER D E S C R IP TIO N — The 45 8 3 B is a Duaf S c h m itt Trigger o ffe rin g b oth positive and negative threshold Voltages, V j + and V j _ , w h ich are program m able via R ^ x T P ' ^ E X T N anc* ^ E X T C *nPuts w *t ^1 ^ e

    OCR Scan
    4583B 4583B 4583BDC PDF


    Abstract: E 435 E
    Text: Microsemi Zener Regulator Diodes JAN TX1N 4127UR -1 JAN TXV1N 4127 JANTXV1N4127-1 JAN TXV1N 4127UR -1 1N4128 1N4128 D 0 3 5 JAN 1N4128 JAN 1N4128-1 JAN1N4128UR-1 JA N TX1N 4128 JANTX1N4128-1 J A NTX1N 4128U R-1 JA N TXV1N 4128 J A N TX V 1N 4128-1 JAN TXV1N 4128UR -1

    OCR Scan
    4127UR JANTXV1N4127-1 1N4128 1N4128 1N4128-1 JAN1N4128UR-1 JANTX1N4128-1 4128U 1N735 E 435 E PDF


    Abstract: 7221S LT 7222 an7220
    Text: Panasonic A N 7 220, AN7221 S A M f a - t , F M - A M T u n e r , F M -A M I F A m plifier C irc u its I R I U n it *. mm AN7220 A N 7222 , A N 7 2 2 1 S ± , S t i i, F M -A M f t f t - k - y I- r - t v y *, y :J >• i< n 2Œ FM I F I f f i f e <fc V S ir

    OCR Scan
    AN7221 AN7220 7221S 1500pF 7221S LT 7222 an7220 PDF


    Abstract: D2199 IRF9140 2184b d2186 2188a d2188

    OCR Scan
    SHD2261 SHD2262 SHD2263 SHD2264 SHD2265 SHD2266 SHD2268 IRFY044 *2393n D2199 IRF9140 2184b d2186 2188a d2188 PDF


    Abstract: 2N7222 IQR 2400 IRFM440 IRFM440D
    Text: Data Sheet No. PD-9.492C INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER IOR REPETITIVE AVALANCHE RATED AND dv/dt RATED TRANSISTOR N-CHANNEL IRFM440 SN7SSS JANTXSN7SSS JA NTXV2N7222 [REF: MIL-S-1S500/S9B] Product Summary 500 Volt, 0.85 Ohm HEXFET The HEXFET technology is the key to International

    OCR Scan
    IRFM440 MIL-S-1S500/S9B] IRFM440D IRFM440U O-254 -S-19S00 7901 2N7222 IQR 2400 IRFM440 PDF


    Abstract: transistor sc 238 9008 transistor transistor sc 308 SAL 41 transistor 9013 1008 transistor X2C70 transistor D 1002 3D24N
    Text: SERVICE-MITTEILUNGEN VEB INDUSTRIEVERTRIEB R U N O F U N K U N D FE R N SE H E N AUSGABE: M m ri r a d i o - t e i e v i s i o n l 1 9 8 4 14-16 S e ite 1 - 1 2 Mitteilung aus dem VSB RFT Industrievertrieb R.u.F. Leipzig Serviceinformationen zuin neuen Auto-Stereo-Kassettenabspielgerät

    OCR Scan
    Ge1012 3D24N2Y transistor sc 238 9008 transistor transistor sc 308 SAL 41 transistor 9013 1008 transistor X2C70 transistor D 1002 3D24N PDF


    Abstract: S5324
    Text: m mm i CS5324 Semiconductor Corporation 120 dB, 500 Hz Oversampling A/D Converter Features General Description The CS5324 analog to digital converter is a unique, very high resolution A/D converter intended for geo­ physical and sonar applications. It is a complete analog

    OCR Scan
    CS5324 CS5324 DS36F1 CS5324-BL S5324 PDF

    Cold Junction Compensation

    Abstract: C2057C
    Text: f DIN PANEL INDICATOR CONCISE PRODUCT MANUAL 59235-2 FRONT PANEL Four-digit display (normally process variable) °F or“fc display (Blank if linear input fitted) Alarm Status indicators Lower key Raise key SET UP MODE A 22 - 65V dc (O p tio n ) To enter into or exit from Set Up Mode, select the process variable display, then press the Raise

    OCR Scan
    RS485 Cold Junction Compensation C2057C PDF


    Abstract: ic LC 7218 3132V F4N02
    Text: December 1994 % M ic r o Linear ML4862 Battery Power Control 1C GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The M L4862 is a complete solution for DC to DC conversion and power management in multi-cell battery powered portable computers and instruments. Several advanced techniques are incorporated in the 1C for the

    OCR Scan
    L4862 ML4862 ML4862 1N5817 1N5818 1N5819. vtL4862 ic LC 7218 3132V F4N02 PDF

    NE 5322

    Abstract: IC ad 7581 jm CS5311
    Text: CS5321 Semiconductor Corporation High Dynamic Range Delta-Sigma Modulator Features Description The CS5321 is a high dynamic range, fourth-order delta-sigma modulator intended for geophysical and sonar applications. Used in combination with the CS5322 digital FIR filter, a unique high resolution A/D

    OCR Scan
    S5323 CS5321 CS5321 CS5322 S5321/C S5322 DS88F3 NE 5322 IC ad 7581 jm CS5311 PDF


    Abstract: CS5412-SJ1B dc/dc converter 5v /power converter dc/dc 5/CS5412-BC1
    Text: CS5412 Semiconductor Corporation 12-Bit, 1MHz Self-Calibrating A/D Converter General Description Features The CS5412 C M O S analog to digital converter pro­ vides a true 12-bit representation of an analog input signal at sampling rates up to 1MHz. To achieve high

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit CS5412 CS5412 40-Pin 44-Pin S-5412 CS5412-SJ1B dc/dc converter 5v /power converter dc/dc 5/CS5412-BC1 PDF

    Practical circuit with a digital scale avr

    Abstract: CS7875 CS7870 R53C
    Text: CS7870 CS7875 A Cirrus Logic Company 12-Bit, 100 kHz, Sampling A/D Converters Features General Description The CS7870 and CS7875 are complete monolithic CMOS analog-to-digital converters providing 100kHz throughput. The capacitive DAC has been calibrated at the factory to ensure 12-bit performance.

    OCR Scan
    CS7870 CS7875 12-Bit, 12-Bit CS7875 100kHz Practical circuit with a digital scale avr R53C PDF

    ta 8268 ah

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CSR13 MIL-C-39003/01 Solid Tantalum Capacitors I l i l U D I I I I I I I K I I I S C C a V I l I K K C t i 2 i l l i a i S I t l X i S l l l l C I S GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Hermetically Sealed Graded Failure Rates I I I E I g l t f S i l f g s DC Leakage:

    OCR Scan
    CSR13 MIL-C-39003/01) non-con68 CSR13J394K* CSR13J474K* CSR13J474M* CSR13J564K* CSR13J684K* CSR13J684M* CSR13J824K* ta 8268 ah PDF


    Abstract: MMC-2 DB10 GCH721 WS267
    Text: CS5032 A Cirrus Logic Company 12-Bit, 400kSPS, Sampling A/D Converter General Description Features • Monolithic C M O S A/D Converter 0.5 is Track/Hold Amplifier 2.0 |is A/D Conversion 2.5 V Voltage Reference Parallel, Serial and Byte Interface. • 12-Bit ADC Linearity Error: 0.5 LSB

    OCR Scan
    CS5032 12-Bit, 400kSPS, 12-Bit -80dBc CS5032 400kSPS DATA11 DATA09 batb5 MMC-2 DB10 GCH721 WS267 PDF