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    UM DIODE Search Results

    UM DIODE Result Highlights (5)

    ECAD Model
    CUZ24V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 24 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ13V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 13.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ36V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 36.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CUZ12V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 12 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MUZ5V6 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 5.6 V, USM Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    SF Impression Pixel

    UM DIODE Price and Stock

    Phoenix Contact

    Phoenix Contact UM-HOZ 462/1-1-1-2/G 24

    Universal module, with plug-in base, Hengstler plug-in base for safety relay H...462/1, contact: 3 N/O contacts, 1 N/C contact, with light indicator, free-wheeling and polarity protection diode, input voltage 24-48 V DC
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy UM-HOZ 462/1-1-1-2/G 24
    • 1 $149.56
    • 10 $124.57
    • 100 $115.98
    • 1000 $115.98
    • 10000 $115.98
    Buy Now

    UM DIODE Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ROITHNER LASERTECHNIK PRESENTS NEW MID-IR LASER DIODES 2.0 um and 2.3 um MID-IR laser diodes, 5.6 mm with monitor photodiode, room temperature operation ! RLTCM-2010D, 2.0 um, 10 mW cw, 5.6 mm with monitor photodiode, datasheet on request RLTCM-2025D, 2.0 um, 25 mW cw, 5.6 mm with monitor photodiode, datasheet

    RLTCM-2010D, RLTCM-2025D, RLTCM-2307D, RLTCM-2310D, RLTCM-2325D, PDF

    smd marking 35

    Abstract: 1SS378 smd diode UM smd diode marking um smd diode UM 85
    Text: Diodes SMD Type HIGH SWITCHING DIODE 1SS378 Features Low forward voltage:VF 3 = 0.23 V(Typ) @ IF = 5 mA Absolute M axim um Ratings Ta = 25 Param eter Maxim um (peak) reverse voltage Sym bol Rating Unit V RM 85 V Reverse voltage VR 80 V Maxim um (peak) forward current

    1SS378 smd marking 35 1SS378 smd diode UM smd diode marking um smd diode UM 85 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Diodes SMD Type HIGH SPEED SWITCHING DIODE 1SS372 Features Low forward voltage:VF = 0.23 V Typ @ IF = 5mA Absolute M axim um R atings T a = 25 Param eter M axim um (peak) reverse voltage Sym bol Rating Unit V RM 15 V Reverse voltage VR 10 V M axim um (peak) forward current

    1SS372 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Production Released Process TQRLC TQTRx Advanced PassivesFoundry Foundry Service Service GaAs MESFET Passivation Via Metal 3 Metal 3 - 5 um Features • • Metal 2 Dielectric Metal 1 Metal 1 Metal 2 - 2 um • Metal 1 - 2 um Dielectric MIM Metal Metal 0 MIM Capacitor



    Abstract: ZM4728A ZM4729A ZM4730A ZM4731A ZM4732A ZM4733A ZM4734A ZM4736A ZM4737A
    Text: ZENER DIODES, SURFACE MOUNT, MELF PACVKAGE 1 Watt <1ED£C P a rt Num ber Nom inal M axim um Zener Z en e r Zener Voltage Im pedance Test C urrent Z jt at l»r M axim um Knee Im pedance M axim um R everse C u rre n t a tT ,= 2 5 C M axim um M axim um S urge

    OCR Scan
    ZM4728A ZM4729A ZM4730A ZM4731A ZM4732A ZM4733A ZM4734A 2M4735A ZM4736A ZM4769 ZM4737A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Schottky Barrier Rectifiers Type Num ber M axim um Average Rectified Current @ Half-Wave Resistive Load 60Hz M axim um Forward Peak Surge Current @ 8.3ms Superim posed PRV l0 @ Tc lFM Surge M axim um Reverse Current @ PRV M axim um Forward Voltage @ 2 5 ° Tc

    OCR Scan
    MBR730 MBR735 MBR740 MBR745 MBR750 MBR760 Schottky/T0-220A SBL1645 SBL1650 SBL1660 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ZENER DIODES, SURFACE MOUNT, MELF PACVKAGE 1 Watt JEDEC Pari N um ber N om inal M axim um M axim um Z ener Zener Z ener Knee Voitage Im pedance Im p e d a n c e T est C urrent a t iw m m m m at l „ u |m A V,< V ) UxMiA) {Ohms) fO hm s) W M axim um R e ve rse

    OCR Scan
    ZM4728A ZM4729A ZM4731A ZM4760A ZM4761A ZM4762A ZM4783A ZM4764A PDF


    Abstract: HER101 HER102 HER103 HER104 HER105 HER106 HER151 HER152 HER153
    Text: High Efficiency Rectifiers Type Num ber M axim um Peak Reverse Voltage M axim um Average Rectified Current @ Half-Wave Resistive Load 60Hz PRV lo @ T a * CL > A Av °C M axim um Forward Peak Su rge Current @ 8.3ms Superim posed M axim um Reverse Current @ PRV

    OCR Scan
    Efficiency/DO-41 HER101 HER102 HER103 HER104 HER105 HER106 Efficiency/DO-15 HER151 HER152 HER603 HER103 HER106 HER153 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Silicon Rectifiers M axim um Peak Reverse Voltage PRV *L £ > M axim um Average Rectified Current @ Half-Wave Resistive Load 60Hz M axim um Forward Peak Surge Current @ $.3m s M axim um Reverse Superimposed fw è tk b @ Ta lFM Surge Ir If m V fm *. Û <

    OCR Scan
    Ampere/DO-15 1N5391 tN6392 1NS393 Ampere/D0-201AD 1N5400 1N5401 1N5402 1N5404 1N5406 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Zener Diodes 1.3 W att Zener Diodes/DO-41 Type N um ber - Zener Voltage Range* Test Current M axim um Zener Impedance Typical Tem perature Coefficient Reverse Voltage @ Ir = 0.5pA At Izj M axim um Zener Current Vz @ lz r 'Z T Volts mA Ohm s %/°C ZPY1 ZPY3.9

    OCR Scan
    Diodes/DO-41 C1995 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SPECIAL DEVICES VARACTOR DIODES FOR RADIO TUNING M axim um Forw ard C urre nt m A Reverse B reakdow n Voltage (Volts) M inim um Figure of M erit P ow er D issipation (m W ) M inim um Diode C a pa cita nc e (pF) N TE Type Num ber D iagram Num ber A pplication

    OCR Scan

    sot23 a4p

    Abstract: transistorS 812 JANTX2N2857 7104F MA4P275S ma4cp104A ODS-1091 MA4CP101B MA4E2503L MA4CS102B
    Text: SMQ High Volume Standard PIN Switching Diodes Model Num ber Case S tyle M A4P1250 M A4P1450 1072 1091 V oltage Rating Volts lR = 10 h A 50 50 M axim um C apacitance (PF) 1 = 1 MHz VR = 50 V 1.2 2.5 M inim um C a rrier Lifetim e <^s) M axim um R e sistance

    OCR Scan
    A4P1250 A4P1450 MA4P4001 A4P4002F A4P4006F A4P4301F A4P4302F A4P4306F 7001F A4P7002F sot23 a4p transistorS 812 JANTX2N2857 7104F MA4P275S ma4cp104A ODS-1091 MA4CP101B MA4E2503L MA4CS102B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SUPER FAST RECTIFIERS PLASTIC MATERIAL USED CARRIES UL 94V-0 OPERATING AND STORAGE TEMPERATURE -65 ”C to +150 °C M axim um Average Rectified Current @ Half-W ave Resistive Load 60Hz Maxim um Forward Peak Surge Current @ 8.3ms Maxim um Reverse Current @ PRV

    OCR Scan
    DO-201 DO-41 Q007L PDF


    Abstract: MP1501 MB1505 MB151 MB1510 MB152 MB154 MB156 MB2505 MB251
    Text: Bridge Rectifiers T h e A T S IN K M axim um Forward Voltage Per Leg @ 25°C T a Ir A p K pAdc 'fm V FM CL lFM Surge lo @ M axim um Reverse Current @ PRV @ 25°C Ta > V pk M axim um Forward Peak Surge Current @ 8.3ms Superim posed Û. < PRV M axim um Average

    OCR Scan
    Ampere/MB-35 MB1505 MB151 MB152 MB154 MB156 MB1510 MB2505 MB251 MB252 MP150S MP1501 MB1505 MB151 MB1510 MB152 MB2505 MB251 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Bias D etector Diodes V 2.00 i B • fe ' i ZBD Beam Lead Diodes Style 965A Teat Frequency Band Model N um ber Ä v3.4,5 M inim u m ^ M inim um 2 E o .m V -d B m ) (k Ohm s) (M inim um ) (Maximum) WAtfHfiB X 46 2 05 1.0 MA4C186B X 50 8 2.0 5.0 MAW lâGC

    OCR Scan
    MA4C186B MA4E029A MA4E923D MA4E929C L-10K PDF


    Abstract: 1N226 LL4689 1N229 1N229A 1N227 1N227A Zener Diode 4711 1N225A 1N228
    Text: DOUBLE ENDED ZENER DIODES, C1 CAN Nom inal M axim um Zener iiSsÄsB-jSiiS: Zener Voltage Voltage Test at l „ C urrent i l i l i l I p ls s ill M inim um Z ener Voltage at N um ber V, IV 1N225 1N226 1N227 1N228 7.50 8.75 7.50 6.8 9.00 10.50 9.00 8.2 12.5

    OCR Scan
    400mW 1N225 1N226 1N227 1N228 1N229 1N225A 1N226A 1N227A 1N228A LL4689 1N229 1N229A Zener Diode 4711 PDF


    Abstract: E-102 E-152 E-202 E-272 E-301 E-352 E-452 E-562 E-701
    Text: CURRENT REGULATOR DIODES Package N um ber liÉ llïiiilli Pinch Off C urrent at 25 VDC I, m A Minim um Nom inal M axim um Limiting Voltage at 0 811, V (Volts) D yn am ic Im pedance at V * 2 5 V Z- (O h m s) fmpectance at V, = 6 V Z, (O h m s) P eak Operating

    OCR Scan
    E-101 E-301 E-701 E-102 E-152 E-202 E-272 E-352 E-452 E-562 E-101 E-102 E-152 E-202 E-272 E-301 E-352 E-452 E-562 E-701 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RECTIFIER DIODES, Leadless Surface Mount, Ultra Fast Recovery IS l P a rt Num ber M axim um A v e ra g e Rectified C urrent at T, P eak Forward: M axim um M axim um S urge C urrent Fwd Voltage Rev C urrent R e c o v e ry Peak R * t * d t0 @ Rated PIV Tim e at

    OCR Scan
    1N6478 1N6479 1N6482 1N6483 1N6484 GL41A GL41B GL410 GL41G GL41J PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1 .M A X IM U M RATINGS 1.1 D ifinition of M axim um R atings. The m axim um perm issible value o f c u rre n t to be supplied to , voltage appled to o r reverse pow er dissipation e tc ., of; diodes, rectifiers, th y risto rs, triacs, etc., is d efined as th e m axim um

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 1n53668
    Text: ZENER DIODES, 5 WATTS, PLASTIC PACKAGE Zener JEDEC p A rt Voltage * t * r Zener Test S u ffix AS S M axim um b e tte r Im ped* nee fit tj. tmA Suffix A.8.C M axim um Reverse Current at T ^ Z B ^ C M axim um Knee '.•••.'.'.'.wlr ft • Im pedance fit t »1 OmA Ron & A

    OCR Scan
    1N5333B 1H5334B 1N5335B 1N5336B 1NS337B 1N53438 1n53668 PDF

    sharp hologram laser diode

    Abstract: LG OPTICAL PICK-UP
    Text: Teams and Symbols Laser diode 1 Terms and symbols P aram eter Symbol A bsolute M axim um Ratings - Definition T h e absolute m axim um ratings m ust n ot b e ex ceed ed even m om entarily re g a rd le ss of the external condition. T h e absolute m axim um ratings are specified for a case tem perature of

    OCR Scan
    Tc-25; sharp hologram laser diode LG OPTICAL PICK-UP PDF


    Abstract: in755 1N9626 1N75A 1N957B 1N958B 1N961B 1N963B 1N965B 1N966B
    Text: ZENER DIODES, GENERAL PURPOSE 400m W N um ber Maxim um Zener N om inal Im pedance Zener í í &íbM jb! V oltage Test 1 at 1 C urrent 2 , @ 1, 2 « @ U V, V olts !. {mA) (Ohm s) tü hm S ) (m A li M axim um R e v e rs e Le-aKage C u rre n t Wax DC M ax

    OCR Scan
    1N957B 1N958B 1N96Q8 1N961B 1N9626 1N963B 1N9648 1N965B DO-35 DO-35. in755 1N75A 1N966B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ZENER DIODES, GLASS PACKAGE, LOW CURRENT 250m W JEOEC P a rt N um ber 1N 4678 N om inal Voltage at l1T Zen a* T e st C u rra n t M axim um Voltage R egulation V V olts lr* t« A ) A V , (V olts) M axim um R e v e rs e wmMmm 26°C V , (V o lts) •« (u A )

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Anode Gate Silicon Controlled Rectifier eries Dim In c h e s M in im um Anode A B C D E F G H J K M N P R S Note 1: 1 / 4 - 2 8 UNF-3A Note 2: Full thread within 2 1 /2 threads M illim e te r M a xim um M inim um M axim um N o te s 1 .677 - 1.200 .427 .115

    OCR Scan
    O-208AC 00V/usec. PDF