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    URM 108 Search Results

    URM 108 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: EMD-FL-C-10 emd-fl-v-300 324DC psr-scp-24uc
    Text: 1225-2012.qxp:QuarkCatalogTempNew 9/7/12 5:01 PM Page 1225 13 Relays and Power Modules TEST & MEASUREMENT Monitoring Relays Monitoring Relay for single- and three-phase applications is 22.5 mm wide. The DIN rail mountable module can be used for monitoring currents and voltages in



    Abstract: LT1006S8 LT1013DS8 OP-07 SAMPLE HOLD AMPLIFIER single supply
    Text: urm _LT1006S8 TECHNOLOGY - Precision, Single Supply Op Amp F€ftTUR€S DCSCRIPTIOn • Single Supply Operation Input Voltage Range Extends to Ground Output Swings to Ground while Sinking Current ■ Guaranteed Offset Voltage 4 % V Max.

    OCR Scan
    400jiV 570/iA 55/iVp-p OP-07 08pA/Vfiz 100MQ 150pV. LT1006 LT1006S8 LT1013DS8 SAMPLE HOLD AMPLIFIER single supply PDF

    BMF 11A

    Abstract: r02f 16V7K MALLORY CAPACITOR CATALOG 20h inductor TOTALLY ISOLATED CONVERTER 630fl IL393 K895 LG TV flyback transformer
    Text: urm ECHNOLOGY Application Note 19 June 1986 LT1070 Design Manual Carl Nelson INTRODUCTION Three terminal monolithic linear voltage regulators appeared almost 20 years ago, and were almost immediately success­ ful for a variety of reasons. In particular, there were relatively

    OCR Scan
    LT1070 O-220Type LT1070MK, LT1070HVMK LT1070CK, LT1070HVCK LT1070CT, LT1070HVCT BMF 11A r02f 16V7K MALLORY CAPACITOR CATALOG 20h inductor TOTALLY ISOLATED CONVERTER 630fl IL393 K895 LG TV flyback transformer PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: urm TECHNOLOGY LT2078/LT2079 Micropower, Dual and Quad, Single Supply, Precision Op Amps F6ATUACS DCSCRIPTIOH • SO Package with Standard Pinout ■ Supply Current per Amplifier: 50|oA Max ■ Offset Voltage: 70|xV Max The LT 2078 is a micropower dual op amp in 8-pin small

    OCR Scan
    LT2078/LT2079 LT2079 14-pin 250pA 200kHz LT1211/LT1212 14MHz, LT1490/LT1491 50jiA 200kHz PDF

    ci 74c14

    Abstract: rosemount 118 mf rosemount 118mf LM358 118mf rosemount 118 thermometer lm324 LT1006 LT1006ACH LT1006AMH
    Text: urm _ LT1006 TECHNOLOGY Precision, Single Supply Op Amp F€flTUA€S D C S C R IP T IO n • Single Supply Operation Input Voltage Range Extends to Ground Output Swings to Ground while Sinking Current ■ Guaranteed Offset Voltage 50/iV Max.

    OCR Scan
    520/iA 50/iV 55/iVp-p OP-07 07pA/Vfiz 250MQ Precis74C14 LT1006 120dBATDC ci 74c14 rosemount 118 mf rosemount 118mf LM358 118mf rosemount 118 thermometer lm324 LT1006 LT1006ACH LT1006AMH PDF

    lt 6208

    Abstract: 5v RS232 driver 14 pin dip LT1081CN LT1081 LT10811 LT1181 LT1060
    Text: urm TECHNOLOGY LT1080/LT1081 Advanced Low Power 5V RS232 Dual Driver/Receiver F€ATUR€S DCSCAIPTIOA • Absolutely No Latchup ■ CMOS Comparable Low Power — 60mW ■ Superior to CMOS - Improved Speed — Operates Over 64K Baud - Improved Protection — Outputs Can be Forced

    OCR Scan
    LT1080/LT1081 RS232 LT1080 LT1081 LT1061MJAJ 10TGW LT1081CNÃ lt 6208 5v RS232 driver 14 pin dip LT1081CN LT10811 LT1181 LT1060 PDF

    lm 2309

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: urm LTC1051/LTC1053 TECHNOLOGY Dual/Quad Precision Chopper Stabilized Operational Amplifiers With Internal Capacitors F€flTUR€S Dual/Quad Low Cost Precision Op Amp No External C om ponents Required M axim um O ffset Voltage 5¡ N M axim um O ffset Voltage D rift 0.05^V/°C

    OCR Scan
    LTC1051/LTC1053 120dB 114dB 100Hz, 18-Bit lm 2309 PDF


    Abstract: LT-1060 T108 ptc thermistor inr LT1080 LT1130 LT1180 LT1181 LT1060 LT1080CN
    Text: urm TECHNOLOGY LT1080/LT1081 Advanced Low Power 5V RS232 Dual Driver/Receiver F€ATUR€S DCSCAIPTIOA • Absolutely No Latchup ■ CMOS Comparable Low Power — 60mW ■ Superior to CMOS - Improved Speed — Operates Over 64K Baud - Improved Protection — Outputs Can be Forced

    OCR Scan
    LT1080/LT1081 RS232 LT1080 LT1081 LT1081MJJIJ LT1061CJ 10TC/W LT-1060 T108 ptc thermistor inr LT1130 LT1180 LT1181 LT1060 LT1080CN PDF

    variable voltage regulator Lt1083

    Abstract: LT1085t LT1085IT
    Text: urm LT1083/LT1084/LT1085 TECHNOLOGY 7.5A, 5A, 3A Low D ropout Positive A djustable Regulators F€ATUR€S D € S C R IC T IO n • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The LT1083 series of positive adjustable regulators are designed to provide 7.5A, 5A and 3A with higher efficiency

    OCR Scan
    LT1083 low085 LT1083/ LT1084/ LT1085 LT1083/LT1084/LT1085 551fl4bfi variable voltage regulator Lt1083 LT1085t LT1085IT PDF


    Abstract: LT10791
    Text: urm LT1078/LT1079 TECHNOLOGY Micropower, Dual and Q uad, Single Supply, Precision O p Amps F€fìTUR€S D€SCRIPTIOf1 • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Available in 8-Pin SO Package 50|iA Max Supply Current Per A m plifier 70|i.V Max Offset Voltage

    OCR Scan
    LT1078/LT1079 250pA 200kHz 16-Lead MARKING 41B LT10791 PDF

    solar pv schematic

    Abstract: AD707 LT1001 LT1012 LT1077 OP-07 OP-77 LT1077CS8 GP98920 OP07 "direct replacement"
    Text: urm TECHNOLOGY 5 LT1077 M icropower, Single Supply, Precision O p A m p F€RTUfl€S D€SCRIPTIOn • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The LT1077 is a micropower precision operational amplifier optimized for single supply operation at 5V. ± 15V speci­ fications are also provided.

    OCR Scan
    LT1077 60/tA 350pA 250kHz OP-07, OP-77, AD707, LT1001, LT1012 IM/GP98920K solar pv schematic AD707 LT1001 LT1077 OP-07 OP-77 LT1077CS8 GP98920 OP07 "direct replacement" PDF


    Abstract: lt1060cn lt10801 LT1061CN
    Text: urm TECHNOLOGY LT1080/LT1081 A d va n ce d Low Power 5V RS232 Dual Driver/Receiver FCATURCS D€SCAIPTIOA • Absolutely No Latchup ■ CMOS Comparable Low Power-60m W The LT1080 and LT1081 are the only dual RS232 driver/ receiver with charge pump to guarantee absolutely no

    OCR Scan
    Power-60m LT1080/LT1081 RS232 LT1080 LT1081 LT1080/LT1081 LT1061MJ/1J LT1081CJ LT1060 lt1060cn lt10801 LT1061CN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: urm LT 1101 TECHNOLOGY Precision, M icropower, Single Supply Instrum entation Am plifier Fixed G ain =10 or 100 D C S C A IP T IO A F€ ATU R € S • Gain Error ■ Gain Non-Linearity ■ Gain Drift ■ Supply Current ■ Offset Voltage ■ Offset Voltage Drift

    OCR Scan
    105/iAMax 160/tV 600pA 100dB 250kHz LT1101 PDF

    peltier cooler wiring diagram

    Abstract: 801-2003-01 Cambion peltier regulator 48V 48V 100W zener diode Cambion 801 118ME mth5n100 Rosemount RTD wiring diagram for a 20v ac to 12v dc transformer
    Text: urm TECHNOLOGY Application Note 25 September 1987 Switching Regulators for Poets A Gentle Guide for the Trepidatious Jim Williams The above title is not happenstance and was arrived at after considerable deliberation. As a linear 1C manufac­ turer, it is our goal to encourage users to design and build

    OCR Scan
    AN25-23 AN25-24 peltier cooler wiring diagram 801-2003-01 Cambion peltier regulator 48V 48V 100W zener diode Cambion 801 118ME mth5n100 Rosemount RTD wiring diagram for a 20v ac to 12v dc transformer PDF


    Abstract: drm68 pan 3204 urm112 UR56 URM 65 coaxial d5 URM91 MPC3416 EHT CABLE weight
    Text: CONNECTORS S E R IE S 100 Series TOO Sub-miniature EHT connectors offer versatile interchangeable ELECTRICAL DATA designs. Series 200 coaxial EHT connectors complement the Series 100 by offering sim ilar interchangeable designs but with greatly increased voltage.

    OCR Scan
    2851nch 5570500WM11 5S14034300-111 1171-CÃ 171/MMMflp 301179-0Q1 178/raT/PÂ URM108 drm68 pan 3204 urm112 UR56 URM 65 coaxial d5 URM91 MPC3416 EHT CABLE weight PDF

    urm 90

    Abstract: URM 108 urm67
    Text: HIGH VOLTAGE COAXIAL CONNECTORS mini QUICK .HT series R 321 G E NER AL CHARACTERISTICS These connectors have a special instantaneous automatic latching system which has been patented. They are not intermateable w ith the m iniQUICK series. Materials : contacts and interfaces

    OCR Scan
    137656C) 165/U 213/U urm 90 URM 108 urm67 PDF

    RG 52

    Abstract: R316780
    Text: HIGH VOLTAGE COAXIAL CONNECTORS G EN ER A L CHARACTERISTICS The connectors of this series are not intermateable with those of the BNC and SH V series. 2 pip bayonet coupling. Materials : contacts and interfaces : brass and heat treated beryllium copper other metal parts

    OCR Scan
    58C/U 223/U 303/U 400/U 140/U RG 52 R316780 PDF

    belden h100

    Abstract: 50S141R RG63B UT250-A RG114A/U
    Text: Cable Group Cross Reference Below is a list of typical cables which fall into the cable group classifications relevant to the connectors oulined in this catalog. Cable Group to Cable Type Cable Type to Cable Group Im p e d a n c e C a b le G roup AM PHENO L 21-597

    OCR Scan
    RG11A/U, RG63B/U, RG114A/U, URM64 BT500B BT502A RG214/U, URM91 BT502B BT2001 belden h100 50S141R RG63B UT250-A RG114A/U PDF

    RG-63 cable

    Abstract: st 212 coaxial cable filotex etude MIL-C-3643 ug61d UG-212C Radiall R 176 006 7362211 radiall R 191 212 000 UG702
    Text: contents Page H N SER IES 3 In tro d u c tio n 4 C h aracteristics : — Electrical — M echanical — E n v iro n m e n ta l — M aterials C o ax ia l cables suitable fo r use w ith HN series connectors 5 S tra ig h t plugs 6 S tra ig h t jack - Flange jack - Flange receptacle - A d a p to rs

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: filotex 214 URM108 filotex17950 URM 108 filotex rg 214_U
    Text: r CABLES SUITABLE The cable groups are classified by ext. dia mm / impedance ( i2 ) Other special cables, not listed below can also be used with certain connector series. Cable Refs. CO D E No. CABLE RG. 174/U RG. 188 A /U R G .316/U U R M 95 U R M 109 U R M 116

    OCR Scan
    165/U 213/U 215/U 174/U 316/U 214/U 225/U 216/U 140/U filotex filotex 214 URM108 filotex17950 URM 108 filotex rg 214_U PDF

    sucoform 86 fep

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SUITABLE CABLES Flexible Cables Cable gr DUp Screen Type Cent re conductc r Insulation Crimp Clamp Cable type Q mm/inches Material 0 mm/inches Material 0 mm/inches • • • • • UO U1 U1 U1 U1 • • • • K O I 152-7 G 01122 K 01292 R G 178 B/U RG 196 A /U

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: T102F T102 ATS22 c13107 22JJf AEG 51000
    Text: 0029426 A E G A E G CORP _ 81C 0 5 8 3 2 ~aï CORP Typenreihe/Type range T102F Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte DE j 200 * Itavm repetitive peak forward off-state and reverse voltages RMS on-state current

    OCR Scan
    T102F T102F T102F1 T102 ATS22 c13107 22JJf AEG 51000 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SUITABLE CABLES Flexible Cables C entre co n d ucto r C a b le g ro u p Screen Type single Crimp • UO • U1 • U1 • U1 • U1 single screen d o u b le screen single screen • • • • Clamp Cable type a mm /in c h e s M aterial 0 mm /inches M aterial

    OCR Scan