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    VARACTOR ITT Search Results

    VARACTOR ITT Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Satellite Systems Part numbers link to product information Receiver itter Diplexer Switch AGC Amp B LNA BPF L. O. G BPF AGC Amp LNA Demodulator Block Converter Demodulator IF Amp Block Converter D Tunable PLL D L. O. Tunable PLL SMS3926 Series SMS7621-040LF

    SMS3926 SMS7621-040LF SMS7621-079LF SMV1142-011LF SMV1265-011LF SMV1430-079LF SMV2019-079LF PDF

    high capacitance varactor 1nF AM

    Abstract: varactor 1nF AM LTC1340 LTC1429
    Text: u f m LTC 1340 TECHNOLOGY Low Noise, Voltage-Boosted V aractor Driver KOTUfKS DCSCRIPTIOfl • Generates 5V Varactor Drive from a 3V Supply The LTC 1340 is avaractor diode driver designed to generate 5V varactor drive from a single 3V or higher voltage supply.

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    LTC1340 LTC1429, LTC1550 LTC1551 high capacitance varactor 1nF AM varactor 1nF AM LTC1429 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: an A M P com pany Varactor Controlled Oscillator Transceiver 24.150 GHz MA87729-M01 V3.00 Features -1 .0 5 0 M AX. 26.67 ^ BT VARACTOR ~ BIAS • In exp en siv e K -b an d T ia n s c e iv e r +V B IA S ^ r-o* 78) • Can b e EM M od u lated 0.810 MAX.

    OCR Scan
    MA87729-M01 UG-595/U MA87729-M01 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Tuning Varactor SELECTION GUIDE. 5-3 MODEL NUMBER PAGE MA45228 . MA45234 MA45235 MA45236 MA45237 MA45241 . ittio li • MA45249 MA45250 MA45252 MA45253 MA45254 MA45255 MA45257 MA45258 MA45259 MA45260 MA45261 MA45262 MA45263 MA45264 MA45265

    OCR Scan
    MA45274 MA45275 MA45276 IA45277 A45278_ MA45279 MA45280 MA45290 MA45291 MA4ST552. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering num ber : ENN6966 Silicon Diffused-Junction Type EC2C01C iSMlYOl VCXO & VHF Band VCO Applications Varactor Diode Features Package Dimensions • High capacitance ratio. C R C l ,( V / C4.0V)=5.0typ unit : mm • Ultrasmall-si/ed packagc(i008), slim package

    OCR Scan
    ENN6966 EC2C01C EC2C01C] ECSP1008-2 PDF


    Abstract: 0.1pf varactor loral pin diodes tank oscillator circuit 5v MC1648
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Low-Power Voltage Controlled Oscillator MC12148 The MC12148 requires an external parallel tank circuit consisting of the inductor L and capacitor (C). A varactor diode may be incorporated into the tank circuit to provide a voltage variable input for the oscillator

    OCR Scan
    MC12148 MC1648. GC1500 DVH6730 BR1334 C1648 0.1pf varactor loral pin diodes tank oscillator circuit 5v MC1648 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HITTITE MICROWAVE CORPORATION GaAs MMIC Buffered C-Band VCO HMC131 JUNE 1996 Features 1 GHz TUNING RANGE SINGLE +5V SUPPLY OPERATION NO EXTERNAL VARACTOR REQUIRED General Description The HMC131 chip is a C-Band VCO with on-chip buffering for improved load iso­

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    HMC131 HMC131 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: an A M P com pany Varactor Controlled Oscillator 21.20 - 23.60 GHz MA87811 V3.00 Features • • • • • Low Cost Excellent Tuning Linearity ±0.03% Frequency vs. Temperature Stability Small and Lightweight Modulation and External AFC Control Can be Commonly Applied to Electronic Tuning Bias

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    MA87811 ma87811 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VARACTOR SELECTO R GUIDE Series Capacitance 1-IOOpf > 100pf Max Working Voltage Q 7-50 50-150 >150 10-50 50-100 >100 Leakage Current low Cost Comments <10nA < 1 .0M* Replaces MV830-MV840 DO-7 G lass CV830CV840 X C V1006-16CV1106-16 X X CV1620CV1650 X X X X

    OCR Scan
    100pf CV830-CV840 MV830-MV84G CV1006-16-CV1106-16 FV1006-16, FV1106-16 CV1620-CV1650 MV1620-MV1650 CV1652-CV1666 MV1652-MV1666 1N5718 PDF


    Abstract: DO-14 diode VA51 VA521
    Text: VARACTOR SELECTO R GUIDE Series Capacitance 1-IOOpf >100pf Max Working Voltage Q 7-50 50-150 >150 10-50 50-100 >100 Leakage Current low Cost Comments <10nA <1.0M* Replaces M V830-M V840 DO-7 G lass CV830CV840 X CV1006-16CV1106-16 X X CV1620CV1650 X X X X X

    OCR Scan
    100pf CV830-CV840 MV830-MV84G CV1006-16-CV1106-16 FV1006-16, FV1106-16 CV1620-CV1650 MV1620-MV1650 CV1652-CV1666 MV1652-MV1666 CV1664 DO-14 diode VA51 VA521 PDF


    Abstract: hp 8200 diode VTO-8090
    Text: What H E W L E T T * mLliM PA C K A R D Varactor-Tuned O scillators Technical Data VTO-8OOO Series Features • 600 MHz to 10.5 GHz Coverage • Fast Tuning • +7 t o +13 dBm Output Power • ± 1.5 dB Output Flatness • Hermetic Thin-film Construction Description

    OCR Scan
    TF-801 TF-802 vto8200 hp 8200 diode VTO-8090 PDF


    Abstract: transistor A 935 varactor diode 24V CL8300 Gunn Oscillator WR90 cl8630 radar gunn diode gunn effect 935 schottky diode Gunn Diode
    Text: Microwave solid state tuning varactor diodes book 1 part 8 a c 11 h Ty p e No. Description q o £ M in. Capacitance R atio CT 0V C T 60V Capacitance at V r 4 V m in . m ax. <pF BXY53 BXY54 BXY6S Silico n planar epitaxial tuning devices SOD-31 N 4 .0 6 .5

    OCR Scan
    BXY54 SOO-31 CXY23A CXY23B CXY23C CXY23D OD-31 CL7500 WG16/WR90 CL7520 WR90 transistor A 935 varactor diode 24V CL8300 Gunn Oscillator WR90 cl8630 radar gunn diode gunn effect 935 schottky diode Gunn Diode PDF

    magnum microwave

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4ÔE T> fi AG NU n MICROWAVE CORP S75273D 0 0 00 1 5 3 b • HNC HV87T-1 VCO 2 .0 VOLTAGE CONTROLLED OSCILLATOR HYPERA3RJPT VARACTOR INTEGRAL BUFFER AMPLIFIER to 4 .0 ELECTRICAL S P E C IFIC A TIO N S :^ • ' +20- Frequency 2.0 to 4.0 GHz Power Output at 25*C 50 ohm load

    OCR Scan
    S75273D HV87T-1 HV67T-1 magnum microwave PDF


    Abstract: LTC1429
    Text: u i LTC134Q m TECHNOLOGY Low N oise, V o lta g e -B o o ste d V a ra c to r Driver F€flTUR€S D€SCRIPTIOf • G ene rate s 5V Varactor Drive from a 3 V Supply ■ Wide Supply Voltage Range: 2.7V to 6V ■ Req uires O n ly Three Extern al Com ponents

    OCR Scan
    LTC134Q 500kHz 152mm) 254mm) LTC1261, LTC1429, LTC1550, LTC1551 1340f LTC1340 LTC1429 PDF


    Abstract: SP1648DP DSP1648 plessey 241 B7BB P3400A oscillator plessey
    Text: PLESSEY SE MICON DUC TORS TS DE 1 72EDS13 QQQt.7bl 1 | ~ 7220513 P L E S S E Y S E M I C O ND U C T OR S PLESSEY 95D 06761 D T'SO-/s S e m ic o n d u c to rs . SP1648 ECL OSCILLATOR The SP1648 is an em itter-coupled oscillator, constructed on a single m onolithic silicon chip. O utput levels are

    OCR Scan
    72EDS13 SP1648 SP1648 SP1648, 100MHz SP1648. SP1648DP DSP1648 plessey 241 B7BB P3400A oscillator plessey PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDS 43E D • 3 7 b ö S S S GGlS'ihl H B P L S B GEC P L E S S E Y I S E M I C O N D U C T O R ~ S ~ ~ f. 3028-1.0 SP1648 ECL OSCILLATOR The SP1648 is an em itter-coupled oscillator, constructed on a single m onolithic silicon chip. O utput levels are

    OCR Scan
    SP1648 SP1648 SP1648, 100MHz SP1648. T-50-15 PDF

    MC1648 equivalent

    Abstract: AN-532a an532a motorola application notes MC1648 MC1648 internal schematic tag c2 680 800 "Varactor Diode" symbol of varactor diode and equivalent circuit MC1600
    Text: L O G IC D I A G R A M S continued 2 OSCILLATOR I—MULTIVIBRATOR M C I 6 48 E m itte r C o u p le d O s c illa to r M C 1658 V o Itage-Co litr o I led M u ltiv ib ra to r C xi CX2 V c c = Pins 1, 14 V EE = Pins 7, 8 V CC1 - 1 V CC2 " a ' n 5 V ee = |J'n 6

    OCR Scan
    MC1651 MC1650) MC1651) MC1648 10MHz MC1648 equivalent AN-532a an532a motorola application notes MC1648 MC1648 internal schematic tag c2 680 800 "Varactor Diode" symbol of varactor diode and equivalent circuit MC1600 PDF

    1200 ohm RESISTOR

    Abstract: CT075 1648l C1648
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA V oltage Controlled O scillator M C1648 Consider MC12148 for New Designs The MC1648 requires an external parallel tank circuit consisting of the inductor L and capacitor (C). For Maximum Performance Q|_ a 100 at Frequency of Operation.

    OCR Scan
    MC12148 MC1648 0-35p 10MHz 470pF 24-200pF i-10k 1200 ohm RESISTOR CT075 1648l C1648 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S i GEC PLESSEY S I M I O IS I l ( T O ADVANCE INFORMATION U S D.S. 3514 2.3 SP5058 2.6GHz 3-WIRE BUS SYNTHESISER (Supersedes December 1992 Edition DS3514 1.2) The SP5058 is a single chip frequency synthesiser designed fortuning systems up to 2.6GHz requiring high loop

    OCR Scan
    SP5058 DS3514 SP5058 37bflS22 002G7b0 SP5022, 00207bl PDF

    MC 151 transistor

    Abstract: varactor diode AM
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Low Power Voltage Controlled Oscillator Buffer The MC12149 is intended for applications requiring high frequency signal generation up to 1300MHz. An external tank circuit is used to determine the desired frequency of operation. The VCO is realized using

    OCR Scan
    MC12149 1300MHz. C12149 MC12202 10dB/ 10MHz 200ms BR1334 MC12149 MC 151 transistor varactor diode AM PDF

    transistor qz

    Abstract: construction of varactor diode
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Low Power Voltage Controlled Oscillator Buffer The M C 12147 is intended for applications requiring high frequency signal generation up to 1300MHz. An external tank circuit is used to determine the desired frequency of operation. The VCO is realized using

    OCR Scan
    MC12147 1300MHz. C12147 MC12202 1200M 10dB/ 909MHz 200ms BR1334 transistor qz construction of varactor diode PDF


    Abstract: varactor diode time switch varator diode varactor diode IF AMP RADIO la1130 varactor diode AM pin diode cross reference LA1135 LA1150 rf fet cross reference
    Text: SA N Y O S E M I C O N D U C T O R LA 11 3 0 CORP 7t. ” 0001Ô35 1 DE ¿>,r CIRCUIT DRAWING NO.SP01 monolithic linear 1C AM TUNER SYSTEM FOR CAR RADIO Functions • RF amp. ■ D etector ■ ■ M ixer Norm al A G C " ■ Features ■ Single end packaging makes space useful.

    OCR Scan
    50ISI LA1150) 3060B LA1150N) LA1150 LA1150N. LA1t50: LA1150N: LA1132 varactor diode time switch varator diode varactor diode IF AMP RADIO la1130 varactor diode AM pin diode cross reference LA1135 rf fet cross reference PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M C 1648 V oltage C ontrolled O scillato r Consider MC12148 for New Designs The MC1648 requires an external parallel tank circuit consisting of the inductor L and capacitor (C). For Maximum Performance Q l £ 100 at

    OCR Scan
    MC12148 MC1648 PDF

    varactor diode

    Abstract: varactor diode AM FET differential amplifier circuit Am tuning DIODE LA1132 pin diode cross reference varactor diode time switch LA1150
    Text: SA N Y O S E M I C O N D U C T O R LA 11 3 0 CORP 7t. ” 0001Ô35 1 DE ¿>,r CIRCUIT DRAWING NO.SP01 monolithic linear 1C AM TUNER SYSTEM FOR CAR RADIO Functions • RF amp. ■ D etector ■ ■ M ixer Norm al A G C " ■ Features ■ Single end packaging makes space useful.

    OCR Scan
    wide25dB/i 50ISI LA1150) 3060B LA1150N) LA1150 LA1150N. LA1t50: LA1150N: varactor diode varactor diode AM FET differential amplifier circuit Am tuning DIODE LA1132 pin diode cross reference varactor diode time switch PDF