Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: VFO series TEST PLUG FOR MEASUREMENT INSTRUMENTS P/N: F 716 903 000 This plug permits the connection of a fiber to test equipment fitted with a F 716 200 000 VFO receptacle. This demoun table connection none crimp, none resined, none glued cannot match the performance of the VFO series because
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radiall vfo FR
Abstract: vfo radiall
Text: VFO-MP series CONTENTS r SYSTEM OPTABALL VFO General . 5 -6 Performance / c h a ra c te ris tic s . 7 Polishing option id e n tific a tio n .
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: VFO-MP series CONVERSION OF THE TOOLING The VFO and MP kits are convertible. If you have one of these kits and wish to connect it to another type of singlemode fiber, all you have to do is order a conversion kit for microscope. cf You have a VFO KIT F 780 116 000 110 V or F 780 117 000 (220 V) for standard singlemode fibers
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: VFO series STANDARD CABLE ASSEMBLIES Length VFO straight polishing FR slant polishing DF slant polishing to be used with gel to be used with gel fo r dry connection 2 m eters F 793 010 200 F 793 020 200 3 m eters F 793 010 201 F 793 040 200 F 793 020 201 5 meters
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: VFO RACK ADAPTERS NARROW FLANGE ADAPTER floating SQUARE FLANGE ADAPTER (fixed rack+panel) FLOATING ADAPTER Panel cutout see page 23 RADIALL The Quality Connection 20 series
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: VFO-MP CRIMPING Crim p tool and hexagon to be used fo r each VFO connector. Hexagon P a rt N u m b e r C r im p to o l F 716 001 000 Bonding only / F 716 002 000 R 282 211 3.25 F 716 003 000 R 282 223 5.41 F 716 004 000 R 282 211 4.52 F 716 005 000 Bonding only
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: VFO series PERFORMANCE / CHARACTERISTICS STRAIGHT POLISHING with index matching gel SLANT POLISHING with index matching gel OPTICAL Typical insertion losses Standard deviation . . . Reflected p o w e r. Repeatability. ENVIRONMENTAL Operating temperature
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: VFO series ACCESSORIES METAL CAP WITH CHAIN FOR CONNECTOR P /N : F 716 750 000 METAL CAP WITH CHAIN FOR ADAPTER P /N : F 716 760 000 F 718 014 000 BAG OF 132 BLUE ADHESIVE TAPES To identify the FR polishing option on connectors. RADIALL The Quality Connection
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: VFO series ATTENUATORS Fixed o r tunable low re fle ctio n attenuators fo r slant polished connections. The attenuation depends on the mode field diameter of the fiber used. All attenuators must be used with dry connectors only : - DF version already dry
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Abstract: vfo radiall vfo 716
Text: VFO series ATTENUATORS TUNABLE ATTENUATOR from 0 to 12 dB P /N : INCLINED 4° TUNABLE ATTENUATOR from 3 to 27 dB P /N : F 716 716 000 F 716 719 000 < PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Attenuation tolerance Reflection Durability See hereafter < -4 0 dB 500 mating cycles
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vfo radiall
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: VFO series ATTENUATORS TUNABLE ATTENUATOR from 0 to 12 dB P /N : INCLINED 4° TUNABLE ATTENUATOR from 3 to 27 dB P /N : F 716 716 000 F 716 719 000 < PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Attenuation tolerance Reflection Durability See hereafter < -4 0 dB 500 mating cycles
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: VFO-MP series VIDEO CAM ERA ADAPTATER To visualise the centering of the core of the fiber, the microscope can be connected to a camera and monitor for the final connector adjustment operation. A special adapter and instructions for use are available : F 780 900 000
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: ADAPTER, SOC, VFO Fiber Optic Instrument Adapters SOC Cat No: T1081 UPC No: 783310605942 Description • • • • • • "SOC Adapters Provide Direct Connectivity For Tempo FiberTOOLS To A Wide Range Of Industry-Standard Fiber Optic Connectors Adapter Design Ensures Maximum Accuracy And Repeatability When Performing Critical
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: VFO-MP series CLEANING PROCEDURE DEFINITION The purpose of cleaning is to clear the optical surfaces of connectors as well as the mechanical reference surfaces of any impurities which might impair optical performance. This operation is also necessary before applying an index gel when first used, or when replacing this gel.
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vfo radiall
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: VFO series STANDARD CONNECTORS Straight or Slant polishing - Classified according to cable size Note - Crim ping : see page 43 for crimp tools and hexagons to be used 15 m a x d ia . .9 8 m in d ia . 1 .9 7 m a x dia. cable dia in /o u t m m .4 /.8 5 coating dia
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: VFO series PRODUCTS N .B . S ee fro m p a g e 12 th e p r o d u c t p a rt n u m b e rs STANDARD CONNECTOR AND ADAPTER Cutaway view of an adapter and plug. This diagram clearly shows the mating principle of the Optaball system. Adapter Centering cone Centering ball
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: VFO series MEASUREMENT METHOD CEI 874-1 OR C E C C 86000, m ethod 6 This method applies to patchcord connector sets and uses a reference connector set. if Configure the test set-up as shown in figure 1: s Rb Ra Source LI D L2 r Po Detector Figure 1 ef Measure power level Po
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: VFO series CONNECTOR NUMERICAL INDEX STANDARD VERSION RACK VERSION PART NUMBERS cable dia in/out mm PART NUMBERS F 716 001 000 .4/.85 F 716 005 000 .4/.85 F 716 002 000 /3 F 716 006 000 /3 F 716 003 000 1.4/4.8 F 716 010 000 .6/1 F 716 004 000 1.4/3.8 F 716 007 000
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: VFO series STANDARD ADAPTERS SQUARE FLANGE ADAPTER P / N : F 716 700 000 5n0ic ve ns 0k me dl tin gr cs yio c le STAHMLESS STEEL _ _ F 716 714 000 mST S SST Lv |osn oA retN oL fE tOOO mE aE tin gê cr ys ë te 11,1 d ia m a x 1 L 11 .1 d ia m a x 1 '! >• t
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: VFO series STANDARDS CONNECTORS Straight or Slant polishing - C lassified accordin g to cable size N o te - C r i m p i n g : see p a g e 43 f o r c r i m p to o ls a n d h e x a g o n s to b e u se d 36 m ax 3 . 2 2 m a x d ia . m a x d ia . | c 5S _ <n -
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: VFO series STANDARDS CONNECTORS Straight or Slant polishing - C la ssifie d accordin g to cable size N o t e - C r i m p i n g : see p a g e 43 f o r c r i m p to o ls a n d h e x a g o n s to b e u s e d 15 m a x d ia . 3 .9 1 m a x d ia , 1 ,57 m a x d ia,
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: VFO series POLISHING OPTION IDENTIFICATION P o lis h in g o p tio n id e n tific a tio n P O LIS H IN G S e t-u p TO O LIN G OPTIO N C o n n e c to r REM ARKS o p e ra tio n s A d a p te r - 1 This o p tio n can be c o n v e rte d to FR ty p e at a n y tim e .
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: VFO series PANEL CUTOUT PART NUM BERS P a n e l c u to u t PART NUMBERS P a ne l c u to u t F 716 200 000 A F 7 1 6 711 0 00 B F 7 1 6 7 0 0 0 00 B F 7 1 6 7 1 2 0 00 B F 7 1 6 701 0 00 C F 7 1 6 7 1 3 0 00 B F 716 702 000 B F 7 1 6 7 1 4 0 00 B F 716 704 000
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Abstract: Radiall arinc 600 NSX ARINC 600 CONNECTOR nsx vfo radiall Radiall arinc connector MIL-C-28748 radiall dsx NSX arinc 600
Text: RADIALL PRODUCT RANGE COAXIAL CONNECTORS • Sub-miniature/miniature MMS - MCCARD - MCX - C O A XIP AC K 2and2.5 - SMA - S M A 2.9 - SSMA - SMB - SSMB - SMC - SMZ - BMA - SBMA - DIN 1.0/2.3 - EZC - Coaxial Terminators • Standard BNC 50-75Q - TNC (50-75Q) - T N C 18 GHz - N (50-75Q) - N 18 GHz - DIN
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Radiall arinc 600 NSX
vfo radiall
Radiall arinc connector
radiall dsx
NSX arinc 600