Part | ECAD Model | Manufacturer | Description | Download | Buy |
DFE2016CKA-1R0M=P2 | Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd | Fixed IND 1uH 1800mA NONAUTO |
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LQW18CN55NJ0HD | Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd | Fixed IND 55nH 1500mA POWRTRN |
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LQW18CNR56J0HD | Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd | Fixed IND 560nH 450mA POWRTRN |
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DFE322520F-2R2M=P2 | Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd | Fixed IND 2.2uH 4400mA NONAUTO |
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LQW18CN4N9D0HD | Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd | Fixed IND 4.9nH 2600mA POWRTRN |
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Catalog Datasheet | Type | Document Tags | |
vhdl code of floating point adder
Abstract: verilog code for floating point adder vhdl code of pipelined adder ieee 754 vhdl code of floating point adder vhdl code for floating point adder verilog code for floating point unit ieee floating point vhdl IEEE754 digital clock vhdl code IEEE-754
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IEEE-754 IEEE754 vhdl code of floating point adder verilog code for floating point adder vhdl code of pipelined adder ieee 754 vhdl code of floating point adder vhdl code for floating point adder verilog code for floating point unit ieee floating point vhdl digital clock vhdl code | |
verilog code for floating point adder
Abstract: vhdl code for floating point adder vhdl code of pipelined adder vhdl code of floating point adder ieee 754 vhdl code of floating point adder pipelined adder ieee floating point verilog digital clock verilog code ARITHMETIC COPROCESSOR vhdl code of floating point unit
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IEEE-754 IEEE754 verilog code for floating point adder vhdl code for floating point adder vhdl code of pipelined adder vhdl code of floating point adder ieee 754 vhdl code of floating point adder pipelined adder ieee floating point verilog digital clock verilog code ARITHMETIC COPROCESSOR vhdl code of floating point unit | |
vhdl code for a decade counter in behavioural mod
Abstract: vhdl code for a decade counter in behavioural model vhdl code for a updown counter vhdl code for 4 bit updown counter rtl decade counter digital pacemaker vhdl projects abstract and coding CONVERT E1 USES vhdl digital clock vhdl code vhdl code for n bit generic counter
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Turbo decoder Xilinx
Abstract: verilog code for floating point adder 80C31 instruction set dvb-RCS chip AX1610 65-bit verilog code for FFT 32 point G.727 matlab vhdl code of 32bit floating point adder vhdl code direct digital synthesizer
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UG012 Turbo decoder Xilinx verilog code for floating point adder 80C31 instruction set dvb-RCS chip AX1610 65-bit verilog code for FFT 32 point G.727 matlab vhdl code of 32bit floating point adder vhdl code direct digital synthesizer | |
xilinx vhdl code for floating point square root
Abstract: multiplier accumulator MAC code verilog multi channel UART controller using VHDL 80C31 instruction set vhdl code of 32bit floating point adder verilog code for floating point adder xilinx logicore fifo generator 6.2 xilinx vhdl code for floating point square root o vhdl code for 3-8 decoder using multiplexer vhdl code 32bit LFSR
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XC2V1000-4 UG002 xilinx vhdl code for floating point square root multiplier accumulator MAC code verilog multi channel UART controller using VHDL 80C31 instruction set vhdl code of 32bit floating point adder verilog code for floating point adder xilinx logicore fifo generator 6.2 xilinx vhdl code for floating point square root o vhdl code for 3-8 decoder using multiplexer vhdl code 32bit LFSR | |
multimedia projects based on matlab
Abstract: fixed point matlab system generator matlab ise matlab code for FFT 32 point FFT CODING BY VERILOG FOR 8 POINT WITH RADIX 2 E-SYN-0002 XtremeDSP Solution
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-DIR-0013 -DIR-0015 -DIR-0016 -DIR-5001 -MAT-0008 -MAT-0301 -QOR-0400 -QTZ-0006 -QTZ-0010 -QTZ-0011 multimedia projects based on matlab fixed point matlab system generator matlab ise matlab code for FFT 32 point FFT CODING BY VERILOG FOR 8 POINT WITH RADIX 2 E-SYN-0002 XtremeDSP Solution | |
vhdl code for traffic light control
Abstract: vhdl code for dice game vhdl code for TRAFFIC LIGHT CONTROLLER SINGLE WAY traffic light controller vhdl coding blackjack vhdl code structural vhdl code for ripple counter 4 BIT ALU design with vhdl code using structural vhdl code of floating point adder vhdl code for complex multiplication and addition four way traffic light controller vhdl coding
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principl92 ISBN4-7898-3286-4 C3055 P3200E vhdl code for traffic light control vhdl code for dice game vhdl code for TRAFFIC LIGHT CONTROLLER SINGLE WAY traffic light controller vhdl coding blackjack vhdl code structural vhdl code for ripple counter 4 BIT ALU design with vhdl code using structural vhdl code of floating point adder vhdl code for complex multiplication and addition four way traffic light controller vhdl coding | |
vhdl code for dice game
Abstract: four way traffic light controller vhdl coding vhdl code for TRAFFIC LIGHT CONTROLLER SINGLE WAY blackjack vhdl code vhdl coding for TRAFFIC LIGHT CONTROLLER SINGLE W vhdl code for TRAFFIC LIGHT CONTROLLER 4 WAY traffic light controller vhdl coding digital dice design VHDL digital dice design of digital VHDL altera vhdl code for traffic light control
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pack1076 vhdl code for dice game four way traffic light controller vhdl coding vhdl code for TRAFFIC LIGHT CONTROLLER SINGLE WAY blackjack vhdl code vhdl coding for TRAFFIC LIGHT CONTROLLER SINGLE W vhdl code for TRAFFIC LIGHT CONTROLLER 4 WAY traffic light controller vhdl coding digital dice design VHDL digital dice design of digital VHDL altera vhdl code for traffic light control | |
8251 intel microcontroller architecture
Abstract: vhdl source code for 8086 microprocessor 8251 usart verilog coding for asynchronous decade counter verilog code for 8254 timer verilog code for median filter 8251 uart vhdl SERVICE MANUAL oki 32 lcd tv verilog code for iir filter VHDL CODE FOR HDLC controller
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matlab code for mimo ofdm stc
Abstract: vhdl code for radix 2-2 parallel FFT for ofdm vhdl code for floating point adder matlab code for mimo ofdm 3gpp lte OFDMA Matlab code wimax OFDMA Matlab code EP3c80f780c7 vhdl code for ofdm MIMO Matlab code vhdl code lte
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16-REVd/D5-2004, matlab code for mimo ofdm stc vhdl code for radix 2-2 parallel FFT for ofdm vhdl code for floating point adder matlab code for mimo ofdm 3gpp lte OFDMA Matlab code wimax OFDMA Matlab code EP3c80f780c7 vhdl code for ofdm MIMO Matlab code vhdl code lte | |
4 BIT ALU design with vhdl code using structural
Abstract: vhdl code for bus invert coding circuit vhdl structural code program for 2-bit magnitude vhdl code direct digital synthesizer vhdl code for a updown counter for FPGA ABEL-HDL Reference Manual 8 BIT ALU design with vhdl code using structural D-10 MUX21 P22V10
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vhdl projects abstract and coding
Abstract: new ieee programs in vhdl and verilog Verilog code subtractor vhdl code for accumulator vhdl code for complex multiplication and addition QII51008-7 QII51009-7 EP2S30F672 verilog code for johnson counter EP2S60F1020
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vhdl code for FFT 32 point
Abstract: vhdl code for FFT 256 point vhdl code for FFT 4096 point vhdl code for 16 point radix 2 FFT vhdl code for FFT 16 point vhdl for 8 point fft pulse compression radar vhdl code for FFT 8 point Catalina Research 8 point fft code in vhdl
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32-Bit 64-bit and536 vhdl code for FFT 32 point vhdl code for FFT 256 point vhdl code for FFT 4096 point vhdl code for 16 point radix 2 FFT vhdl code for FFT 16 point vhdl for 8 point fft pulse compression radar vhdl code for FFT 8 point Catalina Research 8 point fft code in vhdl | |
vhdl code for FFT 32 point
Abstract: matlab code for n point DFT using fft 16 point FFT radix-4 VHDL documentation vhdl code for radix-4 fft 16 point bfp fft verilog code vhdl code for 16 point radix 2 FFT verilog code for single precision floating point multiplication EP3C16F484C6 vhdl code for FFT vhdl code for FFT 4096 point
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vhdl code for FFT 32 point
Abstract: fft matlab code using 16 point DFT butterfly verilog code for FFT 32 point fft algorithm verilog 16 point bfp fft verilog code vhdl code for FFT verilog code for floating point adder verilog code for twiddle factor ROM vhdl code for radix-4 fft matlab code using 8 point DFT butterfly
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vhdl code for radix-4 fft
Abstract: vhdl code for FFT 4096 point vhdl code for FFT 16 point fft matlab code using 16 point DFT butterfly matlab code for radix-4 fft ep3sl70f780 VHDL code for radix-2 fft matlab code using 64 point radix 8 5SGXE 2 point fft butterfly verilog code
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UG-FFT-11 vhdl code for radix-4 fft vhdl code for FFT 4096 point vhdl code for FFT 16 point fft matlab code using 16 point DFT butterfly matlab code for radix-4 fft ep3sl70f780 VHDL code for radix-2 fft matlab code using 64 point radix 8 5SGXE 2 point fft butterfly verilog code | |
vhdl projects abstract and coding
Abstract: design of FIR filter using vhdl abstract vhdl code for phase frequency detector for FPGA LVCMOS15 LVCMOS25 LVCMOS33 PCI33 RAMB16 SRL16 FIR filter verilog abstract
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ispGA92 SRL16 vhdl projects abstract and coding design of FIR filter using vhdl abstract vhdl code for phase frequency detector for FPGA LVCMOS15 LVCMOS25 LVCMOS33 PCI33 RAMB16 FIR filter verilog abstract | |
verilog code for floating point adder
Abstract: vhdl cyclic prefix code 8 BIT ALU design with verilog vhdl code Using QUARTUS II vhdl cyclic prefix code download CRC32 vhdl code of 32bit floating point adder verilog code 3 bit CRC ieee floating point multiplier verilog cyclic redundancy check verilog source
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Abstract: LIN VHDL source code 3 bit carry select adder verilog codes carry save adder verilog program 8 bit carry select adder verilog codes vhdl code for carry select adder 5AC324 verilog code for fixed point adder PLCC68 PLCC84
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verilog HDL program to generate PWM
Abstract: VHDL code for PWM verilog code for dc motor
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AN-669 verilog HDL program to generate PWM VHDL code for PWM verilog code for dc motor | |
transistor h9
Abstract: Cypress Applications Handbook 40MHZ CY7C371 FLASH370 MACH210A vhdl ad converter
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210-ABEL FLASH371-VHDL transistor h9 Cypress Applications Handbook 40MHZ CY7C371 FLASH370 MACH210A vhdl ad converter | |
verilog code for fir filter using DA
Abstract: A3P1500 vhdl code of 32bit floating point adder digital FIR Filter verilog code digital FIR Filter VHDL code fir vhdl code FIR Filter verilog code vhdl code for floating point adder IQ GENERATOR CODE WITH VHDL RTAX2000
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connect usb in vcd player circuit diagram
Abstract: usb vcd player circuit diagram DVD read writer circuit diagram verilog hdl code for 4 to 1 multiplexer in quartus 2 AMD64 Architecture Programmer DVD read writer BLOCK diagram encounter conformal equivalence check user guide new ieee programs in vhdl and verilog VHDL code for generate sound verilog code for histogram
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MNL-01055-1 connect usb in vcd player circuit diagram usb vcd player circuit diagram DVD read writer circuit diagram verilog hdl code for 4 to 1 multiplexer in quartus 2 AMD64 Architecture Programmer DVD read writer BLOCK diagram encounter conformal equivalence check user guide new ieee programs in vhdl and verilog VHDL code for generate sound verilog code for histogram | |
Abstract: CY7C371 FLASH370 IEEE1164 MACH210A
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FLASH371 40MHZ CY7C371 FLASH370 IEEE1164 MACH210A |