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    WESTCODE R 220 Search Results

    WESTCODE R 220 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WESTCODE Date:- 21 Aug, 2001 Data Sheet Issue:- 1 Distributed Gate Thyristor Type R2620ZC22x to R2620ZC25x Absolute Maximum Ratings VOLTAGE RATINGS MAXIMUM LIMITS UNITS 2200-2500 V VDRM Repetitive peak off-state voltage, note 1 VDSM Non-repetitive peak off-state voltage, (note 1)

    R2620ZC22x R2620ZC25x R2620ZC25x PDF


    Abstract: 500-16S SN151JL
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS IFRMS = 880 A IFAVM = 560 A VRRM = 1200 - 2200 V High Power Diode Modules 3 VRSM VDSM VRRM VDRM V V 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 Symbol Test Conditions IFRMS IFAVM TVJ = TVJM TC = 85°C; 180° sine IFSM

    500-12S 500-14S 500-16S 500-18S 500-20S 500-22S C125T-A 500-16S SN151JL PDF

    wpd 95-16

    Abstract: wpD95 INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER 9516 IR 9516 westcode Inverter Diode 3-type westcode inverter 3000 hz Westcode uk
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS Diode Modules VRSM VRRM V V 900 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300 800 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 IFRMS = 2 x 180 A IFAVM = 2 x 120 A VRRM = 800 - 2200 V 3 Type 1 2 2 1 WPD 95-08 WPD 95-12 WPD 95-14 WPD 95-16 WPD 95-18 WPD 95-20 WPD 95-22

    360ious wpd 95-16 wpD95 INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER 9516 IR 9516 westcode Inverter Diode 3-type westcode inverter 3000 hz Westcode uk PDF


    Abstract: westcode 10710 R610CH Westcode thyristor 10710 R2620 Westcode N thyristor Semiconductors Westcode thyristor datasheet R2620ZC22 westcode thyristor
    Text: Date:- 24 Feb, 2003 Data Sheet Issue:- 2 Distributed Gate Thyristor Type R2620ZC22# to R2620ZC25# Old Type Number: R610CH18-25 Absolute Maximum Ratings VOLTAGE RATINGS MAXIMUM LIMITS UNITS VDRM Repetitive peak off-state voltage, (note 1) 2200-2500 V VDSM

    R2620ZC22# R2620ZC25# R610CH18-25) R2620ZC westcode 10710 R610CH Westcode thyristor 10710 R2620 Westcode N thyristor Semiconductors Westcode thyristor datasheet R2620ZC22 westcode thyristor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Date:- 24 Feb, 2003 Data Sheet Issue:- 2 Distributed Gate Thyristor Type R2620ZC22# to R2620ZC25# Old Type Number: R610CH18-25 Absolute Maximum Ratings VOLTAGE RATINGS MAXIMUM LIMITS UNITS VDRM Repetitive peak off-state voltage, (note 1) 2200-2500 V VDSM

    R2620ZC22# R2620ZC25# R610CH18-25) PDF

    thyristor code

    Abstract: R400CH 60598-1 10KHZ R180CHX R185CHX R190CHX R200CHX R210CHX R216CHX
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 3TE ] Westcode “D ” and “ R ” series of fast-switching thyristors have a regenerative interdigitated gate structure to ensure low switching losses and high di/dt performance. Low reverse recovery charge values, combined with the

    OCR Scan
    00023Mb 25pisec r216ch R600C R800C D390C D405C D450C 200AC thyristor code R400CH 60598-1 10KHZ R180CHX R185CHX R190CHX R200CHX R210CHX R216CHX PDF

    Westinghouse diode

    Abstract: westinghouse DIODES Hawker SW18HHR320 westcode diodes S
    Text: WESTCODE SEM IC O N D U C TO R S 3 ^ E D • ^ 7 0 ^ 5 5 G O D E S S I T ■ liJESB r - o i TECHNICAL PUBLICATION WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS DH320 ISSUE 1 May, 1980 Flat-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type HHN/HHR320 320 amperes average: up to2400 volts Vrrm

    OCR Scan
    HHN/HHR320 to2400 80000A2 170A102 Westinghouse diode westinghouse DIODES Hawker SW18HHR320 westcode diodes S PDF


    Abstract: S2013 westcode england diode stud
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 3T E » • RTOTìSS DDGESMS 7 ■ ÜIESB T - o l - ï ? f WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS . TECHNICAL PUBLICATION D P12 ISSUE 2 May, 1989 Stud-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type PCN/PCR012 17amperes average: up to 1200volts Vr r m

    OCR Scan
    PCN/PCR012 17amperes 220A2 290A2 213A2s -32UNF SN151JL SW06PCR012 S2013 westcode england diode stud PDF


    Abstract: C320 CXC320 westcode diodes C-I-70C
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS BSE ^70^=135 D DD02S17 5 • lilESB T - o i - ¿ 3 T E C H N IC A L PU B LIC A T IO N WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS DC 320 IS S U E 2 May, 1989 Ceramic Capsule Silicon Diodes Type CXC 320 620 amperes average: up to2400 volts VRRM R A T IN G S

    OCR Scan
    ci70c1cà OOOES17 CXC320 to2400 SW22CXC320 C320 westcode diodes C-I-70C PDF

    Westinghouse thyristor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: tilESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 3RE D • *170*^55 0DDS5ÔS 7 ■ U E S B r-a r-/? Technical Publication WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS TP105P/R Issue 2 November 1984 Inverter Grade Stud-Base Thyristor Type P105P/P105R 105 amperes average: up to 800 volts VRRM/VDRM

    OCR Scan
    P105P/P105R TP105P/R -20UNF-2A Westinghouse thyristor PDF

    westinghouse DIODES

    Abstract: CXC805 SW12CXC805 Westinghouse diode 2950A westinghousE SW12CXC805
    Text: ^ 9709955 D E ^ I^ O ^ S SEMICONDUCTORS 0D014flS 34C 01485 0 "T V O / Technical Publication WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS DC805 Issue 1 February 1981 Ceramic Capsule Silicon Diodes Type CXC805 1625 amperes average: up to 2200 volts V r r m RATINGS Maximum values at 175°C, Tj, unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    00014flS CXC805 DC805 westinghouse DIODES CXC805 SW12CXC805 Westinghouse diode 2950A westinghousE SW12CXC805 PDF


    Abstract: Hawker WESTINGHOUSE DIODE P320 SW18PHR320 westinghouse DIODES WESTINGHOUSE rectifier
    Text: 9709955 ^34 WESTCODE SEM ICO NDUCTO RS 1 1 ^ 1 ^ 7 0 ^ 5 5 O O O m t.3 34C 0 1 4 6 3 D'~iCÛ\-''22> ^~ m T E C H N IC A L P U B L IC A T IO N WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS D P320 ISSUE 1 May, 1980 Stud-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type PH N /PH R 320 320amperes average: up to2400 volts VRRM

    OCR Scan
    PHN/PHR320 320amperes to2400 77600A2s 93896A2 phr320 Hawker WESTINGHOUSE DIODE P320 SW18PHR320 westinghouse DIODES WESTINGHOUSE rectifier PDF


    Abstract: TN450C N450C thyristor n450ch 1080A Westinghouse thyristor 1500
    Text: lilESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 31E J> m ITD'HSS 0002217 1 • WESB T - Z S 'Z I I Technical Publication WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS TN450C Issue 3 ^ J u l y 1985 ^ Convertor Grade Capsule Thyristor Type N450C 1080 amperes average: up to 2400 volts V r r m R a t i n g s Maximum values at 125°C Tj unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    N450C TN450C 6000A SN151JL 2M785 N450CH24 TN450C N450C thyristor n450ch 1080A Westinghouse thyristor 1500 PDF


    Abstract: TN490C N490C Westinghouse thyristor 1000A N490CH18 27MF JD 1800 At2550A U120R westinghouse thyristor drive
    Text: UESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 3SE D • ^70^55 0D02251 3 ■ lilE S B ^ ^ r -a i Technical Publication WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS TN490C Issue 3 July 1985 Convertor Grade Capsule Thyristor Type N490C 1200 amperes average: up to 2400 volts VRRM Ratings Maximum values at 125°C Tj unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    0D02251 IESB7V25--2i N490C TN490C 8000A SN151JL 2M785 2418A TN490C N490C Westinghouse thyristor 1000A N490CH18 27MF JD 1800 At2550A U120R westinghouse thyristor drive PDF

    Westinghouse thyristor

    Abstract: westcode ct Westcode N thyristor Semiconductors Westcode N thyristor
    Text: 9709955 WE STCODE 34C 01 570 S EM IC ON DU CT ORS ÜJESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 34 DEE li ^TTO C m11 S S WESTCODE § > SEMICONDUCTORS D r-2S"-// DGG1S7D 1 | ~ " MVJvrviiOc Data Thyristor Type P20^CH02-H08 RATINGS 390A, 800V, 10US H02 - H08 Voltage grade 200 - 800V

    OCR Scan
    CH02-H08 37iOA 600mA 00V/us 200mA 600mA -10A/us 10-25us Westinghouse thyristor westcode ct Westcode N thyristor Semiconductors Westcode N thyristor PDF

    Westinghouse diode

    Abstract: 1N3891 1N3891R SN16 VRM-50V
    Text: WESTCÔDE S EMI CONDUCT ORS •ïTCmSS GGDSQbb b Technical Publication WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 1N3889-93 Issue 1 February 1981 Fast Recovery Stud-Base Diode Type 1N3889-93 12 amperes average: up to 400 volts R A T IN G S Maximum values at Tj 150° C unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    03-lV 1N3889-93 290A11 213A1Â 1N3891 200vRRw 1N3891R 200vrrm Westinghouse diode 1N3891R SN16 VRM-50V PDF


    Abstract: westinghouse DIODES Hawker SW16HHR380 MJ200 Westinghouse diode
    Text: liiESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 3TE D • TVÜTiSS 0G02S31 7 ■ lilESB 7-ô l-2 $ ""V TECH N ICAL PUBLICATION WESTCODE @ SEMICONDUCTORS D H 380 ISSUE 1 May, 1980 Flat-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type HHN/HHR380 3 7 0 amperes average: up to2400 volts Vrrm R A T IN G S

    OCR Scan
    0G02S31 HHN/HHR380 370amperes to2400volts 151000A2s 170A102 HHR-380 westinghouse DIODES Hawker SW16HHR380 MJ200 Westinghouse diode PDF


    Abstract: westcode diode
    Text: lilESTCODE S E M I C O N D U C T O R S 3TE D • ^70^55 DGG2b3S Ö ■ U E S B 7*- 0 3 ~2 \ WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS SMxxMCN/R094 Stud Base Fast Recovery Diode Suitable for G.T.O. snubber networks, featuring low forward recovery voltage, soft reverse recovery and low stored charge.

    OCR Scan
    SMxxMCN/R094 SM20MCN094 westcode diode PDF

    Westinghouse thyristor

    Abstract: N330KH22 gate firing of d.c drive TN330K H-22 AIVR
    Text: IdESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS ITE D • ìt d t ìs s D o n n a s 1 • r-as-/?. Technical Publication WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS TN330K Issue 2 October 1985 Convertor Grade Flat-Base Thyristor Type N330K 324 amperes average: up to 2400 volts V rrm Ratings Maximum values at 125°CTj unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    N330K TN330K 0100A 510000A2. Westinghouse thyristor N330KH22 gate firing of d.c drive TN330K H-22 AIVR PDF


    Abstract: N390CH GDD2214 1670A 1870A TN390C
    Text: U E ST CO DE S E M I C O N D U C T O R S 3TE D • ^70^55 0002213 4 « U E S B T -Z .r ~ 2 i Technical Publication WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS TN390C Issue 3 July 1985 Convertor Grade Capsule Thyristor Type N390C 940 amperes average: up to 3800 volts VRRM Ratings Maximum values at 125°C Tj unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    N390C TN390C 3000A SN151JL 2M785 N390CH30 N390CH GDD2214 1670A 1870A TN390C PDF

    westinghouse DIODES

    Abstract: SW16PHR380 Hawker 1600VRRM P380 Westinghouse diode
    Text: 9709955 WESTCODE SEMI CO NDUCTORS m T I ^ D ^ S S DDD14bS 34C 01 465 D-f^-0 1 - ^ 3 4 TE C H N IC A L PUB LICA TIO N Q jÿ S E W M E S I C O T C N O D D U C E T g ç ) O R D P380 ISSUE 1 S May, 1980 Stud-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type PH N /PH R380

    OCR Scan
    DDD14bS PHN/PHR380 370amperes to2400volts westinghouse DIODES SW16PHR380 Hawker 1600VRRM P380 Westinghouse diode PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: f WESTCODE ® I \ S E M I C O N D U C T O R S 11 ' Fast Recovery Stud-Base Diode Type PCN/PC RO7 0 70 amperes average: up to 1000 volts VR^M &2 i Ratings M axim u m v a lu e s at Tj 125°C u n less sta ted o th erw ise) RATING CONDITIONS Average fo rw a rd current

    OCR Scan
    lp5M11 PDF

    tf 044

    Abstract: SW20CXC11C ASK 800
    Text: UESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 3TE J> WM =570^55 0002557 3 • Ü I E S B ^ - ^ . ^ WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS «»»» Capsule Rectifier Diode C o n s i s t s o f a d if f u s e d s ilic o n e le m e n t m o u n t e d in a n h e r m e t ic c e r a m ic c o ld w e ld e d c a p s u le .

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS • 3TE D . ■ ‘ìTO'HSS 0D02SS3 b ■ WESB /~oi ■sS - WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS Capsule Rectifier Diode C o n s is t s o f a d iffu s e d s ilic o n e le m e n t m o u n te d in a n h e rm e tic c e r a m ic c o ld w e ld e d c a p s u le .

    OCR Scan
    0D02SS3 SW26CXC445 PDF