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    WESTCODE R 600 CH 20 Search Results

    WESTCODE R 600 CH 20 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    UPC1093G(20)-E1-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Adjustable Precision Shunt Regulators Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HA17431GLPAEL-E Renesas Electronics Corporation Shunt Regulators Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HA17431VLPEL-E Renesas Electronics Corporation Shunt Regulators Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPC29M08HF-2-AZ Renesas Electronics Corporation 3 Terminal Regulators Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HA16174FPEL-E Renesas Electronics Corporation ICs for PFC Power Supply Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    WESTCODE R 600 CH 20 Datasheets Context Search

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    westcode n 600 ch 18

    Abstract: 74018 snubber report
    Text: WESTCODE Date:- 9 Dec, 1999 Rat. Rep:- 99T16 Issue:- 1 Fast Turn-off Thyristor Types P480CH20 to P480CH32 Absolute Maximum Ratings MAXIMUM LIMITS UNITS 2000-3200 2000-3200 2000-3200 2100-3300 V V V V OTHER RATINGS MAXIMUM LIMITS UNITS Mean on-state current, Tsink=55°C, note 2

    99T16 P480CH20 P480CH32 P480CH28D8G0 P480CH32. westcode n 600 ch 18 74018 snubber report PDF

    westcode n 600 ch 18

    Abstract: westcode n 600 ch 14 R325CH14 R325CH
    Text: WESTCODE Date:- 21 Dec, 2000 Data Sheet Issue:- 1 Distributed Gate Thyristor Types R325CH02 to R325CH14 Absolute Maximum Ratings VOLTAGE RATINGS MAXIMUM LIMITS UNITS 200-1400 V VDRM Repetitive peak off-state voltage, note 1 VDSM Non-repetitive peak off-state voltage, (note 1)

    R325CH02 R325CH14 R325CH14 westcode n 600 ch 18 westcode n 600 ch 14 R325CH PDF


    Abstract: WESTCODE westcode n thyristors 5000 volt 3000 amp n1683ch
    Text: WESTCODE Large Area Phase Control Thyristors Positive Development in Power Electronics WESLS00024 WISTCODI Type V drm /V rrm Range 87 and 100mm Phase Control Thyristors I t ia v It i r m s ) @Ths 55 "C ojl'hs 25“c ii @ Ths 2 5 T n Il'SM I t sm 10msec

    OCR Scan
    WESLS00024 100mm 10msec 5/35mm 60598-1 WESTCODE westcode n thyristors 5000 volt 3000 amp n1683ch PDF

    westcode n 600 ch 14

    Abstract: westcode n 600 ch 18
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS Capsule Phase Control Thyristor Consists of a diffused silicon element mounted in an hermetic ceramic cold welded capsule, and features an amplifying gate. Available in industry standard and thin housings. Ratings Unless otherwise indicated Tj = 125°C

    OCR Scan
    300mm 00DS7314 N490/4 westcode n 600 ch 14 westcode n 600 ch 18 PDF

    westcode n 600 ch 14

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS Capsule Phase Control Thyristor Consists of a diffused silicon element mounted in an hermetic ceramic cold welded capsule, and features an amplifying gate. Available in industry standard housing and thin housings. Ratings Unless otherwise indicated Tj = 125°C

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    300mm GG0277Q N760/4 westcode n 600 ch 14 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS !“ Capsule Phase Control Thyristor Consists of a diffused silicon element mounted in an hermetic ceramic cold welded capsule, and features an amplifying gate. Available in industry standard and thin housings. Ratings ^DRM v DSM

    OCR Scan
    300mm 0GG272b N320/4 M4200 PDF

    westcode ct

    Abstract: westcode n 600 ch 18 WESTCODE WESTCODE SW 1qra ert 3280 P042RH westcode n 600 ch 14
    Text: SEMICONDUCTORS Fast T urn-Off Thyristors Shortform Design Guide Issue 7 Westcode “P ” series of fast-switching thyristors have regenerative gate structure to ensure low switching losses and high di/dt performance. Low reverse recovery charge values com bined with the low forward switching

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: SW12CXC400 B745 C400 westcode diode 8745A
    Text: 9 7 0 9 955 "Ml WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS DË’I ' î T D 'H S S □0017^? 41C 01797 D 2 -3 r - < y - 7 TECHNICAL PUBLICATION WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS DC400 ISSUE 1 June, 1980 Ceramic Capsule Silicon Diodes Type CXC400 800 amperes average: up tol500 volts VRRM

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    DC400 CXC400 tol500 200AA SW12CXC400 B745 C400 westcode diode 8745A PDF

    Westinghouse diode

    Abstract: DH300 WESTINGHOUSE rectifier westinghouse DIODES Westinghouse 13a H300 SW06HHR300 westinghouse 12 121A139 HHR300
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS T> 3TE • ^701=155 0 0 0 2 S 2 7 S ■ UESB TECH N ICAL PUBLICATION WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS D H300 ISSUE 1 May, 1980 Flat-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type HHN/HHR300 380amperes average: up to 1500 volts VRRM R A T IN G S Maximum values at 180°C Tj unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    QQ0E527 HHN/HHR300 380amperes DH300 152000A2 183000A2s 121A139 SN151JL Westinghouse diode DH300 WESTINGHOUSE rectifier westinghouse DIODES Westinghouse 13a H300 SW06HHR300 westinghouse 12 121A139 HHR300 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Series WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS N560C/F/DHxx Issue 2 Capsule Phase Control Thyristor Consists of a diffused silicon element mounted in an hermetic ceramic cold welded capsule, and features an amplifying gate. Available in industry standard housing and thin housings.

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    N560C/F/DHxx 45lt-D 300mm PDF


    Abstract: gate firing of d.c drive TN170P
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICOND UCT ORS 3TE D • <170^55 00D2173 7 ■ W E S B r - z r - 1? Technical Publication WESTCODE 0 SEMICONDUCTORS TN170P Issue 2 October 1985 Convertor Grade Stud-Base Thyristor Type N170P 196 amperes average: up to 1500 volts V r r m Ratings Maxim um values at 125°C Tj unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    00D2173 N170P 07000A% 79400A2S 2M1085 N170PH12 gate firing of d.c drive TN170P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS • 3TE D . ■ ‘ìTO'HSS 0D02SS3 b ■ WESB /~oi ■sS - WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS Capsule Rectifier Diode C o n s is t s o f a d iffu s e d s ilic o n e le m e n t m o u n te d in a n h e rm e tic c e r a m ic c o ld w e ld e d c a p s u le .

    OCR Scan
    0D02SS3 SW26CXC445 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS i — Capsule Phase Control Thyristor Consists of a diffused silicon element mounted in an hermetic ceramic cold welded capsule, and features an amplifying gate. Available in industry standard and thin housings. Ratings Unless otherwise indicated Tj = 125°C

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    300mm D0G273G N390/4 PDF

    westcode n 600 ch 14

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS Capsule Phase Control Thyristor C o n s is ts o f a d iffu s e d s ilic o n e le m e n t m o u n te d in an h e rm e tic c e ra m ic c o ld w e ld e d c a p s u le , a n d fe a tu re s an a m p lify in g g a te . A v a ila b le in in d u s try s ta n d a rd h o u s in g a n d th in h o u s in g s .

    OCR Scan
    300mm 000270c! westcode n 600 ch 14 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UUESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS S » Capsule Phase Control Thyristor Consists of a diffused silicon element mounted in an hermetic ceramic cold welded capsule, and features an amplifying gate. Available in industry standard housing and thin housings. Ratings

    OCR Scan
    300mm DGD27b2 N750/4 PDF

    westcode n 600 ch 18

    Abstract: WESTCODE SW chn 840 P105CH p205ch Chn 835 Westcode Semiconductors p214ch WESTCODE 147 11 33 westcode n 600 ch 14
    Text: s Fast Turn-Off Thyristors Shortform Design Guide Issue 6 Westcode “P” series of fast-switching thyristors have regenerative gate structure to ensure low switching losses and high di/dt performance. Low reverse recovery charge values combined with the low forward switching

    OCR Scan
    P027RH westcode n 600 ch 18 WESTCODE SW chn 840 P105CH p205ch Chn 835 Westcode Semiconductors p214ch WESTCODE 147 11 33 westcode n 600 ch 14 PDF


    Abstract: N600CH12
    Text: lAIESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS Capsule Phase Control Thyristor Consists of a diffused silicon element mounted in an hermetic ceramic cold welded capsule, and features an amplifying gate. Available in industry standard and thin housings. Ratings Unless otherwise indicated Tj = 125°C

    OCR Scan
    300mm D002754 N600/4 N600CH N600CH12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS E“ Capsule Phase Control Thyristor Consists of a diffused silicon element mounted in an hermetic ceramic cold welded capsule, and features an amplifying gate. Available in industry standard housing and thin housings. Ratings U n le ss otherwise indicated Tj = 125°C

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    300mm PDF

    westinghouse thyristor drive

    Abstract: Westinghouse thyristor TP027R thyristor tt 18 n 1100 Westcode N thyristor Semiconductors p027rh08fjo IG3GT POZ7RH06FJO-800 thyristor tt 105 n 16
    Text: 11E J> UESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS m •nil'HSS D O O l ^ S Í echnical Publication W ESTCODE ^ SEMICONDUCTORS TP027R Issue 2 April 1985 Inverter Grade Stud-Base Thyristor Type P027R 34 amperes average; up to 1200 volts V rrm IV drm T -a s r-1 7 R a t i n g s Maximum values at 12S°C T j unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    TP027R P027R westinghouse thyristor drive Westinghouse thyristor TP027R thyristor tt 18 n 1100 Westcode N thyristor Semiconductors p027rh08fjo IG3GT POZ7RH06FJO-800 thyristor tt 105 n 16 PDF

    westcode n 600 ch 18

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS « » « c Capsule Rectifier Diode Consists of a diffused silicon element mounted in an hermetic ceramic cold welded capsule. Available in industry standard and thin housings. R a tin g s U nless o th e rw is e sta te d T j = 160°C

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: TN018R westcode R 600 ch 20 21AMPERES
    Text: T e ch n ical P u b lica tio n WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS TN018R Issue 2 Ju ly 1985 Convertor Grade Stud-Base Thyristor Type N018R 21 amperes average: up to 1500 volts V rrm Ratings Maximum values at 125°C Tj unless stated otherwise SYM BOL R A T IN G

    OCR Scan
    N018R TN018R 2M785 N018RH12 TN018R westcode R 600 ch 20 21AMPERES PDF


    Abstract: P205CH P280CH0 P202PH10-12 Fast Switching Thyristors P300CH P215PH06 P270CH04 P215CH04
    Text: Product Line of Fast turn Off Thyristors MfESTCODI An D IX Y 'S Com pany Westcode "P" series of fast switching thyristors have regenerative gate structure to ensure low switching losses and high di/dt performance. "P" Series devices are particularly attractive to; Inverter,

    OCR Scan
    P200PH10-12 P202PH10-12 P205PH10-12 P214PH06 P215PH06 P270PH04 P202CH12 P205CH P280CH0 Fast Switching Thyristors P300CH P270CH04 P215CH04 PDF

    westcode ct

    Abstract: Westinghouse Westcode
    Text: lil ESTCODE 3TE SEMICONDUCTORS 0 D D S 3 fc iS D S • UESB T e ch n ica l P u b lic a tio n WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS TR190C Issue 2 J u ly 1984 High Frequency Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type R190C distributed amplified gate for high d i/d t and low switching losses

    OCR Scan
    0DD23bS TR190C R190C 200AC westcode ct Westinghouse Westcode PDF


    Abstract: WM-61 550CE 25CC thyristor 300 volt TP270
    Text: Technical Publication W ESTCO D E < IT E D • TP270C T T D Ì Ì S S GDOSGSÌ 0 I SEMICONDUCTORS Issue 1 December 1985 , ÜJESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type P270C 516 amperes average: up to 500 volts VRRM/VDRM Ratings Maximum values at 1 2 5 °C Tj unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    TP270C P270C O-200 2V128Ã TP270C WM-61 550CE 25CC thyristor 300 volt TP270 PDF