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    WESTINGHOUSE SIGNAL TYPE Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TCTH022AE Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Over Temperature Detection IC / VDD=1.7~5.5V / IPTCO=10μA / IDD=11.3μA / Push-pull type / FLAG signal latch function Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCTH022BE Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Over Temperature Detection IC / VDD=1.7~5.5V / IPTCO=10μA / IDD=11.3μA / Open-drain type / FLAG signal latch function Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCTH012BE Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Over Temperature Detection IC / VDD=1.7~5.5V / IPTCO=1μA / IDD=1.8μA / Open-drain type / FLAG signal latch function Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCTH012AE Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Over Temperature Detection IC / VDD=1.7~5.5V / IPTCO=1μA / IDD=1.8μA / Push-pull type / FLAG signal latch function Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TB67H480FNG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Stepping Motor Driver/Unipolar Type/Vout(V)=50/Iout(A)=2.5/ PHASE input type Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    WESTINGHOUSE SIGNAL TYPE Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    westinghouse drawing

    Abstract: EN50121-4 SP1067 westinghouse relay 51 westinghouse relay SE81A SE465 underground 6174-A4-103454 westinghouse led indicator
    Text: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION: Page 1 of 6 Detailing operating parameters and characteristics of ‘Lumarled’ - a high performance LED indicator lamp custom designed for direct filament bulb replacement in signalling applications. Manufacturer: Marl International Limited


    Westinghouse CO 8

    Abstract: BS4937 zfg2 Seven-Segment Vacuum Fluorescent Display carbon monoxide detector westinghouse eb duct smoke detector flame detector 392 ABB relay CMOS technology westinghouse 12
    Text: Data Sheet SS/ZMT/LO Issue 9 Zirconia Oxygen Analyzer Systems ZMT & ZFG2 „ Integral reference-air supply option – avoids necessity for additional equipment „ Dual fuel data input with manual or automatic selection from up to 17 different fuels – extends the operating range of the system


    westinghouse transistors 153-20

    Abstract: Westinghouse westinghouse transistors WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC westinghouse semiconductor WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC 153-06 154-06 M40A6 westinghouse "OEM Line" westinghouse 154-10
    Text: Westinghouse Typical Applications Amplifiers Switching Circuits industrial Controls Regulators Power Supplies Pulse Generators Oscillators I nverters Ignition Systems Modulators Servo Systems Sweep Circuits Logic Circuits Active Filters U O E m 7 0 m x M T D 54-672

    OCR Scan
    1S697 S/M40A601G23. C/2116/DB; C/2117 westinghouse transistors 153-20 Westinghouse westinghouse transistors WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC westinghouse semiconductor WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC 153-06 154-06 M40A6 westinghouse "OEM Line" westinghouse 154-10 PDF


    Abstract: westinghouse transistors 2N3232 2N3235 westinghouse semiconductor data westinghouse semiconductor 2N3233 2N3232-2N3234 WESTINGHOUSE powerex cd
    Text: Westinghouse M a x im u m R a tin g s Voltage •Cotlector-Emitter, VCE0, Volts. •Collector-Base, Vcbo * Volts. •Emitter-Base, V ebo» Volts. Current *Collector, I q, Amps.

    OCR Scan
    2N3232-3235 2N3235 2N3234 westinghouse transistors 2N3232 2N3235 westinghouse semiconductor data westinghouse semiconductor 2N3233 2N3232-2N3234 WESTINGHOUSE powerex cd PDF

    philco transistors

    Abstract: DS503 2N408 DELCO Radio transistor philco westinghouse transistors 163-H72 westinghouse transistors D3052 2T862 westinghouse DIODES
    Text: SEMICONDUCTOR COMPLEMENT MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Transistors — Home Equipment Page S Transistors — Auto Radios Page 28 Semiconductor Diodes — Home Equipment Page 25 Silicon Rectifiers Page 60 Mechanical Specifications and Connections Page 62 S Y L V A N IA ELEC TR IC P R O D U C T S INC.

    OCR Scan
    2N252 2N309 2N140 521-6T2 528-6T2 002DIA SR200 SR500 philco transistors DS503 2N408 DELCO Radio transistor philco westinghouse transistors 163-H72 westinghouse transistors D3052 2T862 westinghouse DIODES PDF

    Westinghouse diode

    Abstract: 1N3891 1N3891R SN16 VRM-50V
    Text: WESTCÔDE S EMI CONDUCT ORS •ïTCmSS GGDSQbb b Technical Publication WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 1N3889-93 Issue 1 February 1981 Fast Recovery Stud-Base Diode Type 1N3889-93 12 amperes average: up to 400 volts R A T IN G S Maximum values at Tj 150° C unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    03-lV 1N3889-93 290A11 213A1Â 1N3891 200vRRw 1N3891R 200vrrm Westinghouse diode 1N3891R SN16 VRM-50V PDF

    Westinghouse thyristor

    Abstract: westcode ct Westcode N thyristor Semiconductors Westcode N thyristor
    Text: 9709955 WE STCODE 34C 01 570 S EM IC ON DU CT ORS ÜJESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 34 DEE li ^TTO C m11 S S WESTCODE § > SEMICONDUCTORS D r-2S"-// DGG1S7D 1 | ~ " MVJvrviiOc Data Thyristor Type P20^CH02-H08 RATINGS 390A, 800V, 10US H02 - H08 Voltage grade 200 - 800V

    OCR Scan
    CH02-H08 37iOA 600mA 00V/us 200mA 600mA -10A/us 10-25us Westinghouse thyristor westcode ct Westcode N thyristor Semiconductors Westcode N thyristor PDF

    westinghouse DIODES

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 3TE D • ^70^55 0002537 fl ■ UESB T - o f - £ 3 TECHNICAL PUBLICATION WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS DK 595 ISSUE 1 April, 1980 Flat-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type KBN/KBR595 590amperes average: up to 3600 volts RATINGS Maximum values at 160°C Tj unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    590amperes westinghouse DIODES PDF

    Westinghouse diode

    Abstract: SW06PHR300 westinghouse DIODES DP300 Hawker westinghouse 12 P300
    Text: 9 7 0 9 9 55 WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS DE I ^ T D ^ S S OODlMtil 7 | . T-ot- 23 3^C 0 1 4 6 1 TECHNICAL PUBLICATION WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS DP300 ISSUE 1 May, 1980 * Stud-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type PH N /PH R 300 380amperes average: up to 1500 volts Vr r m

    OCR Scan
    PHN/PHR300 380amperes DP300 147400A2 17751OA2 Westinghouse diode SW06PHR300 westinghouse DIODES DP300 Hawker westinghouse 12 P300 PDF

    Westinghouse thyristor 1000A

    Abstract: Westinghouse thyristor N760CH02 3240A 3890A Westinghouse thyristor t 378 n
    Text: ÜIESTCODE S E M I C O N D U C T O R S ^70^55 3TE D 0 0 0 2 23 7 7 • U E S B 2 sr-ej W ESTCO DE SEMICONDUCTORS Advance Data TN760G Issue A Jan. 198 ^ Capsule Thyristor Type N760CHQ2-H2Q 63mm diameter, regersative gate, phase control type Ratings and Characteristica

    OCR Scan
    tn760c n760ch02-h20 hd2-h20 2dq-2000v 3d0-2100v 200-20d0v 10rns; 12SOC 00V/us 15D0uC Westinghouse thyristor 1000A Westinghouse thyristor N760CH02 3240A 3890A Westinghouse thyristor t 378 n PDF

    Westinghouse diode

    Abstract: westinghouse 1N3881 1N3881R westcode diode
    Text: lilESTCODE s e u i c o n d u c t o r s 1701155 GGQ2Qb5 4 11E D t - o s-h Technical Publication W ESTCO DE SEMICONDUCTORS 1N3879-83 Issue 1 February 1981 Fast Recovery Stud-Base Diode Type 1N3879-83 6 amperes average: up to 400 volts R A T IN G S Maximum values at Tj 150°C unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    1N3879-83 1N3879-83 1N3881 200VRRM 1N3881R Westinghouse diode westinghouse 1N3881 1N3881R westcode diode PDF

    Westinghouse diode

    Abstract: westinghouse DIODES Hawker SW18HHR320 westcode diodes S
    Text: WESTCODE SEM IC O N D U C TO R S 3 ^ E D • ^ 7 0 ^ 5 5 G O D E S S I T ■ liJESB r - o i TECHNICAL PUBLICATION WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS DH320 ISSUE 1 May, 1980 Flat-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type HHN/HHR320 320 amperes average: up to2400 volts Vrrm

    OCR Scan
    HHN/HHR320 to2400 80000A2 170A102 Westinghouse diode westinghouse DIODES Hawker SW18HHR320 westcode diodes S PDF


    Abstract: dk51 Westinghouse diode SW42KBR515 westinghouse DIODES
    Text: UESTCODE SE MI CON DU CT OR S 3TE =170^55 D 000253S M HlilESB TECHNICAL PUBLICATION WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS DK515 ISSUE 1 A pril, 1980 Flat-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type KBN/KBR515 510amperes average: up to4400 volts Vr r m RATINGS Maximum values at 160°C Tj unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    000253S DK515 KBN/KBR515 510amperes to4400 0580A 423000A2 559000A2 416000A2 K515 dk51 Westinghouse diode SW42KBR515 westinghouse DIODES PDF

    Westinghouse diode

    Abstract: DH300 WESTINGHOUSE rectifier westinghouse DIODES Westinghouse 13a H300 SW06HHR300 westinghouse 12 121A139 HHR300
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS T> 3TE • ^701=155 0 0 0 2 S 2 7 S ■ UESB TECH N ICAL PUBLICATION WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS D H300 ISSUE 1 May, 1980 Flat-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type HHN/HHR300 380amperes average: up to 1500 volts VRRM R A T IN G S Maximum values at 180°C Tj unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    QQ0E527 HHN/HHR300 380amperes DH300 152000A2 183000A2s 121A139 SN151JL Westinghouse diode DH300 WESTINGHOUSE rectifier westinghouse DIODES Westinghouse 13a H300 SW06HHR300 westinghouse 12 121A139 HHR300 PDF

    westinghouse DIODES

    Abstract: WESTINGHOUSE rectifier WESTINGHOUSE DIODE SW06 SW06PCR030 westcode diode WESTINGHOUSE diode DO 776A2 westinghouse diode rectifier
    Text: 9 7 09955 "34 WESTCODE D Ë T J t PO'ï T S S S EMI CONDUCT ORS 00014S3 fl 34C 0 1 4 5 3 D W l - f |~ i TECH N IC AL PUBLICATION WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS D P30 ISSUE 1 March, 1980 Stud-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type PCN/PCR030 30amperes average: up to 1600 volts Vr r m

    OCR Scan
    DT-01- PCN/PCR030 30amperes R10Mvolts 594A2 776A2 600A2 westinghouse DIODES WESTINGHOUSE rectifier WESTINGHOUSE DIODE SW06 SW06PCR030 westcode diode WESTINGHOUSE diode DO westinghouse diode rectifier PDF

    westinghouse DIODES

    Abstract: SW16PHR380 Hawker 1600VRRM P380 Westinghouse diode
    Text: 9709955 WESTCODE SEMI CO NDUCTORS m T I ^ D ^ S S DDD14bS 34C 01 465 D-f^-0 1 - ^ 3 4 TE C H N IC A L PUB LICA TIO N Q jÿ S E W M E S I C O T C N O D D U C E T g ç ) O R D P380 ISSUE 1 S May, 1980 Stud-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type PH N /PH R380

    OCR Scan
    DDD14bS PHN/PHR380 370amperes to2400volts westinghouse DIODES SW16PHR380 Hawker 1600VRRM P380 Westinghouse diode PDF

    westinghouse DIODES

    Abstract: WESTINGHOUSE DIODE 1111111I XC300
    Text: TEC H N IC A L PUBLICATIO N WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 1 D C 300 ISSUE 1 June, 1980 / Ceramic Capsule Silicon Diodes Type C X C 300 650 amperes average: up to1500 volts RATING S Maximum values at 180°C Tj unless stated otherwise SYMBOL C O N DITIO N S RA TIN G

    OCR Scan
    to1500 52000A 83000A 35000A 550Kg westinghouse DIODES WESTINGHOUSE DIODE 1111111I XC300 PDF


    Abstract: CXC635 SW28CXC635 Westinghouse diode WESTINGHOUSE diode DO
    Text: 9709955 de WESTCODE 1^70^55 34C SEMICONDUCTORS □□□m ai 0 1 481 D -T-bi-as 5 Technical Publication W ESTCODE SEM ICONDUCTORS DC635 Issue 1 February 1981 Ceram ic Capsule Silicon Diodes Type CXC635 1420 amperes average: up to 3000 volts V r r m R A T IN G S Maximum values at 160°C, Tj, unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    14fll DC635 CXC635 at50Hz 00153932 CXC635 SW28CXC635 Westinghouse diode WESTINGHOUSE diode DO PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: lilESTCO D E SEM ICO N D U CTO RS IT E D • TTCm SS G G ü a a t,? f-O ñ ■ 3 - I^ Technical Publication WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 1N3899-3903 Issue 1 February 1981 Fast Recovery Stud-Base Diode Type 1N3899-3903 20 amperes average: up to 400 volts RATINGS Maximum values at Tj 150°C unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    1N3899-3903 48kgf SN151JL PDF

    westinghouse DIODES

    Abstract: westcode 601 40 CXC300 Westinghouse diode C300 SW12CXC300
    Text: 9 7 0 99 5 5 3M WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS DE I ^ T O T T S S 00014bT 1 34C 0 1 4 6 9 s— -r m n i i ii^ TECHNICAL PUBLICATION @ WESTCODE @ SEMICONDUCTORS D C 300 ISSUE 1 June, 1980 Ceramic Capsule Silicon Diodes Type CXC300 650 amperes average: up tol500 volts VRRM

    OCR Scan
    CXC300 tol500 550Kg westinghouse DIODES westcode 601 40 Westinghouse diode C300 SW12CXC300 PDF


    Abstract: WT600 westinghouse transistors WT635-01D westcode sw Westcode T-635
    Text: 9709955 dESTCODE W ESTCODE S EM IC O N D U C TO R S _ 3 4 C T SEMICONDUCTORS m De J 01741 TTD'^ SS _D' T - 33-29 D0D1741 Technical WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS Publication WT600 Issue 1 December 1980 Discrete Power Darlington Transistor Types WT635-01 & WT635-02

    OCR Scan
    D0D1741 WT635-01 WT635-02 WT600 WT635-01D/-02D) T635-00D T635-00M 3-4-16U WESTINGHOUSE DIODE WT600 westinghouse transistors WT635-01D westcode sw Westcode T-635 PDF


    Abstract: WESTINGHOUSE diode DO
    Text: T E C H N IC A L P U B LIC A TIO N WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS D P40 ISSUE 1 March, 1980 Stud-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type PCN/PCR040 70amperes average: up to 1200 volts R ATING S Maximum values at 175°C Tj unless stated otherwise R A T IN G C O N D ITIO N S

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: Westinghouse diode DP55 5195A westinghouse DIODES WESTINGHOUSE diode DO
    Text: 9 7 0 9 9 55 14 WESTCODE » F l^ c m s s 34C SEMICONDUCTORS DDDIMS? S | 01457 Q\ »— « « n i T E C H N IC A L P U B L IC A T IO N WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS D P55 ISSUE 1 M arch, 1 9 8 0 Stud-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type PC N /PC R 055 75amperes average: up to 1600 volts Vr r m

    OCR Scan
    PCN/PCR055 75amperes SW06PCR055 Westinghouse diode DP55 5195A westinghouse DIODES WESTINGHOUSE diode DO PDF

    westinghouse DIODES

    Abstract: SW06PCR040 Westinghouse diode 2716A 2716A2 795a WESTINGHOUSE diode DO westinghouse cm westinghouse rectifier westcode diode
    Text: 9709955 34 W ESTCO D E DE I T 7 D T Ì S S 34C S E M IC O N D U C T O R S 0001455 1 0 T ^ ô / '- z - / 01455 BM BM M M I §~* TECH N ICAL PUBLICATION WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS D P40 ISSUE 1 March, 1980 Stud-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type PCN/PCR040 70amperes average: up to 1600 volts Vr r m

    OCR Scan
    D0D1455 PCN/PCR040 70amperes westinghouse DIODES SW06PCR040 Westinghouse diode 2716A 2716A2 795a WESTINGHOUSE diode DO westinghouse cm westinghouse rectifier westcode diode PDF