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    XY 801 IC Search Results

    XY 801 IC Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    74HC4053FT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, SPDT(1:2)/Analog Multiplexer, TSSOP16B, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    7UL2T125FK Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), Buffer, SOT-765 (US8), -40 to 85 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    7UL2T126FK Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), Buffer, SOT-765 (US8), -40 to 85 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74HC4051FT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, SP8T(1:8)/Analog Multiplexer, TSSOP16B, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    7UL1G07FU Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), Non-Inverter Buffer (Open Drain), USV, -40 to 85 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    XY 801 IC Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1.25 Gbps Single Mode SFP Transceiver PSFP1.2 PD-LD Inc. offers single mode laser based fiber optic transceiver modules in convenient industry standard Small-Form-factor-Pluggable SFP packages. The PSFP series modules are designed to comply with IEEE802.3 Gigabit

    IEEE802 9/125um 1310nm 1550nm PDF


    Abstract: MAX8863 MAX8864 MAX8867 MAX8868 jc 817 acbf xy 801 ic
    Text: 19-1302; Rev 0; 10/97 Low-Noise, Low-Dropout, 150mA Linear Regulators in SOT23 _Applications Modems Cordless Telephones Hand-Held Instruments PCS Telephones Palmtop Computers PCMCIA Cards Electronic Planners _Pin Configuration

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    xy 801 ic

    Abstract: MAX886 MAX8863 MAX8864 MAX8867 MAX8868 acbf
    Text: 19-1302; Rev 1; 3/98 Low-Noise, Low-Dropout, 150mA Linear Regulators in SOT23 _Applications Modems Cordless Telephones Hand-Held Instruments PCS Telephones Palmtop Computers PCMCIA Cards Electronic Planners _Pin Configuration

    150mA 165mV MAX8867/MAX8868 xy 801 ic MAX886 MAX8863 MAX8864 MAX8867 MAX8868 acbf PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-1302; Rev 3; 7/02 Low-Noise, Low-Dropout, 150mA Linear Regulators in SOT23 _Features ♦ Low Output Noise: 30µVRMS Designed with an internal P-channel MOSFET pass transistor, the MAX8867/MAX8868 maintain a low 100µA supply current, independent of the load current and

    150mA MAX8867/MAX8868 MAX8868 MAX8867/MAX8868 PDF


    Abstract: MAX8863 MAX8864 MAX8867 MAX8868
    Text: 19-1302; Rev 2; 3/01 Low-Noise, Low-Dropout, 150mA Linear Regulators in SOT23 _Applications Modems Cordless Telephones Hand-Held Instruments PCS Telephones Palmtop Computers PCMCIA Cards Electronic Planners _Pin Configuration

    150mA 165mV MAX8867/MAX8868 MAX886 MAX8863 MAX8864 MAX8867 MAX8868 PDF


    Abstract: adqp ACBL MAX886 MAX8863 MAX8864 MAX8867 MAX8868 ADQR JB SOT23-10
    Text: 19-1302; Rev 3; 7/02 Low-Noise, Low-Dropout, 150mA Linear Regulators in SOT23 _Features ♦ Low Output Noise: 30µVRMS _Applications _Ordering Information Cellular Telephones Modems Cordless Telephones

    150mA 165mV MAX8867/MAX8868 EK25 adqp ACBL MAX886 MAX8863 MAX8864 MAX8867 MAX8868 ADQR JB SOT23-10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: The Frequency Response Effects of Internal Component Configuration on Multiple Ceramic Dielectric System S. Pala AVX Czech Republic s.r.o., Dvorakova 328, 563 01 Lanskroun, Czech Republic R. Demcko, M. Berolini AVX Corporation; 801 17th Ave. S; Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA


    2n3773 power Amplifier circuit diagrams

    Abstract: AD534 vacuum tube applications data book 759N Non-Linear Circuits Handbook Analog Devices 2N3773 audio amplifier diagram
    Text: wt sin <P\ "-o" \J \J ~ sin wt Yo . wt cos q, + cos \s•~' •n wt cos wt . q,\ Sl~' . 2wt cos q, +" _\I_,_,J3.- \SI~' \J . t sin <P\ t coS q, + Sll' 2ul \j \J~ \\.'_cOS 2 W £o" :-.g) \J \J~ \11'11'\-IP.S£\ cos <P " Of 1'\-lp.S£\ "-o " 20 \J \J~ l's0° ol.ll

    rs10/Lt 2n3773 power Amplifier circuit diagrams AD534 vacuum tube applications data book 759N Non-Linear Circuits Handbook Analog Devices 2N3773 audio amplifier diagram PDF


    Abstract: diode s453 eeprom s130 cx 2601 yx 801 ic pk1n diode s526 4419 power ic S432 DIODE schottky S134 .5A
    Text: ST Sitronix ST7773 262K Color Single-Chip TFT Controller/Driver 1. Introduction ST7773 is a single-chip controller/driver for 262K-color, graphic type TFT-LCD. It consists of 528 source line and 220 gate line driver circuits. This chip can be connected to a microprocessor direct through Serial Peripheral Interface SPI or

    ST7773 ST7773 262K-color, 8-bits/9-bits/16-bits/18-bits 176x220x18 componenD17 8080-Series 18-bit DIODE PK1N diode s453 eeprom s130 cx 2601 yx 801 ic pk1n diode s526 4419 power ic S432 DIODE schottky S134 .5A PDF

    YX 801 led driver 4 pins

    Abstract: yx 805 led driver yx 801 led driver yx 801 led yx 801 IC yx 801 led driver yx 801 ic diode S498 equivalent transistor yx 805 led zy 406 transistor
    Text: Crystalfontz America, Incorporated GRAPHIC TFT MODULE SPECIFICATIONS Crystalfontz Model Number CFAF176220M-T Hardware Version Revision A, April 2009 Data Sheet Version Revision 1.0 August 2009 Product Pages

    CFAF176220M-T com/product/CFAF176220MT CFAF176220M-T 8080-Series 18-bit ST7773 ST7773 YX 801 led driver 4 pins yx 805 led driver yx 801 led driver yx 801 led yx 801 IC yx 801 led driver yx 801 ic diode S498 equivalent transistor yx 805 led zy 406 transistor PDF


    Abstract: SCX-15111 5A/M39029/SC-X15111 raychem heat shrinkable joint procedure 2km fm transmitter
    Text: O u t o f Th i s Wo r l d INTERCONNECT SOLUTIONS Out of This World INTERCONNECT SOLUTIONS SELECTION GUIDE Contacts, Wires and Cables • SAE-AS39029 Crimp Contacts • High Performance Shielded Contacts • Special Purpose Contacts • El Ochito : The Ultimate Ethernet Contact

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    counter 7469

    Abstract: AB4518 EIA-608 VP5311 VP5511 colour television block diagram NTSC system decoder
    Text: AB4518 Interfacing to the VP5311/VP5511 Video Encoder Application Note AB4518 - 1.4 August 1996 INTRODUCTION All references in this document to VP5311 equally apply to the VP5511. Interfacing the video encoder in a complex digital video system requires an understanding of how the encoder synchronizes itself to the rest of the system. The VP5311 simplifies the

    AB4518 VP5311/VP5511 AB4518 VP5311 VP5511. counter 7469 EIA-608 VP5511 colour television block diagram NTSC system decoder PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CONTACTS TO BE DOTTED A B 1 2 6 7 15 16 21 26 27 36 37 38 39 40 41 30 31 52 53 81 82 3 4 6 7 15 16 21 26 27 36 37 38 39 40 41 SO 51 32 53 81 82 — 9.40 C.370J SEE SHT 2 17,42*0.15 [.686*0063 13.01 t.5913 REF 5.89 C.2321 TYP 3.71 C.1463J 2.34 C.1003 REF 2.54 t.100] REF2.54 C.1001 REF

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    1463J CEE2X90PF-154FE CEE2X90PF154FE S97316 PDF


    Abstract: novix Novix A01 forth novix nc4016
    Text: NO VI X INC OS DE § 1 0 M IP s 16-B IT Sta c k B a se d M PU P roduct D RETURN »TACK IHTERFACÉ is »¿essors T-V9-/7-/6 NC4016 e s c r ip t io n The NC4016 is a stack based, internally parallel, high performance microproces­ sor which directly executes the primi­

    OCR Scan
    16-BIT NC4016 NC4016 B-3671 10K6/87 novix Novix A01 forth novix nc4016 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM64153L-011 LCD Games 1C G EN ER A L DESCRIPTION The MSM64153L-011 is a low power 4-bit microcontroller fabricated in silicon gate CMOS technology. It uses an nX-4 /2 0 high performance core CPU that has OKI original architecture and

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    MSM64153 L-011 MSM64153L-011 provideL-011 MSM84153L-011 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: surface mount t 2l CO M PATIBLE Wee DIP LOCIC DELAY LINE # T 2 L FA ST input and output T h e S M F L D L -T T L is o ffe re d in 76 d e la y s fro m 5 to 50 0n s. D elay to le ra n c e s a re m a in ta in e d a s s h o w n in th e a c c o m p a n y in g part

    OCR Scan
    SO-14 PDF

    Each TMS 9995 system

    Abstract: comparison between intel 8086 and Zilog 80 microprocessor TIM99610 Z8000 MICRO SWITCH FREEPORT. ILL. U.S.A str 5667 tms 99000 kam ling tms 99110
    Text: TEXAS INSTR -CUC/UPÏ 45 D Ëj ûTbl72E • ■ T-4Q. | M 6 ; □P E W ? 7 T M S 99000 S Y S T E M B R IE F A T H IR D G E N E R A T IO N O F M IC R O P R O C E SSO R C O M PO N EN TS, SO FTW A R E, A N D SU PPO RT The new T M S 99000 microprocessor family has harnes­

    OCR Scan
    Tbl72E 16-bit Each TMS 9995 system comparison between intel 8086 and Zilog 80 microprocessor TIM99610 Z8000 MICRO SWITCH FREEPORT. ILL. U.S.A str 5667 tms 99000 kam ling tms 99110 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: > O LmFmiTY M i c- K o T he I n f i n i t e P h i h c: i o whr of k o I N i . n n o H s Transient I mmune Undervoltage Sensing P roducti on v a t i o n KEY DESCRIPTION Circuit D ata FEATURES FULLY CHARACTERIZED, TRANSIENT IMMUNE INPUT STAGE (See Product Highlight

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM64153 L-011 LCD Games IC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM64153L-011 is a lo w p o w e r 4-bit m icro co n tro ller fab ricated in silicon g ate CM OS technology. It uses an nX-4s h ig h p erfo rm an ce core CPU th a t h as OKI orig in al arch itectu re a n d

    OCR Scan
    MSM64153 L-011 MSM64153L-011 b724240 80-PIN QFP80-P-1420-K QFP84-P-1420-BK PDF


    Abstract: TOWARD AC30 PN168-S MIL-STD-19500H
    Text: S h e e t No. 1/6 I K n t iijt f ê / P R O D U C T S P E C IF IC A T IO N DESIGNED B Y CH ECKED B Y CHECKED BV A PPRO VED B Y pDn f l € / T Y P E N U M B E R : P N 1 6 8 - N C & T l f t - p Dn # / M A T S U S H IT A U N IFIED N U M B E R : P N A 1 8 0 1 L D O N C

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    Abstract: irf 1402 UPD17071GB-011 GB-011 ATID ECJ YB HX 711 oasis TI07 TV10
    Text: h B f ë MOS ÜÜISlfê MOS Integrated Circuit j n P D 1 7 7 1 G B - 1 1 fe y MpJIÍ FM, AM, S W 5 i> ‘^ , TVffl • 3 V h n - 7 Ñ 4 fcfu» h • i / U i f J l / f - y ' 7 • - 7 - f JUPD17071GB-011 l i è t i #

    OCR Scan
    UPD17071GB-011 UP1707 irf 1402 UPD17071GB-011 GB-011 ATID ECJ YB HX 711 oasis TI07 TV10 PDF

    ISA S20

    Abstract: SHM12 N DVME-630 PC412 ccd 207-10 PCI/ATML U 932
    Text: JM Y IP NEW PRODUCTS DC/DC Converters Digital Panel Voltmeters Data Acquisition Boards Sampling A/D Converters ISO 9 001 R e g is te re d M IL -S T D -1 7 7 2 C e rtifie d Contents Switching DC/DC Converters. Page 1

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    Abstract: TLO 721 PKF 2611 PI hep 230 PKF2611SI HEP 580 Ericsson TN R4 ericsson pkf
    Text: DC/DC Power Modules 6 W PKF 2000 I • SWD and thraxfhhdev&scns with ultra Icwarrpcmit hecfit <8.0 rrm 0.315 in • 84% éfió&xy(typat5V) • 1,500 Vdei3daticn vdtacp • S lid in g frequffxy ^m aizaticn • MTBF>4.9m'llicnhcLrsat +50 °Cpn t&rparatLre(+40 °C

    OCR Scan
    SE-164 sg 6822 TLO 721 PKF 2611 PI hep 230 PKF2611SI HEP 580 Ericsson TN R4 ericsson pkf PDF

    tms 99000

    Abstract: TMS99000 tms99105 TIM99610 7m 0880 source code for park and clark transformation TMS 8560 99120 TMS 1100 8086 microprocessor is called parallel processor
    Text: • ■ TE X A S I N S T R -CUC/UPÏ 45 T-4Q- | M 6 ; D Ë j ûT bl 72E □ P E W ? 7 TM S 99000 SYSTEM B R IEF A T H IR D G EN ERA T IO N OF MICROPROCESSOR COMPONENTS, SOFTWARE, AN D SUPPORT The new TMS 99000 microprocessor family has harnes­ sed advanced design concepts into a memory-intensive archi­

    OCR Scan
    16-bit tms 99000 TMS99000 tms99105 TIM99610 7m 0880 source code for park and clark transformation TMS 8560 99120 TMS 1100 8086 microprocessor is called parallel processor PDF