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    YJ 0078 Search Results

    YJ 0078 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    UPD78F0078YGC-8BS-A Renesas Electronics Corporation 8-bit Microcontrollers for LCD Remote Control Applications (Non Promotion) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPD78F0078GK-9ET Renesas Electronics Corporation 8-bit Microcontrollers for LCD Remote Control Applications (Non Promotion), TQFP, / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPD780078GK-XXX-9ET-A Renesas Electronics Corporation 8-bit Microcontrollers for LCD Remote Control Applications (Non Promotion), TQFP, / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPD78F0078GK-9ET-A Renesas Electronics Corporation 8-bit Microcontrollers for LCD Remote Control Applications (Non Promotion) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPD78F0078GC-AB8 Renesas Electronics Corporation 8-bit Microcontrollers for LCD Remote Control Applications (Non Promotion), QFP, / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    YJ 0078 Datasheets Context Search

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    MOLEX 39-00-0038

    Abstract: SD-5556 5556T 39-00-0038 PBS3
    Text: 13 12 10 N O TES 0.2 — (C U T O FF TAB LE N G T H ) h ( I.9) ~ -f ei - ^ — ^3 — — M A T E R IA L : S E E C HART. FINISH: S E E C HART. PRO DU CT S P EC IFIC A TIO N : P S - 5556- 001, P S - 5 5 5 6 - 0 0 2 , P S - 5 5 5 6 - 0 0 3 . PAC K A G IN G 5P E C IR IC A T I0 N : P K - 5556- 001 ROR CHAIN T E R M IN A L S

    OCR Scan
    ES-5556-001, ES-5556-002, ES-5556-003. PK-5556-001 PK-5556-003 PS-45499-002 SD-5556* MOLEX 39-00-0038 SD-5556 5556T 39-00-0038 PBS3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M XJ-8 M XJ-8 LO ; Ln I LO O 00 q: < OV E R P HOSP HOR TIN PLATED B R ON Z E HLATED RHOSPHOR TIN NICKEL OV E R B R ON Z E NICKEL PLATED BRASS TIN OV E R COPPER BRASS M A TER IA L PLATED 4. 5 ( 3. 6) (0.6) ( 2. 7) ( 2. 3) .035 . 177 . 142 .024 . 106 .09

    OCR Scan

    T2d 17

    Abstract: 445-1 39-00-0038 5556 MOLEX T2D 07
    Text: 13 12 0.2 — 10 (C U T O FF TAB NO TES ( I.9) LENG TH) 1 — ^ 3 - - ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ P F D = M A T E R IA L : S E E CHART. FINISH: S E E C HART. PRO DU CT S P EC IFIC ATIO N : PS -5 556- 001, P S - 5 5 5 6 - 0 0 2 , P S - 5 5 5 6 - 0 0 3 . PAC K A G IN G S P EC IFIC ATIO N : P K - 5556- 001 FO R CHAIN T E R M IN A L S

    OCR Scan

    til 31a

    Abstract: pressure bellow sumitomo connectors TS UL20276 23 AWG CL230-0017-1 UL2734 CL902 UL20276 30 AWG CABLE DX-132-CV1 UL20121
    Text: DX SERIES HIGH-DENSITY I/O CONNECTORS General d en sity I/O cn n ecto rs with b e llo w co n ­ va ried and c o m p le te lines of H ig h -D e n s lty c o n n e c t o r s \ tacts are p e rfe c t fo r to m o rro w ’s m iniaturized e le ctro n ic in th e w orld , i.e. ID C , S o ld e r and with C o -a x ia l contacts

    OCR Scan
    200VAC 100mm 150mm 720mm 400kg til 31a pressure bellow sumitomo connectors TS UL20276 23 AWG CL230-0017-1 UL2734 CL902 UL20276 30 AWG CABLE DX-132-CV1 UL20121 PDF


    Abstract: LDI 001 l4 tam TBA 427 D3101 147006c PH13 ZT rh 006c but79 CDU-F
    Text: NJU3101 4 M"j Y 1 f 7 m n h u —=7 m i* m NJU3I011Ì, ROM, RAM, l / O - f - C - M O S ^ a - f e i. %4 t ' - y h I f 7 ^ - r - - 3 > /-t2 7 ì • V i'f g ts h f f l l S t l T L ' i l f c i Ì I , ìS Ìfc O T iA ffliiia - y - h P - 7 t t „ Ì 3 - r * ' 4 ' ^ # l t g | 3 p nn Ì IC 3 fliT « £ ;?ttfc ìtiiJ

    OCR Scan
    NJU3101 NJU31011Ã NJU3101D NJU3101M 30kHz~ TLR324 LDI 001 l4 tam TBA 427 D3101 147006c PH13 ZT rh 006c but79 CDU-F PDF


    Abstract: 357 SHARP SM83CPU
    Text: SM8311/SM8313/SM8314/SM8315 SHARP SM8311/SM8313/SM8314/SM8315 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION . 317 PIN CONNECTIONS. 318

    OCR Scan
    SM8311/SM8313/SM8314/SM8315 SM8311/SM8313/SM8314/SM8315 RegisteP53 SM831X P43/PWM SM8320) P42/S 67/KH P6C7 357 SHARP SM83CPU PDF

    STK 5333 s

    Abstract: 1838 ir receiver b 010 22 05 feme MC68HC11KA4 STK 407 040 stk 4192 II 009C MC68HC711KA4
    Text: MC68HC11KA4RG/AD MC68HC11KA4 MC68HC711KA4 PROGRAMMING REFERENCE GUIDE M m o t o r o l a Block Diagram PAI/0C1 PULSE ACCUMULATOR OC2/OC1 0C3/0C1 OC4/OC1 IC4/OC5/OC1 ICI IC2 IC3 P B 7 -< -> PB6 P B 5 < -> j m PB4 PB3 P B 2< -> 1 PB1 PBO ADDR15 ADDR14 ADDR13

    OCR Scan
    MC68HC11KA4RG/AD MC68HC11KA4 MC68HC711KA4 MC68HC711KA4) MC68HC11KA4RG/AD STK 5333 s 1838 ir receiver b 010 22 05 feme STK 407 040 stk 4192 II 009C MC68HC711KA4 PDF


    Abstract: tc514170 ti67 TC514273 QFP100-P-2222-0 95c061b P54C tc5117800 P2222 TMP95C061B
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP95C061B CMOS 16-bit MICROCONTROLLER TMP95C061BF 1. OUTLINE AND DEVICE CHARACTERISTICS TM P95C061BF is high-speed advanced 16-bit m icrocontroller developed for controlling medium to large-scale equipment. TMP95C061BF is housed in an 100-pin mini flat package QFP100-P-1414-0.50 . TMP95C061BEF is housed in QFP100-P2222-0.80A package.

    OCR Scan
    TMP95C061B 16-bit TMP95C061BF TMP95C061BF 100-pin QFP100-P-1414-0 TMP95C061BEF QFP100-P-2222-0 TC5118160 tc514170 ti67 TC514273 95c061b P54C tc5117800 P2222 TMP95C061B PDF


    Abstract: TC514273
    Text: TOSHIBA TOSHIBA Original CMOS 16-Bit Microcontroller TLCS-900/H Series TMP95C061B TOSHIBA CORPORATION Preface Thank you very much for making use of Toshiba microcomputer LSIs. Before use this LSI, refer the section," Points of Note and Restrictions". Especially, take care below cautions.

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit TLCS-900/H TMP95C061B 95C061B-206 tc5118160 TC514273 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SHE T> TOSHIBA U C / U P • ^0^724^ 0020flbS S7 3 « T 0 S 3 TOSHIBA TMP90C802 CMOS 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLERS TM P90C802P/TM P90C802M 1. OUTLINE AND CHARACTERISTICS The TMP90C802 is a high-speed advanced 8-bit micro controller applicable to a variety of equipm ent.

    OCR Scan
    0020flbS TMP90C802 P90C802P/TM P90C802M TMP90C802 TMP90C802P TMP90C802M 16-bit PDF

    4032 k30

    Abstract: TI61 TMP93CW46AF p838h QFP100-P-1414-0 TLCS-90 TMP93CW46A TMP93PW46A P93CW46A DM11
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP93CW46A Low Voltage / Low Power CMOS 16-bit MICROCONTROLLERS TMP93CW46AF 1. OUTLINE AND DEVICE CHARACTERISTICS The TMP93CW46AF is high-speed advanced 16-bit microcontrollers to enable low voltage and low power consumption operation. The TMP93CW46AF is housed in 100pin m ini flat package.

    OCR Scan
    P93CW46A 16-bit TMP93CW46AF 100-pin 900/L TLCS-90 4032 k30 TI61 p838h QFP100-P-1414-0 TMP93CW46A TMP93PW46A P93CW46A DM11 PDF


    Abstract: TFK 241 NEC uPB OC171 PD71051 TB1010 IE-17K-ET tB1234 ge dsm hex ng 0C170
    Text: USER’S MANUAL I mp*""* jijjMF ^jgj sMMMI HHMI s mmm I jBT V^C. M *"" *l>® WMi aHMMiK mmm s I CL1CE-ET VERSION 1.6 Oocu^cn \ o EEU 1468 0 .0 . No. EEU 931 Date Pub.'ishcd January 1994 P Printed :n Japan NEC USER'S MANUAL IE -1 7 K -E 1 CLICE-ET VERSION 1.6

    OCR Scan
    IE-17K-E1 RS-232-C. OC170 TFK 241 NEC uPB OC171 PD71051 TB1010 IE-17K-ET tB1234 ge dsm hex ng 0C170 PDF


    Abstract: 272032 80188 programming 8086 interrupt structure 8088 microprocessor block diagrammed with direction 80C186XL20 86xl ARCHITECTURE OF 80186 PROCESSOR CICO NO 2 intel DMA controller Unit for 80186
    Text: [F [^ y © T r in te i 80C186XL20, 16, 12,10 16-BIT HIGH INTEGRATION EMBEDDED PROCESSOR Low Power, Full Static Version of 80C186 Operation Modes: — Enhanced Mode — DRAM Refresh Control Unit — Power-Save Mode — Direct Interface to 80C187 — Compatible Mode

    OCR Scan
    80C186XL20, 16-BIT 80C186 80C187 80c186xl 80C186XL 272032 80188 programming 8086 interrupt structure 8088 microprocessor block diagrammed with direction 80C186XL20 86xl ARCHITECTURE OF 80186 PROCESSOR CICO NO 2 intel DMA controller Unit for 80186 PDF


    Abstract: S0X3 yamaha v9990 CSR BC8 yamaha fc4 A4032 scax1 csr bc7 KA17/127BPV1MSTH yamaha fc5
    Text: YAMAHA L S i E-VDP-III APPLICATION MANUAL YAMAHA V 9990 APPLICATION MANUAL CATALOG No. : LSI-2499903 1992. 09 NOTICES YAMAHA reserves the right to make changes in specifications in order to improve performance without notice. The application circuit herein are presented only as an example.

    OCR Scan
    V9990 LSI-2499903 CA95131 S0X3 yamaha v9990 CSR BC8 yamaha fc4 A4032 scax1 csr bc7 KA17/127BPV1MSTH yamaha fc5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: <991 in te i 80C188XL20,16,12, 10 16-BIT HIGH INTEGRATION EMBEDDED PROCESSOR • Low Power, Full Static Version of the 80C188 Direct Addressing Capability to 1 Mbyte Memory and 64 Kbyte I/O ■ Operation Modes Include: — Enhanced Mode — DRAM Refresh Control Unit

    OCR Scan
    80C188XL20 16-BIT 80C188 80C188 80C186 80C188XL PL/M-86, Pascal-86, Fortran-86 iC-86 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP90CM38 TLCS-90 Series CMOS 8—Bit Microcontroller TM P90CM38F/TM P90CM38T 1. Outline and Characteristics The TMP90CM38 is a high-speed, high performance 8-bit microcontroller developed for application in the control of various devices. The TMP90CM38, CMOS 8-bit microcontroller, integrates an

    OCR Scan
    TMP90CM38 TLCS-90 P90CM38F/TM P90CM38T TMP90CM38 TMP90CM38, TMP90CM38F 80-pin TMP90CM38T 84-pin PDF


    Abstract: p83a 96c141 tmp96c141 96C141BF PS5 1020 TMP96C141BF QFP80 UC21 US1024 RLR42
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP96C141BF CMOS 16-bit MICROCONTROLLERS TMP96C141BF 1. OUTLINE AND DEVICE CHARACTERISTICS TM P96C141BF is high-speed advanced 16-bit m icrocontrollers developed for controlling medium to large-scale equipment. TMP96C141BF is housed in an 80-pin flat package.

    OCR Scan
    TMP96C141BF 16-bit TMP96C141BF 80-pin TLCS-90 16M-byte p83a 96c141 tmp96c141 96C141BF PS5 1020 TMP96C141BF QFP80 UC21 US1024 RLR42 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TOSHIBA Original CMOS 16-Bit Microcontroller TLCS-900 Series TMP96C141B TOSHIBA CORPORATION Preface Thank you very much for making use of Toshiba microcomputer LSIs. Before use this LSI, refer the section," Points of Note and Restrictions". Especially, take care below cautions.

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit TLCS-900 TMP96C141B 96C141B-191 TMP96C141BF 96C141B-192 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP90CM36/M37 CMOS 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER TMP90CM36F /TMP90CM36T TMP90CM37F/TMP90CM37T 1. OUTLINE AND CHARACTERISTICS TMP90CM36 is a high speed, high performance 8-bit microcontroller developed for application in the control of various devices. TMP90CM36, CMOS 8-bit microcontroller, integrates an 8-bit CPU, ROM, RAM, A/D

    OCR Scan
    TMP90CM36/M37 TMP90CM36F /TMP90CM36T TMP90CM37F/TMP90CM37T TMP90CM36 TMP90CM36, TMP90CM37 80-pin p7fr PDF


    Abstract: CT2R encoder sew pam 8304 TLCS-90 TMP93CS44 TMP93CS44F TMP93CS45 TMP93CS45F REG04
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP93CS44/TMP93CS45 Low Voltage / Low Power CMOS 16-bit MICROCONTROLLERS TMP93CS44F / TMP93CS45F 1. OUTLINE AND DEVICE CHARACTERISTICS The TMP93CS44 / TMP93CS45 are high-speed, advanced 16-bit m icrocontrollers developed for controlling m edium to large-scale equipment. The TMP93CS45 does not

    OCR Scan
    TMP93CS44/TMP93CS45 16-bit TMP93CS44F TMP93CS45F TMP93CS44 TMP93CS45 QFP80-P-1212-0 CT2R encoder sew pam 8304 TLCS-90 REG04 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP90C051 C M O S 8-BIT MICROPROCESSOR T M P90C 051F 1. O VER VIEW A N D FEATURES TMP90C051F is a high-speed 8-bit CMOS microprocessor w ith advanced functions and was developed for application in various types of device control. TMP90C051F is a single-chip, 8-bit CMOS microprocessor th a t integrates peripheral

    OCR Scan
    TMP90C051 TMP90C051F TLCS90) 220/fc 222/fc 216/fc 214/fc MCU90-342 PDF


    Abstract: AEG PS 431 yamaha dx7 pal to ntsc RF Vidio Manual Yamaha V9938 V9938 VDP AEG - PS 431 hp dv6 9938 GN AEG 431
    Text: V9938 MSX-VIDEO Technical Data Book ASCII CORPORATION/NIPPON G M Ki CO LTD YAMAHA N IP P O N Ö A K K S CO., LTD . • Scanned by Sean Young Converted to P D F by H ansO , 2001 j . J PK £ FACE The V993 8 in t r o d u c e d in t h i s manual is a V e ry

    OCR Scan
    V9938 AEG PS 431 yamaha dx7 pal to ntsc RF Vidio Manual Yamaha V9938 V9938 VDP AEG - PS 431 hp dv6 9938 GN AEG 431 PDF

    cq 0565

    Abstract: pdcr 921 TLCS-900 16mfe 48 mqsi rmk bh TMP92CW10F AOS date code System I200AR I200A
    Text: T O S H IB A Preliminary TMP92CW10F Specification Revision 1.1 Histor Revision 1.0 Date 28 Dec. 200 0 Note Initial draft 1.1 17 Jan. 2001 A mistake correction 17 January 2001 T O S H IB A Under Development Preliminary TMP92CW10 CMOS 32-bit Micro-controller

    OCR Scan
    TMP92CW10F TMP92CW10 32-bit TMP92CW10F TMP92CW10 TLCS-900/H1 100-pin 90Q/H1 cq 0565 pdcr 921 TLCS-900 16mfe 48 mqsi rmk bh AOS date code System I200AR I200A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP93CS44/TMP93CS45 Low Voltage / Low Power CMOS 16-bit MICROCONTROLLERS TMP93CS44F / TMP93CS45F 1. OUTLINE AND DEVICE CHARACTERISTICS The TMP93CS44 / TMP93CS45 are high-speed, advanced 16-bit m icrocontrollers developed for controlling m edium to large-scale equipm ent. The TMP93CS45 does not

    OCR Scan
    TMP93CS44/TMP93CS45 16-bit TMP93CS44F TMP93CS45F TMP93CS44 TMP93CS45 PDF