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    DSA00415708.pdf by NXP Semiconductors

    • AN10583 Realizing an MP3 player with the LPC2148, using libmad and EFSL Rev. 01 -- 18 Apri... l 2007 Application note Document information Info Content Keywords MP3, player, codec, deco more
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    DSA00415708.pdf preview

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    AN10583 ARM 7 LPC2148 architecture ARM 7 LPC2148 definitions ARM LPC2148 ARM LPC2148 application ARM LPC2148 architecture ARM LPC2148 block diagram ARM LPC2148 block diagram with ARM LPC2148 block diagram with description ARM LPC2148 embedded C language ARM LPC2148 embedded web ARM LPC2148 features ARM LPC2148 free ARM LPC2148 instruction set ARM LPC2148 internal memory ARM LPC2148 pll ARM7 LPC2148 ARM7 LPC2148 chip specifications ARM7 LPC2148 datasheet ARM7 LPC2148 features ARM7 LPC2148 instruction set ARM7 LPC2148 peripheral features ARM7 LPC2148 peripheral features WITHOUT ARM7 LPC2148 sd card ARM7 usb mp3 player ARM7tdmi lpc2000 instruction set block diagram of MP3 player codec mpeg layer 1 dct32 description about mp3 difference between arm7 and arm9 difference between arm7 and arm9 and ARM 10 embedded system lpc2148 free FAT16 FAT32 features of ARM7 lpc2148 Features of LPC2148 in detail free datasheet download of LPC2148 only free of LPC2148 free of LPC2148 only information about ARM LPC2148 instruction set INTERRUPTS IN LPC2148 libmad LPC2000 lpc2140 LPC2148 lpc2148 arm7 lpc2148 assembly language program for keil lpc2148 board LPC2148 CAN LPC2148 datasheet LPC2148 Development Board lpc2148 free LPC2148 instruction set LPC2148 instruction set assembly language LPC2148 instruction set assembly language program lpc2148 interrupts LPC2148 special instruction set lpc2148 ssp lpc2148 timer LPC2148-Based LPC214x.h LPC2888 MCB2140 MCB2140 audio device MP3 Decode Module mp3 decoder mp3 player mp3 player one chip mp3 player SCHEMATIC mp3 player schematic diagram MP3 Reference Module mp3player NXP lpc2140 NXP lpc2148 pin diagram of LPC2148 Realizing an MP3 player with the LPC2148, using libmad and EFSL sd card interface in lpc2148 sd card interface with full library code lpc2148 sd card interface with lpc2148 speaker data mcb2140 speaker interface with lpc2148 speex ARM speex codec transcend usb flash drive usb player schematic usb single chip aac audio 5.1 out player
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