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    DSA0015697.pdf by IMEC

    • GSTP/ASCMSA/Integrated Radiation-tolerant Imaging System P60280-MS-RP-001 Identification ... of CMOS Imager Applications in Space Werner Ogiers IMEC, division MAP Kapeldreef 75 B-3001 Leuven te more
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    DSA0015697.pdf preview

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    "frame grabber" 0.5 MIETEC CMOS 1/3 CMOS CAMERA 12 line ccd scanner 2048 x 1 ccd linear array 400-1000nm cmos 5M cmos camera analog compass Sensor circuit arcsec digital compass arm 7 processor for robot Arrays of Photon-Counting Detectors automatic heat detector project report c 2810 camera sensor iris scanner ccd detector project CCD linear multispectral ccd sensor star tracker CMOS Camera Module interface with arm 11 CMOS digital image sensor CMOS digital image sensor with global shutter cmos disadvantages CMOS global shutter cmos IMAGE SENSOR global shutter HD CMOS imaging sensor 1996 cmos SENSOR "global shutter" HD computer nasa Concentrated Photovoltaic deep infrared FPA digital CMOS camera chip digital SUN SENSOR digital SUN SENSOR cmos detector digital SUN SENSOR cmos detector space radiation doppler rate in nasa electronics nasa electronics nasa video External Quantum Efficiency solar flying robot flying robot with camera HD-1003 hd1003 High speed NIR Line-Scan Detector how dsp is used in radar how to make a robotic arm image sensing camera robot image sensor star tracker Inertial navigation system infra red FPA Infra-red obstacle detection project report infrared human motion detection sensor Infrared proximity Sensor robotics IR obstacle detector ir remote control ROBOt project report IR sensor for obstacle avoidance iris 3001 iris scan iris scanner circuit laser doppler velocimetry lens distortion line following robot CIRCUIT microcamera microcamera cmos mietec motion sensor based on doppler effect motion sensor doppler nasa ics nielsen obstacle avoidance robotic vehicle project report obstacle avoiding rover obstacle detection obstacle detection project report obstacle detection robot obstacle detection using stereo vision obstacle detection with ir sensors obstacle sensing using ir led based photo transistor Passive IR sensors pcb layout of remote control robot photovoltaic sensor photovoltaic with current transducer ptsi camera head quality photonics pps radar sensor specification robot direction with compass robot with camera and sensor robotic arm robotic arm electrical specification ROBOTIC distance SENSOR rover sensor doppler array Sensor for obstacle detection solar charge controller solar controller Solar panel tracking regulator solar panels at satellites solar tracker star tracker SUN POSITION SENSOR SUN SENSOR sun Sensor satellite sun tracker surface measurement using camera based ir sensor high accuracy uv sensors for obstacle detection Vision Control of a Robotic Hand what is a cds sensor
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