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    DSA0027158.pdf by National Semiconductor

    • September 1995 NS486 TM SXF Optimized 32-Bit 486-Class Controller with On-Chip Peripherals for Embedded Systems General Description The NS486SXF is a highly integrated embedded system controlle
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    "Programmable Interrupt Controller" 16550 16550 uart national 16550 uart national datasheet and Application Note 16550 uart timing diagram 32-bit microprocessor architecture 320X240 320x240 lcd 48 MHz Crystal 480x320 486 specification update 486 system bus 60 Hz crystal oscillator 60 pin ISA slot 7 bit to 7 segment decoder 7 segment display with alarm 7 segment display with alarm clock 8-bit latch ttl ic 8086 16 bit microprocessor datasheets 8086 architecture and pin 8086 datasheet 8086 instruction set 8086 interfacing with 8254 peripheral 8086 interrupts application 8086 interval timer 8086 logic diagram 8086 microprocessor max mode operation 8086 microprocessor pin description 8086 microprocessor pin diagram 8086 multifunction pin description 8086 structure 8086 timing diagram 8254 intel microprocessor block diagram 8254 programmable interval timer 8254 TIMER 8259 Programmable Interrupt Controller 8259 programmable interval timer 8259 Programmable Peripheral Interface Alarm controller interfacing with 8086 Applications of IC 8259 APPLICATIONS OF TIMER Architecture of 8086 microprocessor bcd addition program of 8086 bcd binary conversion application note binary bcd conversion binary to bcd decoder block diagram 8086 pin block diagram 8259A block diagram of scanner BODY CONTROL MODULES features in car bus arbitration devices CACHE MEMORY FOR 8086 car alarm crystal transmitter car power window car window mechanism Circuit Diagram of Microtek 14 Monochrome deutsch bvd DS1287 EE type CORE EE type CORE 25 fast page mode dram controller graphic lcd module 320x240 hp lcd hp pin lcd hp scanner IEEE 1284 Peripheral Interface Controller IEEE-1284 intel 8086 intel 8086 applications intel 8086 instruction set intel 8086 internal architecture intel 8086 internal structure Intel 82365 intel 8259 interrupt controller intel 8259 programmable interrupt controller intel 8259 with pinout diagram intel DMA controller Unit interface 8254 with 8086 interfacing 8259 with 8086 interfacing 8259A to the 8086 interfacing intel 8086 with ram and rom interfacing lcd with 8086 interfacing of lcd with 8086 interfacing of memory devices with 8086 interfacing of RAM and ROM with 8086 interfacing of ram with 8086 interrupt structure of 8086 isa bus interfacing isa bus original design ISA slot data latch used for 8086 lcd 14 pin interface LCD 320X240 LCD 480X320 lcd controller internal dram LCD DISPLAY PINOUT lcd graphics display japan LCD hp lcd timing controller low power consumption timer ic MC146818 memory card circuit diagram mobile speaker multiplex in car national semiconductor graphics ns16550 NS486 NS486 SXF NS486SXF NS486TM Power PQFP 64 PQFP die size programmable interrupt controller 8259 programmable timers IC real time microprocessor 8254 applications rom memory rtc ic 85 SERIAL interrupt CONTROLLER 8086 speaker datasheets SPI MICROWIRE communication controller support chips of 8086 task management of 8086 timing diagram of 8086 maximum mode uart 16550 Uart applications UART NS16550 Watchdog timer ic wireless audio video transmitter
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