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    0PA2048CA Search Results

    0PA2048CA Datasheets Context Search

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    optical rotary encoder

    Abstract: 0LD222 0PA2048CA infrared diodes IR SENSOR ENCODER Optical encoder Sensor IFM ENCODER Infrared Emitting Diode LED collimator oki Rotary Encoder switch
    Text: O K I electronic components OLP226 Infrared LED with Collimator Lens GENERAL DESCRIPTION T he O LD226 is a h igh -ou tp u t G aA lA s infrared ligh t em issio n m icro-d iod e sealed w ith collim ator len s in a T O -1 8 m etal can package. H ig h u n iform ity o f ligh t distribu sion and collim ator lens enable

    OCR Scan
    OLP226_ OLD226 OLD226 0LD222 OLD222H 0LD226 0PA2048CA) L7S4240 optical rotary encoder 0LD222 0PA2048CA infrared diodes IR SENSOR ENCODER Optical encoder Sensor IFM ENCODER Infrared Emitting Diode LED collimator oki Rotary Encoder switch PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I electronic components 0 LP226 Infrared LED with Collimator Lens GENERAL DESCRIPTION The OLD226 is a high-output GaAlAs infrared light emission micro-diode sealed with collimator lens in a TO-18 metal can package. High uniform ity of light distribusion and collimator lens enable

    OCR Scan
    LP226 OLD226 b724240 OLD222H OLD226 7E4E40 2048C PDF