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    NKK Switches AT2107A

    Switch Bezels / Switch Caps BLACK BEZEL
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TTI AT2107A Bulk 2,500 5
    • 1 -
    • 10 $1.09
    • 100 $0.97
    • 1000 $0.88
    • 10000 $0.88
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    NKK Switches AT2107C

    Switch Bezels / Switch Caps RED BEZEL FOR M AND M2100 SERIES
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TTI AT2107C Bulk 1,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $0.84
    • 10000 $0.83
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    NKK Switches AT2107E

    Switch Bezels / Switch Caps YELLOW BEZEL FOR M AND M2100 SERIES
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TTI AT2107E Bulk 5
    • 1 -
    • 10 $1.09
    • 100 $1
    • 1000 $0.9
    • 10000 $0.9
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    NKK Switches AT2107G

    Switch Bezels / Switch Caps BLUE BEZEL FOR M AND M2100 SERIES
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TTI AT2107G Bulk 5
    • 1 -
    • 10 $1.1
    • 100 $0.98
    • 1000 $0.9
    • 10000 $0.9
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    NKK Switches AT2107H

    Switch Bezels / Switch Caps GRAY BEZEL FOR M AND M2100 SERIES
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TTI AT2107H Bulk 5
    • 1 -
    • 10 $1.09
    • 100 $0.97
    • 1000 $0.97
    • 10000 $0.97
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    100SERIES Datasheets (2)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    100 SERIES E-SWITCH Miniature toggle switches come in up to 4 poles with a variety of switching functions Original PDF
    100-Series YCL Electronics DC-to-DC Power Supply Module Original PDF

    100SERIES Datasheets Context Search

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    sunx fx 300

    Abstract: FX-101P-Z FT-L80Y FT-V80Y FX-101-CC2 FX-100SERIES FT-WV42 npn transistor w19 D1063 sunx ft-a8
    Text: DIGITAL FIBER SENSOR FX-100SERIES Conforming to EMC Directive Bringing digital fiber sensors closer 01/2007 New possibilities with digital fiber sensors. The FX series is a round 100 for success. Easy to read, multipurpose, and at an economical price. The FX series has been designed to be what customers want it to be.

    FX-100SERIES CN-14A-C2 FX-101 FX-102 CN-14A-C1 CN-14A-C2 CN-14A-C3 CN-14A-C5 CE-FX100-10 sunx fx 300 FX-101P-Z FT-L80Y FT-V80Y FX-101-CC2 FX-100SERIES FT-WV42 npn transistor w19 D1063 sunx ft-a8 PDF

    sunx fx 300

    Abstract: sunx ft-a8 npn transistor w19 transistor WT4 sunx dp 20 FX-mr1 wv42 W0472 FX-101P-Z WT4 Transistor
    Text: DIGITAL FIBER SENSOR FX-100SERIES Conforming to EMC Directive Bringing digital fiber sensors closer New possibilities with digital fiber sensors. The FX series is a round 100 for success. Easy to read, multipurpose, and at an economical price. The FX series has been designed to be what customers want it to be.

    FX-100SERIES FX-101 FX-102 CN-14A-C2 CN-14A-C1 CN-14A-C2 CN-14A-C3 CN-14A-C5 sunx fx 300 sunx ft-a8 npn transistor w19 transistor WT4 sunx dp 20 FX-mr1 wv42 W0472 FX-101P-Z WT4 Transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 100SERIES Diodes Varactor Diode Military/High-RelN Ct{Cj} Nom. F Junction Cap.100f C1/C2 Min. Capacitance Ratio V(RRM)(V) Rep.Pk.Rev. Voltage6.0 Q Factor Min.10 f(co) Min. (Hz) Cut-off freq.100G P(D) Max. (W)75m Semiconductor MaterialGaAs Package StylePin



    Abstract: MXED203-10 Unidux Clare Micronix
    Text: f rie W E B N ct u od r P For All Passive-Matrix Organic-Light-EmittingDiode OLED Displays   Monochrome and Color  Common-Cathode Row Switching MXED203 Clare Micronix MXED203 160-Channel OLED Row Driver Small-Molecule and Polymer FEATURES • CMOS High Voltage Process: 5V-30V Display Panel

    MXED203 160-Channel V-30V 144-Output 150mA D-71522 S-16329 6513 MXED203-10 Unidux Clare Micronix PDF


    Abstract: hp laptop charging CIRCUIT diagram mrb20200 siemens ecu wiring diagram hp laptop battery pack pinout car ecu microprocessors hp 450 laptop charging circuit diagram ericsson rectifier 100 amp CD player LASER BURN circuit diagram diagram ecu igbt ignition
    Text: Q U A R T E R L Y T E C H N O L O G Y A N D A P P L I C AT I O N S M A G A Z I N E ON-Display FOURTH QUARTER 2000 Vol. 1, No. 3 This Quarter. FEATURES Continuing Automotive Leadership 3 Power Management for 42 V Vehicles 8 Broadband Solutions 22 POWER MANAGEMENT

    ONDISPLAY4Q00/D MRB20200CT hp laptop charging CIRCUIT diagram mrb20200 siemens ecu wiring diagram hp laptop battery pack pinout car ecu microprocessors hp 450 laptop charging circuit diagram ericsson rectifier 100 amp CD player LASER BURN circuit diagram diagram ecu igbt ignition PDF

    hp 2411

    Abstract: TCK-073 chemi-con date code ARLITECH fet 4816 P55 MOSFET 1808 footprint dimension 4812 fet EKY nippon fet p60
    Text: TEP 100 Series Application Note DC/DC Converter 9 to 18Vdc, 18 to 36Vdc or 36 to 75Vdc Input and 100 Watt Output Power 3.3Vdc to 48 Vdc Single Output Standard Features • Industry standard half-brick footprint 61.0°57.9°12.7 mm 2.40°2.28°0.50 inch • RoHS compliant

    18Vdc, 36Vdc 75Vdc E188913 TR-NWT-000332 hp 2411 TCK-073 chemi-con date code ARLITECH fet 4816 P55 MOSFET 1808 footprint dimension 4812 fet EKY nippon fet p60 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EMI CATALOG ABOUT LAIRD Laird is a global technology business focused on enabling wireless communication and smart systems, and providing components and systems that protect electronics. Laird operates through two divisions, Wireless Systems and



    Abstract: sirf GSC3f/LPx sirfstar 3 MTk3318 mediatek mediatek mt3318 sirfstar 3 commands UP500 gsc3e GPS receiver module
    Text: T50 I 00 UP5 GPS ! W NE Receivers & Tracking products ! W NE 10/2009 FASTRAX PRODUCT MATRIX Product Description TTFF Sensivity acq./navig. Power consumption Dimensions mm -148 dBm / -165 dBm 75mW@3.0V 16.2 x 18.8 x 2.3 NMEA Protoc FASTRAX 500-SERIES FOR ULTIMATE SENSITIVITY

    500-SERIES IT500 300-SERIES IT321 IT310 UC324 IT300-series IT500-series IT03-series IT300 MTK3329 sirf GSC3f/LPx sirfstar 3 MTk3318 mediatek mediatek mt3318 sirfstar 3 commands UP500 gsc3e GPS receiver module PDF

    MACH3 cpld from AMD

    Abstract: MACH3 cpld mach schematic B0337 matrix circuit VHDL code mach3 AMD A-18 MACH4 cpld amd ABEL-HDL Design Manual mach211sp
    Text: MACH Device Kit User Manual 096-0197 June 1996 096-0197-001 Synario Design Automation, a division of Data I/O, has made every attempt to ensure that the information in this document is accurate and complete. Data I/O assumes no liability for errors, or for any incidental, consequential, indirect or special damages, including, without limitation,


    663 - t

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r0 ^joo » _s Ü 0 T E5 .* FUE NO. -« Q O O AA- CD-105-02 M A t'L : C O PPER STO CK T K N * ^ p PLA Tl NG -ELEC TRO -TIN (.0 0 0 3 MIN. ) L — —► .062 STUO S IZ E S :(-.005) 02 - .094 04 = .1 I 9 06 = .14 6 08 = .173 1.57 MIN: •1 r — 3F 10 = .198

    OCR Scan
    CD-105-02 1704AA- E32244 100-SERIES 663 - t PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: -N O TESî tool 0m at’l: C O PPER STO CKtkn.=£|l PLA TIN G: ELECTRO -TIN(.0003M IN .) A A - C D " 104-01 FilE NO. .054 1.37 M IN . h r j STUD SIZES : (-005) 02 - .094 04 = .119 06 = .146 . 08 = .173 10 = .198 14 ».265 \ u C LISTING *E32244 56 = .328

    OCR Scan
    E32244 10-tR 100-SERIES_ PDF


    Abstract: APZ 212 55 Modulation FSK 8083 mi15 diode synic V22 56k modem chip pins rockwell EQM apz 212 20 designer guide
    Text: RC2324DP/RC2424DP Modem Designer’s Guide 1. INTRODUCTION interface functions of the DP/2 modem except that eleven hardware signals are not provided on the DP/1: four serial control, two talk/data relay interface, two baud clock, and two internal test. 1.1. SUMMARY

    OCR Scan
    RC2324DP/RC2424DP RC2324DP/1 RC2424DP/1 RC2324DP/2 RC2324DP" RC2324DP/2. 212Aand 851C7 rc2324dp APZ 212 55 Modulation FSK 8083 mi15 diode synic V22 56k modem chip pins rockwell EQM apz 212 20 designer guide PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19 -4 6 7 2 ; R e v 1; 7/92 y i / i > j x i / i / i +5V/Adjustable Step-Up Current-M ode DC-DC Converters Features ♦ 200m A Load Currents Guaranteed with No External M O SFET The M AX731/M AX752 use current-m ode pulse-w idth m odulation PWM controllers to provide precise output

    OCR Scan
    AX731/M AX752 170kHz 16-Pin MAX731/MAX752 MIL-STD-883. MAX731 MAX752 MAX752cpa PDF


    Abstract: max738
    Text: y n y jx iy i/i 19-4143; Rev. 0 :2 /9 2 +5V and A djustable Step-Down Current-M ode PW M Regulators _ G eneral Description _Features The MAX730/MAX738 are +5V-output CMOS, step-down, sw itching DC-DC regulators. The MAX750/MAX758 are

    OCR Scan
    MAX730/MAX738 MAX750/MAX758 MAX730/MAX738. MAX738 750mA MAX730 300mA MAX758 MAX750 MAX758. MAX758 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r NOTES: m a T 'l file no . ip o r : c o p p e r s t o c k .03 tkn. .79 B- CD-I 01 -01 P LA TIN G : E L E C T R O -T IN (.0 0 0 3 MIN.) STUD SIZES:(-.005) 02 - .094 04 = .119 06 = ,|4 6 08 =• .173 10 = .198 .14 = .2 6 5 " ' u l ' LISTING *E 3 2 2 4 4

    OCR Scan
    100-SERIES PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-4672,Rev2,2/93 >i/iyjxi>i/i +5V/Adjustable Step-Up Current-Mode DC-DC Converters G e n e ra l D e s crip tio n The MAX731 and MAX752 are fixed and adjustable CMOS, step-up, DC-DC switch-m ode regulators The MAX731 a cce p ts a positive input voltage between +2 5V

    OCR Scan
    MAX731 MAX752 200mA, 200mA MAX731 MAX752cpa PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I . D NOTES : m a t 'l: co p p er (s to c k rue n o . ±.001 I BHD- CD-IOI^OI .050 1.27 PLATING: ELECTRO -TIN (.0 0 0 3 M IN.) tkn . STUD SIZES I (-005) 02 - .0 9 4 0 4 = .1 1 9 06 » .146 08 = .173 10 * .1 9 8 •4 - .265 56 -.328 38 * .390 76 =.453

    OCR Scan
    E32244 100-SERIES PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r m otes; .03 ip o r FILE NO. M A t'L : COPPER STOCK TKN. .79 PLAT ING : ELECTRO - TIN (.0 0 0 3 MIN.) STUD SIZES:(-.005) 02 - .094 04 = .1 19 06 = .146 08 = .173 10 = .198 14 - .265 UL LISTING E32244 56 = .3 2 8 ''CSA* LISTING ^18689 38 s .390 ALL DlMENSI0NS= IN.(: lil5 SPART

    OCR Scan
    E32244 137B-I39- I0-I5-64 100-SERIES PDF

    Step-up 12V to 110v

    Abstract: MAX731 MAX731CPA MAX731CWE MAX731EPA MAX752 CD54-220 MAX654-659 MAX752cpa
    Text: / i/ i / j x i / h +5V/Ad ju s t able Step-Up Current-Mode DC-DC Converters _ Features The MAX731 and MAX752 are fixed and adjustable CMOS, step-up, DC-DC switch-m ode regulators. The MAX731 a ccepts a positive input voltage between +2.5V

    OCR Scan
    MAX731 MAX752 200mA, 200mA. MAX752MJA MIL-STD-883. MAX752 Step-up 12V to 110v MAX731CPA MAX731CWE MAX731EPA CD54-220 MAX654-659 MAX752cpa PDF

    Sumida CD54-220

    Abstract: X752 transistor tic 2260 MAX752cpa
    Text: 19-4672; Rev 1;7/92 y n / i x i / n +5V/Adjustable Step-Up Current-M ode DC-DC Converters Features G e n e r a l D e s c rip tio n ♦ 200mA Load Currents Guaranteed with No External MOSFET The MAX731/MAX752 use current-mode pulse-width modulation PWM controllers to provide precise output

    OCR Scan
    731/M 200mA 170kHz MAX731) MAX752) 16-Pin MAX731 MAX752 Sumida CD54-220 X752 transistor tic 2260 MAX752cpa PDF


    Abstract: MAX732EPA MAX73-MJA MAX732CWE MAX732cpa
    Text: 19-3966; Rev 1; 3/92 i y j x i > k i j v + 1 2 V /+ 1 5 V Step-U p C urrent-M ode P W M Regulators _ Features The MAX732/MAX733 are CMOS step-up DC-DC switch­ mode regulators. The MAX732 is a +12V regulator that accepts inputs from 4.0V to 9.3V and delivers up to

    OCR Scan
    MAX732/MAX733 MAX732 200mA MAX733 125mA 50/uH MAX732/ MAX732/MAX733 MAX733) ic3150 MAX732EPA MAX73-MJA MAX732CWE MAX732cpa PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: yuyjxiyki + 1 2 V /+ 1 5 V Step-U p Current-M ode 19-3966; Rev 1; 3/92 P W M Regulators _ Features The MAX732/M AX733 are CMOS step-up DC-DC switch­ mode regulators. The MAX732 is a +12V regulator that accepts inputs from 4.0V to 9.3V and delivers up to

    OCR Scan
    MAX732/M AX733 MAX732 200mA MAX733 125mA 50//H MAX732/ MAX732/MAX733 MAX732cpa PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-4670; Rev 2; 1/93 +12V, 120mA Flash M em ory Program m ing Supply Description B a tte ry -s a v in g fe a tu re s in c lu d e 8 5 % e ffic ie n c y , 1,2m A o p e ra tin g q u ie s c e n t s u p p ly cu rre n t, a n d 70nA sh u td o w n s u p p ly c u rre n t. The o p e ra tin g s u p p ly c u r­

    OCR Scan
    120mA AX734 170kHz 250mA, MAX732 MAX734C/D PDF


    Text: 19-4670; Rev 2; 1/93 _ G eneral Description The MAX734 is a +12V-output, step-up, DC-DC sw itch­ m ode regulator. It delivers a guaranteed 120mA from a 4 .7 5 V in p u t, a n d is id e a l fo r p ro g ra m m in g fla s h m emories. Available in 8-pin SO and DIP packages, it

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    120mA MAX734 18fxH 33fiF 500jiA. 12V ENERGY LIGHT CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 33p capacitor MAX732 MAX732EVKIT-SO MAX734CPA MAX734CSA MAX734EPA MAX734ESA MAX734MJA PDF