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    27C512 National Semiconductor

    Abstract: 27C010 27C040 27C080 27C256 27C512 C1996 NM27C020 NM27C020Q
    Text: June 1995 NM27C020 2 097 152-Bit 256K x 8 UV Erasable CMOS EPROM General Description The NM27C020 is a high performance 2 097 152-bit EPROM It is organized as 256 K-words of 8 bits each Its pin-compatibility with byte-wide JEDEC EPROMs enables upgrades through 8 Mbit EPROMs The ‘‘Don’t Care’’ feature during read operations enables memory expansions up

    NM27C020 152-Bit NM27C020 27C512 National Semiconductor 27C010 27C040 27C080 27C256 27C512 C1996 NM27C020Q PDF

    Round pulse transformer

    Abstract: CRC16 D77D 89C3 13,56 mhz antenna D7-1C 9bcd
    Text: SL2 ICS12 Functional Specification I•CODE UID-OTP Smart Label IC Rev. 03.00 — 6 December 2006 Product data sheet 127730 public 1. General description The I•CODE UID-OTP Smart Label IC is a dedicated chip for radio frequency identification on item level. This IC is a member of the well known and established in the

    ICS12 Round pulse transformer CRC16 D77D 89C3 13,56 mhz antenna D7-1C 9bcd PDF


    Abstract: TO41 package M32180F8VFP bl p76 TIN18-P137 TO9 package IEEE754 M32180F8TFP M32R DSA003646
    Text: Mitsubishi Microcomputers 2002-07-12 Rev.1.0 32180 Group Under Development SINGLE-CHIP 32-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER Description The 32180 Group is a 32-bit, single-chip RISC microcomputer with built-in flash memory, which was developed for use in general industrial and household equipment. To accomplish high-precision arithmetic operations, it incorporates a fully IEEE754 compliant, single-precision FPU.

    32-BIT 32-bit, IEEE754 16-channel 64-channel 10-channel QFP240-P-3232-0 TO41 package M32180F8VFP bl p76 TIN18-P137 TO9 package M32180F8TFP M32R DSA003646 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TL-WA7510N -WA7510N 5GHz 150Mbps Outdoor Wireless Access Point Rev: 1.0.0 1910010534 COPYRIGHT & TRADEMARKS Specifications are subject to change without notice. is a registered trademark of TP-LINK TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Other brands and product names are trademarks or

    TL-WA7510N -WA7510N 150Mbps 900MHz, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Datasheet | Outdoor Wireless TQ2400 SERIES Outdoor Wireless LAN Solution AT-TQ2468 Outdoor access point/ repeater/ CPE Ethernet client AT-TQ2461 Outdoor access point and CPE Ethernet client AT-TQ2410 CPE Ethernet client Overview Allied Telesis’ outdoor fixed wireless solutions

    TQ2400 -TQ2468 -TQ2461 -TQ2410 108Mbps. costT-TQ2461 AT-TQ2410: PDF

    electronic stethoscope circuit diagram

    Abstract: semiconductors cross reference MB86930 digital stethoscope circuit diagram codegenerator green hills debug probe users guide MB86932 printer hp 1320 matlab code for multipath channel Fairchild presentation
    Text: Part 1: SPARClite: The Complete Third Party Solutions Guide 1995, Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc. Part 2: The SPARC Advantage Copyright©1995 Part 2: DESKTOP STRATEGIES This document is protected by copyright provisions against unauthorized copying. Individuals or companies found in violation of the copyright are punishable to the full extent of the law.

    EC-UG-20372-8/96 electronic stethoscope circuit diagram semiconductors cross reference MB86930 digital stethoscope circuit diagram codegenerator green hills debug probe users guide MB86932 printer hp 1320 matlab code for multipath channel Fairchild presentation PDF


    Abstract: layout of frequency division multiplexing 2.4Ghz windows
    Text: 1/1 001-04 / 20040121 / Wireless LAN Card WN-DCB Series IEEE802.11a/11g Compliant This is a PC card (Cardbus) type wireless LAN card that complies with the IEEE802.11a and IEEE 802.11g standards. You can choose the best communication method depending on

    dcb03 IEEE802 11a/11g 54Mbps. layout of frequency division multiplexing 2.4Ghz windows PDF


    Abstract: TMS27C020 TMS27PC020 27c020-15
    Text: TMS27C020 262ā144 BY 8ĆBIT UV ERASABLE TMS27PC020 262ā144 BY 8ĆBIT PROGRAMMABLE READĆONLY MEMORIES SMLS020C − NOVEMBER 1990 − REVISED SEPTEMBER 1997 D Organization . . . 262 144 by 8 Bits D Single 5-V Power Supply D Operationally Compatible With Existing

    TMS27C020 TMS27PC020 SMLS020C TMS27PC020 PC020-10 PC020-12 PC020-15 PC020-20 PC020-25 27C020-12 27c020-15 PDF


    Abstract: TMS28F200BZT tms28F200
    Text: TMS28F200BZT, TMS28F200BZB 262144 BY 8ĆBIT/131072 BY 16ĆBIT BOOTĆBLOCK FLASH MEMORIES SMJS200E − JUNE 1994 − REVISED JANUARY 1998 D Organization . . . 262 144 by 8 bit s D D D D D D D D D 131 072 by 16 bits Array-Blocking Architecture − Two 8K-Byte Parameter Blocks

    TMS28F200BZT, TMS28F200BZB 8BIT/131072 16BIT SMJS200E 96K-Byte 128K-Byte 16K-Byte 28F200BZx70 28F200BZx80 TMS28F200BZB TMS28F200BZT tms28F200 PDF


    Abstract: rtd tec controller M32R-FPU Extended Instruction
    Text: Mitsubishi Microcomputers 2002-10-11 Rev.1.2 32182 Group Under Development SINGLE-CHIP 32-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER Description The 32182 Group is a 32-bit, single-chip RISC microcomputer with built-in flash memory, which was developed for use in general industrial and household equipment. To accomplish high-precision arithmetic operations, it incorporates a fully IEEE754 compliant, single-precision FPU.

    32-bit, IEEE754 12-channel 37-channel 10-channel 1024KB h0081 rtd tec controller M32R-FPU Extended Instruction PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMS28F020 262144 BY 8ĆBIT FLASH MEMORY SMJS020C − OCTOBER 1994 − REVISED JANUARY 1998 FM PACKAGE TOP VIEW A12 A15 A16 VPP VCC W A17 D Organization . . . 262 144 by 8-Bits D Pin Compatible With Existing 2-Megabit EPROMs D VCC Tolerance ±10% D All Inputs/Outputs TTL Compatible

    TMS28F020 SMJS020C 28F020-10 28F020-12 28F020-15 28F020-17 PDF


    Abstract: AB28F200BXB90 8XC196KC logical block diagram of 80286 microprocessor 80286 internal architecture 80960CA A28F200BX-B A28F200BX-T
    Text: A28F200BX-T B 2-MBIT 128K x 16 256K x 8 BOOT BLOCK FLASH MEMORY FAMILY Automotive Y x8 x16 Input Output Architecture A28F200BX-T A28F200BX-B For High Performance and High Integration 16-bit and 32-bit CPUs Y Optimized High Density Blocked Architecture One 16 KB Protected Boot Block

    A28F200BX-T A28F200BX-B 16-bit 32-bit AB28F200BX-T90 AB28F200BX-B90 A28F400BX 28F400BC AB28F200BXB90 8XC196KC logical block diagram of 80286 microprocessor 80286 internal architecture 80960CA A28F200BX-B PDF


    Abstract: STD-T66 STD-T71 IEEE-802 STDT66 mini pci 2.4Ghz windows
    Text: 1/1 無線LAN Mini PCIモジュール IEEE802.11a/11g対応 WN-DMPシリーズ RoHS指令対応製品 IEEE802.11a 規格および IEEE802.11g 規格に準拠したType Ⅲ B の Mini PCIモジュールです。 電波状況や建物の配置などに応じて最適な通信方式を選択して

    IEEE802 11a/11gWN-DMP 11aIEEE802 54Mbps 11gIEEE802 STD-T66 STD-T71 IEEE-802 STDT66 mini pci 2.4Ghz windows PDF


    Abstract: P61-P63 M32182F3TFP mitsubishi M32R 32-BIT A/D CONVERTER bl p76 TO13 package IEEE754 M32182F3VFP M32R
    Text: Mitsubishi Microcomputers 2002-07-12 Rev.1.0 32182 Group Under Development SINGLE-CHIP 32-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER Description The 32182 Group is a 32-bit, single-chip RISC microcomputer with built-in flash memory, which was developed for use in general industrial and household equipment. To accomplish high-precision arithmetic operations, it incorporates a fully IEEE754 compliant, single-precision FPU.

    32-BIT 32-bit, IEEE754 12-channel 37-channel 10-channel H0080 P61-P63 M32182F3TFP mitsubishi M32R 32-BIT A/D CONVERTER bl p76 TO13 package M32182F3VFP M32R PDF


    Abstract: ipn2120 IPN2220 wireless IPN2220AP 802.11a* IPN2220 Inprocomm IPN2120AP IEEE 802.11 interference block diagram diagram of wifi wireless router
    Text: IPN2220 Access Point Product Brief IEEE 802.11g Wireless LAN Access Point Solution Inprocomm, Inc. BASIC FUNCTIONS Full compliance with IEEE 802.11g standard 1, 2, 5.5, 11 Mbps DSSS/CCK data rates 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48 and 54 Mbps OFDM data rates Support short preamble for higher

    IPN2220 IPN2220-based ipn2120 IPN2220 wireless IPN2220AP 802.11a* IPN2220 Inprocomm IPN2120AP IEEE 802.11 interference block diagram diagram of wifi wireless router PDF


    Abstract: 28F020-15 TMS28F020
    Text: TMS28F020 262144 BY 8ĆBIT FLASH MEMORY SMJS020C − OCTOBER 1994 − REVISED JANUARY 1998 D Organization . . . 262 144 by 8-Bits D Pin Compatible With Existing 2-Megabit A12 A15 A16 VPP VCC W A17 FM PACKAGE TOP VIEW EPROMs D VCC Tolerance ±10% D All Inputs/Outputs TTL Compatible

    TMS28F020 SMJS020C 28F020-10 28F020-12 28F020-15 28F020-17 28F020 28F020-15 TMS28F020 PDF


    Abstract: M32R P210-P217 IEEE754 M32180F8TFP M32180F8VFP TO44 package TO11-P107 P200-P203 TO-44
    Text: To all our customers Regarding the change of names mentioned in the document, such as Mitsubishi Electric and Mitsubishi XX, to Renesas Technology Corp. The semiconductor operations of Hitachi and Mitsubishi Electric were transferred to Renesas Technology Corporation on April 1st 2003. These operations include microcomputer, logic, analog



    Abstract: CRC8 CRC8 and crc16 Round pulse transformer CRC16 D77D
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET SL2 ICS11 I•CODE UID Smart Label IC Functional Specification Product Specification Revision 3.0 2004 January 30 092030 Philips Semiconductors Product Specification Revision 3.0 2004 January 30 I•CODE UID SL2 ICS11 CONTENTS

    ICS11 SCA74 CRC-16 CRC8 CRC8 and crc16 Round pulse transformer CRC16 D77D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMS27C020 2 097152 BIT UV ERASABLE PROGRAMMABLE READ-ONLY MEMORY TMS27PC020 2 097152 BIT PROGRAMMABLE READ-ONLY MEMORY SMLSO 2 O A-N OVEM BER 18 9 0 -R E V IS E P JANUARY 1993 x J PACKAGEt TOP VIEW 8 Single 5-V Power Supply Vpp[ Operationally Compatible With Existing

    OCR Scan
    TMS27C020 TMS27PC020 32-Pin 32-Lead 27C/PC020-12 27C/PC020-15 27C/PC020-20 27C/PC020-25 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSIs M 5 M 2 7 C 2 0 2 K , J K -1 0 , - 1 2 , - 1 5 2 0 9 7 152-BIT 131072-WORD BY 16-BIT CMOS ERASABLE AND ELECTRICALLY REPROGRAMMABLE ROM D E S C R IP T IO N T h e M itsub ishi M 5 M 2 7 C 2 0 2 K , J K is a high-speed 2 0 9 7 1 5 2 - PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW)

    OCR Scan
    152-BIT( 131072-WORD 16-BIT) M5M27C202K PDF

    SiS 486 schematic

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Accelerator Series FPGAs - ACT 3 Family Features • Replaces up to twenty 32 macro-cell CPLDs • Up to 10,000 Gate Array Equivalent Gates up to 25,000 equivalent P L IJ Gates • Replaces up to one hundred 20-pin PAL Packages • Highly Predictable Performance with 100% Automatic

    OCR Scan
    20-Pin A14100 SiS 486 schematic PDF


    Abstract: PREG102 PREG130 QIC-1350 9820 qic
    Text: 9820A QIC Formatter Product Overview Product Overview About this Document This document provides the systems designer with the information needed to implement QIC formatting standards using the Stac Electronics 9820A QIC Formatter. Detailed pin and register descriptions follow

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: TMS27C020 TMS27PC020 tms72
    Text: TMS27C020 2 097152 BIT UV ERASABLE PROGRAMMABLE READ-ONLY MEMORY TMS27PC020 2 097152 BIT PROGRAMMABLE READ-ONLY MEMORY J PACKAGEt TOP VIEW 29 ] A14 28 ] A13 Max Access/Min Cycle Time ns ns ns ns GOäObbS 25 ] A11 24 I 5 23 ] A10 A1 [ 11 A 0[ 12 D Q 0[ 13

    OCR Scan
    TMS27C020 TMS27PC020 1990-REVISED 32-Pin 32-Lead 27C/PC020-12 27C/PC020-15 27C/PC020-20 27C/PC020-25 AO-A17 27c020-15 tms72 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TO SH IB A Under Development TMP86CH87/M87 CMOS 8-Bit Microcontroller TMP86CH87U, TMP86CM87U The TMP86CH87/M87 are high speed and high performance 8 -bit single chip microcomputers w ith sm all package. The M C U contain C P U core, RO M , RA M , C A N controller 2.0B, m ultirole tim er counter, S E I and

    OCR Scan
    TMP86CH87/M87 TMP86CH87U, TMP86CM87U TMP86CH87/M87 10-bit TMP86CH87U TMP86CM87U P-LQFP44-1010-0 TMP86PM87U TLCS-870/C PDF