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    l 9143

    Abstract: 80c196k
    Text: EMULATORS BEACON DEVELOPMENT TOOLS CheckMate* Emulators For the Intel 196Kx Family • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Support For 80C196KA/KB/KC Up to 20 MHz Target Operation Patented Emulator Technology 10 Mbits Per Second Communications Speed Truly Transparent to the Target;

    196Kx 80C196KA/KB/KC l 9143 80c196k PDF

    Intel MCS-296

    Abstract: intel 8086 Arithmetic and Logic Unit -ALU mcs-296 Intel MCS 296 80186 architecture MELPS7700 Intel MCS-96/296 zilog z80 p10 M377XX MELPS740
    Text: 80186 The register-based 80186 architecture is built on the 8086 core. The 80186 supports approximately 120 instructions and 14 16-bit registers, organized into four general-purpose, four pointer, four segment, and two special registers. The CPU addresses each general-purpose register as a 16-bit register or

    16-bit 80C186 16-bit-wide Z80-compatible 32-bit Z8018x Z8038x Intel MCS-296 intel 8086 Arithmetic and Logic Unit -ALU mcs-296 Intel MCS 296 80186 architecture MELPS7700 Intel MCS-96/296 zilog z80 p10 M377XX MELPS740 PDF

    MA1002 digital LED Clock Module

    Abstract: MA1002 Robinson Nugent CATALOG NSB7881 equivalent transistor P347 t110 94v 0 MEPCO 5043 LN543RA m7104 Lm13800
    Text: D ID I-K E Y l r C O R P TOLL FREE W ATS LINE O R A T I O N Telephone Order Entry Now Available Until 7:00 P.M. Central Time I 1- 800- 344-4539 91 E A S Y TO R E M E M B E R : 1-800-DIGI-KEY A K , HI: 218-681 66741 Catalog No. 851 1Jan.-Fab., 11 HIGHWAY 32 SOUTH

    OCR Scan
    1-800-DIGI-KEY 1-800-DIGI-KEY) MA1002 digital LED Clock Module MA1002 Robinson Nugent CATALOG NSB7881 equivalent transistor P347 t110 94v 0 MEPCO 5043 LN543RA m7104 Lm13800 PDF