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    223FL7C Search Results

    223FL7C Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: ESJA57-04 ESJA54-06 ESJA54-08 ESJA57-03 ESJA58-06 ESJA58-08 DIODE 6kv HIGH VOLTAGE DIODE 6kv
    Text: COLLMER SEMICON DUC TOR INC 34E D • 223fl7ci2 0001447 S * C O L High voltage silicon rectifier diodes 5mA avg., up to 8 kV ESJA57-D ESJA58-D ESJA54-D M a x im u m ratings Maximum ratings Type Thermal ratings Repetitive peak reverse voltage Average forward

    OCR Scan
    ESJA57-D ESJA58-D ESJA54-D ESJA57-03 ESJA57-04 ESJA58-06 ESJA58-08 ESJA54-06 ESJA54-08 esja57 DIODE 6kv HIGH VOLTAGE DIODE 6kv PDF

    pj 899 diode

    Abstract: pj 899 2sk mosfet DD01 it900
    Text: 2 S K 1 5 1 2 MAE 1> • 52307=12 ÜDDlflES ISS C0LH1ER SEMICONDUCTOR INC Scope This specifies Fuji power MOSFET Outline I Construction Q ) Application IS ) Outview “ Ial*i£ > S 3 2 i«i "2O5 3 _j a 3 5 o 0: « ? “ &Ô “ a ORu is e t oi¿ £s § s S

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    MK5C25623) IC0LT-39 T0-228AA SC-65 MK5C25624 pj 899 diode pj 899 2sk mosfet DD01 it900 PDF


    Abstract: ERD31-02 ERD31-04
    Text: COLLMER SEMICONDUCTOR INC 34E » • SSaaTTS DQÛ1S17 0 BiCOL “~Z. S ilico n rectifier d io d e s / F a s t re co v e ry . _ \CT 1. 5 A a v g . , up to 4 0 0 volts E R D 3 1 - D M axim um ratings Maxim um ratings Repetitive peak reverse voltage Type V rrm

    OCR Scan
    ERD31 T-03-15 ERD31-02 ERD31-04 100mA, 100mA) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I- 2 COLLMER SEIUCONÏUCTOR INC S K 1 5 1 2 4flE D • 52307=12 0D01fl22 C1S2 Scope This specifies Fuji power MOSFET 2 S K 1 5 1 2 2. Outline I Construction I! ) Application HI) Outview N-channel enhanceaent mode power MOSFET for switching

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    0D01fl22 2SK1512 MK5C25623) MT5F17S7 223fl7ti2 250mm F1737 C0L-T-39-/4Tr 223fl7c MT5F179T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _ _ _ _ 1-Pack IGBT 1M B I [IT L S Ê îr D S O Ë M IGBT MODULE N series I Outline Drawing • Features -10l±i— —93iU - Square RBSOA • Low Saturation Voltage • Less Total Power Dissipation • Improved FW D Characteristic • Minimized Internal Stray Inductance

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    D-60528 702708-Dallas, 223fl7c 00045bb PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S P E C I F I C A T I DEVICE NAME : SILICON DIODE TTPE NAME : E R W 1 1- SPEC. No. :_ O N 12 0 DATE_ :_ _ F u j i This Specification DATE NAME E l e c t r i c is s u b j e c t APPROVED Co., Ltd. to c h a n g e wi thout notice.

    OCR Scan
    RW11-12 257-R-004a T0-Z47 H04-004-03 ERW11-120 ERW11-120 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ERC81-004 3 a O u tlin e D ra w in g s SCHOTTKY BARRIER DIODE Features • H tf : M a rkin g Lo w V F • X -f A 5 —a —K : äi S u p e r h ig h speed s w itc h in g . C olor c o d e : S ilv e r us*« H ig h re lia b ility by p la n e r d e s ig n . ✓

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    ERC81-004 ERC81 223fl7c PDF


    Abstract: sis 962
    Text: Soec. DATE NAME CHECKED DWG.N0. Thl» m alefici and the Inlorm tllon Itartln I» 1h* p rop o rti o{ Fuji decirle C o .,1.14. They *h«N b« neither rftp'oducnd, copied, U n i, or d le d o ie d In any wiy w hutioever fur Ihe vit» al *r>y third purtjf nor m<d lor il9 ffl#niií«elurlng purpoio

    OCR Scan
    ESJA52-14A D00b22b H04-004-07 0DDti22' 000LE30 ESJA52-OQA 00DbS32 ESJA52-14A sis 962 PDF


    Abstract: ESJC07-12B ESJA53-16 ESJA82-10 ESJA82-12 ESJA82-14 ESJA83-16 ESJA83-18 ESJA83-20 ESJA83-24
    Text: <§ HIGH VOLTAGE DIODES V P art N u m b e r rrm KV lo VF trr <mA) (V) (u see) Pkg. L (In.) P k g . D ia . W ir e D ia . (In.) (In.) Resin Package, 60 Nanos econd Recoven E S J A 9 S -0 8 6 8 23.4 .06 .256 .098 .020 E S J A 9 2 -1 2 8 36.0 .06 .394 .118 .024

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    ESJA98-08 ESJA92-12 ESJA88-06 ESJA88-08 ESJA82-10 ESJA82-12 ESJA82-14 ESJA83-16 ESJA83-18 ESJA83-20 ESJA52-10 ESJC07-12B ESJA53-16 ESJA83-24 PDF


    Abstract: dm445 1009C
    Text: FUJI 1GBT S P E C I F I C A T I O N TYPE NAME : ¿MB12-140 1. Absolute maximum ratings Tc=25‘C Items Symbols maximum ratings Unit VcE 1400 V Gate-Eraitter Voltag e V ge V Continuos 1c 12 A Pulse-50/fS I CP 60 A Power Dissipation +1 C ollector Current

    OCR Scan
    MB12-140 Pulse-50/fS DM445 MB12-140 1009C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ratings and c h a r a c te r is t ic s of Fuji I G B T M B T 2 M 13 I 2 0 0 J T 1. — 0 6 0 Module (TENTATIVE) Outline Drawing Unit : as * Isolatio n Voltage : AC 2500 V 1 ainute 3-M5 / Xo f= 0*“ er­ + 1 ro O CO Tab type t erm in a ls equivalent)

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    0D0244S F4907 223fl7c PDF

    20KV DIODE

    Abstract: HIGH VOLTAGE DIODE 20kv ESJA53-20A
    Text: SPECIFICATION D e v ic e Maine_ : High V o lta g e Si I icon Diode Type Name_ ; ESJA53 Spec. 20A No. i ! i Fuji E lectric C o.,Ltd. Matsumoto Factory NAME DATE DRAWN ! CHECKED Ì ' APPROVED Fuji Electric Co^Ltd. 1 1 1 § o ^ •■ r WM S33ä7^E GGDb234 735 B

    OCR Scan
    ESJA53 Db234 H04-004-03 0G0b23b DDb23Ã Q0Db23T ESJA53-CÃ 0DDL240 20KV DIODE HIGH VOLTAGE DIODE 20kv ESJA53-20A PDF