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    Switchcraft Conxall 7251-3PG-300

    Standard Circular Connector RA PCB Mount 3P M Wide Board Layout
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    Mouser Electronics 7251-3PG-300
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    • 100 $9.06
    • 1000 $8.44
    • 10000 $8.44
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    Switchcraft Conxall 7251-3SG-300

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    Mouser Electronics 7251-3SG-300
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    • 100 $10.73
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    SOURIAU-SUNBANK 517327-2513R-Q01

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    Mouser Electronics 517327-2513R-Q01
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    • 100 $73.07
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    SOURIAU-SUNBANK 517327-2513R

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    Lincoln Industrial Corporation 272513

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    IC LA1145

    Abstract: IC 630 81N-014A LA1140 81N-014B 1145M mute detector LA1145 LA1145M MFP20
    Text: Ordering number: ENN 2725B Monolithic Linear IC LA1145, 1145M FM IF System Quadrature Detector for Car Radio Package Dimensions 3115-SIP18Z Reduced parts’ count simplifies design: 1 On-chip IF count buffer circuit; 2 On-chip SD circuit — sensitivity can be set

    2725B LA1145, 1145M 3115-SIP18Z LA1145] LA1140, 1145M IC LA1145 IC 630 81N-014A LA1140 81N-014B mute detector LA1145 LA1145M MFP20 PDF

    IC LA1145

    Abstract: la1140 LA1145 81N-014B SD 014A LA1145M MFP20 IC 630
    Text: Ordering number: EN 2725A Monolithic Linear IC LA1145, 1145M FM IF System Quadrature Detector for Car Radio Package Dimensions Features 1. On-chip IF count buffer circuit and microprocessorcontrolled switch circuit for ETR. 2. Compared to the LA1140, the LA1145, 1145M offer:

    LA1145, 1145M 3115-SIP18Z LA1140, 1145M IC LA1145 la1140 LA1145 81N-014B SD 014A LA1145M MFP20 IC 630 PDF


    Abstract: intel 87C196 PROGRAMMER GUIDE INSTRUCTION RF 300eh 87C196 Assembler Users guide 270646 intel 8XC196 PROGRAMMER GUIDE INSTRUCTION A3055 8xc196 programming support C814 RF 300CH
    Text: 8XC196NT Microcontroller User’s Manual 8XC196NT Microcontroller User’s Manual June 1995 Order Number 272317-003 Information in this document is provided solely to enable use of Intel products. Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, including infringement of any patent or copyright, for sale and use of Intel products except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions

    8XC196NT Index-15 INTEL 87C196 USER MANUAL intel 87C196 PROGRAMMER GUIDE INSTRUCTION RF 300eh 87C196 Assembler Users guide 270646 intel 8XC196 PROGRAMMER GUIDE INSTRUCTION A3055 8xc196 programming support C814 RF 300CH PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number: ENN 2725B Monolithic Linear IC LA1145, 1145M FM IF System Quadrature Detector for Car Radio Package Dimensions 3115-SIP18Z Reduced parts’ count simplifies design: 1 On-chip IF count buffer circuit; 2 On-chip SD circuit — sensitivity can be set

    2725B LA1145, 1145M 3115-SIP18Z LA1145] LA1140, 1145M PDF


    Abstract: 87C196KR 87C196KS 272863 intel DOC
    Text: 87C196KT/87C196KS 20 MHz SPECIFICATION UPDATE Release Date: January, 1997 Order Number: 272863-002 The 87C196KT/87C196KS 20 MHz may contain design defects or errors known as errata. Characterized errata that may cause the 87C196KT/87C196KS 20 MHz’s behavior to deviate from published specifications are documented in this specification

    87C196KT/87C196KS 87C196CA 87C196KR 87C196KS 272863 intel DOC PDF


    Abstract: 80C196NP mcs-96 programmers guide 270646 1F42 8XC196 instruction set 8xc196 programming support 8XC196KR AP-445 87C196CA Programmer GuIDE Instruction
    Text: 8XC196NP, 80C196NU Microcontroller User’s Manual 8XC196NP, 80C196NU Microcontroller User’s Manual August 1995 Order Number 272479-002 Information in this document is provided solely to enable use of Intel products. Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, including

    8XC196NP, 80C196NU Index-11 80C196NU Index-12 80C196NP mcs-96 programmers guide 270646 1F42 8XC196 instruction set 8xc196 programming support 8XC196KR AP-445 87C196CA Programmer GuIDE Instruction PDF


    Abstract: intel 87C196 Bosch antilock brake 5.4 87C196 270646 80C196KR 80C196kr instruction set 87c196ca 8XC196 instruction set 8xC196
    Text: 8XC196Kx, 8XC196Jx, 87C196CA Microcontroller Family User’s Manual Includes 8XC196KQ, 8XC196KR, 8XC196KS, 8XC196KT, 8XC196JQ, 8XC196JR, 8XC196JT, 8XC196JV, 87C196CA 8XC196Kx, 8XC196Jx, 87C196CA Microcontroller Family User’s Manual Includes 8XC196KQ, 8XC196KR, 8XC196KS, 8XC196KT,

    8XC196Kx, 8XC196Jx, 87C196CA 8XC196KQ, 8XC196KR, 8XC196KS, 8XC196KT, 8XC196JQ, 8XC196JR, 8XC196JT, INTEL 87C196 USER MANUAL intel 87C196 Bosch antilock brake 5.4 87C196 270646 80C196KR 80C196kr instruction set 87c196ca 8XC196 instruction set 8xC196 PDF


    Abstract: 80C196kr instruction set 80C196KR 87C196 intel 8XC196 PROGRAMMER GUIDE INSTRUCTION INTEL 87C196 USER MANUAL 270646 82527 8XC196 Instruction Set AP-483
    Text: 8XC196Kx, 8XC196Jx, 87C196CA Microcontroller Family User’s Manual Includes 8XC196KQ, 8XC196KR, 8XC196KS, 8XC196KT, 8XC196JQ, 8XC196JR, 8XC196JT, 8XC196JV, 87C196CA 8XC196Kx, 8XC196Jx, 87C196CA Microcontroller Family User’s Manual Includes 8XC196KQ, 8XC196KR, 8XC196KS, 8XC196KT,

    8XC196Kx, 8XC196Jx, 87C196CA 8XC196KQ, 8XC196KR, 8XC196KS, 8XC196KT, 8XC196JQ, 8XC196JR, 8XC196JT, AN87C196CA 80C196kr instruction set 80C196KR 87C196 intel 8XC196 PROGRAMMER GUIDE INSTRUCTION INTEL 87C196 USER MANUAL 270646 82527 8XC196 Instruction Set AP-483 PDF


    Abstract: a2761 87C196 Assembler Users guide IC A3120 a2636 optical A3120 a2637 intel 87C196 PROGRAMMER GUIDE INSTRUCTION 8xc196 programming support a2702 8 pin IC
    Text: 8XC196MC, 8XC196MD, 8XC196MH Microcontroller User’s Manual We Value Your Opinion Dear Intel Customer: We have updated the information that was provided in the 1992 version of the 8XC196MC User’s Manual, added information about the 8XC196MD and 8XC196MH, and corrected known errata.

    8XC196MC, 8XC196MD, 8XC196MH 8XC196MC 8XC196MD 8XC196MH, 16-bit Index-14 a2636 a2761 87C196 Assembler Users guide IC A3120 a2636 optical A3120 a2637 intel 87C196 PROGRAMMER GUIDE INSTRUCTION 8xc196 programming support a2702 8 pin IC PDF


    Abstract: 80C196KB 87C196KS 87C196KT MCS-96
    Text: 87C196KT 87C196KS 20 MHz ADVANCED 16-BIT CHMOS MICROCONTROLLER Automotive b 40 C to a 125 C Ambient Y High Performance CHMOS 16-Bit CPU Y Up to 32 Kbytes of On-Chip EPROM Y Up to 1 Kbyte of On-Chip Register RAM Y Up to 512 Bytes of Additional RAM (Code RAM)

    87C196KT 87C196KS 16-BIT 68-Pin AN87C196KT 80C196KB MCS-96 PDF


    Abstract: 87C196KS 87C196KT 272513 Using the 8XC196
    Text: 87C196KT 20 MHz–Automotive Specification Update November 1998 Notice: The 87C196KT 20 MHz microcontroller may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are documented in this specification update.

    87C196KT 87C196Kx, 8XC196Jx, 87C196CA 87C196KS 16-Bit 272513 Using the 8XC196 PDF


    Abstract: LA1140 mute detector 81N-014A IC LA1145 LA1145M MFP20 IC 630 1145M sanyo fm front end
    Text: Ordering number: ENN 2725B Monolithic Linear IC LA1145, 1145M FM IF System Quadrature Detector for Car Radio Package Dimensions 3115-SIP18Z Reduced parts’ count simplifies design: 1 On-chip IF count buffer circuit; 2 On-chip SD circuit — sensitivity can be set

    2725B LA1145, 1145M 3115-SIP18Z LA1145] LA1140, 1145M LA1145 LA1140 mute detector 81N-014A IC LA1145 LA1145M MFP20 IC 630 sanyo fm front end PDF

    intel 1518

    Abstract: 87C196CA 87C196KR 87C196KS 87C196KT 272863
    Text: 87C196KT 20 MHz Specification Update Automotive January 1998 Notice: The 87C196KT may contain design defects or errors known as errata. Characterized errata that may cause the 87C196KT’s behavior to deviate from published specifications are documented in this specification update.

    87C196KT 87C196KS intel 1518 87C196CA 87C196KR 272863 PDF


    Abstract: LA1145 IC LA1145 7514V R1610k 3036C LA1145M 26v 400Hz V1-750 01-VSD
    Text: 注文コード No. N 2 7 2 5 B 半導体ニューズNo.2725Aとさしかえてください。 モノリシックリニア集積回路ファンモータ用 カーラジオ用 LA1145/M FM IF システム クォドラチャ検波 特長 ・ETR対応 IFカウント用BUFF回路,スイッチ回路内蔵( -COM制御)。

    LA1145/M LA1140 LA1145] PC/D251TH /3298JN /D177JN 100dB 100dB LA1140 LA1145 IC LA1145 7514V R1610k 3036C LA1145M 26v 400Hz V1-750 01-VSD PDF


    Abstract: a2702 8 pin IC a2761 a2636 optical A3120 a2637 IC A3120 a3131 mcs-96 programmers guide transistor ph22
    Text: 8XC196MC, 8XC196MD, 8XC196MH Microcontroller User’s Manual We Value Your Opinion Dear Intel Customer: We have updated the information that was provided in the 1992 version of the 8XC196MC User’s Manual, added information about the 8XC196MD and 8XC196MH, and corrected known errata.

    8XC196MC, 8XC196MD, 8XC196MH 8XC196MC 8XC196MD 8XC196MH, 16-bit Index-14 a2636 a2702 8 pin IC a2761 a2636 optical A3120 a2637 IC A3120 a3131 mcs-96 programmers guide transistor ph22 PDF


    Abstract: IC LA1145 01-VSD 26v 400Hz 3036C LA1145 LA1145M 100 v 400hz
    Text: 注文コード No. N 2 7 2 5 B 半導体ニューズNo.2725Aとさしかえてください。 モノリシックリニア集積回路ファンモータ用 カーラジオ用 LA1145M FM IF システム クォドラチャ検波 特長 ・ETR対応 IFカウント用BUFF回路,スイッチ回路内蔵( -COM制御)。

    LA1145M LA1140 LA1145] PC/D251TH /3298JN /D177JN 100dB 100dB 400Hz LA1140 IC LA1145 01-VSD 26v 400Hz 3036C LA1145 LA1145M 100 v 400hz PDF


    Abstract: Intel 87C196 Programmer 87C196 Assembler Users guide intel 87C196 PROGRAMMER GUIDE INSTRUCTION 8xc196 programming support 80C196NT 87C196 8xc196 8XC196 instruction set A3060
    Text: 8XC196NT Microcontroller User’s Manual 8XC196NT Microcontroller User’s Manual June 1995 Information in this document is provided solely to enable use of Intel products. Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, including infringement of any patent or copyright, for sale and use of Intel products except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions

    8XC196NT Index-15 INTEL 87C196 USER MANUAL Intel 87C196 Programmer 87C196 Assembler Users guide intel 87C196 PROGRAMMER GUIDE INSTRUCTION 8xc196 programming support 80C196NT 87C196 8xc196 8XC196 instruction set A3060 PDF


    Abstract: 87C196KR 87C196KS 272863 intel DOC EPA/323ag
    Text: 87C196KT/87C196KS 20 MHz SPECIFICATION UPDATE Release Date: July, 1996 Order Number 272863-001 The 87C196KT/87C196KS 20 MHz may contain design defects or errors known as errata. Characterized errata that may cause the 87C196KT/87C196KS 20 MHz’s behavior to deviate

    87C196KT/87C196KS 87C196KT/87C196KS 87C196KT/KS 87C196KR 87C196KR 87C196CA 87C196KS 272863 intel DOC EPA/323ag PDF


    Abstract: 80c196nu 80C196NP 270646 80c196nu instruction set 8XC196NU 240952 272324 80C196 8xC196
    Text: 8XC196NP, 80C196NU Microcontroller User’s Manual 8XC196NP, 80C196NU Microcontroller User’s Manual August 1995 Information in this document is provided solely to enable use of Intel products. Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, including infringement of any patent or copyright, for sale and use of Intel products except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions

    8XC196NP, 80C196NU Index-11 80C196NU Index-12 1F42 80C196NP 270646 80c196nu instruction set 8XC196NU 240952 272324 80C196 8xC196 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ^ EXUKDTT [PIRilMlG inte* 87C196KT/87C196KS 20 MHz ADVANCED 16-BIT CHMOS MICROCONTROLLER Automotive —40°C to + 125°C Ambient High Performance CHMOS 16-Bit CPU Up to 32 Kbytes of On-Chip EPROM Up to 1 Kbyte of On-Chip Register RAM Up to 512 Bytes of Additional RAM

    OCR Scan
    87C196KT/87C196KS 16-BIT Channel/10-Bit -/16-Bit 8XC196KT/KS 4fl2bl75 PDF


    Abstract: XLXX
    Text: In te l 87C196KT/87C196KS 20 MHz ADVANCED 16-BIT CHMOS MICROCONTROLLER Automotive —40°C to + 125°C Ambient High Performance CHMOS 16-Blt CPU Up to 32 Kbytes of On-Chip EPROM Up to 1 Kbyte of On-Chip Register RAM Up to 512 Bytes of Additional RAM (Code RAM)

    OCR Scan
    87C196KT/87C196KS 16-BIT 16-Blt 10-Bit C0593. 8XC196KT/ AN87C196KT XLXX PDF

    STR s 3115

    Abstract: LA1145 5D15 81N-014A LA1140 LA1145M MFP20 1145M 27261 sa wf
    Text: Ordering number: EN2725À Monolithic Linearle SANYO r N0.2725A L A I 1 4 5 , 1 1 4 5 M Quadrature Detector for Car Radio FM IF System F e a tu re s 1. On-chip IF count buffer circu it and microprocessor-controled switch circu it for E T R . 2. Compared to the L A I 140, the L A I 145,1145M offer:

    OCR Scan
    en2725a LA1145 1145M LA1140, 1145M STR s 3115 5D15 81N-014A LA1140 LA1145M MFP20 27261 sa wf PDF

    ABB 07 kr 240

    Abstract: AN87C196KT
    Text: in te l 87C196KT/87C196KS 20 MHz ADVANCED 16-BIT CHMOS MICROCONTROLLER Automotive —40°C to + 125°C Ambient High Performance CHMOS 16-Bit CPU Up to 32 Kbytes of On-Chip EPROM High Speed Peripheral Transaction Server (PTS) Up to 1 Kbyte of On-Chip Register RAM

    OCR Scan
    87C196KT/87C196KS 16-BIT Channel/10-Bit I/OC0593. 0173AS1 8XC196KT/KS ABB 07 kr 240 AN87C196KT PDF


    Abstract: 87C196KT
    Text: in té l 87C196KT/87C196KS 20 MHz ADVANCED 16-BIT CHMOS MICROCONTROLLER A u to m o tiv e —40°C to + 125°C Ambient High Performance CHMOS 16-Bit CPU Up to 32 Kbytes of On-Chip EPROM High Speed Peripheral Transaction Server (PTS) Up to 1 Kbyte of On-Chip Register RAM

    OCR Scan
    87C196KT/87C196KS 16-BIT Channel/10-Bit /16-Bit fl427 AN87C196KT 87C196KT PDF