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    Rochester Electronics LLC 2SD1193

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    DigiKey 2SD1193 Bulk 222
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    onsemi 2SD1193

    Trans Darlington NPN 60V 15A 70000mW 3-Pin(3+Tab) TO-3PB
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    Verical 2SD1193 7,825 246
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    • 1000 $1.3875
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    Rochester Electronics 2SD1193 7,825 1
    • 1 $1.3
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    • 100 $1.22
    • 1000 $1.11
    • 10000 $1.11
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    2SD1193 Datasheets (11)

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    2SD1193 Sanyo Semiconductor NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Darlington Transistor Original PDF
    2SD1193 Sanyo Semiconductor General-purpose driver Original PDF
    2SD1193 Unknown The Transistor Manual (Japanese) 1993 Scan PDF
    2SD1193 Unknown Transistor Substitution Data Book 1993 Scan PDF
    2SD1193 Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF
    2SD1193 Unknown Japanese Transistor Cross References (2S) Scan PDF
    2SD1193 Unknown Cross Reference Datasheet Scan PDF
    2SD1193 Sanyo Semiconductor TO-3PB, ZP, SMP Type Transistors Scan PDF
    2SD1193 Sanyo Semiconductor Discontinued Transistors Scan PDF
    2SD1193 Sanyo Semiconductor Transistors with Built in Resistors Scan PDF
    2SD1193 Sanyo Semiconductor Sanyo Datasheets, Cross References and Circuit Examples Scan PDF

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    Abstract: 2SB883 2SD1193 ITR08563 ITR08564
    Text: Ordering number:ENN1036B PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Darlington Transistors 2SB883/2SD1193 Driver Applications Applications Package Dimensions • Motor drivers, printer hammer drivers, relay drivers, voltage regulator control. unit:mm 2022A [2SB883/2SD1193]

    ENN1036B 2SB883/2SD1193 2SB883/2SD1193] 2SB883 ITR08565 2SB883 2SD1193 ITR08563 ITR08564 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SD1193 Transistors Si NPN Power BJT Military/High-RelN V BR CEO (V)60 V(BR)CBO (V)70 I(C) Max. (A)15 Absolute Max. Power Diss. (W)70 Maximum Operating Temp (øC)140õ I(CBO) Max. (A)0.1mØ @V(CBO) (V) (Test Condition) V(CE)sat Max. (V) @I(C) (A) (Test Condition)

    2SD1193 Freq20M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number:1036B PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Darlington Transistors 2SB883/2SD1193 Driver Applications Applications Package Dimensions • Motor drivers, printer hammer drivers, relay drivers, voltage regulator control. unit:mm 2022A [2SB883/2SD1193]

    1036B 2SB883/2SD1193 2SB883/2SD1193] 2SB883 2SB883 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD1193
    Text: Product Specification 2SD1193 Silicon NPN Power Transistors DESCRIPTION ・With TO-3PN package ・Complement to type 2SB883 ・High DC current gain ・High current capacity and wide ASO ・Low saturation voltage APPLICATIONS ・Motor drivers, printer hammer drivers,

    2SD1193 2SB883 2SB883 2SD1193 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD1193 dc15a
    Text: SavantIC Semiconductor Product Specification 2SD1193 Silicon NPN Power Transistors DESCRIPTION •With TO-3PN package ·Complement to type 2SB883 ·High DC current gain ·High current capacity and wide ASO ·Low saturation voltage APPLICATIONS ·Motor drivers, printer hammer drivers,

    2SD1193 2SB883 2SB883 2SD1193 dc15a PDF

    transistor NEC K2500

    Abstract: nec k2500 NEC K2500 Transistor component NEC K2500 mosfet CD4558 cq met t3.15A 250V k2500 N-Channel MOSFET c5042f TO-92 78L05 voltage regulator pin configuration i ball 450 watt smps repairing
    Text: A merican Gaming and Electronics, Inc. represents over 200 vendors and carries thousands of items. This catalog is just a partial listing of our products. If for any reason, you do not see the item s you are searching for, please call your local sales representative. The sales



    Abstract: tlo72cp TOSHIBA 2N3055 M53207P 2N3055 TOSHIBA KIA7313AP kia7640ap LA5530 M5L8155P TBB1458B
    Text: ACTIVE ELECTRONICS COMPONENTS CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE 2SC429GTM 2SC458 2SC458LG 2SC503 2SC504 2SC510 2SC512 2SC519 2SC520A 2SC594 2SC699A 2SC780 2SC809-1 2SC945 2SC3012 2SC3074 2SC3114 2SC3115 2SC3116 2SC3117 2SC3134 2SC3135 2SC3138 2SC3143 2SC3144 2SC3145 2SC3157

    2SC429GTM 2SC458 2SC458LG 2SC503 2SC504 2SC510 2SC512 2SC519 2SC520A 2SC594 sn76131 tlo72cp TOSHIBA 2N3055 M53207P 2N3055 TOSHIBA KIA7313AP kia7640ap LA5530 M5L8155P TBB1458B PDF


    Abstract: 2SD1144 2SD1170 2SD1184 2SD1116 2SD1156 2SD1182 2SD1123 2SD1131 2SD1146
    Text: Absolutes maximum ratings Ta=25ºC Electrical characteristics (Ta=25ºC) VCBO VEBO Ic Pc Tj DC Current Gain hFE fab/ft* Cob PartNumber ºñ°í VCE Ic (V) (V) (mA) (mW) (ºC) (MHz) (pF) (V) (mA) 2SD1101 25 6 700 150 150 140 1 150 2SB831 2SD1102 1200 6 4A 50W(Tc=25ºC) 150

    2SD1101 2SB831 2SD1102 2SD1103 2SD1104 2SD1105 2SD1106 2SD1107 2SD1108 2SD1109 2SD1188 2SD1144 2SD1170 2SD1184 2SD1116 2SD1156 2SD1182 2SD1123 2SD1131 2SD1146 PDF


    Abstract: KT818A BD347 MJE1660 2SB629 BD191 1561-0403 BDT52 KT818B 2sb757
    Text: POWER SILICON TRANSISTORS Item Number Part Number Manufacturer Type "c Max fT t0N Max hFE 'CBO r V BR CEO Max Max (A) Of) ON) Min (Hz) (A) (s) Max (Ohms) PD (CE)eat Toper Max (°C) Package Style Devices 20 Watts or More, (Cont'd) . . . .5 . . . .10 . . . .15

    MJE1290 MJE1660 SDT9801 KT818A KT819A 2SB757-09 KT819B BD347 2SB629 BD191 1561-0403 BDT52 KT818B 2sb757 PDF

    transistor 2sb883

    Abstract: 2SB883 2SD1193
    Text: isc Product Specification INCHANGE Semiconductor isc Silicon PNP Darlington Power Transistor DESCRIPTION •High DC Current Gain: hFE = 2000 Min @ IC= -7A ·Wide Area of Safe Operation ·Low Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage: VCE(sat) = -1.5V(Max)@ IC= -7A

    2SD1193 -50mA, -14mA transistor 2sb883 2SB883 2SD1193 PDF

    transistor 2SB618

    Abstract: 3A/fllnm 80
    Text: Products Search Home About Us Products Category Product News Application Message to Us Contact Us You are Here : >Home>Product Showcase > Transistor pair Products Show Diode Bridge Superfast Diode Ultrafast Diode FRD Diode STD Diode Schottky Diode Transil/TVS

    2SA733 2SJ74 2SK170 2SJ76 2SK213 2SJ77 2SK214 2SJ103 2SK246 2SJ109 transistor 2SB618 3A/fllnm 80 PDF


    Abstract: M56730ASP PAC011A PAC010A UPC2581 PAL005A stk413-020a upc2581v ecg semiconductors master replacement guide STRS5717
    Text: C52_pg_337~347 8/16/07 11:47 AM Page 337 Semiconductors/ Components SEMICONDUCTORS MCM has an extensive selection of SMD Surface Mount Devices which are denoted on the following page with an *(asterisk)! COUNT ON MCM TO ALWAYS PROVIDE. section 16 Semiconductors/Components

    100-up) STk442-130 M56730ASP PAC011A PAC010A UPC2581 PAL005A stk413-020a upc2581v ecg semiconductors master replacement guide STRS5717 PDF

    THINKI transistor catalog

    Abstract: audio amplifier ic bd249c catalog AUDIO HIGH POWER AMPLIFIER 3DD301 2sc3229 2SA747
    Text: THINKI TRANSISTOR CATALOG Power Transistors For Audio Power Amplifier PC IC Vceo W (A) (V) Model Vcbo Vebo (V) (V) Vce(sat) hFE fT (V) VCE(V) IC(A) max IC(A) (MHz) Package Function TYP IB(A) 1 -0.05 -150 2SA914 -150 -5 90-450 -5 -0.01 -1 -0.03 -0.003

    2SA914 O-126 2SA900 2SC2556 2SC2556A LM317K O-220 LM317T THINKI transistor catalog audio amplifier ic bd249c catalog AUDIO HIGH POWER AMPLIFIER 3DD301 2sc3229 2SA747 PDF


    Abstract: STR5412 2N3055 TO-220 S2000A3 STRS6309 S2000a2 BDW36 2SC3883 strs6308 STR6020
    Text: 2N3054 TO-66 2N32741 TO-66 2N4240 TO-66 2N4908 TO-3 2N3054A TO-66 2N3766 TO-66 2N4273 TO-66 2N4909 TO-3 2N3055 TO-3 2N3767 TO-66 2N4298 TO-66 2N4910 TO-66 2N3171 TO-3 2N3771 TO-3 2N4347 TO-3 2N4911 TO-66 2N3172 TO-3 2N3772 TO-3 2N4348 TO-3 2N4912 TO-66 2N3173

    2N3054 2N32741 2N4240 2N4908 2N3054A 2N3766 2N4273 2N4909 2N3055 2N3767 STRS6307 STR5412 2N3055 TO-220 S2000A3 STRS6309 S2000a2 BDW36 2SC3883 strs6308 STR6020 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD115 2SB863 2SB889 2sb891 2sd1148 2SD1207 2SB855 2SB859 2SB860
    Text: - 64 - m % Ta=25cC . * E P ( ä T c = 2 5 eC m & 2SB859 2SB860 2SB861 ÍL BÍL BÍL H & VcBO Vc e o ICCDC) Pc Pc* (V) (V) (A) (W) (W) LF PA -100 -80 -A LF PA/TV Vont -100 -100 -4 1.8 1.8 Ic b o (max) ink) 40 -100 V’ CB (V) -80 40 , hp (min) (max) te te

    OCR Scan
    2SB859 2SB860 2SB861 2SB862 2SB863 2SB855 2SB867 -1320ABJÃ 2SB886 2SB887 2SB897 2SD115 2SB863 2SB889 2sb891 2sd1148 2SD1207 2SB855 PDF


    Abstract: 2SB1224 2SB1225 2SB1226 2SB1227 2SD1825 2SD1826 2SD1827 2SD1828 2SD1829
    Text: Continued from previous page A bsolut« m axim um ratings Device Package A pplications m » Vcbo VCEO Vebo V (V) <V> *_ *c m ! Electrical characteristics (Ta = 25 °C) le s o m ax @ V cb Æ Pe (W) tc s o max h re @ V ce • t e _ Vc b (V) h re fc*A)

    OCR Scan
    2SB1223 T0220ML 2SD1825 2SB1224 2SD1826 2SB1225 2SB1226 2SB1227 2SD1827 2SD1828 2SD1829 PDF


    Abstract: 2S81119 2Sk222 2sa128
    Text: Low-Noise Transistors Absolute maximum ratings Device Package type Application VcBO V VCEO (V) Ve BO (V) Iç (mA) Pc (mW) rical characteristics (Ta = 25 deg. C) hFE @ V c E 'lc T| (deg. C) I c b o max fiiA l <T @ Vcc * Ic Vcs (V) &FE VCE (V) lc (mA) Vcf

    OCR Scan
    TQ220ML T0220ML T03PB 2SB1205 2S81119 2Sk222 2sa128 PDF

    Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD

    Abstract: 2SK596 2SC906 2SA1281 bup 3130 C3885A 2sd103 2SA1379 34d 937 086 bfq59
    Text: cD/ transistor 2 0-u datenlexikon data dictionary lexique de donnees enciclopedia dati lexicon de datos vergleichstabelle comparison table table d'equivalence tabella comparativa tabla comparativa ISBN 3-927486-01-9 Dieses Buch ist hinterlegt und urheberrechtlich geschutzt. Alle

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 2SK1597 2SK917 2SC1025 2SK919 2SB823 2SD977 2SC1051P 2SA1019 3SK190
    Text: LIST O F D I S C O N T I N U E D T R A N S I S T O R S The following is an alpha-numerical list of the discontinued products as of October 31,1993. Type Number Replacement Type Number Replacement Type Number 2SA608SPA 2SA608NP 2SA608K-NP 2SA659 2SA930 2SA1017

    OCR Scan
    2SA608SPA 2SA608NP 2SA608K-NP 2SA659 2SA930 2SA1017 2SA1019 2SA1047 2SA1260 2SA1288 2SD1028 2SK1597 2SK917 2SC1025 2SK919 2SB823 2SD977 2SC1051P 3SK190 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD1147 2SD1176 2sd1159 2SB863 2sd1148 2SD1135 2SD1136 2SD1137 2SD1138
    Text: - 236 - Ta=25'C, *EPiäTc=25T» m 2SD1135 2SD1136 2SD1137 2SD1138 2SD1140 2SD1145 2SD1147 2SD1148 2SD1149 2SD1153 2SD115T 2SD1158 2SD1159 2SD1160 2SD1161 2SD1162 2SD1163 2SD1163A 2SD1164 2SD1164-Z 2SD1169 2SD1176 2SD1176A 2SD1177 2SDI185 2SD1186 2SD1187 2SD11S9

    OCR Scan
    1CB01 2SD1135 2SD1136 2SD1137 2SD1138 2SD1140 2SD1145 2SD1147 2SD1148 2SD1176A PA100 2SD1147 2SD1176 2sd1159 2SB863 PDF

    TD 2013

    Abstract: SEM-E 2SD626 2SD733 2SD978 2SD1400 2SD437 2SD437W 2SD439 2SD761
    Text: Type •o 4> 3 e 'S 4> Number Applications «B £ au> « 0» Bi Q£ 2SD437 Switching Regulator, Ignltor 2SD437W High Voltage, Medium Speed Switching Regulator « S 3 o 8 a U 2 3 t> 3 w V f BO V cko t v c„ V ebo K - S.T M E 600 400 6 10 2017 S.T M E 500 350

    OCR Scan
    2SD437 2SD437W 2SD439 2SD439 T0126) 2SD994 2SD1399 2SD995 2SD1059 2SD1231 TD 2013 SEM-E 2SD626 2SD733 2SD978 2SD1400 2SD437 2SD437W 2SD761 PDF


    Abstract: 2sd205
    Text: SAfiYO D a r l i n g t o n T r a n s i s t o r s L a r g e - S i g n a l TR Darlington transistors can be driven with less power. Darlington transistor-applied circuits can be simplified and made small-sized, facilitating assembly of sets. Our Darlington transistors are available for lc=0. 7A(Smal1-Signal TR) to 15A and can be applied to various uses.

    OCR Scan
    Tc-25t: T0-220MF 2SB884/2SD1194 2SB885/2SD1195 2SB886/2SD1196 2SB1226/2SD1828 2SB1227/2SD1829 2SB1228/2SD1830 2SB913/2SD1230 2SB887/2SD1197 2sc3145 2sd205 PDF


    Abstract: B1317 C4714 D1707 b1108 c2258 transistor D2052 transistor transistor b1154 2sD2504 transistor B1398
    Text: Transistors Selection Guide by Packages • SS Mini Type Packages (D1) \ V C E 0 (V) 10 lc (mA) \ pc= i 25 mw 15 20 40 50 150 185 2SC4627 A 2SC5021 -2SA1790 >2SC4626 2SC4655 15 30 2SA1806 2SC4809 2SC5295 (65mA) 2SC4808 50 80 2SD2345 (2SA1791 i 2SC4656 2SC4691

    OCR Scan
    2SC4627 2SC5021 -2SA1790 2SC4626 2SC4655 2SC4809 2SC5295 2SC4808 2SA1806 2SD2345 D1274A B1317 C4714 D1707 b1108 c2258 transistor D2052 transistor transistor b1154 2sD2504 transistor B1398 PDF