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    Abstract: LC7060 ic la 7522 sanyo lc7560 Sanyu thd2 buzzer
    Text: 0 SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 3SE D m 7 cic1707t, G O O Ö O b S wr 5 B T '7H-0& O l w 3012A ' CMOS LSI Electronic Volume Control for Graphic Equalizer $1890C The 3-chip configuration consisting of the LC7520, a controller LC7060 or general-purpose microcomputer LC6502, etc. , and a display LSI (LC7560—»LCD,

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    PDF 1707t, 1890C LC7520, LC7060 LC6502, LC7560-- LC7565 -10dB, MFP24 QIP48A LC6502 ic la 7522 sanyo lc7560 Sanyu thd2 buzzer

    2SA606 equivalent

    Abstract: LB3500 C7267 LC7267 REMQ DIP42S LC7268 7 segmen 2SA606 Amilo
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 3SE D E3 7ci ci?G7b DQOflODö 4 ESI 1 Capable of selecting receiving frequency display/time display. (2) Display of receiving frequency at each band of FM/MW/LW LC7267 LC7268 Display Element LED FLT Static/Dynamic Static Static Withstand Voltage

    OCR Scan
    PDF LC7267 LC7268 Vdd-20V dip30s 00d77l3 T-90-20 -29-M DIP-24Slim DIP28SN QIP48B 2SA606 equivalent LB3500 C7267 REMQ DIP42S 7 segmen 2SA606 Amilo


    Abstract: sanyo lc7560 lc7520 7-band graphic equalizer spectrum LC 7522 sanyo QIP80A 7-band lc7522 mos 3021 H272
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 32E D H 7^70713 QGOñlüñ fl El • T - 7 9 ' O S - O Ì l l i l l i i S V ^ < 3057 C M O S LSI G r a p h i c E q u a l i z e r L C D D r i v e r Use LCD driver for display of graphic equalizers LC7520, 7522, 7523, Features 1 7-band display (+ accessory display or total display) : 11 x 8 segments.

    OCR Scan
    PDF 1891B LC7520, 11-dot QIP48A 00077b3 -29-M DIP-24Slim DIP28SN QIP48B DIP24S LC7560 sanyo lc7560 lc7520 7-band graphic equalizer spectrum LC 7522 sanyo QIP80A 7-band lc7522 mos 3021 H272


    Abstract: LB3* sanyo 7 segmen
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 3SE D E3 7ci ci?G7b DQOflODö 4 ESI 1 Capable of selecting receiving frequency display/time display. (2) Display of receiving frequency at each band of FM/MW/LW LC7267 LC7268 Display Element LED FLT Static/Dynamic Static Static Withstand Voltage

    OCR Scan
    PDF LC7267 LC7268 Vdd-20V FM0-35 MFP24 dip30s 00d77l3 T-90-20 -29-M DIP-24Slim LB3500 LB3* sanyo 7 segmen

    sanyo capacitor se green

    Abstract: TO068 LC7512 lc7510
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 32E D 7 cì cì 7G7L j DD0 ÖQ3 7 □ T-77-21 C M O S 1C 3 007A S93B Automatic Music Selector up to 3 Selections for Tape Recorders T he L C 7510/7512 are single-chip ICs designed to au tom atically se lec t your desired m usic up to 3 selection s

    OCR Scan
    PDF T-77-21 MFP24 QIP48A 00077b3 IP24S MFP30 QIP80B sanyo capacitor se green TO068 LC7512 lc7510


    Abstract: SANYU u5160 E01N lc7520 Graphic equalizer circuit diagram
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 32E D 7 T T 7 0 7 □ OOOfllb4 7 E9 T-51-11 C M O S LSI 3029A 2-Pole 4-Position Analog Function Switch 1514C Functions . 2-pole 4-position function switch of feather touch type . Tape monitor function, REC equalization (graphic equalizer input/output

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    PDF T-51-11 1514C QIF64B MFP24 00077b3 DIP24S MFP30 LC7820 SANYU u5160 E01N lc7520 Graphic equalizer circuit diagram

    str f 6264

    Abstract: YT-30008
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 3SE D B 7^707^ 0 D07Ö2Ö 4 El The LC7020AT, BT are controllers for direct PLL ICs LM7000, LM7001. They can be used to form a PLL frequency synthesizer with clock, 2 bands for car use. 1. Functions and Features (1) Receiving frequency'

    OCR Scan
    PDF LC7020AT, LM7000, LM7001. MFP24 QIP48A 00077b3 IP24S QIP80B str f 6264 YT-30008


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 32E D 7cH 7 0 7 b GOGÖ1SO 7 CM O S LSI 2-Pole 4-Position Analog Function Sw itch 1359B The LC7817 is a 2-pole 4-position analog function switch with 2 built-in CMOS analog switches LC4066 type . A soft touch of a button enables switchover of the input signal source of an audio amplifier.

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    PDF 1359B LC7817 LC4066 LC4066 MFP24 QIP48A 00077b3 MFP30 QIP80B


    Abstract: Q228CEL-1077B kopin LC7030 MOC 3063 APPLICATION NOTE LB1405 LM7000 LM7000N LM7001 csb400p
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR C0RP 32E D B 711707b 0007841 1 • T-77-0S-ÛS CMOS LSI Electronic Tuning Controller 1675B The LC7030 is a controller for direct PLL ICs LM7000, LM7000N and LM7001. It can be used to form a PLL frequency synthesizer for home stereo use.

    OCR Scan
    PDF 7TT707 T-77-05 3025B 1675b LC7030 LM7000, LM7000N LM7001. 500msec. 70msec 235S01 Q228CEL-1077B kopin MOC 3063 APPLICATION NOTE LB1405 LM7000 LM7001 csb400p


    Abstract: SERVICE MANUAL SANYO SQL23 OR1 marking the pin function of ic 7405
    Text: SANYO S E MI C ONDUC T OR CORP 32E D T T T Ï O T b D GGñ 5 5 3 ft E3 J ï- n - ô s - o f \ 'S 3026B C M O S LSI Level Function temB A p p lic a ito n s • P eak hold level m eter of tape deck • P eak hold level m eter of power am plifier • G eneral-purpose level m eter

    OCR Scan
    PDF 3026B QIP48A 00077b3 -29-M DIP-24Slim DIP28SN QIP48B DIP24S MFP30 QIP80B LC7550 SERVICE MANUAL SANYO SQL23 OR1 marking the pin function of ic 7405

    IC 7405 pin diagram

    Abstract: SANYO MARKING TYPE LC7532M the pin function of ic 7405 MFP20 mos 3021 DIP28 LC7532
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 32E I> Ei ? cn ? 0 ? L , DOOflOÔT a □ T-74-05-01 C M O S 1C 303 5A 3V-0persted Single-Channel 1 Electronic Volume Control $194!A A p p lic a tio n s • AM radios F e a tu re s •CMOS process 3 V typ. operation requiring less c u rre n t dissipation

    OCR Scan
    PDF 00077bl T-74-05-01 60dBorless QIP48A -29-M DIP-24Slim DIP28SN QIP48B DIP24S IC 7405 pin diagram SANYO MARKING TYPE LC7532M the pin function of ic 7405 MFP20 mos 3021 DIP28 LC7532


    Abstract: 3se1
    Text: SANYO S EMI CONDUCTOR CORP 3SE1 D ? cn 7 D 7 t 1 0 0 0 0 1 4 3 T T-51-11 CM O S LSI 2 -Pole 4 -Position Analog Function Switch $ 15 20 B The LC7816 is a 2-pole 4-position analog function switch with 2 huilt-in CMOS analog switches LC4966 type . A soft touch of a button enables switchover of

    OCR Scan
    PDF T-51-11 LC7816 LC4966 MFP24 QIP48A 00077b3 DIP24S QIP80B LC7416 3se1


    Abstract: LA3605 F617
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 32E D 7^707 3 1 m 0000113 T-74-05-01 CMOS LSI 3057 Graphic Equalizer's Spectrum Analyzing Display LCD Driver 2014A Ose • Graphic equalizer's spectrum analyzing display LCD driver Features (1 8-band display: 11 x 8 segments (Display of bandpass signal strength— > Spectrum analyzing display: 8 bands

    OCR Scan
    PDF T-74-05-01 11-dot MFP24 QIP48A 00077b3 MFP30 QIP80B LC7561 LA3605 F617


    Abstract: LC7522 sanyo lc7560
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP ilM S ^ ^ ^ •* * 3ZE D B 7^707^ OGDÖ1GÖ fl B T-79'OS'O ! ~ 4 < CMOS LSI 3057 Graphic Equalizer LCD Driver 1891B Use LCD driver for display of graphic equalizers LC7520, 7522, 7523. Features 1 7-band display (+ accessory display or total display) : 11 x 8 segments.

    OCR Scan
    PDF 1891B LC7520, 11-dot MFP24 QIP48A 00077b3 DIP24S MFP30 QIP80B LC7560 LC7522 sanyo lc7560


    Abstract: LA3605 sanyo power supply lcd TIC 33 LCD display mos 3021 LA 3600 7-band graphic equalizer spectrum Graphic equalizer circuit diagram DIP22 tic 47 lcd
    Text: SANYO SEMIC ON DU CT OR CORP 32E D 7^707 3 0000113 1 m T-74-05-01 C M O S LSI 3057 Graphic Equalizer's Spectrum Analyzing Display LCD Driver 2014A Ose • Graphic equalizer's spectrum analyzing display LCD driver Features (1 8-band display: 11 x 8 segments

    OCR Scan
    PDF T-74-Ã 11-dot QIP48A 00077b3 -29-M DIP-24Slim DIP28SN QIP48B DIP24S MFP30 LC7561 LA3605 sanyo power supply lcd TIC 33 LCD display mos 3021 LA 3600 7-band graphic equalizer spectrum Graphic equalizer circuit diagram DIP22 tic 47 lcd


    Abstract: LC7253 LC7259 L1427 lc7250 SL1495 SL-1495 sanyo 4 digit led L1447 STOPWATCH 8 DIGIT
    Text: SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 35E I> El TTìTOTb 0007^01 1 • T-77-ÔS-ÛS L C M O S LSI 3014A Digita! Display LED of Frequency and Tim e 523H Applications • Car radio applications: FM/AM receiving frequency display and clock display • Home radio applications: FM/AM receiving

    OCR Scan
    PDF IF64B MFP24 QIP48A 00077b3 DIP24S MFP30 QIP80B LC7258 LC7253 LC7259 L1427 lc7250 SL1495 SL-1495 sanyo 4 digit led L1447 STOPWATCH 8 DIGIT

    the pin function of ic 7405

    Abstract: 3026B lc7550
    Text: S ANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 32E 3> T T T ÏO T b D GGñ 5 5 3 ñ E3 7 - 7 i-ô 5-0f \ fr \ * 3026B C M O S LSI Level Function ^889B A p p lic a ito n s • P eak hold level m eter of tape deck • P eak hold level m eter of pow er am plifier • G eneral-purpose level m eter

    OCR Scan
    PDF 3026B IF64B MFP24 QIP48A 00077b3 DIP24S MFP30 QIP80B the pin function of ic 7405 lc7550


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 32E I> ? eH ? 0 ? b OOOflOflT a □ T-74-05-01 303 5A _ C M O S 1C 3 V -0 p e rste d Single-Channel Electronic Volume Control $194!A A p p lic a tio n s • AM radios F e a tu re s •CMOS process 3 V typ. operation requiring less c u rre n t dissipation

    OCR Scan
    PDF T-74-05-01 MFP24 QIP48A 00077b3 IP24S MFP30 QIP80B SANYU


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 32E D T 'm Q ïb 0000157 1 E3J : T -S H / CMOS LSI 3029A 2-Pole 4-Position Analog Function Switch 1039C The LC7815 is a 2-pole 4-position analog function switch with 2 built-in C-MOS analog switches LC4066 type . A soft touch of a button enables switchover of the input signal source of an audio amplifier.

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    PDF 1039C LC7815 LC4066 QIF64B MFP24 00077b3 MFP30 QIP80B


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANYO S E MI CONDUCT OR CORP 32E D B3 7TT7G7b GODTf i Ob S B The LC7020AK, BK are controllers for direct PLL ICs LM7000, LM7001. They can be used to form a PLL frequency synthesizer without clock, 4 bands for car use. 1. Functions and Features (1) Receiving frequency

    OCR Scan
    PDF LC7020AK, LM7000, LM7001. MFP24 00077b3 IP24S MFP30 QIP80B

    LC 7522 sanyo

    Abstract: lc7520 sanyo lc7560 sanyo lc7060 LC7820 LC 7520 LC6502 LC7060 LC7560 MOS 6502 cpu
    Text: SA NY O S E M I C O N D U C T O R CORP 3EZ D ? T T 7□ 7 1. üOOÖOt.5 5 W CMOS LSI Electronic Volume Control for Graphic Equalizer $1890C The 3-chip configuration consisting of the LC7520, a controller LC7060 or general-purpose microcomputer LC6502, etc. , and a display LSI (LC7560—»LCD,

    OCR Scan
    PDF c1707t, 1890C LC7520, LC7060 LC6502, LC7560â LC7565 -10dB, QIP48A 00077b3 LC 7522 sanyo lc7520 sanyo lc7560 sanyo lc7060 LC7820 LC 7520 LC6502 LC7560 MOS 6502 cpu

    CICO NO 1

    Abstract: mos 3021 Sanyo capacitors 540B KBR540B LC7460 3020AJ CICO NO 2 D0077
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 3SE D 7 cH 7 Q 7 b GGGñSm T T'y/-// CMOS 1C 3006B 8-Function Infrared Remote Control Signal Transmitter 1562C Functions and Features • Eight functions selectable by 8 switches • Generates a pulse-train remote control signal corresponding to each function

    OCR Scan
    PDF 3006b 1562c DIP30S 0DD77L3 T-90-20 DIP-24Slim DIP28SN QIP48B DIP24S MFP30 CICO NO 1 mos 3021 Sanyo capacitors 540B KBR540B LC7460 3020AJ CICO NO 2 D0077


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 3EE D E3 7 T c1707t, 0Q0Ô1 3S 0 T-51-11 3029A CMOSLSI 2-Pole 4-Position Analog Function Switch £1509A General Description The LC7815H is a 2-pole 4-position analog function switch with 2 built-in C-MOS analog switches LC4066 type .

    OCR Scan
    PDF c1707t, LC7815H LC4066 QIP48A MFP24 00077b3 DIP24S MFP30 QIP80B