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    430Y3100 Search Results

    430Y3100 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VCXO at 622.08 MHz SÖNET/SDH OC-12 Applications 11 1 SINGLE DIP DOUBLE DIP ”W 434Y2600 Serios C en ter Frequency 430Y3100 Series 430Y3200 Series 622.08 MHz 622.08 MHz other frequencies available including 155.52 MHz Output • ¡ ■ B i l l ECL/PECL

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    OC-12 434Y2600 430Y3100 430Y3200 1S11M 434Y2600 1S11M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VCXO at 622.08 MHz S O N E T/S D H OC-12 Applications DOUBLE DIP SINGLE DIP 434Y2600 Series 430Y3100 Series 6 2 2 .0 8 M H z 6 2 2 .0 8 M H z C e n te r F re q u e n c y O u tp u t 6 2 2 .0 8 M H z o th e r fre q u e n c ie s ava la b le in c lu d in g 1 5 5 .5 2 M H z

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    OC-12 434Y2600 430Y3100 430Y3200 434Y2600 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Sonet/SDH OC-3 through OC 434Y2600 Series 430Y3100 Series 430Y3200 Series Conventional Multiplication techniques Advanced PLL techniques Advanced PLL techniques Center Frequency 155.52 MHz, 622.08 MHz 155.52 MHz, 622.08 MHz other frequencies available 622.08 MHz

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    434Y2600 430Y3200 430Y3100 487Y4300 PDF


    Abstract: Y3100
    Text: VCXO at 622.08 MHz SONET/SDH 00-12 Applications DOUBLE DIP SINGLE DIP S fc in o l 434Y2600 Series Center Frequency Output Jitter Control Voltage VECTRON 430Y3100 Series 622,08 MHz 430Y3200 Series 622.08 MHz 622.08 MHz other frequencies available including 155.52 MHz

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    434Y2600 430Y3100 430Y3200 434Y2600 VCXO Y3100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Voltage Controlled C rystal O scilla to rs V C X O s VCXOs - Product Offering (V C X O s ) F re q u e n c y R a n g e O u tp u t T u n e V o lta g e S lo p e P ackage F e a tu r e s 1 M H z to 6 5 M H z T T IV C M O S 0 .5 to 4 .5 V P o s itiv e 6 p in le a d le s s c e r a m ic c h ip c a r rie r

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    487Y4300 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Part Number Pane Number 2000. 2500 . 2600 . 3000 . 4000. 5000. 6000.

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    430Y3100. 430Y3200. 430Y5200. 434Y2600. 487Y4300 CO-233 CO-233FW. -233H -600A VCXO-1070 HC52-SMD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VCXOs - Product Offering V CXO s Frequency R ange Output Tune V oltage S lope P ackage Features 1 M H z to 65 M Hz TT17C M 0S 0 .5 to 4.5V P ositive 6 pin lead le ss c e ra m ic c h ip ca rrie r ASIC te ch n o lo g y , sm a lle s t VCXO H IG H VO LUM E V-Type

    OCR Scan
    TT17C 430Y5200 487Y4300 CO-351 PDF