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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0283; Rev 1; 3/95 > k iy j x i> k i Low-Cost, 2-Channel, ± 14-Bit S erial ADCs F e a tu r e s ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ Single +5V Supply MAX111 Two Differential Input Channels 14-Bit Resolution Plus Sign and Overrange 0.03% Linearity (MAX110)

    OCR Scan
    14-Bit MAX111) MAX110) MAX111 50Hz/60Hz 16-Pin 20-Pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0478; Rev 0; 3/96 > k ly a x i> k l Dual-Output C h a rg e Pum p w ith Sh u td o w n The M AX864 CMOS, c h a rg e -p u m p , D C -D C vo lta g e converter p ro du ces a positive and a negative o utp ut from a sin g le p o sitive inp ut, and re q u ire s o nly fo u r

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    AX864 185kHz, MAX864 1-0055A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0122; Rev 3; 4/94 y M X X IV M Low-Power, Slew -R ate-Lim ited RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers These transceivers draw between 120 iA and 500jiA of supply current. Additionally, the MAX481, MAX483, and MAX487 have a low-current shutdown mode in which they consume only 0.1nA. All parts operate from a single

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    RS-485/RS-422 500jiA MAX481, MAX483, MAX487 372mm) 032mm) 481/M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-1132; Rev 0: 10/96 •«SS3T- 12-B it, lO M sps, TTL-O utput A DC L o g ic inputs a n d outputs are T T L co m p atib le. A n o ve r­ ra n g e o utput s ig n a l is p ro v id e d to in d ic a te overflow co nd ition s. O utput d ata form at is straight binary. Pow er

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    12-Bit, 10Msps 32-lead 507bbSl PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0252; Rev 2; 5/96 Low-Cost, Triple, 8-B it Voltage-O utput DACs w ith S erial In te rfa c e _ Features ♦ Operate from a Single +5V MAX512 or +3V (MAX513) Supply, or from Bipolar Supplies ♦ Low Power Consumption 1mA Operating Current

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    MAX512) MAX513) 14-Pin MAX512CPD MAX512CSD MAX512C/D MAX512CPD PDF

    duracell mn 1300

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0371; Rev 2; 7/96 N iCd/N iM H B a tte ry Fast-Charge Controllers The MAX2003/MAX2003A are fast-charge battery charg­ ers with conditioning for NiCd (nickel cadmium) or NiMH (nickel-metal hydride) rechargeable batteries. The MAX2003A has the same features as the MAX2003 with

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    MAX2003/MAX2003A MAX2003A MAX2003 Sfl7bb51 duracell mn 1300 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0238, Rev 0, 3/94 jv \ jyxajv\ Low-Noise, R egulated, N eg ative Charge-Pump Pow er Supplies for GaAs FET Bias _ Features ♦ Fixed -4.1V or Adjustable -0.5V to -9V Output at 5mA ♦ 4.5V to 10V Input Voltage Range The M AX850-M AX852 offer both preset -4.1V and

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    AX850-M AX852 MAX853 100kHz MAX850/MAX851/MAX853) MAX853 MAXB50/853) AXB51) AX852) 5fi7bb51 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-4728; Rev 1; 3/94 y P L d X IV M Improved, Quad, SPST Analog Switches N e w Features ♦ Plug-In Upgrade for Industry-Standard DG411/DG412/DG413 ♦ Improved ids ON Match Between Channels (3£1 max) ♦ Guaranteed rFLAT(ON) Over Signal Range (A4U) ♦ Improved Charge Injection (10pC max)

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    DG411/DG412/DG413 DG411/DG412/DG413 DG411 DG412 DG413 150ns 100ns 507bbSl PDF

    7 segment led display SIEMENS

    Abstract: MAX138CPL L7106
    Text: 19-0805; Rev 1; 12/94 y n y j x i y i / i 3V2 D ig it A /D C o n v e rte rs w ith B an d g ap R e fe re n c e a n d C h arg e -P u m p V o lta g e C o n v e rte r _F e a tu r e s ♦ Single Supply +2.5V to +7,0V Operation MAX 140 is a low segm ent-current version of the MAX 139

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    138/MAX MAX138) MAX139) MAX138/MAX139 MAX138/M ICL7136 ICL7137 7 segment led display SIEMENS MAX138CPL L7106 PDF

    25B SOT23-3

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0344: Rev 1; 2/95 y w y ix iv M 3-P in M ic ro p ro c e s s o r R e s e t C irc u it These circuits perform a single function: They assert a reset signal whenever the Vcc supply voltage declines below a preset threshold, keeping it asserted for at least

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    MAX809/MAX810 140ms MAX809 MAX809L/T MAX810L/T 25B SOT23-3 PDF


    Abstract: MAX358CWE 0508A MAX358MJE HI-508A HI-509A MAX358CJE MAX358CPE MAX358EJE MAX358EPE
    Text: MAXIM INTEGRATED PRODUCTS 41E 3 • 587btiSl OOOMODO 2 ■ MXM y s / i y j x iy n Fault-Protected Analog Multiplexer Maxim’s HI-508A and MAX358 are 8 channel single­ ended 1 of 8) multiplexers with fault protection. Maxim’s HI-509A and MAX359 are 4 channel differ­

    OCR Scan
    HI-508A MAX358 HI-509A MAX359 HI1-0509A-5' HI3-0509A-5' HI-508A HI-509A MAX358CWE 0508A MAX358MJE MAX358CJE MAX358CPE MAX358EJE MAX358EPE PDF


    Abstract: MAX274 FP 01PF 331 2.5 8th order highpass butterworth filter
    Text: 19-4191; Rev 3; 10/96 Æ / X I Æ a n d 8 th -O rd e r C o n tin u o u s -T im e A c tiv e F ilte rs _ Features ♦ Continuous-Time Filter - No Clock, No Clock Noise ♦ Implement Butterworth, Chebyshev, Bessel and Other Filter Responses

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    MAX274 MAX275 MAX274/MAX275 MAX274AENG FP 01PF 331 2.5 8th order highpass butterworth filter PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0137; Rev 1; 3/94 Im proved Low-Power, CMOS Analog Sw itches w ith Latches _ Existing Features ♦ Low rDS ON (350 max) ♦ Single-Supply Operation +10V to +30V Bipolar-Supply Operation ±4.5V to ±20V ♦ Low Power Consumption (35|xW max)

    OCR Scan
    DG421C/D DG421CJ DG421CY 20-PIN DG421CJ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0256; Rev 0; 5/94 -¡Î5.UAT'0NW T A l i l X I A I 8x4 Video C ro ssp o in t S w itc h e s with Buffers The MAX458/MAX459 are crosspoint switches with eight input channels and four high-speed, buffered output channels. The MAX458 output buffer is configured with a

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    MAX458/MAX459 MAX458 MAX459 16-bit MAX458/MAX459 MAX458 MAX459 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1 9-0175; R ev 3; 5 /9 6 > k i> J X i> k i ± 1 5 k V E S D -P ro tected , +S V R S -23 2 T ran sceivers _ G eneral D escription M A X 2 0 2 E -M A X 2 1 3 E , M A X 2 3 2 E /M A X 2 4 1 E Features T he M A X 2 0 2 E -M A X 2 1 3E, M A X 2 3 2 E /M A X 24 1 E line

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    RS-232 507bb51 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0448; Rev 0, 11/95 A lilX IA I S e ria lly C o n tro lle d , L o w -V o lta g e , 8 -C h a n n e l S P S T S w itc h _General Description These CMOS devices can operate continuously with dual power supplies ranging from ±2.7V to ±8V or a single supply between +2.7V and +16V. Each switch

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    MAX395 MAX391 MAX335. 567bbSl 0013b73 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0165; Rev2; 1/96 >kl>JX I>kl 5V, Step-Down, Current-Mode PWM DC-DC Converters _ Features The M A X 730A /M A X 738A /M A X 744A are 5 V -o u tp u t CMOS, step-down switching regulators. The MAX738A/ MAX744A accept inputs from 6V to 16V and deliver

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    MAX738A/ MAX744A 750mA. 500mA MAX730A 450mA 750mA MAX738A/MAX744A) 16-PIN MAX730ACPA PDF


    Abstract: AD7524AD AD7524SD AD7524 AD7524JCSE AD7524JN AD7524KCSE AD7524KN AD7524LCSE AD7524LN
    Text: MAXIM INTEGRATED PRODUCTS 13E D • Sfl7bbSl 0 D Q 2 H S S 3 ■ CMOS 8-B it Buffered M ultiplying DACs 'i . General Description The AD7524 and MAX7624 are CMOS 8-bit digital-toanalog converters DAC which will interface directly with most microprocessors. On-chip input latches

    OCR Scan
    0G02E55 AD7524 MAX7624 AD7524L/C/U. AD7524, max7824 AD7524AD AD7524SD AD7524JCSE AD7524JN AD7524KCSE AD7524KN AD7524LCSE AD7524LN PDF


    Text: 19-0200; Rev. 1; 11/94 V M ^ X IV M Calibrated, Low-Drift, +4.096V/+5V/+10V Precision Voltage References _ Features ♦ Lowest Temperature Drift: 1ppm/°C Max Over -40°C to +85°C 1.5ppm/°C Max Over -55°C to +125°C The MAX676/MAX677/MAX678 have excellent line and

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    MAX676/MAX677/MAX678 30ppm/V MAX676 1-0042A 0Q13bl7 AX67 TMAX T7S IN47XX MAX677 CHARACTERISTICS-MAX677 MAX677bcpp MAX676ACJP MAX676ACPP MAX676ACWP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: /i/i/jxi/i/i 19-4446; Rev 1; 8/54 Quad Com parator w ith Program m able Threshold _General Description Digital inputs and com parator outputs are com patible with TTL and CMOS logic A separate logic supply V cc allows com parator output levels to be set independently

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    AX516 24-pin MAX516 507bbSl PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-4323; Rev 6; 3/96 JV K A Y A JV K + 5 V -P o w e re d , M u lti-C h a n n e l R S -2 3 2 D riv e rs /R e c e iv e rs _General Description These parts are p a rticu la rly useful in battery-pow ered systems, since their low-power shutdown mode reduces

    OCR Scan
    MAX233, MAX235, MAX245-MAX247 MAX220-MAX249 MAX220-MAX249 EIA/TIA-232E T20UT- MAX22Q/222/223A/233A/242/243 MAX244/245/246/247Ã 24B/249 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0172, Rev 3; 11/93 5V, Low-Power, Voltage-O utput, S e rial 12-B it DACs The MAX538’s buffer is fixed at a gain of 1 and the MAX539’s buffer at a gain of 2. The MAX531’s internal op amp may be configured for a gain of 1 or 2, as well as for unipolar or bipolar output voltages. The MAX531

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    MAX538â MAX539â MAX531â MAX531 MAX530 MAX531) 140fiA MAX538/MAX539) MAX531AMJD MAX531BESD MAX531ACPD PDF

    128 channels analog multiplexer

    Abstract: Elna ce 85 MAX359
    Text: MAXIM INTEGRATED PRODUCTS 41E 3 • 587btiSl OOOMODO 2 ■ MXM y s / i y j x iy n Fault-Protected Analog Multiplexer Maxim’s HI-508A and MAX358 are 8 channel single­ ended 1 of 8) multiplexers with fault protection. Maxim’s HI-509A and MAX359 are 4 channel differ­

    OCR Scan
    HI-508A MAX358 HI-509A MAX359 HI1-0509A-2 HI1-0509A-5' HI3-0509A-5' HI-508A 128 channels analog multiplexer Elna ce 85 PDF


    Abstract: TMS320
    Text: 19-0108; Rev 2, 10/96 / H /J X I / l / l 308ksps ADC w ith DSP In te rfa c e a n d 7&dB S IN A D The MAX121 is a complete, BiCMOS, serial-output, sam­ pling 14-bit analog-to-digital converter ADC that com­ bines an on-chip track/hold and a low-drift, low-noise,

    OCR Scan
    308ksps MAX121 14-bit 210mW. MAX121EVKIT-DIP AX121 20-pin 16-pin TM5320C30 TMS320 PDF