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    Abstract: MAX662 circuit diagram MAX662CPA 1k2 switch RPE123Z5U105M50V 12v and 5v regulated power supply circuit diagram 595D685X9016A7 MAX662CSA ERIE ceramic capacitor MAX661
    Text: t o » l m e Sfl7bb51 G G G 7 clSfl TT1 D I M x n / i/ i/ jx iy i/ i 19-0103; Rev 1;6/93 The M AX662 replaces the MAX661. The M AX662 pin configuration has been rotated to im prove o utput current perform ance, and is recom m ended for new designs. +12V, 30m A Flash M em ory

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    MAX662 MAX661. Sfl7bb51 30mA-output, MAX662 circuit diagram MAX662CPA 1k2 switch RPE123Z5U105M50V 12v and 5v regulated power supply circuit diagram 595D685X9016A7 MAX662CSA ERIE ceramic capacitor MAX661 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MAXIM I N T E G R A T E D P R O D U C T S b4E D Sfl7bb51 OOGT'ìS'ì 1TD I MXM w i /j x i /i/i 19-4667; Rev 0; 9/92 Switched-Capacitor Voltage Converters _ Features The M AX1044 and IC L7660 are m on o lith ic, CM OS s w itc h e d -c a p a c ito r v o lta g e c o n v e rte rs th a t invert,

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    Sfl7bb51 AX1044 L7660 ICL7660. MAX1044 MAX1044/ICL7660 ICL7660EJA ICL7660ETV ICL7660MTV ICL7660AMTV MAX1044CPA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MAXIM INTEGRATE» PRODUCTS MIE D Ut Sfl7bb51 DG042bü b • MXM / I / I / 1 X I / I / I +5V/Adjustable CMOS Step-Down Switching Regulator Features The MAX638 step-down switching regulator is designed for minimum component, low power, DC-DC conversion. ♦ Fixed +5V Output

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    Sfl7bb51 DG042bà MAX638 7bb51 AX638 PDF


    Abstract: MAX1044 MAX1044CPA SOCKET MXM ICL7660AMTV MAX1044CSA MAX1044CTV MAX660 ICL7660ITV ICL7660CSA
    Text: MAXIM I N T E G R A T E D P R O D U C T S b4E D Sfl7bb51 OOGT'ìS'ì 1TD I MXM w i /j x i /i/i 19-4667; Rev 0; 9/92 Switched-Capacitor Voltage Converters _ Features The M AX1044 and IC L7660 are m on o lith ic, CM OS s w itc h e d -c a p a c ito r v o lta g e c o n v e rte rs th a t invert,

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    Sfl7bb51 MAX1044 ICL7660 ICL7660. MAX1044/ICL7660 ICL7660CSA ICL7660CTV ICL7660C/D ICL7660IPA MAX1044CPA SOCKET MXM ICL7660AMTV MAX1044CSA MAX1044CTV MAX660 ICL7660ITV PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0283; Rev 1; 3/95 > k iy j x i> k i Low-Cost, 2-Channel, ± 14-Bit S erial ADCs F e a tu r e s ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ Single +5V Supply MAX111 Two Differential Input Channels 14-Bit Resolution Plus Sign and Overrange 0.03% Linearity (MAX110)

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    14-Bit MAX111) MAX110) MAX111 50Hz/60Hz 16-Pin 20-Pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0196; Rev 0; 10/93 J V \ Æ X A J V \ +5V, Low-Power, 12-Bit S erial ADCs _Features ♦ 12-Bit Resolution The MAX187/M AX189 d ig itiz e signals at a 75ksps throughput rate. An external clock accesses data from the interface, which com m unicates without external

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    12-Bit MAX187/M AX189 75ksps MAX187 MAX189 16-pin SN136 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MAXin I N T E G R A T E D P R O D U C T S b4E D • 5fl7bbSl DO DÔ DD 7 V M y jX IV M 19-0149: Rev 0; 6/93 S V /3.3V /3V 2A Step-Dow n, PWM, Sw itch-M ode DC-DC R egulators _General Description The MAX727/MAX728/MAX729 are monolithic, bipolar, pulse-width modulation PWM , switch-mode, step-down

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-4334; Rev. 3; 6/94 JV\JYXAJV\ Low-Cost, ill P Supervisory Circuits _ Applications Features ♦ |iMax Package: smallest 8-pin SO ♦ Guaranteed RESET Valid at Vcc = 1V ♦ Precision Supply-Voltage Monitor 4.65V in MAX705/MAX707/MAX813L

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    MAX705/MAX707/MAX813L MAX706/MAX708 200ms MAX705/MAX706) MAX707/MAX708/MAX813L) 200nA MAX705CPA MAX705CSA MAX813LC/D MAX813LEPA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-1198; Rev0; 4/97 JV Y A Y A JV X / « to 3 -C ell, H ig h -C u rren t, Lo w -N o ise , S te p -U p D C -D C C o n v e rte rs w ith L in e a r R e g u la to r The MAX1705/MAX1706 are high-efficiency, low-noise, step-up DC-DC converters with an auxiliary linearregulator output. These devices are intended for use in

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    MAX1705/MAX1706 MAX1705 MAX1706 200mA. 537bb51 705/M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A M X IV M +5Vr Low-Power, Multi-Channel, Serial 8-Bit ADCs _ G en era l D escrip tio n The MAX1112/MAX1113 are low-power, 8-bit, 8-chan­ nel analog-to-digital converters ADCs that feature an internal track/hold, voltage reference, clock, and serial

    OCR Scan
    MAX1112/MAX1113 50ksps. MAX1112 MAX1113 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0438; R e v 0; 9/95 ykiyjxi>ki 5 V o r A d ju s ta b le 9 L o w -V o lta g e , S te p -U p DC-D C C o n tro lle r _ F e a tu r e s ♦ 1.8V to 16.5V Input Range The M AX608 is id e a l for tw o - a n d th re e -ce ll b atteryp o w e re d s y s te m s. An o p e ra tin g fre q u e n c y o f up to

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    AX608 300kH 110pA 300kHz Sfl7bb51 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-4611; Rev 1; 4/94 > k l > J X I > k l Improved, Quad, SPST Analog Switches _ N e w Features 4 Plug-In Upgrades for Industry-Standard DG441/DG442 The DG441/DG442 are quad, single-pole/single-throw SPST analog switches. The DG441 has 4 normally closed

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    DG441/DG442 DG441/DG442 DG441 DG442 250ns 20log DG441CJ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19- 7186; Rev 0; 2/97 > k l > J X I > k l ± 15kVESD -Protected, EM C-Com pliant, 230kbps, D u al R S-232 S e ria l P o rt fo r M otherboards/Desktops Features The MAX3187 complete, dual DTE RS-232 serial port meets the stringent ESD requirements of the European

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    15kVESD 230kbps, S-232 MAX3187 RS-232 RS-232 1-0040A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MAXIM INTEGRATED PRODUCTS b4E » • SfiTbhSl D D G Û 4 7 3 bTQ ■ MXM 1 9-0021; R e v 1; 4 /9 3 / i / i y j x i y u i Quad 8-B it DACs w ith R ail to-R ail Voitage O utputs _ Features The MAX505 and MAX506 are CMOS, quad, 8-bit voltageoutput digital-to-analog converters DACs . The parts

    OCR Scan
    MAX505 MAX506 MIL-STD-883. X50S/M MAX506 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0030; Rev 0; 9/92 SOOkaps, 12-Bit ADCs w ith Track/H old and R eference Features _ General Description The MAX120 and MAX122 complete, BiCMOS, sampling 12-bit analog-to-digital converters ADCs combine an onchip track/hold (T/H) and a low-drift voltage reference with fast

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    12-Bit MAX120 MAX122 350ns 333ksps MAX122. MAX120/MAX122 100DF. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: yi/iyjxiyi/i 19-3965; Rev 2; 7/96 Quad, SPST, U ltra-Low L eakag e, CMOS Analog S w itch es G eneral Description F e a tu re s ♦ 10pA Max Leakage <1pA Typ The M AX326/M AX327&#39;s low ch a rg e injection (2pC typ) m inim izes signal error. O peration from single supplies

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    AX326/M AX327 DG201A/DG202 DG211/DG212 5fi7bb51 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: / H / J X I / H 4th - and 8th-O rder Continuous-Time A ctive Filters G e n e r a l D e s c rip tio n F e a tu r e s ♦ Continuous-Time Filter - No Clock, No Clock Noise ♦ Implement Butterworth, Chebyshev, Bessel and

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    MAX274 MAX274) MAX275) 150kHz, MAX274 5-100ppm/Â MAX274/MAX275/Software/EV PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VMyJXIVM 19-1080; Rev 0; 6/96 2.7V, Low-Power, 8-B it Quad DAC w ith R ail-to-R ail O utput Buffers The serial interface is double buffered: a 12-bit input shift register is followed by four 8-bit buffer registers and four 8-bit DAC registers. The 12-bit serial word

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    12-bit 1-0055A PDF

    smd transistor 5B1

    Abstract: MAX132ENG MAX132
    Text: 19-0009; Rev 2; 8/95 ± 18-Bit ADC w ith S erial In te rfa c e The M AX132 is a CMOS, 18-bit plus sign, serial-output, a n a lo g -to -d ig ita l co n ve rte r ADC . M ulti-slope in te g ra ­ tion p ro v id e s h ig h-resolution conversions in less tim e

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    18-Bit AX132 768Hz Q012322 MAX132 smd transistor 5B1 MAX132ENG PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-1016; Rev2;2/96 >kl>JX I>kl , CMOS, Quad Serial-Interface 8-Bit DAC _ G e n e ra l D e s c rip tio n The MAX500 achieves 8-bit performance over the full operating temperature range without external trimming. F e a tu re s ♦ Buffered Voltage Outputs

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    MAX500 MAX500S, 10-bit 5fl7bb51 MAX500ACPE PDF


    Abstract: A1v9
    Text: 19-0371; R e v 1; 7/95 N iC d /N iM H B a tte r y F a s t-C h a rg e C o n tro lle rs The MAX2003/MAX2003A are fast-charge battery charg­ ers with conditioning for NiCd (nickel cadmium) or NiMH (nickel-metal hydride) rechargeable batteries. The MAX2003A has the same features as the MAX2003 with

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    MAX2003/MAX2003A MAX2003A MAX2003 5fl7bb51 0D11305 AX2003 A1v9 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-1132; Rev 0: 10/96 •«SS3T- 12-B it, lO M sps, TTL-O utput A DC L o g ic inputs a n d outputs are T T L co m p atib le. A n o ve r­ ra n g e o utput s ig n a l is p ro v id e d to in d ic a te overflow co nd ition s. O utput d ata form at is straight binary. Pow er

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    12-Bit, 10Msps 32-lead 507bbSl PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0094; Rev 4; 3/94 M icroprocessor Supervisory Circuits _ A p p licatio n s _F e a tu re s ♦ 200ms Power OK/Reset Timeout Period ♦ 1jiA Standby Current, 30 xA Operating Current ♦ On-Board Gating of Chip-Enable Signals,

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 7 9-0230; Rev V, 3/96 J V W Y X A J V X C alibrated, Quad, 12-Bit Voltage-Output DACs w ith S erial In te rfa c e Each DAC has a d o u ble-b u ffere d input, organized as an input register follow ed by a DAC register. A 16-bit serial w ord is used to load data into each input/D AC

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit 16-bit 12-Bit 16-PIN 5fl7bb51 001253b 557bb PDF