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    a170 VS

    Abstract: E10 varistor
    Text: m STRONTIUM • TITANATE RING VARISTOR FEATURES * ffl ^ M S Conductor cermaic i s made of titaniu m oxide and strontium. Used in the range of low vo ltage Ei o =3 30V. S E 10=3 30V, * Ä W * fe # M 1 0 ~ 1 5 n F , Wide capacitance (10~150nF), absorb the noise in a wide f r e ­

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    150nF) AE10/E10 100KHZ 400KHZn a170 VS E10 varistor PDF


    Abstract: mph35
    Text: POWER SUPPLIES HIGH-VOLTAGE POWER SUPPLIES COMBINED POWER SUPPLIES AGE POWER IMPH Seríes V MPH1500 Series •Features 1. S m a ll size, light weight, high reliability. 2. Built-in protective circuit again st shortcircuits of overload. ■Applications MPH2500 Series

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    MPH1500 MPH2500 MPH3500 50to8 -550V CONSTANT DC CURRENT POWER SUPPLY mph35 PDF

    OMRON jx

    Abstract: OMRON DC5V
    Text: REF.NO. 1 7 7 8 2 3 0 - 9 SPECIFICATIONS OF TILT SWITCH MODEL NAME : D7E-3 OUTLINE DRAWING NO. WRITTEN : CHECKED: ^ IffóS'liì 64 2 13 6 3 - 0 JJ/ Î, 0 1 7 J i. iv i. m APPROVED: k .L f ìiL f C il, , j à i /. im OMRON CORPORATION OMRON i 1/5 REF.NO. 1 7 7 8 2 3 0 - 9

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    50to80* DC30V 100mA OMRON jx OMRON DC5V PDF